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next year 17 Nov 2002|12:04am
(1.response | feedback)
[ mood | thoughtful ]

i'm getting out more. i'm escaping the dark cave that is my appartment trapped behind a tall tree. the lack of light seems to have greatly affected my mood. i like the dark don't get me wrong, i just wish it were warm and dark here. the layout of our appt also seems to upset me, maybe feng shui isn't phooey. for days i've been most unproductive at my desk, but when i moved into the bedroom i finished the 1500 lines of code i needed to get a mostly working shading & selecting model.

my schedule next qtr (currently)
• film136c visual culture & technology
• cmpe100/L logic desin & lab
• film 132b int'l cinema (enrolled) OR
network administration (full)
film production of some sort
art 118 computer art: theory & practice (need preerq waived, sounds cool but maybe intense)

16 Nov 2002|10:18pm
(4.responses | feedback)
[ mood | working ]

/me emerges

hi, how've you been? almost time for finals.

i get to turn this


into something 3D for 160 and webcam footage into a personal documentary. mmm...when is tori in vegas going to get here?

16 Nov 2002|10:16pm
[ mood | nauseated ]

what in the hell?

new he-man? with computer graphics?
where's orko? ack what happened to orko?

sick and WRONG!

never again 04 Nov 2002|09:52pm
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | prom music from nbc's "carrie" ]

so i said i'd never do these, but it's been a weird monday (ie: good) and i couldn't pass this one up.

What's your FOTR slash pairing?

03 Nov 2002|12:07am
(1.response | feedback)
[ mood | lazy ]

compiling fink again, so i can play with unix tools again. i'm not sure if i should bother with project builder, opengl, glut and xforms in osx or not. i think i was close last time...well, i got some documentation now.

i really don't get anything done at home anymore. i feel out of place. maybe my hell week won't be so bad. i have 3 things to produce (program & two homeworks) and 3 things to perform (2 midterms & GRE), 2 proposals to make and 1 weekend conference. hm...sigh.

perhaps i should go check out princeton review's hit parade again...

angry subscription request 01 Nov 2002|09:15am
(2.responses | feedback)
[ mood | content ]


i'll make you a deal. i'd like you to opt me out of the upcoming December 2002 issue (vol. 7, no 12) and the return of the Blonde. for the most part, i've enjoyed your magazine with few differences in opinion. i would like my subscription extended one month, and to only miss this december issue (that is unless the Blonde becomes a fixture).

if for some reason, you are unable to accommodate this or simply refuse to do so. cancel it please. cancel my subscription to Minimum PC, Maximum B(ust) S(ize). i'll run out the rest of my subscription with one of your sister mags, MacAddict or PCGamer.

you should stick to transistors and tubes and put blondes and boobs aside.

edit: (10 minutes later)

Hi Didi [sic-it's in the header & signature darnit!],

Feel free to throw away the Dec issue, and when your subcription runs out, please let me know, and I'll send you an extra issue free of charge.

We don't have any plans to run cheesecake pics every month, but we are doing another test run in the March or April issue (I thought you'd like a warning). For what it's worth (and my guess is, it's not worth much), we do have a few rules going forward for the Dec and March or April issues: Very little skin showing, certainly no cleavage, no sultry glances (only smiles), and a very upfront attitude (expressed via captions, etc) that even running cheesecake is, well, very cheesy. I don't think you'll approve of the overall treatment, but you might be slightly less annoyed.


color me surprised now
edit: mood annoyed -> content

31 Oct 2002|11:02pm
(2.responses | feedback)
[ mood | dorky ]

looking at the schedule of classes i'm underwhelmed by the choices but it's got to be better than this quarter's funk.

cmpe100: logic design
film136c: history of new media/visual culture & technology
elective or film132 if i don't get accepted into the production concentration

i was thinking about film 172/177, ce151 network administration, or art118 computer art. art118 sounds really interesting, but what kind of artist am i? i think i've been faking talent for years and it will all unravel soon.

on a side note: halloween, lots of loud & rowdy people walking around now. creepy. this week is almost over. thank God.

hell week two standing by 30 Oct 2002|10:29pm
[ mood | working ]

networking homework 3 (check)
networking exam (check)
narrative: printed to video (check)
ani solo (check) left to do: rip the mp3s

next up, more homework, two exams, two proposals, a weekend conference, one programming assignment (the last one came to 24 cumulative hours of code) and the GRE on a holiday (vet's day)

why do i feel so calm?

round two...fight 25 Oct 2002|03:22pm
(1.response | feedback)
[ mood | sore ]

this is the calm in the storm, but if i nap i won't get back up. SO...

