Miketavius' LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Miketavius' LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, December 20th, 2001
    9:17 pm
    Velvet Goldmine, you stroke me like the rain...
    Well, I actually did stuff today!!! Jd called me this morning... and came over for a lil while. We ended up going to the park, then shopping at the mall. It was alot fun to spend time with him, and talk a bit. We haven't really talked on the phone or seen eachother since we broke up in June. We talked about all that was going on in our lives... relationships, work (or my lack of), and lotsa other stuff. I'm glad things went well... cuz I really enjoy having Jd as a close friend.

    I saw Amber at the mall working... poor thing was about to die. She had a runny nose and one of her contacts seemed to be driving her mad. Poor baby... I wish Mikey could make it all better!!!

    Hmm.... then I came home and did a lil gift wrapping (mwa ha ha). I cleaned my room, and now here I am. That's my day today!!! Toodles!!!

    "The radical right is so homophobic that they think global warming is caused by the AIDS quilt."
    -Dennis Miller

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: David Bowie - "Velvet goldmine"
    Wednesday, December 19th, 2001
    2:03 pm
    O Canada...
    What a beautiful day today!!! There's not a cloud in the sky, and it's a lil nippy... perfect holiday weather. I am going to go sit outside and read for a bit, but before I do that I think I owe it to myself to write in my journal (after all, this journal is mostly for me to look back on... nothing more or less). Ok... where to begin...

    Still no job =P but oh well... I know I'll prolly find something after the holidays. Then it's time to save save save!!! I gotta save up some money for school expenses. I think I'm gonna start sometime in spring. The past few days here at home have been ok. For the most part, everyone has been getting along... everyone being my dad, sister, and mom. I know it wont last long... but if this could hold out until the new year, I'd be happy.

    Hmm... so what else is new... OH YEAH!!! Yesterday was fabulous. I went to MGM with Ryan, and it was a lot of fun. He works so much, we rarely get to spend a full day together... so it was really special to me. We had our fun at the park... ate a dinner at Epcot, went on a mediocre "thrill" ride in Norway Land, then finished it up with a 360 video in Canada Land about... you guessed it... CANADA!!! It was GREAT... I love spending time with Ryan, he's very sweet and genuine, and he has everything I want in a guy. I better stop now, or else I'll end up rambling throughout this whole entry just about him =)

    Well, a good day is going to waste outside... so I'm gonna go now. Oh, and my quote has nothing to do with my mood today, I just think it's a good one (right on Henry, you go dead-boy!!!)

    "Politics, as a practice... has always been the systematic organization of hatreds."
    -Henry Adams

    Current Mood: peaceful
    Current Music: The Beatles - "Savoy Truffle"
    Tuesday, December 11th, 2001
    12:57 pm
    Yay, last night was so enjoyable. "You know who" came over and stayed the night, and as always it was wonderful. I worked on his computer and fixed it all up, and he was so interested. He was there the whole time watching me tinker and gut out all the hardware as I moved it onto a new motherboard, with a new case. I thought that was really cool... that he was interested in something that I really like. I'm gonna go see him for a lil bit tonight (hooray!!!), so I got something to look forward to now. I feel great how things seem to be working out between us... it's a much welcomed change in how things have been going for me as of late.

    I'm taking my sis to the doctor in a lil bit... she has to get her retard shots again =) J/k... while she's talking with the doc I'll have to watch Madelynn. I hope she is a good baby for me. Lately she's been a real sweetheart, so I'm sure she will.

    Oh!!! On a side note, I got some new earrings a day or two ago at the mall... so now I have 12 gauges in my ears, and a 14 through my cartilage piecing. I saw Amber when she was at work, and managed to get a few hugs out of her. GOD I love Amber!!! I could just hold on to her and never let go =)

    Well, I gotta get ready to take my sis... so that's it for this journal entry!!!

