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Below is user information for ·¨·.·*·.× *NiKKi* ×.·*·.·¨·. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:ndiddy (382599)
Name: ·¨·.·*·.× *NiKKi* ×.·*·.·¨·
Website:MuH PaGiE :o)
Location:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
AOL IM:N DiDdY182 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:glittergal_1987 (Add User, Send Message)

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Well where do I begin. As I'm SURE u know by now.. My name's Nicole, Nik, Nikki, Nic, Nicki, Nicala, Nica, N Diddy, Diddy N, N I double K I, Nikki Face, Nikkay, Bitch, PP.. whichever you prefer:) I'm a 14/female from pittsburgh pa:D I'll be 15 on April 22.. so don't forget that now! I have blonde hair with highlights, and green eyes but i wear blue contacts. I'm a freshman at the worst highschool ever... really. My best friends are Jen, Jenn, and Kayla and my bestest online friend is Lana... aka La-Anna, and Katie. A sad thing is.. Lana & Katie know more about me than my real life friends.. so sad.. but i'd do anything to get the chance to meet them.. so yup. If you want more details and such go to my page ~> My AIM s/n's are N DiDdY182 and i'm sometimes on blinkinpark487. my email's so go send me mail.. forwards.. surveys.. anything. I have msn IM too... glittergal_1987 and ndiddy182. and i have yahoo IM.. glittergal_1987. yeah i know.. i'm sooo original. hehe. Another thing.. I LOVEEEE quotes. LOVEEE quotes.. really.. ask Lana.. hehehe so here's a lot of my favorites.. please enjoy:)

~I mean damn, me and my gurls forever held in hand, im married to my crew, ya gotta understand, i'd die for em, give me a chair and i'd cry for them, and if i had to take the stand- i'd lie for them

~We're best friends thru and thru, you're there for me, i'm there for you, memories fights tears and dreams, you're what a best friend really means

~Do you know what you mean to me? you'll be my friends for eternity, even tho i may not always show it, i care for you guys, and i want you to know it, through good times and bad, you stood by me, you guys are definately my true best friends and i love you

~No matter wat I do it's never good enough, I give all that is me.. still it's never enough so why try...i give up! -POD

~Don't get Mad.... get even

~I'm done for whatever, no matta how u act, never have to worry, cus i always got yer back, a memory lasts forever, and never does die, true friends stay together, and never say goodbye

~Enjoy the little things, for one day you might look back and realize that those were the big things

~Have you ever wondered which hurts the most... saying something and wishing you hadn't or saying nothing and wishing you had?

~When you have a best friend, they mean so much 2 u, but when you lose that friend, you realize they meant more than that, they were your everything and nobody can replace that!

~Three things in life that never should be broken... toys, promises, and hearts

~Cross your heart and hope to die, clothes and makeup, boys and lies, forever there to the end, definition of my true best friends

~When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we dont see the one which has been opened for us

~TGIF.... thank god i'm female

~It's not PMS.. i just hate you

~A dream is just a wish your heart makes

~We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colours, but they all have to learn to live in the same box

~I'm proud to be a bitch.. it means i have the courage & strength to allow myself to be who i really am and won't become anyone else's idea of what they think i should be

~It's hard to answer the question "What's Wrong" when nothing's right

~I see all you people talking about me.. haha and thanx.. now i know i have a fanclub!

~To all my friends.. we gain and lose things everyday, but trust me on one thing, you will never lose a friend in me, i will always be here 4 you for ever and ever

~Best friends are those who know EVERYTHING about you and yet they still want to be your friend

~For all you people that talk shit bout me.. don't get pissed when you get dissed, cus your just another bitch on my shit list

~If my attitude causes you and distress please dial 1-800 kiss my ass

~Life was SO much easier when yer clothes didn't match and when you thought guys had cooties

~I don't have an attitude problem, it's suppose to be like this

~I'm not a bitch.. i'm the bitch

~How many hot, rich, funny sweet guys are out there? 2... but they're dating each other!!

~Give me a kiss, give me the world, give me your love, and ill be your gurl, give me a smile, give me your time, give me your love, and ill give you mine

~Laying in bed, listening to the song that discribes him exactly, knowing that i'll never be the one that he wants, thinking about what he's thinking, where he is, what he's wearing, what he looks like, where he is, who he's with, but never knowing....maybe not even ever seeing him...

