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Oh yeah, we got a talk show now [14 Nov 2002|08:49pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Rascal Flatts---Like I am ]

We talk about dangerous things
like giant, killer nectarines

Today, my tour sparked a huge high school memory. As usual, when people hear my name, they can't resist shortening it to Stew, or worse, Stewy. One person on my tour decided to take it a step further, and called me louie. Cue memory footage . . .

In High School, I was your typical band nerd (I've since realized that my seven years of clarinet playing were just preparation for things I would rather have in my mouth!) with your typical band nerd friends. Over the course of marching season my freshman year, my friends rewrote the words to Louie, Louie, creating the theme song to a talk show hosted by yours truly. The line above is from the song (a marching instructor thought I needed coercion by tickling. I fended him off by attacking him with a nectarine).

Can you imagine me as a talk show host? Look out, Oprah!

P.S. For those of you who get bright ideas. Don't ever tickle me. I'm one of those people who is painfully ticklish, and have been known to do anything to escape tickling. I would hate to have to dispose of your body (even though my roomates have established that I have the best car for stuffing bodies in the trunk!)

P.P.S. I broke 250 with my tour today! 254 people have taken my campus tour this semester. Hopefully I'll break 300 before semester's end.

7 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

You ready to get your laugh on? [14 Nov 2002|05:23pm]
lmjvp found and posted this, which is funnier than shit.

and Satan created HMOs, I'll be laughing the rest of the night.
3 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

Gonna jump right in [12 Nov 2002|09:22pm]
I've been lurking for a bit, and I decided it was time to ask my question. Hopefully, one of you has an engineer/dorky streak and will know the answer

How does the sensor on the toaster work? Does it just measure time? Is it like a mini smoke detector? I have no idea, and it drives me crazy.

Update: I was actually going to post this to thequestionclub, but since it has already been answered (thank you xerofilter), I'll just leave it.
6 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

That will be Five Thousand words please [11 Nov 2002|06:08pm]
[ mood | victorious! ]
[ music | Chess OBC---The story of Chess ]

Charter Michigan (the gods of my cable modem) learned me good on how to use their image hosting system. Are you ready for this?
Attack of the Bleached Man! Plus some others )

7 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

Today was a good day to dye [10 Nov 2002|07:32pm]
[ mood | chipper ]

So, I couldn't help myself. The looks I received in Big Apple Bagels today, when tick043, mister_biv, and I went to lunch were too much; I had to fix my hair.

Since the jury was still out on the cause of the orange streaks (no matter what Lana said), I went to Sally's and bought a Malibu treatment (for rust) and some more bleach. I love the fact that it costs $15 to get a Malibu in the salon, but I bought the gel(the actual Malibu brand, not even a generic) for $2.49! It's easier to use than hair dye, so there was no reason I couldn't do it myself. Combined with the cost of the bleach, plus the fact that I bought a small applicator bottle and a bulk bag of plastic processing caps, I still spent less than I would on the salon Malibu!

Lana was right, the Malibu had no visible effect, but at least it cleaned my hair out, making it easier for the second bleaching to take effect.

Melissa, the amazing next door neighbor, painted my bleach on in return for me dyeing her hair purple. Having her put it on helped keep it off my scalp, as I don't need more scalp burn.

In conclusion . . .
I fought the red, and the red won. It is significantly lighter; I look like a pale blonde with highlights, but I can't get all the red out. I'm happy with the result, and plan on keeping it for at least a few weeks, after which I will tone and then dye my hair back to my biological color. If I can keep from itching my scalp bloody in my sleep, I will be okay.

Have to get ready for SFU. For the next three weeks, I have to tape episodes as one of my tapes dissappeared when Mike moved to GR. It makes a good excuse to watch them, though.

5 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

Hair we go again [10 Nov 2002|11:33am]
[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | irritated was the closest word to itchy ]

According to Lana at Penney's, the orange isn't rust, it is red dye that didn't lift out. Since my hair has already suffered through two hours of bleaching, she strongly discourages me from rebleaching my ends. I guess I'll be a flaming draco! As if I weren't flaming enough!

