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Can we panick now

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(does this hurt?)

Family is just another word for censorship [23 Jun 2002|01:40am]
[ mood | yo ]

Well I better head off to bed because....

A. It is hotter than anything known


B. I don't want to get in trouble

So goodnight everyone and as a parting not get upset with a cheating lover and let the pain carry you to drug their tea and put a sandwich board on their body with racial no-no's written on it and then drive their body into a neighbor hood with people who might become offended with those no-no's and beat them to's not a good thing.

(2 no do it agains | does this hurt?)

Let's opt out for a change [22 Jun 2002|06:05pm]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | uh oh... ]

I was watching the 2 minute Hp trailer and I thought it summed up the book as well as it could. I mean I understand people wanting the movies to be as close as possible to the book but how exciting would it be to go see a movie when you know whats going to happen. The fun in making the Harry Potter movies is that there are those little differences that you get to watch out for and while there is a little offness your as close to the book as you could want to be....why whine? Well I'm sure that will get my ass kicked. God I'm so sick of being sweaty and ewww...I want a carbonated beverage.

(4 no do it agains | does this hurt?)

[22 Jun 2002|12:01am]
Lando Lobot reunion? What?

(does this hurt?)

I'm a writers daughter [21 Jun 2002|11:56pm]
Hold on let me grab a cookie...sooo how's the world treating everyone? Me i'm hot as fucking sin. I hate the summer so much. A little question has anyone seen either "Ghost World" or "Orange County"? I really want to see them and I probably will even if they are bad but I just want some feedback. Ok I suck and that was a bad post. Goodnight.

(1 no do it again | does this hurt?)

Just a little happy thought [20 Jun 2002|09:10pm]

"Don't forget my offer Taffy, If you want to leave you can come live with me and be a lesbian"

(1 no do it again | does this hurt?)

woooo,,, [20 Jun 2002|10:24am]
[ mood | happy ]

Well...I feel very ashamed to say this but I fully enjoyed the Cher concert. It was kind of blah for like 20 minutes because they were mostly new songs I didn't know but then she broke into the classics and everyone was jammin. She even put on that outfit that she wears in the sailor video where you can see her butt. I told linzy I would get to see some Cher ass. There were all these video clips that were so funny. I think the whole theme was "Flying Circus/Memory Lane" So yeah I admit it she so rocked. Yet,that was not the highlight of my show...I didn't know Cher had an opening act..It was freaking Cyndi Lauper!!!!!!!!! I peed my pants in joy. She sang alot of songs of a new cd she has coming out and the best part of the whole night was when she said it was pride week and she brought this gay pride flag out onto the stage and told us this story about this man who said the song True Colors inspired him to make the flag and then he gave the flag to her. Well after she told us the story she wrapped herself in the flag and started singing "True Colors" Linzy and I were crying like babies. It was beyond anything called good. Nothing could really beat that. Then after that she sang some more new songs and then she sang "Time after time" and "girls just wanna have fun" which had me like flipping out. It was so great.

(1 no do it again | does this hurt?)

[19 Jun 2002|03:57pm]
[ mood | scared ]

Well I'm off to the Cher concert in a few hours. I feel so pathetic...."Hey mom" my children will say "what was your first concert like? I bet it was some ultra rockin band huh!"
"No children" I'll respond "it was Cher" and then they will all run out of the room screaming except for my gay son who will want to know all the details. Right.

(does this hurt?)

[18 Jun 2002|08:00pm]
I feel like I have the worlds supply of insects in my hair from swimming. We stirred up a bug cemetary that was on the bottom. Anyways going home in a few hours to watch the queer as folk season finalle...hopefully it's the right episode.

(does this hurt?)

you [18 Jun 2002|01:18am]
Sleeping on the trampoline tonight. We just came in for some bug spray and an ice cream cone. There are these hicks across the street talking about birth control and I swear to god this 14 year old girls mom came out in a mumu and said..."Christa it is time to go to bed" and then some screaming followed followed by the mumu mom saying "Christa don't you beat on me..." Oh yes it was everything I had hoped of...god bless Ohio.

(2 no do it agains | does this hurt?)

God only knows ........stead of riding the rails back to the place of my worst defeat.... [17 Jun 2002|03:12pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | In Your Arms Tonight. Hedwig Soundtrack ]

I'm thinking of making a list of really good book quotes. It will be sort of easy because in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" and "Shes Come Undone" I highlighted the best ones but I need to do that with the rest of my books. Is there anyone out there who reads books over and over? I own at least a hundred books and I have read all of them at least five times a piece. Is that weird? I dunno. I'm thinking if I change any at all this year I will start a new journal. Kind of a moving on thing. This name has so much attached to it. Although since I have used it so much and for so many things I could never abandon it.....delima. Oh well I won't make a move for awhile I think.

(does this hurt?)

Cute boys had by all. [16 Jun 2002|03:28am]
[ mood | joyfull ]

Rocky was really good this time. I did not buy Skittles though I was in a Raisinet mood so I grabbed a bag of those. I think though that I was punished by the ritual gods because all through the night "Mullet Boy" gave off hideous body oder smells. was fun though.

(2 no do it agains | does this hurt?)

Well it's tough to have a crush. [15 Jun 2002|08:50pm]
[ mood | ditzy ]
[ music | stiches.....orgy..and old fav. ]

OOh...first Rocky in oh so long. I have to remember to buy Skittles,cross myself when we pass that hotel,and ask Gay Street for it's blessing. That is the established ritual that Linzy and I have been forgetting lately making the Rocky experience notably lacking. So remember remember remember!