~We may fight, we may cry, but my love for you will never die, ill care for you till the very end, because now and forever you're my best friends

~Somewhere theres someone who dreams of your smile and finds in your presence that life is worth while, so next time you're lonely remember its true.. somebody, somewhere is thinking of you

~People are gonna talk about u especially when they envy the life u live...let them..u affected their lives..they didnt affect yers

~A friend is one who isnt just available sometimes but is there for both the good and bad times!

~A friend is one who appreciates your uniqueness & doesnt take advantage of your weakness!

~Your friend is the one u can call to get u out of jail, but your best friend is the one sitting beside you saying, "DAMN THAT WAS FUN!"

~Im shy, im quiet, im an angel in disquise, im loud im noisy, im a devil inside, u think im an innocent girl, lets make a bet, cuz if thats what u are thinkin, u SO dont kno me yet!

~A friendship can take a lifetime to build, but less than a second to destroy.

~For every minute u spend angry, u lose 60 seconds of happiness!

~100 memories, 200 jokes, 300 great times, 400 secrets 1 reason.. Best Friends

~With friends, quality is more important that quanity!

~Remember... friendship works TWO ways... not just ONE.

~Friends are forever, guys are whatever, so when worse comes to worse, my gurls come first

~Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget

~Friends are like condoms, they r there 2 protect u when thingz get hard...

~831=8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning, I love you

~We told every1 that we are best friends, we told ourselves we will be best friends for life, and we promised we would never let any person get in our way, friends till da end

~If I could be an angel, I'd make your every wish come true, but I am only human, Just a girl who's loving you

~Don't ever be afraid to come to me and cry, don't ever be afraid to look me in the eye, dont ever be afraid to tell me how you feel, remember your my girls and we gotta keep it real

~I got your back, And you got mine, I'll help you out anytime, If a broken heart needs a mend, I'll be right there til' the end. If your cheeks are wet from drops of tears, Don't you worry, Let go of your fears. Hand in hand love is sent, We'll be friends til' the end.

~Through all the lies and The sad goodbyes, the things we hide and the tears we cried Through odds and ends we've been best friends

~I've learnt that goodbyes will always hurt, pictures never replace having being there, memories- good or bad- will always bring tears, and words can never replace feelings

~You think your the Princess? You think your the Queen? Well honey, I took your crown and robbed you clean. So now I am the princess, and now I am the Queen, and I am also the meanest little bitch you have ever seen

~I wish upon a star that no matter how far apart we are, you will find me and you will see how perfect we are, i wish that if for some reason my wishes don't come true, that another person out there is wishing for me, hopefully that person is you

~I live in my own little world. But It's ok. They know me here.

~Cats are like potato chips, you can't have just one.

~They say true love hides behind every corner...I must be walkin in circles

~The worst feeling in the world is knowing that no matter what u try to do to change someone back to how they use to be, you know no matter what u say or do can change that.

~You can close your eyes to things you dont want to see, but you cant close your heart to things you dont want to feel

~Best friends we all are. Best friends we'll always be. Best friends forever. My girls and me.

~They say "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get," Well I already do know what I got, I got a one-way ticket through living Hell.

~I dont care what you think of me... It couldnt be as bad as what I think of you.

~Being a bitch is what I'm meant to be... so being mean is what comes naturally!

~We weren't sisters by birth, but we knew from the start, that fate brought us together to be sisters by heart!

~Go Ahead and Talk About Me, But Bitch I Got Advice, Click Ya Heels together Twice and Say I Need A Fuckin Life!

~Things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on, and treasure the memories

~I'm a genious undercover.. really I am. I just hide as a blonde for my secret identity.

~For the first year of a child's life their parents teach them to walk and talk, and for the next 17 years they'll tell him to sit down and shutup.

~I'm multi-talented: I can talk and piss you off at the same time.

~You were always there when I needed you, and you never left my side. Always there to lean on, and dry the tears I cried. I could always talk to you; you never seemed to mind. Your words were so honest and always seemed so kind. I thought I'd never meet someone as special as you. You re the best kind of friend in the whole wide world, you are my shooting star and I love you.