I can't wait to go home and put more neosporin (plus pain relief!) on my scalp. I slept like shit because it is already starting to itch. In two days, I'll probably look like a dog with psoriasis. '

Where is Wade? He was supposed to come early to give me my MMPI results. GRRR

1 scar I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

a wicked thought [10 Nov 2002|02:26am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | L5Y---A summer in Ohio ]

If I manage to get the orange out of my hair, which I am now convinced is rust (ewwww), I can go as Draco Malfoy to Chamber of Secrets this week! It's not as if I don't wear my hair like that normally (I just use less goop so I have some volume). I wonder if I can make a robe out of something . . . if coell were coming up, I'm sure she could work her usual sheet magictm. Maybe I can channel her spirit for the event.

4 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

The Spoontm has a new weapon [10 Nov 2002|12:45am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | L5Y---Moving too fast ]

I actually found a Metal Spork. I can't wait until Friday (payday) so I can order one for me and one for my coworker Theresa, who evangelizes about how great a metal spork would actually be.

Other thoughts . . .
Had to stop by McDonald's on the way to work, as they screwed up earlier and gave me apple pies when I wanted fuckin* pies.

I actually have the air conditioning on at work. Don't tell Don. It's just for a minute to pull the moisture out of the air (it's sooo humid in here), but I thought it weird enough to share.

I'm compiling a list of Songs that would be on my CD if I ever made one. Well, I'm actually making two lists, one of songs that actually sound good in my voice, one of songs I wish sounded good in my voice(*cough* King of the World *cough*). Not that I actually think I'm recording quality or anything, but a boy can dream (and with the right computer setup . . .)

I'm working from now until noon, but since I slept until almost 2p today, I doubt I'll sleep much while I'm here. Call me if you're bored (989.772.2918), but please don't if you're going to prank me. I had kids call the MH line the other day and ask me if we rented "retards". I was very offended, but had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing at their audacity.

well, that's enough of the hapgood play by play. Have a good night, kids.

*fuckin=pumpkin from a story that a friend of steffer71 related to the two of us about a little girl who misheard a lyric in Sleighride (pass around the coffee and the Fuh-Kin pie). It will be fuckin pie from here on out, if only to get a chance to tell this story over and over (you got the abbreviated I-really-don't-want-to-type-out-the-whole-debacle version)

9 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

This synergistic lullaby [09 Nov 2002|04:11pm]
[ mood | uncomfortable (need to shower!) ]

Just finished This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen, a book that someone on yalitlovers recommended a while back.

Very good story, but I was struck by its timing in my life. Nothing like strongly identifying with a main character to pull you into a story. She even throws glasses of pop as weapons, something that my friends are very familiar with!

I think I see a shower in my very near future.

UPDATE: Sarah Dessen is an LJer. She's writergrl. Should I place a fan comment on her journal? Maybe I'll read another one of her books first.

6 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

Pumpkin will never ride in the back of the bus ever again! [09 Nov 2002|02:47am]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | George Carlin on tv ]

Just watched Pumpkin, an independent film with Christina Ricci. Fairly good, definitely had the feeling that the film was purposefully imitating other directors. There was a moment that was so the love child of Hitchcock and Waters. I'll let you visualize how odd it was. Could talk more about it, but it was just too weird.

where can I turn?

He knows not what he does [08 Nov 2002|10:14pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | ST:tng Preemptive Strike ]

I just bleached my hair on a whim. Couldn't get all the red dye out, so I have this cool streak effect. It looks like I bleached my hair and then highlighted orange. It's cool, but not very me, so I probably won't keep it this way for long. As soon as I get a pic back, I will make a userpic.

3 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

Been down this road before (swedishfrogs isn't the only one who can quote Chess(grin)) [08 Nov 2002|03:46pm]
[ mood | confused ]

For long time fans of the show, you may remember my posts about Ben, the number three love of my life. For those new to the program, check out this post for some info. This is a friends only entry, so if you aren't on my friends list, you'll have to ask to see it, and I'll email it to you (my roomates cannot see it). Well, he ships out on December 3rd finally, so he is here for the weekend. Anyway, my point . . .

A few months ago, I realized that I don't love him anymore, that the crush had finally passed. Now I feel like he's a complete stranger, like the only thing I knew about him was that I loved him so hard. Part of me doesn't want to rediscover a friendship with him; I'm afraid to fall in love with him again. Dammit, I have no right to feel this way.

It doesn't help that he was wearing a skin tight bar shirt when I got home. He's lost weight, but he still looks good.

