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:\ [14 Sep 2002|07:48pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

my background image is gone, so is andrew's. and i can't fix it until i get back to school because the files are all on the computer there. argghh.

i'm bored.

question: WHY IS THERE A NEW DESIGNER ON TRADING SPACES? i don't like him. and i REALLY hope none of the other ones are gone. i would be sadsadsad.

4 kisses | gimme a kiss

[10 Sep 2002|11:50pm]
college would be perfect if one or two certain people were here with me.
2 kisses | gimme a kiss

[07 Sep 2002|05:48pm]
new look for my journal. not sure if i like it yet
6 kisses | gimme a kiss

[04 Sep 2002|05:53pm]
not really.
1 kiss | gimme a kiss

hi, [01 Sep 2002|08:17pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | hotsnakes||bengurion ]

i'm bored.


3 kisses | gimme a kiss

hiiii [27 Aug 2002|01:28pm]
i'm at school now! it's very cold in my room and my roommate is always gone. i need to find some cool people to hang out with. i went to quad day today and i was wearing me glassjaw shirt, and the people from all the music booths were like hey! you like live music, want to work at the radio station, etc. ha. but the guy from 107.1 the planet said that they had a bunch of glassjaw stuff at the station if i ever wanted to come look at it, and i could take what i wanted! so that was cool.

i saw angela fuentes today. ugh i don't like her. but she's the only person i've seen that used to go to eisenhower...i have ellen's number, i need to call her...

gotta finish eating...later

ANDREW. i swear i'm calling you back soon!
6 kisses | gimme a kiss

[25 Aug 2002|11:48am]
i'm leaving right now.

6 kisses | gimme a kiss

[22 Aug 2002|09:42pm]
packing is no fun.

helicopter game is.

that's all.
1 kiss | gimme a kiss

[19 Aug 2002|12:26am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | various moulin rouge songs in my head ]

i just downloaded a whole bunch of moulin rouge songs. i'm so happy now.

i move sunday, that's crazy. my roommate seems pretty cool, so i'm happy about that.

my sister and i. we aren't twins. seriously. :D i'm on the right.

time to sleep. later.

4 kisses | gimme a kiss

:( [11 Aug 2002|05:06pm]
oh how i love to be unloved.
My Romance Meter
Optimist 80%
20% Cynic
Close 86%
14% Distant
Long Term 82%
18% Brief
What does my romance meter read?
3 kisses | gimme a kiss

:D [07 Aug 2002|10:36pm]
the cure is on an old snl i'm watching. :D i love robert smith.

that is all.
1 kiss | gimme a kiss

oh and... [29 Jul 2002|06:19pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | blindside||caughtaglimpse ]

gave my journal a makeover today.

did dorkdork's too. :D

4 kisses | gimme a kiss

woo. [29 Jul 2002|05:09pm]
just saw the new blindside video on mtv2 again. :D

<3 christian
9 kisses | gimme a kiss

ok so. [24 Jul 2002|01:49pm]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | vanessacarlton||ordinaryday ]

everything is fine now. and to the people that were concerned (especially andrew, who actually called me to see what was wrong, even though i wouldn't tell him), thanks for caring. it really wasn't that big of a thing, i was just stressed out about going to college, and i was supposed to go to a math camp that i didn't want to go to AT ALL. but i talked to my dad about it, and that's when i broke down. but i don't have to go anymore, thank god. the camp had some stupid rules, like you had to be in your room at 11 and lights of at 11:30...and i am not one to go to bed that early, ever...and it seemed like they were forcing you to work ALL the time, and not even get to leave the house, even on the weekends. anyway....

i still want to buy a digital camera :\ i get paid a whole bunch of money friday, because my time card wasn't working for the first three weeks i was working, and i only got paid for a total of two days on my first paycheck. all i got was $38 :\ so maybe i can buy one with the money i'll be getting...we'll see.

we are going to warped on saturday...staying up in joliet friday night, so we don't have to drive up there all early. should be fun. we're telling them we only have 2 people staying in the room, but really have like 7 or so. we're gonna sneak in, woo...

and dude, CECI! are you coming or what, call me...i was by your house today during work, i had to run something into humpty dumpty. that place is gross, i wouldn't send my children there.

and RANDI, update your journal. k thanks.


p.s. this song gives me goosebumps. i'm obsessed with it.

