Devil Doll's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
Devil Doll

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(1Wet Spot | ~*poke*~)

Damned In Black... [19 Dec 2002|01:01am]
[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | Type-o-Negative -bloody kisses album ]

Stolen from mortricia >:)
***spell your first name backwards: Aras
***the story behind your lj user name: I'm the Devils Lover...*mew*
***are you a gay?: I can be!
***where do you live?: Currently, Mennifee, Ca (So Cal)
***describe yourself in four words: Cutiful, Thoughtful, fragrant, & Intelegent

If you want to read more... )

(4Wet Spots | ~*poke*~)

Don't Be False Or Untrue, It All Comes Back On You. [18 Dec 2002|02:26am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Information Society- send me an angel ]

My day was quite boring but not unproductive. I uploaded lots of pictures to The Chris Jeffries Fan Club.I did a shiteload of laundry. WEE! Mike and I's clothes smell fresh and tide-o-riffic! I also have really good smelling dryer sheets. Gawd, I'm talking about dryer sheets how boring is that? Productive none the less! I wanted to go to my mom's house to make cookies and fudge but I don't have enough gas and I was to save my gas for the Hollywood trip I'm planning on Friday. HOPEFULLY, *crosses fingers* I'll be going to L.A. on friday to go see TC. She invited me to Ambyr's B-day party. Wee! Hopefully Carissa can go with me. My mom wanted to make cinnamon rolls with me on friday so if this plan falls through (AND IT BETTER NOT!) I'll have something, other then being bored in the throne room, to do. Hum, I should go finish uploading pictures for The fan club. If anyone is interested in joining please do! Chris is a friend of mine and we (Me & friends of Chris) thought it would be funny to start a fan club for just some guy that nobody really knows. *lol* So, if you want to see pictures of some random gayness (a.k.a. Chris) check IT out.


(3Wet Spots | ~*poke*~)

I <3 all things FUZZY! [14 Dec 2002|07:49am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Nuffin' ]

Mew, I'm feeling a little bit better. Not as sick as I have been. Although, my nose is sore...:( I'm wearing my cool "My Ruin" shirt today I really love it, it has the bride of frankenstein with a compact and it says "The horror of beauty". Yay for me. *sighs* I'm not bitchy tonight like I was last night. I don't know why I got so down. shite happens...whatever. My eyes still burn. I'm horribly bored. I was kinda hoping to get stoned tonight. I don't do that often, it's prolly been 3 weeks. I just want to do SOMETHING. I really want to go to Metro but I'm poor and I have no one to go with me. Today I did absolutely nothing...well I did stuff but it was all boring shit. Like I ate doughnuts with Mike when we woke up, and then played Unreal Championchip. You know what I saw in the Dell catalogue? The game for PC is called Unreal Tournament. Why the fuck would they have to change the name of the game that's so dumb....but whatever. I have nothing to do...and it's saturday, and that sorta bothers me. I used to go do things, but since I'm poor and can't afford gas I can't do shite anymore. blah, blah, blah...I've been so whiney lately...I guess it doesn't matter not like too many people read my journal entries. I know maybe like, 2 people who actually read this. Maybe 2...I dunno. *coughs* I post just to do something although...I am still bored. hum...I'll go look for fun things to do online. um, yeah...

(2Wet Spots | ~*poke*~)

*my eyes BURN* [13 Dec 2002|08:58am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Thrones Of Scorn ]

I'm sick...*sniffles* Yeah, got a sore troat and then it turned into a cold, just like all the sore throats I get. *BLAH!* I changed my page's alot darker with a faint Giger background. I tried to get my icon to move but Adobe image ready is being gay and not letting me save the image as a gif file. *growls and shakes her fist at image ready* BASTARD! I'm really bored sitting in the Throne Room listining to band practice. I'm glad Peter isn't here, not because I don't want to see Peter it's just the drums give me a headache. I'm extemely irritable today. In fact, I'm actually a bit PISSED. I dunno why...perhaps it's because I spent all my X-mas Money I got for me, on other people. I KNOW I shouldn't be upset about that but I don't have a job and there's things I NEED. I want to get everyone everything they just sucks because I'm a greedy bitch who wants to buy things for herself too. Yeah, so fuck me...I'm so bad and selfish. I'm just really fucking bitchy today...sorry for my bitchy post. if i wasn't bitchy i'd be whiney...I'd rather me be bitchy. I got Mike another X-mas present today. it's a candle holder that is triangular and it's pewter wizards holding a glass thing up. it's pretty cool. I got my grandma a "good luck plant" I saw at wal-fart. eh...I don't know what to get her! I hung out with Katie and went X-mas shopping with her. We ate at Wendy's and blah, blah, blah....fuck the christmas crowd of people. Fuck lots of stuff, I'm already sore from this fucking post...I think I'm gunna go.


My Santa Letter [10 Dec 2002|11:43pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Flying Lizards- I Want Money ]

Stolen from trixijanet who stole it from someone else!