    ""People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
    - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: Le Tigre - Hot Topic
    Tuesday, December 4th, 2001
    12:04 pm
    Yay, everything is going crazy at my house. I wish I could understand things between my dad and my sister, but it's impossible. They are always fighting, for some reason or another, and the whole house gets dragged into it. It almost spawned violence, but that's when I stepped in and put my foot down, cuz I don't let any of that stuff happen anymore as long as I am in the house. This got my dad pissed off, so he then proceeded to denounce me as a failure, since I'm not enrolled in school yet, and don't have a job. I wasn't going to argue with him cuz he was already furious because of my sister. Since I'm a failure, he doesn't want me living in the same house... YAY... thanks dad. I get an early eviction notice for Christmas. So I guess that means I have to find somewhere to go after the new year. I wish this could wait a bit, like after I started school. Then I would be off living in a dorm, and I wouldn't even have to worry about this crap. I'm glad I didn't insure my car now, cuz I'm gonna need that extra money. Maybe he's just bluffing... I guess I'll find out, since I don't have many options.

    I think this will be it for this entry, sorry if it's only negative, but I just kinda feel that way right now. Something has to give.

    "Life is something to do when you can't get to sleep."
    -Fran Lebowitz

    Current Mood: worried
    Current Music: Neon Genesis Evangelion - Turn Back Time
    Tuesday, November 27th, 2001
    1:53 pm
    Yay, I'm in a good mood. I finally got to see Amber again yesterday, it made me feel great to see her again! I don't really know why we didn't hang out for such a long period of time. Anyways, I got a wonderful nights rest, because it was spent next to her. I told Amber about my date on Saturday, and I think she was a bit jealous. Even if it was just a joke, I still think it was cute of her =) Ohhh, and speaking of that, for reasons which I will reveal later, I can't disclose the name of my date... so for now I'll call him "Vanilla Ice". Anyways, Vanilla is coming over tonight to watch movies with me.

    I met Vanilla online... and oddly enough he IM'ed me first. That surprised me... since it seems like guys are never interested in me. We instantly clicked, and we began talking on the phone. I'm not much of a phone person, I just don't like it all that much, but our conversations would last into the early morning hours. I fianlly met him last week, and we had a lil date that lasted 12 hours. He's absolutely perfect physically. He has black hair, a skinny frame, and he's a lil bit shorter than me... just my type!!! I'll post a lil update on how tonight goes... but I guess this is it.

    I think I'm going to start writing in my journal more often, like I use to. So expect more updates soon. I wonder who it is I'm talking to in my journal... the world maybe?

    "In time of war the first casualty is truth."
    - Boake Carter

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: Toybox - "What About"
    Sunday, November 11th, 2001
    2:54 pm
    Yay, today is my birthday. I'm not really doing much with my day until later, but it's still a good day. It's fun to have everyone (well, almost everyone) you care about be all happy and nice to you... even if it is just for a day. My mom, dad, and sister all got me little gifts, which made me happy. Nothing big, but I don't really care about that stuff anymore. Matt was a real sweetie, he bought me 2 Trigun wall scrolls... one with just Vash, and another with Vash and Wolfwood =) Billy's taking me out later tonight... that'll be fun!!! I have to hear from one more person today, and then I'll be happy =)

    I might update more later... I think I'm gonna go take a nap!

    - Miketavius

    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: "Magic Dance" - Davie Bowie
    Tuesday, October 23rd, 2001
    3:19 am
    "Yo's" are funny
    Hmm... I think I should start getting to bed sooner. Being up at 3am and doing nothing is really... well... stupid. Let's see, what has happened to me as of late. Aha! Nothing really, but I'm sure I can put something in here.

    Oh, I've been studying alot so I can get my A+ certification. I guess since I don't have a job, that is my main focus right now. It's kind of funny, I'm not even in school yet and I'm studying =) Oh well, I'll have the last laugh when all my friends are scraping their way through life, as I'm in my plush downtown apartment, with a big fat salary working so IT job =)

    On Saturday, I went out to meet some new people. I had been talking to this kid online for a while, and I decided I needed something to do so I went out and met him at a bookstore (grrr.... bookstore). So that night, Matt, his friend Eileen, and I all chilled out at the Winter Park Village. We went to Denny's for a bit.. and then the night was over. The night was short, but overall I had a pretty nice time. Matt is a pretty sweet kid. Maybe something will develop between me and him, or maybe not. Although we (the 3 people who read this) know who mikey really wants... that is never going to happen, so I might as well give Matt a try.