~Friends are forever, you may lose some but you'll NEVER 4get em.

~You'll fall in love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person.. perfectly

~The worst feeling in the world is standing next to the one you love, knowing they will never love you back

~Be who you are because those who mind obviously don't matter, and those who matter, obviously don't mind

~Excuse Me! Do You Have A Band-Aid? Because I Scraped My Knee When I Fell For You

~Once upon a time, something happened to me, it was the sweetest thing, that ever could be, it was a fantasy, a dream come true, it was the day, I first met you!

~It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, what's even more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let them know

~I'm convincing myself I'll find someone new, i won't be alone or i wont be in love with you, you're waiting for me to crawl back to your side, but no, not this time, i'm keeping my pride. so goodbye forever, i'll be on my way, it may take a while, but i'll be ok.

~Everything that USE to matter, doesn't really matter anymore

~Meeting you was fate, becomeing your friend was choice, but falling in love wit u was beyond my control

~If I had a star for each time I thought about you, I would have the entire sky in my hands

~I'm not supposed to love you, im not supposed to care, im not supposed to live my life wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do, i'm sorry but i just can't help myself, i fell in love with you

~A girl and a guy can be just friends, but at one point or another they will fall for each other..Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever...

~Mystify people with your intelligence, and if u cant do that, mystify them with your Bull Shit

~I went to a bitch academy, and i passed with a 4.0

~Don't go for looks, they deceive, don't go for money, wait, go for money then when its gone, move on to the next guy!

~You guys make me who am I, and for that I'm grateful, I love each and everyone of you! Without all of you, I couldnt make it through the day

~He taught me how to love, but not how to stop.

~Always remember, that if a person loved you once, after a hundered years there will still be some of that love, no matter how much he denies it.

~I always got my girls behind me, crying with me, shining with me, and after all the shit i put them through, i love the fact that they're still true

~The first time i talked to u, i knew it was true, that i'd love u forever, and that's what i'll do, u don't know what u do to me, u don't have a clue, u don't know what it's like to have first met you

~Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

~I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

~No man is worth your tears, and when you find the one who is, he won't make you cry

~To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world

~Always remember, whatever happens, happens for a reason

~Should I smile cause we're friends .. or cry cause thats all we will ever be?!?

~If I walked up to you and looked you into your eyes and told you i loved you, would u walk away or kiss me?

~People never know how special someone is until they leave, but maybe sometimes it's important to leave, so they are given that chance to see how special that someone really is

~If you think about it, all you really need is one good friend, one good friend can make you smile.. laugh.. forgot how bad you feel.. and most of all feel loved, and when you find that one friend, you'll keep them forever

~Everyone hears what you say, friends listen to what you say, best friends listen to what you don't say.

~Time may take us apart that's true, but I will always be here for u. I promise u that I wont forget the day i first met you. The sky may fall and the stars may too, but I will always be loving u .

~Gøød night lil star, maybe 2night my wish will ¢øme true...sleep tight lil star, i'll be dreaming aløng w/ yøu....and if 2mørrøw i wake up and he's still just my friend, then I'll see yøu tømørrøw night lil star and wish øn yøu again!

~I miss you when something good happens to me, because you are the one I want to share it with first, I miss you when something bad happens, because you make everything better, I miss you when I cry, because you kiss my tears away, I miss you when I'm laughing because you make my laughter grow, I miss you through all those tymes, but I miss you the most when I'm lying in bed at night thinking about you, because before I always knew someway, somehow, you were thinking of me too, and that is why it is then that I miss you the most, because I'm not so sure your thinking about me anymore

~There is no long distance in love...It always finds a way to bring two hearts together no matter how far or how long the one you love is away from you!

~I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends, but i'm surrounded by angels, only i call them my best friends

~There are 3 kinds of people in this world.. one who can count, and one who can't!

~When a guy asks u to suck turn around and say,"I heard its dangerous to put small things in my mouth"

~A best friend is like a 4-leaf clover. hard to find and lucky to have!