24 hours of code 1 homework, 1 meeting, 1 missed class, 1 awful score, 1 okay score....and scores more to go.

time for the extreme capturing, sampling & editing sessions and midterm reviews!

RSI sucks by the way...

it drizzles 21 Oct 2002|11:41pm
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | depeche mode - enjoy the silence ]

i feel crummy. not sick, but i wish i was.

where are you when i need you?

the world is strange 19 Oct 2002|04:11pm
(1.response | feedback)
[ mood | weird ]

i learned from a quick google search that you can get permanent marker off with an eraser.
i've seen two young men sing on snl who died too young, albeit it at their peaks in the last 24 hours.
i know two people with mothers who didn't make it through this week and another whose fate is still in the air.

i'm bumbling along at a snail's pace as my life accelerates and brakes on a whim like a bee in the wind. i'm not sure what's next, but i think it's time to be proactive.

06 Oct 2002|11:57pm
[ mood | working ]

i know it's a strange weekend when....people actually come over to visit!

i don't know when i grew to be so anti-social. i want to believe, really. all back to the mine...

just shoot me 05 Oct 2002|08:40pm
(5.responses | feedback)
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | ani difranco - you had time (live - so much...) ]

i'm hating this programming assignment right now, because i have no idea what the hell i'm doing. first it took forever to get the template to compile and now without the api or any examples i'm completely lost.

it's due Monday night and it's the only thing on the agenda so i feel this insane crunch...it's not like there's 3 things i could be doing so i can manage my time to some other activity and let this stew. i'm thinking it about it constantly and it's so depressing. i knew a break from coding was a bad idea. i need help or a good opengl book. :/

i'm going to pass out in angst again now...

03 Oct 2002|11:20pm
(1.response | feedback)
somethings aren't worth it.

feeling ansty again... 28 Sep 2002|12:05am
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[ mood | aggravated ]

so, it's time to see a doctor. nothing to worry about. just looking for some answers. for the record that's

heart skipping, chest wall aching, headache, jaw clenching

oh, and i still have a sinus infection. it's not as bad as it sounds, only things that have simply never been resolved. so it's overdue really.

on a different note, all my first assignments have been pushed back. maybe i can get ahead or start on my long take project. i'm thinking i just need to start shooting things randomly to come up with some ideas. the money's spent, i gotta start using the poor thing.

weird 25 Sep 2002|10:34pm
[ mood | crazy ]


first new tori in....didn't even recognize it. on west wing no less.

21 Sep 2002|12:10am
[ mood | pessimistic ]

working for the university is interesting. it's being on the inside and seeing the things the other way around. the kinds of things that before you thought were all in your head.

i'm thinking this as i'm reading some of the email floating back and forth on the ucsc tech coordinators list about p2p networks, the university, policy and big players like the MPAA, RIAA and various watchdog groups. they're about as clued in as i thought they were and get a regular trickle of email from the folks above. must be a divx goldmine by now.

i hope those frosh are covering their tracks.

20 Sep 2002|08:55pm
so, i got into 170.

woo, or sumthin. way to go thru the backdoor. i love doing things backwards. ;)

18 Sep 2002|11:41pm
(3.responses | feedback)
[ mood | annoyed ]

so, classes started today and so did my period. it's going to be a lovely quarter.

17 Sep 2002|09:19pm
(1.response | feedback)
[ mood | sympathetic ]

today north korea admitted to and apologized for the mysterious disappearances of some japanese citizens in the mid 70s and 80s. while shocking at first, japan accepted the apology and offered their own apology for their earlier occupation of the mainland.

wow, did i hear that right? i didn't know governments could act this way. maybe reparations for slavery aren't so far away? oh wait, i forgot this is the united states...

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