"Dear Satan Claus – Devourer of Children’s Souls,

This year, I have been a very passive aggressive little girl. I have compulsively murdered, and I have always helped my other daddy with their pyramid schemes. And I always say thank you, which makes me seem like I care, and so I deserve lots of presents this year!

Please bring all this stuff for me and the people in my life: For my mommy, please bring the onset of menopause. For my daddy, please bring a new money clip. For my little brother, please bring Legos. For my doggy, please bring a chew toy. Oh – and for my case worker, please bring some fruit cake.

Now about me! Please bring me all of the Spongebob Squarepants action figures, and front row tickets to GWAR – plus backstage passes so I can get airborne Chlamydia! Oh, and please don’t forget to bring my pony. But if you can’t, just remember that more than anything Santa, what I really really want is just $100,000,000!

Anyway, I hope you like the cognac I left out for you.


Scara Darling

PS: Please say Merry Christmas to Ralph, the heartless Elfin slavemaster.

PPS: Oh yeah, and remember Jesus? He has been a really perverted vivisection hobbyist all year long and doesn’t deserve any Christmas presents. So please don’t forget to put dog shit in their stocking. Thanks!

Make your own Santa Letter!

Hee hee! That was great. The scanner is acting all jacked so I can't scan anymore pictures from the show. Oh my gawd, It was such a great show. Tairrie B fucking RAWKS! She met me!!! It was crazy, she's the one who came up to Carissa and Me. they filmed us (oh lah, lah!) and took a picture of us for their webby site. It's all good!

Oh and I finally got to see TC! That was mucho funness. Carissa went with me. We all walked around, and drove around, and ate Hot Wings! *yummy* heh! I gotta go for now but I'll post more tomorrow, or later tonight. so toodles for now...*skips off like a dork*

(9Wet Spots | ~*poke*~)

Tairrie B an' me. [10 Dec 2002|12:17am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | David Bowie -Little Wonder ]

Here are a few pictures from the My Ruin Show!

Roo, Tairrie B, and Me!

Roo being humped by Miss B. *lucky girl!*

That's all for now folks...only cuz I really must be off! I'm going to go see TC! finally, it's been like almost a year.

I'll prolly post the rest of the pictures tomorrow.

(1Wet Spot | ~*poke*~)

Chillynesssssssssss... [06 Dec 2002|08:52am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | although his technique isn't flawless...Brandon. ]

It's a tad chilly tonight. Oh, and I wanted to apoligize for clogging up your friends page with repeated entries. LJ was being funky and well I didn't think my posts went yeah -sowwies! The My Ruin show is tomorrow! I'm excited. hopefully Carissa will be able to go with me. I was looking on the My Ruin web site and I haven't been on the page for like practically a year or so. It's really cute but it takes a long time to load on this slooow computer. Any-hoo I stumbled upon a page called "VAMPS" so i clicked and it had this whole interview with Jessicka. I read the whole thing...Only one mention of Robin. At least there wasn't too much shit talking. Some of the stuff was actually funny. I dunno...I have such torn views on her. I hate her for the things she's done to TC of corse because shit talking on my friends and the way she's gone about it just pisses me off. But I remember being 16 and loving her for who she was, or who I thought she was. I know theirs two sides to the story, but I can't help but take my friends side. Anyways, I'm still very excited to see My Ruin tomorrow, I actually haven't even heard that much My Ruin but I love Tarrie B. I like her because she has such a pretty voice (on the tracks I have heard.) & because she's me. *lol* I've only heard good things about her and the way she treats her fans I'd love to get some pix with her and hopefully get to talk to her. I dunno what I'll say...I'm a dork when i met people like her. Like when i met Roman...I don't want to "bother" them. Plus, they're always being praised by fans and yeah they like that shit, but I don't want to feel like I'm just another fan. You know, like just another face in the crowd. Maybe it's my pride? I dunno...I'm a nerd. anyways...I think i shall creep off to surf the net a bit more and hang out with katie. Tonight is band practice and everyone comes over to hang out after. I miss moi Katie I never hang out with her anymore. :( I'm such a procrastinator about everything! I mean, I think "Oh I'll call so-n-so later." and I don't. I think about doing things I just lack the motivation anymore to actually go through the motions. Perhaps it just lazyness...whatever the case, I'm not sure how to fix it. I'm gunna go now....


Don't shoot shoot shoot that thing at me! [05 Dec 2002|01:06am]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | Violent Femmes - Add It Up ]

You know you've got my sympathy...But don't shoot shoot shoot that thing at me!"
More random carnaval pix:




Update Journal [04 Dec 2002|11:00pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Shape Of Despair - Angels of Distress ]

Mike got me The Labrynth and Dark Crystal Box set!!! I watched the making of The was cool. We went to Lady Of The Lake last night they had some cool baphomet sculptures.