The paper said I had a chance for romance if I make the first move...well I guess that chance is down the potty. Although I don't see why because all of the guys I've been with were with me because I persued them. Maybe I'll rekindle some old habits..I'm lame.

I'm so happy to be going to Rocky lalala.

(3 no do it agains | does this hurt?)

ooooh [14 Jun 2002|11:28pm]
I should re read "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" I am completely in love with Charlie and I would worship a man if he possessed his qualities. Then after that I will read "Shes come undone" because it is number two behind aforementioned book.

(does this hurt?)

This system sucks [14 Jun 2002|12:39pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

Went to get my permit for the third time today. The same woman who has taken my information would not accept it this time. The thing is when I first went to get my permit we found that my birth certificate that says Megan Rose wasn't certified so we had to go to this place that has all of the birth certificates and they had no listing for Megan Rose so my aunt asked if they had a listing for Megan Harden ...harden is my dads last name. So apparently he signed as the informant and said my name is Megan Harden (proves he's just a selfish asshole and I am physically sick that I legally have his last name) So then that conflicts with my social security card which says megan rose so now after two times of their accepting that they will not this time so I am completely fucked over and god help me if I have to pay for anything to set it all straight.

(2 no do it agains | does this hurt?)

boo fing hoo [13 Jun 2002|10:26pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

I should really get my butt in gear and finish my hedwig art project I started at the begining of the school year which is now over. Oops.

I'm so depressed I can't figure out my password for poowong_kaputla on yahoo and if I don't get it soon they will delete all of my emails and thats a big no no. I know though that I will never figure it out and that really sucks.


(does this hurt?)

[13 Jun 2002|09:48pm]
I made a little stripped background for linzy and my rocky website it looks weird but I wanted to change the look of it so yeah. Now I'm all sweaty and I want to see Ghost World but I don't have any money.


(2 no do it agains | does this hurt?)

[13 Jun 2002|07:29pm]
Ewww....Open Diary sucks. Thank god I got a live journal before the code thing went into effect.

(does this hurt?)

Like one in ten ducks ...I'm gay. [12 Jun 2002|11:13pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | and this apartment is starving for an argument....ahhhhhh ]

I went home yesterday and I was a little bored but then late night rolled around and I was Queer as Folkin it and being very happy. Then I watched movies which made life seem great and worth living so that was good. I never really see movies like that anymore. Where the goth boy likes the stuck up snob girl with the messed up family and goes through all of these trials and then finally gets the girl and they kiss and it's the greatest looking thing in the world. Now-a-days all my movies just involve drag queens and me dressed as an old lady.

Me and Linzy finally just caught that Crank Yankers show. That was so funny. I couldn't believe some of the stuff they showed. I was so caught up in the backgrounds I hardly watched it. In one scene in a 7-11 they had a cereal called "Quifs" and then in this sex shop a sign advertised previously owned dildos. It's great.

Well anyways back at Linzys. I spent most of my yesterday at home before watching the movies listening to sad songs and crying over old letters Kris wrote to me and then after about an hour the ritual was observed and I got over it another June 11th come and gone. Then I attempted to make mixed tapes that would explain the real me but after the regular Harvey Danger and Placebo song I got tired of it and finally went out and had a fight over the living room with little kids so I could watch Queer As Folk. I couldn't get them out of the room until the opening so they got a little dance to watch but then I had to turn it cause the scene opened on Teds porn stuff. Luckily they left though and I proceeded to have an actually fun happy night.

Lala but then I got really bored and my house was it's usuall hot so I came crawling back.

On a lighter note my kitten is too cute.

(does this hurt?)

Boob sweat [10 Jun 2002|06:55pm]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | sdvnkl ]

Hoo boy....I found me a person living in chin deep lies. (Linzy you know who....Miss Brown roots) Crap I was just checking up and seeing whats going on and I was totally blown away by everything. Almost all of it was a lie. Massive scary factor. So I'm chilling in the computer room and Linzy is taking a nap. lalalalala. Tommorow I go register for summer school gym because I suck!!

We went to Columbus State today for Linzy to take placement tests....which he tested out of everything! I was drooling all over the place. God bless Columbus it is so good to live in a state with the greatest looking people ever. Which I'm sure my opinion would be changed if I traveled but I don't so...yeah. Hopefully when I get all my summer school stuff taken care of I will go there and besides my comment on luscious girly boys the campus was really pretty.

Grrr....I really hate heat. It's not fun and oh so great like 60 degree weather. Nothing is though.

I'm rambling.

I want to make a movie where I'm this big talking plant.

I also want to go thrifting and just buy a whole bunch of stuff that I can use when I'm in character and keep it all in a trunk and when it's time to make a movie I just pull out whatever I need. the way I need to call all of the hotel/motel places and figure out if they are hiring because I need a job to get out of this hell of a rut.

I lost my glasses.

I want to make a really cool website. Hah....that's funny.

(1 no do it again | does this hurt?)

She rings my bell [08 Jun 2002|11:51am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Teenage Dirtbag.....Wheatus ]

I had this poster that I won at rocky hanging up in my room and I finally got to watch it and I'm happy to say the poster will be staying on my wall. It was such a good movie. It was called Session 9. Very good go watch it. Anyways summers lame and I hate it so so much. I always eat all the good food the first week so that I'm left with all the stuff that has to cook for 24 hours.

Linzy and I went to Columbus yesterday so he could get an application from this store called Yankee Trader and we have always meant to go there but we never manage to but it was so great. I love novelty shops like that.

I love going to bed at night because I can just sit there and remember and makeup stories. I wish I were asleep now.

So yeah....anyone have ideas to beat this god forsaken boredom?

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