    Okay, what else is there to talk about. After talking with Billy... he seems to be pretty sure that his dad is on his last leg (oooh what a pun!). I'm surprised that Billy seems to be ok with it, but I think I can understand a little bit of what he's thinking about. After a while sometimes people just get use to the idea of death, and are justly prepared for it. I hope everything goes well though. I know Billy will prolly handle everything well... I hope his mom does too. I've barely met her, but I already like her tons. Hmm... ok I'm kinda rambling now.

    I miss Amber alot. She's been working alot lately... and I haven't seen her, or even talked to her in the past week or so. It makes me a little sad. I think this is it for now. Damn this post doesn't really have a point, but my journal needed to be updated. Oh, here's a pic of me and my niece Madelynn. She's such a sweet baby, I love her so much =)

    Current Mood: indifferent
    Current Music: Blondie - Heart Of Glass
    Wednesday, October 10th, 2001
    8:05 pm
    Lately (the past few months) it seems that everything I want, I can't get. It all gets close, but then it falls apart. Here's a few examples.... 1) Fullsail, 2) Amber, 3) The Bookstore job. I wonder if all this is supposed to teach me something. I dunno... I never really thought that life throws things at you with any kind of plan. It's all just a bunch of random bullshit. The past 2 days have absolutely sucked for me... I was really wanting this job. There's still a slim chance that I'll get it... I'll find out tomorrow. I need to start writing again in my journal. I hadn't updated for a while cuz nothing's really happened... aside from a lil heartbreak, but that's just the usual.

    I want to get out of this house. Every noise that doesn't eminate from me just rips at my head. I get headaches all the time now, mostly from just noise. I want a place that I can retreat to and be alone... somewhere quiet, that's mine. I don't have anything like that now, and I think about it all the time. Well... I'm off to do nothing but wait. I hope 5pm comes fast tomorrow.

    Current Mood: crappy
    Sunday, September 23rd, 2001
    12:07 pm
    I had a dream!!!
    Well, yesterday was certainly interesting... I guess it all started about noon. Billy come over with his computer, and we networked ours together... just cuz. We sat around and played for a lil while, it was fun. Then Arie IM'd me... saying what she always does... "what's going on with you and Amber... blah blah blah!?". So I was trying to just avoid the situation, but she started doing her guilt/depressed trip thing that she has been doing lately, and it was really getting annoying. So she asked me... "Are you and Amber together?", and I just answered her. I wish she would have just left the issue alone, so that her and Amber could have talked, but oh well... it's done now. I hope Amber's not mad, but she knows how Arie is... so I think she'll cool. A person can only be pressed about something so much before it starts to really get to you.

    Anyways, after that Billy and I sat around for while watching my niece, and then when my sister got home we went out t oget some pizza. Ok, so we get to Deland, and then pull into this lil plaza with a pizza place. This is usually when you apply the brakes on the car, and slow down... yeah right. It turns out that his brakes weren't working. After a few pumps though we finally slowed... still not to a stop. We coasted through the parking lot, and eventually came to a stop, missing a giant concrete planter by a few inches. We ended up waiting by the car for a few hours in this parking lot until my mum came to get us.

    Now we're both sitting here writing in our journals online. I had a really nice comforting dream about Amber coming home last night... maybe my dream will come true =) In a litttle while we're gonna go see on Billy's car, maybe check the brake fluid or something. Maybe that'll be it. Oh well, I don't have anything else to talk about, so that's it for this lil entry.