2 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

Scary quiz!!! [08 Nov 2002|03:28pm]
[ mood | impressed ]

This may be the truest quiz I've ever taken.


brought to you by Quizilla
You're a CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE. You always have a smile on your face and a happy tone in your voice, regardless of what you're feeling on the inside. If there's a problem, you just smile and nod; after all, you're just working this job until you find something better.

For those who don't remember, I am a crisis phone worker, about as close to service rep as you get in human services!

2 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

Off to bed [08 Nov 2002|03:28am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Roomates are playing NHL Hits (or is that HITZ?) ]

Just tweaked my LJ Interests. I'm trying to make the 150 interests as a whole accurately reflect me as a person. I'm not there yet, but I'm significantly happier now that I've changed six of them. I plan on changing my bio this weekend, so I blanked it out (can you feel the mounting anticipation?).

I have to give a tour at 1p tomorrow, so I need to shave and hit the hay.

Goodnight, everyone. Thanks for making another day special for me.

P.S. steffer71, I can't call you because I deleted your phone number email, and all I can remember is your old cell phone number. My roomates cleared the Caller ID the other day before I could look it up that way. Call back and leave your number, or email it to me.

2 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

The LJ Truth [07 Nov 2002|04:23pm]
We're surprised?

You're a LiveJournal Junkie!

Well, maybe you don't live or die for LiveJournal,
but it's what gets you up in the morning.

Guilty of reloading your friends page over and over
throughout the day? Thought so.

Quick, get some fresh air - before you become a full fledged addict!

Are *You* Addicted To LiveJournal?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
where can I turn?

Stereotypical gay interests [06 Nov 2002|09:58am]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Sondheim album---I must be dreaming ]

I don't care for Dame Edna. Does that mean I have to worry that my membership in the GMA (gay men of america) will be revoked? I mean, I went on suspension when I spoke out against Barbra (as a vocalist, not as an actor/director).

11 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

Should we just let Life Happen? [06 Nov 2002|08:51am]
[ mood | touched ]
[ music | FA Sondheim album---Children will listen (I love you Ruthie Henshall!) ]

Does Tammy Cochran's song, Life Happened, depress the hell out of anyone else?

For those who don't listen to country here are the lyrics )

Reading the lyrics, it doesn't make me as sad, but the video usually tears me up (I really have to set the TV to some other channel than CMT to wake me up. VH1 doesn't play sad crap in the morning). I don't want to accept the idea that it is okay to bargain away your dreams for "good enoughs". I don't want good enoughs for myself and my high school friends.

I look at us and wonder if we are already settling for less. When we graduated, we thought we were special, that we had somehow escaped the small town taint that effected most of our graduating class. Now, none of us are working in or pursuing our original career goals, we've all had to look at failure in the face, something we never had to do at Delton-Kellogg High School. Maybe the Delton Cursetm got us, too, but it does seem like "we all turned out okay".

Nothing like trying to argue a point, and having your argument actually change your mind.

Have a great day, everyone

3 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

and on the political note . . . [06 Nov 2002|12:22am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | The FA Sondheim Album---Anyone can whistle ]

Voting today wasn't bad. I didn't want to go to the Mt P high school as it is HUGE, but they put up really good signs so I could find my way in and out of the maze o' learnin.

Can we do the Ding Dong Jesse Helms is Gone dance yet? Do we have to wait until January?

I'm off to bed, such that it is while I'm at work (yum, sofa!). I brought the Season 2 finale of SFU (which also has a couple of QAF eps on it) to lull me off to sleep.

Goodnight, kids

3 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

My crisis from this weekend [04 Nov 2002|07:04pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Diana Krall---A case of you ]

I've let this mull around my mind, choosing not to share it because part of me believes my conclusion. Stuck at work with little else to do, I can't get away from it.

I think I had small breakdown in a bookstore this weekend. Mike, Melissa, and I were in the new Schuller's in Lansing and I couldn't get excited about anything, I just wandered aimlessly.
I couldn't help but wonder . . . )

12 scars I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

So much for being David [04 Nov 2002|05:49pm]
I'm Billy!

I'm Billy, who are you? by Clicks and Buzzes

But since we know better, I'll cheat a little
I'm David!

I'm David, who are you? by Clicks and Buzzes
Given their description of David, I'm not him at all.

Maybe I should steal Clare . . .
1 scar I did nothing to earn| where can I turn?

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