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~*°º¤± M§ Ðå痢 ߀®køwïtz ±¤º°*~

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[Ruin Me]

[24 May 2002|11:11am]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | eminem ]

hello all!

im not back... no im just here to harass u again as some of u still aint added me

please will you add bedofdolls as that is my new account

[9 Blashphemous gurrls | Ruin Me]

[14 May 2002|07:11pm]
ok il try...AGAIN... will you ALL please add mi nu LJ bedofdolls

or i may have to kill you all!

ur all added!

[Ruin Me]

[13 May 2002|08:06pm]

Who's Your Movie Sidekick? Find out @ She's Crafty

hehe me n Madz r like Jay n Silent Bob im like Bob but not so silent! kuz urrm i do wot she sez n follow hur round n im often found smoking or walking around stoned :)

[Ruin Me]

[13 May 2002|04:06pm]
ack im bored so im harassing mi webkam agen lol its just eyes n hair to be fair!

lookit )

[Ruin Me]

[13 May 2002|12:52am]
Paul says:
mmm i'm ready to lick ur pussy and taste ur juices now, u ready?
Master Draco Malfoy says:
urrm no
Master Draco Malfoy says:
gimmie 10 mins
Master Draco Malfoy says:
Paul says:
too late!!! lol stilll up then?
Master Draco Malfoy says:
Paul says:
mine too, care to suck it?
Master Draco Malfoy says:
urrm na ur oki
Master Draco Malfoy says:
maybe u hae a lolly i kud suck instead?
Paul says:
i cud make it sticky, pretend it was a lolly! u evers ucked a cock b4?

were d fuck do i find them?

[19 Blashphemous gurrls | Ruin Me]

[12 May 2002|10:39pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | none ]

@ long last ive took pix ov mi skarf Slytherin )

[6 Blashphemous gurrls | Ruin Me]

P!NK [12 May 2002|07:18pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | TV - Superman the early yrs ]

OMG im soooooooooo bored ive bekum a webkam whore

i am the fairy ov all thingz PINK )

[4 Blashphemous gurrls | Ruin Me]

[12 May 2002|04:40pm]
look it more bracelets Madz&Tamz; )

[17 Blashphemous gurrls | Ruin Me]

YAY [12 May 2002|12:08pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Hollyoaks on TV ]

Look finally it reali is... PINK )

[Ruin Me]

[12 May 2002|01:17am]

Which Kiss are You?

Which Kiss Are You?

[2 Blashphemous gurrls | Ruin Me]

[10 May 2002|09:39pm]
i <3 glitter_kittie

[4 Blashphemous gurrls | Ruin Me]

[10 May 2002|09:24pm]
According to our analysis, you are not currently pregnant. During your life, you'll have:

39 children.

Here are some stats about your next one:

Sex: female
Birth weight: 10 lbs. 4 oz.
Length at birth: 7 inches
Chance of mangling birth-defect: 2%
Most likely defect: runny nose

[Ruin Me]

[10 May 2002|07:21pm]

How Gay Are YOU?

hrrm 70% that it? ah well!

[Ruin Me]

and again [10 May 2002|06:48pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | TV ]

more pix )

[4 Blashphemous gurrls | Ruin Me]

[10 May 2002|06:39pm]

Which Piercing are you?

[6 Blashphemous gurrls | Ruin Me]

[10 May 2002|12:54am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | none ]


[4 Blashphemous gurrls | Ruin Me]

[08 May 2002|09:43pm]
KEELY'z bracelt Look )

[4 Blashphemous gurrls | Ruin Me]

more! [08 May 2002|08:31pm]
[ mood | amused ]

for glitter_kittie tiz diff dan d other1

[6 Blashphemous gurrls | Ruin Me]

bracelets [08 May 2002|07:45pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Corenation St ]

more bracelts )

[2 Blashphemous gurrls | Ruin Me]

[08 May 2002|05:50pm]
hehe every1 wants mi bracelets!

i fink im gona have to buy more letters!

im on mi last few!

im gona do d 1s i sed il do n den take pix n post em! :)

yesh hrmm!

i WANT pink hair!

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