~Money talks, but all mine ever says is 'goodbye'

~Friends can be easily made, but Good friends are hard to find,and Best friends are hard to have

~Good friends will alwasy be there when u need them the most, even if there is a distance between u

~Scientists say 1 out of every 4 people is crazy, check 3 friends, if they are okay, you're it.

~I dunno why i love you, but without you i dunno where i'd be.. Your just another typical guy..but you mean everything to me

~A smile is a curve that can straighten out a lot of things

~If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them.. I'd be at the bottom to catch them

~I'm not a ditz, I just lack common sense.

~Good things come in small packages, for instance, love is a 4 letter word, but its the BEST gift ever!

~I tell him everything i mean EVERYTHING but why cant i tell him he means everything to me?

~I'm sorry if I made you cry, I'm sorry if tears fell from your eyes... for that was not at all what I intended to do... But just remember,for every tear that falls from your eye, two tears fall from mine.

~I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, but I don't know where to start, I wanna tell you but I'm afraid you'll break my heart.

~If I could make a wish and wish it to come true, Id wish upon a star that I could be with u

~You've changed so much. I guess that's what happens. I wish you knew how much you've changed me. I wonder if I've changed you; if your life is different because of me. Because mine's different. My God, you taught me so much, and now we hardly talk to each other. I guess that's what happens.

~If we go to school to learn, and learning is knowledge, and knowledge is power, and power currupts, and curruption leads to crime, and crime doesn't pay, then why the hell do we go to school?

~Flatter me and i may not believe you, Criticize me and i may not like you, Ignore me and i may not forgive you ,You dont have to change a friend, As long as you understand Friends change...

~The hardest part about moving on is learning not 2 look back

~I'm not shy I just dont like you.

~Your supposed to be smart, but how can that be true, if your too stupid to realize that im crazy about you.

~I use to look at him as a friend, until I realized i loved him.

~The pain of knowing we're right for each other hurts, but just not right now is what kills me.

~Frustrated cus I can't tell if it's real, mad cus i don't really know how you feel, upset cus we can't make it right, sad cus i need u day and night, angry cus you won't take my hand, aggrivated cus u just don't understand, disappointed cus we can't be together, but just so you know.. i'll love you forever.

~I've learned that guys can make the best of friends, my best friend is a guy and i can tell him anything, oh except for the fact i'm absolutely crazy for him i always seem to leave that part out of our conversation.

~So many laughs throughout the years, and a couple of stories i hope noone hears, i'll always be by your side, best friends forever, till the day we die.

~Through all the lies, the sad goodbye's, the things we hide, the times we've cried, through all the odd and ends, we've been friends, through all the times that have past, our memories will still last, just always remember, we'll still be best friends forever.

~Guys are like stars, there are millions of them, but only one can make your dreams come true.

~Everytime i fall in love, i fall for someone new, but i always seem to find myself, back in love with you.

~Love can sometimes be magic, but magic can sometimes be just an illusion.

~Love is like quicksand, the deeper you fall in it, the harder it is to get out.

~The best kind of friend you can have is one you can sit with on a porch swing for hours, walk away with out saying anything, and feel like it's the best conversation you ever had.

~Your my shoulders to cry on, your the ones i rely on, your what holds me together, your my best friends forever

~Dont waste your time streesin on someone that doesn't like u the way u like them, find some1 who loves you for who you are

~I dont know what I want, I don't know what to do, but everytime I close my eyes, I find myself thinking of you.

~He's the one who's cute and sweet, everytime i see him, my heart skips a beat, his smile sweeps me off my feet, hes the one who makes my life complete

~A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words

~If you never learn to try... Let the world just pass you by... If you never say hello... You won't have to say goodbye

~Internet guys.. they seem all hot and fly.. but guess what... they ALL tell lies!

~By now I should know, That in time things would change, So it shouldn't be so bad, But why do I feel so sad?

~Your my friends thru good times and bad, my friends.. my buddies, thru happy and sad, beside me u stand, beside me u walk, your there to listen, your there to talk, with happiness.. with smiles.. with pain.. & with tears... i know you'll be there throughout the years

~They say good friends are hard to find... but that's just because i got them all...

