The Common Room's Journal

Tuesday, November 5, 2002


4:59PM - ::dashes through the Great Hall::

::to the nearest bay window, his heart lurching as he sees the Dark Mark in the distance silouetted against the darkening sky, the Mark on his arm burning painfully, rests his head against the window and shakes it, thinking about Sirius, their child, and Sirius's Auror dreams, his stomach clenched tightly, sighs and figures that the Headmaster will have heard about it already as well, so there is nothing he can do now except wait for instructions::

Current mood: afraid

(wave your wand)


4:55PM - *in the library*

*near the Restricted Section, looking through books concerning protective amulets and possession. Again. Trying to come up with someway to permanently destroy Parkinson and coming up really blank. Extremely close to finding a Muggle priest to do an exorcism.*

Current mood: aggravated

(1 spell | wave your wand)


5:38PM - *sends off an owl*

*with a package attached, magic-ed to make it lighter so the poor owl doesn't die of exhaustion*

Owl to Mum )

Current mood: hopeful

(2 spells | wave your wand)


5:25PM - *humming*

*finding himself very calm and happy today, and the commotion around him having died down, which is a good sign--though he's slightly worried now, looking for Crookshanks (or Sam), wishing he hadn't been so busy this week and could have responded sooner to his owl--after looking around for him and not finding him, sits down in the Great Hall and reads through the book Cho got him, hoping he sees him--or maybe Cho--while he's there*

Current mood: worried

(9 spells | wave your wand)


3:23PM - *in the library*

*Sitting in one of the library's big comfortable chairs, not really concentrating on the book on his lap but instead just kind of staring at it while he daydreams*

Current mood: pensive

(3 spells | wave your wand)


5:45AM - Narcissa Malfoy's Diary

Dear Diary,

Lucius has decided to remain home with me this week. I feel guilty for keeping him from the work he loves, although I confess the company does my heart well. I still have not adjusted well to Draco leaving for school, even though it was two months ago. So much has changed with the family, and although I know it can never be how it was when Draco was small, I still long for a time when we can all be together as one. Lucius is doing his best to combat the evilness that had overtaken him toward our son -- that is not how my husband truly is, and I know this for a fact. I don't know if Draco will ever find it in his heart to forgive his father, or myself. Every time I see my precious son it breaks my heart. I barely recognize him any more. Have I really been such a horrible mother to him to deserve such things?

::the ink smeared by a few blots of tears, casts a spell to render it visible to her eyes only, closes the book::

Current mood: depressed

(wave your wand)


7:37AM - ::teaching in class::

::feeling remarkably good despite being up very late last night, having finally gotten up the nerve to be intimate with Sirius, and much to his surprise having seen the act through -- noticing that his seventh-years are much less aggressive, and the classes are calmer than general, and he's even calmer than he's been in weeks, wondering if this could possibly mean what he thinks it does, can't wait until the school day is over so he can talk to Sirius, feeling a combination of anxiety and hope::

Current mood: hopeful

(wave your wand)

Monday, November 4, 2002


10:10PM - *pacing nervously about the spare room...

...before sending out a few owls, barely legible, ink smeared all over the place from his trembling hand*

owl to Falmouth head coach )

owl to his father )

*and sinks down in his corner again, occasionally glancing at the amulet across the room and pounding the wall, strengthening the wards out of paranoia every now and then, feeling as if he's losing his mind, fully aware of his depression-to-rage mood swings, sometimes just wanting to end it all, twiddling his wand between his fingers in a depressed trance and picking his brain for spells and potions that cause immediate death*


9:51PM - *in the Great Hall*

*not really caring that it's after hours, grabbing something quick to eat after practice, opening a textbook in front of her, staring down at it before closing it, picking at her food, staring up at the enchanted ceiling, picking out random constellations*

Current mood: restless

(53 spells | wave your wand)


9:49PM - *walking into the flat*

*glances at the spare room door, noticing it still being locked and warded, looks away, picking her wand up off the kitchen counter, mentally kicking herself for leaving it, heals the bruises from her altercation with Higgs, sits down at the counter, pillowing her head on her arms*

Current mood: still worried

(wave your wand)


7:42PM - *sitting in the common room...*

*sits in the common room, reading a graphic romance novel and chuckling*

Current mood: amused

(48 spells | wave your wand)


10:22PM - Out on the pitch...

*...having lingered around after the Gryffindor practice, going through his drills over and over again on his own, still rather upset over his performance against Slytherin*

(47 spells | wave your wand)


7:01PM - ::laying out on a bench::

::in the courtyard with his hands behind his head, staring at the night sky and lost in thought. He starts to doze off until hears someone coming up behind him...::

Current mood: pensive

(36 spells | wave your wand)


9:47PM - *sitting on Remus's bed*

*is a note, along with a velvet pouch and a small box, the note attached to a rose*


Put on something light and comfortable...then take this bag of floo powder and box to Hagrid's--the fireplace is set up to take you somewhere. Don't open the box yet. Put the rose in your hair.


Current mood: devious

(42 spells | wave your wand)


9:36PM - *sends off a message*

*using one of the family's finest owls, sending a note on heavy paper with the Malfoy crest on it, written in his flourished script*

Owl to Draco )

*sighs and rests his hands on the balcony railing in front of him, staring out at the night, waiting to get some word back*

Current mood: grudgingly pleased

(22 spells | wave your wand)


6:50PM - *in Hogsmeade*

*having desperately needed to get out of the flat, needing fresh air to clear her head and needing to owl her professors about missing class that day, arms wrapped around herself, worried about Oliver, feeling more helpless by the second*

Owls to Her Professors and the Headmaster )

Current mood: worried

(19 spells | wave your wand)


6:24PM - *Owl to Professor Lupin*

Dear Professor Lupin,

I spoke earlier in the year with Professor Moody about an extra credit assignment. To complete this assignment I need permission to get some books from the Restricted Section of the library. I have not been able to get in touch with Professor Moody lately due to the fact that he has been away on Ministry business. Could you please give me permission so that I may get the books I need?

Pansy Parkinson

(2 spells | wave your wand)


3:36PM - *planted in the corner...

...of the spare room, glaring at the amulet on the floor across the room, pale and trembling, tightening his hug around his arms, pulling his knees into his chest, torn between sadness and rage, muting and strengthening the wards on the room, unable to resist the urge to scream at the top of his lungs*

Tuesday, November 5, 2002


8:10PM - Just an ordinary day...

* Is sitting in a window sil along the corridor, a book in her lap trying to concentate but can't... Is feeling a little lonely again... rips a blank page from her diary and scribbles a note to somebody to send with her owl... *

Owl for Sam )

Current mood: blank

(33 spells | wave your wand)

Monday, November 4, 2002


11:44AM - *in the courtyard*

*dressed in his practice robes, shouldering his broom heading for the pitch*

Current mood: determined

(11 spells | wave your wand)

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