    "The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple."
    - Oscar Wilde

    Current Mood: thoughtful
    Current Music: Outkast - Speedballin'
    Friday, September 21st, 2001
    10:18 pm
    "The Call"
    My sister and I went shopping today at the mall. I bought 3 rings (buy 2 get one free... ahhhh yeah!!!) and a shirt from the gap on clearance for $3.99!!! That's some power shopping. I got home, cleaned the kitchen, and then went to chill out on my computer, cuz I was feeling a bit sleepy. Then the phone rang, and my sister picked it up... walked into my room, and smiled at me. Instantly I knew who it was, and I jumped out of my chair to talk her. It felt so good to hear Amber's voice. For such a strong, tough girl she has such a beautiful, soft little voice =) We talked for a while, and she gave me a bit of good news (which I'm keeping to myself at the moment, so =P ). I miss her soooo much, it really helped to talk to her. It's funny, cuz I just mailed off another letter to her today. Ahhhh.... everything is right in the world =) Well, I'm gonna go chill out for a while with the family, maybe play with the baby is she's still awake. I love you Amber, I'm always proud of you no matter what you do in life =)

    The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.
    -Horace Walpole

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Dualtrax - The Travel to Orion!
    12:09 am
    Oh Happy Day =)
    This will be a short post... cuz I've had a few to drink tonight (in celebration) and I'm sleepy. I got a letter from Amber today in the mail!!! So like all day, I've been on this unbelievable high. Everything I wanted to read in a letter was there, and it made me feel really good. I can't wait to write her back... I'm gonna do that in the morning and send it express mail. I love Amber so much, she really makes me happy.

    "Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love - and to put its trust in life."
    -Joseph Conrad
    Sunday, September 16th, 2001
    7:19 pm
    Shock the monkey... please...
    I hate those web banner ads with that monkey, and you have to shock him in some way. It's a dumb ad.

    I feel drowsy already, and it's only 7:12... sheesh. I'm not sure what I want to do with my night... although I'll prolly end up playing a game. I was cleaning my room today and looking through old pictures, and I found alot of old pics of me and JD. we have good memories together... but that's all we have now. I also found some photos of me and Amber =) Like all day I've been listening to "The Two of Us" by N Sync. I like this song alot, cuz the words in it are so perfect, and it makes me think of Amber =)

    Well, I'm going to go change, and then play a game or something, so buh-bye.

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: N'Sync - The Two Of Us
    3:13 am
    Quantum Physics... =)
    Today was fun... Billy (william) and I went out for breakfast, and rode around all day. He's becoming a good friend of mine... hehe but just a friend... since I'm focused elsewhere in that department =) I went to rainbow city and bought a new choaker. It's pretty, and it fits tight around my neck, I like it. I also bought some steel toe boots... (for the butch boy inside me!!!). We chilled out for a bit at my house, then went out for din-din and then we watched "The Others". Great movie, go out and see it!!! I also came up with some neat ideas while we were talking over dinner, the most notable of which was my theory on "Object Oriented Existence"... or "OOE". I'll talk about that another night =)

    I miss Amber tons, like that's anything new. I think about her all day... and I see so many things that bring up little memories of our adventures together. I hope she's doing ok. Mikey loves ya Amber!!!

    Ok, it's 3am... I'm a sleepy head, so I'm going to bed now. Here comes my quote... hehe posting thoughtful quotes makes me a thoughtful person ^_^

    "Nothing else in the world...not all the armies...is so powerful as an idea whose time has come."
    -Victor Hugo

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Missy Elliot - Get Your Freak On
    Friday, September 14th, 2001
    1:10 am
    Rain rain go away... come back another day...
    It's been rainy all day here in my crappy little town, which pisses me off cuz I wanted to go running like I do every day. Oh well, I'm getting up early to run tomorrow, before I go to give blood. I was going to look into this job at some dry cleaning place today, but instead I noticed that the Radio Shack next door needed people, so I got an application there. I hope I get a job there, it would be nice to work someplace surrounded fun things =) Anyways it's late, so I gotta go to bed.

    I love you Amber, Mikey misses you!!!