~No matter the distance between us, or if change begins to start, we'll be best friends foever cuz nothing can take us apart

~True Friends laugh at your silliest jokes, put up with your worst moods, go along with your craziest ideas, and always see the best in you.

~I've learned that my best friend and I could do anything or nothing and still have the best time.

~Friends forever you promised, together till the end, we did everything with each other, you were my best friend

~It's weird when strangers become the best of friends, but it's sad when the best of friends become complete strangers

~Our friendship brings one true guarantee.. that no matter what happens... you'll always have me

~We laughed until we had to cry, We hugged right down to our last good-bye, We're the best of friends anyone could ever be, Forever and ever, just you and me

~Whenever I'm down... You always make me smile.. Whenever I want someone to talk to... I know u'll talk for a while... Whenever I'm upset... I know you care... Cause whenever I need you... you're always there.

~You know that place between sleep and awake?.. where you still remember dreaming... thats where i'll always love you!!

~At least be there to wipe my tears... if you're going to make me cry

~Never give up if you still wanna try, never wipe your tears if you still wanna cry, never settle for the answer if you still wanna know, never say u don't love him.. if you can't let him go.

~Everyone says to give up on you, but they don't see you the way i do, you're the one who broke my heart and you're the reason my world fell apart, you're the one who made me cry.. yet i still love you, and i don't know why

~I miss u a little I guess you should say.. a little too much, a little too often, and a little more everyday.

~The hardest thing to do is watch someone you love, love someone else.

~One thousand words cant bring you back.. i know because ive tried, one thousand tears cant bring you back... i know because ive tried, you left me with a broken heart and lots of memories too, but i never wanted memories.... i only wanted you

~Falling in love with you is the second best thing in the world... Finding you is the first!

~Lie to me, you know that I've been honest to you. Cheat on me, I would never do that to you. Turn your back from me, I'd still be there for you. Let me cry and hurt me once more, I'd still be loving you.

~You've hurt me once, you've hurt me twice, but all I did was shut my eyes. From the reality which everyone can see that I love you more than you love me.

~When the time comes I can't smile anymore, don't worry about me, I know what to do. I'll just stare at one corner and think of you. No one else could make me happy like the way you do.

~You are the reason why I have sleepless nights. You are the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. It's you that I'm thinking when I lay down at night. And you are the reason I can't sleep without saying goodnight.

~You wanted friendship, I gave it to you. You wanted me to care for you, I did. You made me fall in love with you, I fell for you. You wanted to break my heart, I'm giving it all to you coz I'll always love you...

~Sometimes I just get so fed up I just want to walk away from you... but what hurts most is knowing that you won't be following after me.

~I love this man who doesn't love me. So I asked my best friend what I should do so that he will love me too. He replied: "Just be yourself, cuz that's the reason why I'm falling in love with you."

~When you're running after the person you love, you're too busy to notice me running after you. Don't mind me, but when you stumble and fall, take my hand and let me be the one to help you get up again.

~I don't want to say I miss you, tho deep inside i do, because i'm afraid you might see thru and know how much fear i have for losing someone like you

~The hardest part in loving is when you can only view the person you love from a distance and not be able to tell him how much you love him because to him you are just his friend.

~How do I say goodbye to someone I never had? Why do tears fall for someone who was never mine? Why is it that I miss someone who I was never with? And I ask why I love someone whose love was never mine?

~If I were 2 say I like u would it scare u away? If I were 2 say I miss u would it be ok? but what if I say I love u and what if its 2day will u wish me 2 go or ask me 2 stay??

~I miss you not because you're gone but because things between us aren't the way they used to be. I'm sorry not because I've hurt u but because I've fallen in love with u when I was not supposed to.

~It really hurts to love someone who doesn't give you the time of day, what will hurt more is when you realize that someone that you don't give the time of day loved you and give it up coz you loved someone else.

~It's easy to say I hate u, if you know your heart; its easy to say I'm sorry if you know it's you're fault; but most importantly, it's easy to say I love you if you know it's worth!

~Since the day you said goodbye, I've been counting the days when hopefully you'll be back in my arms again, but something scares me, cuz I might be counting 4 the rest of my life...

~I don't know why i'm so afraid to lose you when your not even mine...i don't know why i love you so when you don't even love me...i don't know why your the one when i'm just a someone to you...

