LiveJournal for Jason.

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Sunday, April 21st, 2002

Time:11:28 pm.
Mood: nauseated.
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
I don't know how people can be so evil.
Comments: lick me.

Time:4:17 pm.
Oohhh cool!!!!
Comments: lick me.

Time:4:14 pm.
What is Gerhard Schr?der to do? What with all the hullabaloo about dying his hair. Now the SPD has lost the regional election in Sachsen-Anhalt. The PDS had a large showing but that's to be expected I guess. At least it will be a CDU-F.D.P. coalition and not one involving the PDS. I don't like the PDS, they scare me. Why would anyone want to claim their roots from the ruling class of the GDR? They did, however, give me a good topic for a paper that I got an "A" on.
Sorry for those of you who don't follow Deutschepolitik, I do. So tough shnoogies.
Comments: lick me.

Friday, April 19th, 2002

Time:10:55 pm.
I don't particularly care for No Doubt, but for some reason I find myself strangely addicted to "Hella Good."
I don't know why. Maybe it's the rock+80's synth music+discobeat fusion?
Comments: lick me.

Time:10:26 pm.
My state and federal tax refunds both got direct deposited today! I'm no longer poor, and I'll have money for next semester's tuition!!!!!!
This is this weekend. Normally I like to go to see the fat girls dressed up as Klingons, and the guys who make swords from PVC piping and think they're knights, mages, elves and such. But I think I'll forgo this year as I have no one to go with. None of my friends are into *nerdy* stuff. Plus I shouldn't spend money. I've been living beyond my budgetary constraints these past few months and it's time to pull in the belt a few notches before I get myself in trouble.

I've my tentative schedule and I'll cut here )
Comments: lick me.

Time:7:35 pm.
Comments: 2 licks - lick me.

Thursday, April 18th, 2002

Time:8:10 pm.
Comments: lick me.

Tuesday, April 16th, 2002

Time:8:13 pm.
It was literally 90 degrees today!
I woke up with an excruciating headache, and totally past when I was supposed to get up. Since it was Summer out I decided to cut school (shhh don't tell on me) and drive out to the eastern end of Long Island. I figured it would be nice and maybe it would help my headache. It helped the headache a little, but it was a nice ride.
Tomorrow is the Yankee game with xxjenxx, crooklynyanx, and my lil bro. Should be fun, except we're going to need a Sherpa to get to our seats. And we'd better watch out that we don't get slammed in the face with a satellite.
Comments: lick me.

Monday, April 15th, 2002

Time:2:05 am.
Ummm, ok!
I should really go to bed now. Goodnight.
Comments: lick me.

Sunday, April 14th, 2002

Time:11:00 pm.
Mood: sad.
From the israeli community
Comments: lick me.

Time:10:32 pm.
How many user pics is one allowed with a permanent account?

I went 26 hours without a cigarette on Saturday. I'm not quitting, I just wanted to see if I could do it. I must not have a horrible addiction because I hardly had any cravings. I could have not lit up at all, except that I enjoy smoking too much, and it give me something to do at school. I think though I may stop smoking except for when I go out drinking. I said I was going to do that last summer, but I never did.

Work was outta control today, busy busy busy. Which is a good thing coming out of a really really slow winter (for obvious reasons) It's just that we're so understaffed that we are each carrying a lot of weight.

I was invited to an Opera tonight (by a girl even! [except she's got a boyfriend in Italy that she's very much into so I wouldn't have had a chance anyway]) I was just too wiped out to go, plus I got out of work too late anyway. It woulda been cool though. I really don't socialize enough. I always say I hate people and use that as an excuse, but I'm probably just too lazy to go out and make friends. Plus I'm not a big talker. So conversations with me tend to run on the short side. Maybe people take that as a sign of rudeness? I'm just one of those people who feel that if you don't have anything good to say, keep your mouth shut. I think that would make the world a much better, more intelligent place.
Comments: lick me.

Time:1:27 am.
Yay. My part of the group project is 98% complete, pending peer review and approval, and perhaps a paragraph or two more as long as it's not going to make other peoples' parts redundant. I'm actually quite proud of it.
I have all the sources for my big paper. So tomorrow night I'll type that. It's supposed to be 15-20 pages. I'll doubt I'll make that. But I'm really not aiming for A+. I'm aiming for passing. I just want it to be done and over. And to pass.
Comments: lick me.

Time:12:24 am.
umm ewww.
Sorry, it's in German. It's about a seven year old Burmese boy who has brain tissue (Enchephominingal-something) in his nose. They would like donations to help with the operation. Yucky picture included.
Comments: lick me.

Friday, April 12th, 2002

Time:11:50 pm.
There's a whole bunch of posts in my friends list I should be responding to right now. I just can't. I'm too stressed. I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'll be fine, it's just too many things coming to a head at once, and it's gonna be one nasty pimple when it pops.
Comments: 1 lick - lick me.

Thursday, April 11th, 2002

Time:12:02 pm.
It's only 50 Days until my birthday!
I'm not a big birthday person. I really don't need to be the center of attention. In fact when I am the center of attention I tend to retreat away from it. That doesn't mean I'll shy away from my duties when I become the dictator of the entire world though (which I hope to accomplish by the time I'm 29) heh heh.
Comments: lick me.

Tuesday, April 9th, 2002

Time:7:41 pm.
Is there anything to do on the internet besides look at porn, EMT photos, and livejournal?
I seem to remember the internet being much more interesting.
Comments: 2 licks - lick me.

Time:7:09 pm.
oh god )
Comments: lick me.

Time:10:04 am.
Every Spring my east facing window bedroom window gets invaded by lady bugs. I don't know how they get in there....there were originally no holes in the screen, and there's no noticeable holes around the window. But after a while the sill starts to fill up with ladybug corpses. It's like a lady bug holocaust or something. I cut a small ladybug sized hole in the bottom of the screen in hopes of alleviating their slow painful death, but they don't use it. I guess they just come to my window to die.
Comments: 1 lick - lick me.

Time:9:39 am.

take free enneagram test
Comments: lick me.

Monday, April 8th, 2002

Time:4:11 pm.
The church from up the road, an Evangelical Lutheran church, called a little hile ago trying to sell space in their circular for when they have a special speaker coming. So I ask who the speaker was, because as a small community business we normally do stuff like that (little league and church fliers and such). But the speaker was Pat Robertson! So I was like "He's a hateful man and we'll have nothing to do with him." So the lady said "Thanks for being honest."
hy would anyone want him to speak at their benefit. This is not an extremely religious place either, I can't see him having a lot of support here. I imagine that I won't be the only one turning them down.
Comments: lick me.

LiveJournal for Jason.

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