    "Be true to your work, your word, and your friend."
    -Henry David Thoreau

    Current Mood: optimistic
    Current Music: no music =\
    Wednesday, September 12th, 2001
    1:15 am
    "These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve"

    I followed this whole situation on the news all day, so I don't feel much like talking about it now. I'm going to do my little part to help this Friday by going and giving blood. I'm sleepy, so I'm going to bed. I love you Amber!!! Only 41 more days of basic training, you can do it!!! =)

    A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world.
    -George Santayana

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Dead Kennedys - Terminal Preppie
    Tuesday, September 11th, 2001
    10:36 am
    The World Trade Center is gone. I don't know why this is affecting me so much... but I just saw that and started crying... it's so horrible. I can't believe this...

    Current Mood: angry
    Current Music: no music
    4:27 am
    Sheesh... I just got home at like 3am. I went out to dinner with my friend William, we had a fun time talking and such. I came home and talked to JD for an hour. God... I haven't cried like that in a while. I love him so much, and I want him to be happy... but I know my actions aren't making him happy. I'm in love again... and that really hurts him... but I have to do what feels right. What's right, and what's best for me... and right now I think that's following my heart. I love ya Amber!!! I'm thinking about you while you're away kicking ass in basic training =) Well... it's almost 4:30am now... and I need to get to bed. G'night all!!!

    "I'm too tired to find a quote."
    - Miketavius

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: no music!!! ::: gasp :::
    Sunday, September 9th, 2001
    12:51 pm
    Guess what, Mikey feels like he's a bout 87% today!!! WOOHOO. My nose is all clear, all I got is a little bit of mucus left in my throat from being sick. I'm happy, cuz I really wanna go for a walk today, and now I'm able to =) Ahhh... the simple things in life.

    I did alot of dreaming last night. First I had a dream about JD. I can't remember where we were, but it was JD, his friend Steve, and me... and JD was bragging about how trashed he gets at clubs and stuff... and that made me sad. In my next dream I was in the first ever launch of a space shuttle. The bottom part of the shuttle got ripped off while we were leaving orbit, and somebody got sucked out. I know this sounds crazy, but I think it was the actor Martin Sheen =) Then I had a dream about me and my friend Carlene at the beach, and I kept grabbing her butt. I think maybe I was thinking of Amber, cuz in the dream I was grabbing her butt just like I always do Amber's, and she was laughing about it and having a good time =) Oy, me and my crazy dreams.

    I wanted to write down my dreams before I forgot, so that's it for this entry. I'll update more tonight. Toodles!!!

    Current Mood: hopeful
    Current Music: Le Tigre - Deceptacon
    Saturday, September 8th, 2001
    11:50 pm
    I miss Amber... ::: sigh :::

    Current Mood: blah
    Current Music: Ani Difranco - School Night
    Friday, September 7th, 2001
    9:20 pm
    ::: sniffle :::
    I hate being sick!!! I was gonna do stuff today... but noooooo my body had to go and get all sick on me, so I can't do shit. I talked to my new/old friend Amy today for a while, she's a pretty cool chick.

    On a very positive note, I got a letter from you know who today!!! It was EXACTELY what I needed for a day like today!!! The letter was just so cute and comforting... Mikey Happy!!!

    I hope my friend William gets home soon. I went to see Hedwig with him the other night, and he loved it so much he's going out to buy the soundtrack. I'm going to have him rip it into mp3's and then send them to me. The music really makes the movie, and I can't wait to hear it all again =)

    I'm feeling a little light headed. I think I'm going to take some Nyquil and then pass out in my bed. I hope I wake up feeling better in the morning. I really want to go jogging tomorrow. If I'm sick tomorrow, then I guess I'll just program all day. I should of done that today, but I didn't even feel like programming.

    I was reading through all my quotes that I have... and after thinking about Amber today, this one seemed appropriate. G'night =)

    Always do what you are afraid to do.
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Current Mood: sick
    Current Music: Hedwig and the Angry Inch - Sugar Daddy
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