10 kisses | gimme a kiss

bah. [21 Jul 2002|02:14pm]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | theused||thetasteofink ]

i just had a breakdown. eep. i'm kind of still crying from it...

i can't bring myself to write about it all right now. later.

5 kisses | gimme a kiss

i loved you... i swear. [20 Jul 2002|03:05pm]
the cup is not half empty as pessimists say
as far as he sees nothing's left in the cup
a whole cup full of nothing for him to indulge
since the voice of ambition has long since been
shut up

a singer, a writer, he's not dreaming now of going
he gave heed to nothing, and all that he was...
is just a tragedy

so he voyages in circles
succeeds getting nowhere
and submits to the substance
that first got him there

then in violent frustration he cries out to God or
just no one
is there a point to this madness and all that he
is just a tragedy

he feels alone
his heart in this hand
he's alone
he feels alone
i feel...

then on that last day he breaks
and he stood tall
and he yelled... and he takes his life
1 kiss | gimme a kiss

!!! [30 Jun 2002|06:12pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | yeahyeahyeahs||artstar ]

leaving for cornerstone tomorrow! and i'll be gone till sunday. leave me lots of messages while i'm gone, please? or call my voicemail 1.877.362.5400 ext. 559 (it's toll-free) and leave me a message there.

i've spent soooo much money on stuff for cornerstone, eeeek! :\

i'm boring, later guys...

4 kisses | gimme a kiss

[20 Jun 2002|06:23pm]
oh my goodness! i finally got the background to work on my journal. think i'm going to change it to just one star though, we'll see.....

update: i changed it. :D i made the background myself and it's the wallpaper on my screen on my computer. funfunfun....

i think i have some pictures to post here, let me find them.

okay, good enough. later.
13 kisses | gimme a kiss

[19 Jun 2002|07:51pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | desaparecidos||manana ]

so, hi.

multiple people have told me to update this. SO I AM. BE HAPPY. geez.

i have a job now, i am an intern at the macon county health department. it's pretty easy, i get to put stuff in the computer and i'll be doing other things too, i don't know what yet though. i only work like three hours a day and i get paid $7.14 an hour. pretty nice.

cornerstone is in....HOLD ON GOTTA CHECK THE WEBSITE :D....13 DAYS! wahoo. it's gonna be fun. i need to buy a tent i guess, apparently i don't have one to sleep in :\

i wanted this entry to be long, but i don't think i'm gonna make it. what else to tell you? hmmm. i have a new addiction (besides lnc and lj, what?).....it's jones soda fufu berry flavor! mmm, so good. i get one like every day. :D

oh, am i seriously a walking gap ad all the time now. after i got graduation money, i spent a bunch of money there. and yesterday, i spent $75 there! ack. i need to stop buying stuff there. but, i have no clothes, so i can't help it! :DD

kay, i think i've written enough. one last thing though (if you've read this far, i'm boring sorry)....OH WOW, THIS IS GOING TO SOUND REALLY LAME. BEAR WITH ME. if you're a guy and you think i'm cute/attractive/whatever, please tell me, i'm feeling lonely. oh, and a date would be nice to. thanks. END LAMENESS. sorry.

later skaters.

9 kisses | gimme a kiss

oh geez. [15 Jun 2002|12:39am]
sooo....scary graduation picture for you to make fun of right here.

and.....cody's new unfinished tattoo.

and....that's all! i'm back from orientation, obviously. it was okay. i have all my classes registered for and whatnot....i don't have any classes before 10, and i only have one class on fridays, and it doesn't start till 2! :D i'm taking chem 101, chem 105 (a lab class w/ 101), political science 150, classical civilizations 115 (greek and roman culture), and journalism 199 (you get to watch movies :DD) should be pretty cool. we'll see.

2 kisses | gimme a kiss

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