~The most cruel thing a man can do to a woman is to let her fall in love... when he doesn't intend to catch her fall.

~A sad thing about life is that when u meet someone who means a lot to you only to find out in the end that it was never found to be and you just have to let go...

~I thought u where my angel,Sent from havens sky. I thanked god 4 your presence, And now I wonder y, U took your bow n arrow, And aimed it at my heart ,Let it rip right through my soul, And left me torn apart, It made me wonder wat went wrong, I luved u without fail, But then I figured your nothing but a typical male

~If out of time, I could keep one moment and keep it shining always new, out of all the days i've lived, i would pick the day i first met you!

~Smiles and tears and giggles & laughs... late night phone calls & cute photographs I'll be there for u 'til the day of my death best friends 4eva til my very last breath ...

~I told him I luved him...I made a mistake...he told me he luved me but lata I felt my heart break...To tell ya the truth we shoulda stayed friends...cuz now we dont talk so i guess its the end..

~You never know what you have till u lose it, and once you've lost it.. you can never get it back

~Which is worse... Regreting something you have done, or regreting something you didnt do?

~Remember its not how big a situation might seem, its how much u pay attention to all the "little" things

~It's not how i feel.... it's how i fell for you in the first place

~"I hate you"," i hate you", "i hate u"," i hate u", but how come I always come back to "i love you"?

~There are things in life better than boys.... there's GUYS!

~Don't fall in love wit sumone u can live with, fall in love with someone u cant live without

~I want you to have the ability to see yourself as I see you, so you will be able to understand just how amazing you are

~When I liked you... I loved you, and when I loved you... I lost you

~Mirrors don't talk.. and lucky for me.. they don't laugh "/

~Its amazing how one minute you cant imagine living your life without someone...and the next second you find yourself doing exactly that

~Theres times I feel so angry, Id put my fist right thru a wall. Then theres times i've come so close to giving you a call. I love you n i hate you, all at the same time. I pray that youll come back to me before i lose my mind.

~One time i wished on a star and it came true, because the day i wished on the star was the day i first met you.

~I used to have a favorite teddy who would keep all my secrets and be by my side. i used to think no one could replace it.. but then i met you.

OK.. enough with quotes:) MY LJ entries are alll friends only... so if you wanna read them.. you gotta add me.. i may not add u back though till i get to know you.. so make sure u IM ME. My LJ entires are long.. and can get boring.. i also enjoy doing surveys.. so yup. ok anyways..

^ROFL angel, that fits me well dontcha think ;)

Interests:a walk to remember, aeropostale, aim, alternative music, american eagle, american pie, aol, bath n body works, beaches, bellybutton rings, best friends, blink 182, blue, boy meets world, britney spears, bsb, bubble gum, cats, cd's, cds, cell phones, charlotte russe, cherry 7up, chilling, clothes, d12, dead journal, delias, disney, dogs, earrings, email, eminem, eye shadow, flair jeans, food, freddie prinze jr., french fries, friends, full house, getting tan, glitter, glitter jeans, gold, guys, hanging, hiphuggers, homepages, hoodies, hot cheese curls, hot fries, hotmail, i love lucy, internet, italian food, jalapeno chips, jeans, jennifer lopez, jewelry, justin timberlake, kittens, lance bass, laughing, linkin park, lip gloss, live journal, lizzie mcguire, lol, lollipops, magazines, mall, mandy moore, mexican food, money, morpheus, movies, mp3s, msn, mtv, music, napster, nelly, nick carter, nickelodeon, no school, nsync, online friends, otown, p diddy, patriotic stuff, perfume, phone, pink, pizza, pop music, profiles, puppies, purple, quotes, rap music, rave, red, shopping, silver, snow days, so little time, sparkles, stars, summer, swimming, talking, tv, typing, vacation, vanilla candles, weathervane, wet seal
Friends:7: beckla30, butterflybarbie, glittergal87, lanceishot, lj_maintenance, sparklesz, sunkizz
Friend of:7: babydollxoxo33, beckla30, butterflybarbie, glittergal87, lanceishot, sparklesz, xrainbowbritex
Account type:Free User

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