Mike got the smaller one, I think for X-mas I'll get him the bigger one. it's like 60 something bucks tho but I know he'll like it. I'm going to take Katie Bra shopping for X-mas, and I'm going to get Andy prolly some gargoyle shite, I dunno what to get Jennifer maybe I'll make her another hemp necklace, and I can't say what I'm going to getsickonyou. :P My mom wants to pick names this X-mas which in all honesty will be easier since I'm only getting unemployment at the moment. I need to get a cell phone again so people can reach me for job shit. *sighs*

BTW the Cannibal Corpse show fucking rawked! I can even explain the energy at the show. Macabre played. they're interesting. the lead singer has a mullet! *lol* it was so funny! he also had a headset mic like Madonna used to wear that was really funny too. ah-kay i must be off to take muh shower n stuff. toodles!

P.S. My Ruin are playing at the showcase this saturday!!! I'm fucking psyched! I Luub Tarrie B!

(1Wet Spot | ~*poke*~)

Good Stuff and Bad Stuff... [03 Dec 2002|03:02am]
[ mood | anxious ]

Good Stuff: The show is today!!! FECKIN'-A It's been far too long since I've been to a show. I don't think I'm going to do anything special with my hair. I'm in the process of growing my bangs out. Please don't cry for them...they'll prolly be back by next year. I'm just sick of having to style my bangs everyday, yeah so the only thing i'm doing to my hair for the next six months is the usual, i.e. shampoo, conditioner, brush...and dying it. I'm not going to cut it at ALL! my hair is already pretty much to the bottom of my back in a year it should be past my arse.

Bad Stuff: My mouse died!!! I tried to feed it and give it water and nurse it back to health, but the poor lil' thing died. I had Mike throw it away I didn't want to touch it. I want a pet...well, something better than my fish. He's kinda anti-social he kicks it in his little castle all day. Well, if I had a castle I would be anti-social too! *lol* But yeah, I really want a kitten but Mike's Grandpa is allergic to cats. So, I was thinking I could alwasys get a rat or rodent of some sort. I dunno, I also would like a snake again but they aren't cuddly yah know? I want something furry.

I watched The Wedding Singer today.

I really love that movie it puts me in a good and lovey-dovey type mood. *sighs* ahhhh, yeah...*smitten* I think it's cute how Mike will avenge my death if I die when we're playing video games. Especially Halo or Unreal Championchip we play those games for hours! He got a tip at work today and he said he's going to give it to me...he said it's an unusual tip but he won't tell me what it is...I dunno what to think! One day some guy gave him 50 bucks when he came in and got his tire plugged Mike didn't charge him so the guy just gave him a 50 for his time! crazy!

OMG!!!! and I'm sure all those who know all about metal know about The End Records ARCTURUS is on that label and a lot of other great metal bands. Well, Chris and Peter were at the Outlet Mall visiting Amy (Chris's Crush) and she was like..."see that guy over there (typical normal looking guy.) and she was telling them how he was all about metal and from europe somewhere, I guess he had a weird accent. And she was saying that they should talk to him. Chris was wearing his Opeth shirt, and he was like..."Oh yeah, like I'm just going to go up to him and piont at my shirt and say... Hi! look, I like metal too!" anyways, she ended up calling the guy over there to meet her friends and the guy was like "Oh you're wearing an Opeth shirt...blah, blah, blah." *lol* to make a long story short this guy owns The End Records and he was saying how him and a friend of his ran it out of their appartment...yahdaah, yahdahh, yahdahh...and Chris just asked if he could bring by a Demo CD of Thrones Of Scorn (My friends and BF's band.) and he was like "YES! bring it buy I'd love to hear some new things. I'll run it past a few people if I really like it." So! It would be nice if Thrones (although, they need a lead singer) could get on a metal label. They're all very dedicated to their music and very talented as well. It would be nice to see all their hard work pay off. They used to play shows fact last night Mike found the ticket stub from when they played at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go in Hollywood. That was before Matt was a flakey christian. *sighs* anyways, I have to get ready for the show and eat something before I go too. so yeah toodles...

*TC! I'll give you a call friday. will you be home???

(1Wet Spot | ~*poke*~)

CANNIBAL!!!!! [01 Dec 2002|11:09pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Gene Loves Jezebel -Georgous ]

Yippie! I'm going to go see Cannibal Corpse, Cephallic Carnage, Deeds Of Flesh (who I've seen before), & Malevolent Creation at The Galaxy Theatre in Santa Ana, My friend Dmitri told me about the show about a month ago. I knew most my friends would be going and I was hoping Mike would be able to get the next day off. So, Mike has tThursday off which is cool, he can sleep in I can play UnReal Championchip (I <3 that game!)till he wakes up. Dmitri is buying my ticket since I'm taking him. That's what he did last time we went to see Nile. Well, I actually think Mike is driving his truck is nicer then my car. Although, He does have a truck so Dmitri might get a little uncomfortable in the back. Eh, he can take it. I'm excited!!!

My Thanksgiving was cool the rest of my family (i.e. Grandma, Aunts, Uncles, and my older brother.) got to meet Mike. So far they all loved him, especially my grandma! She's hard to please. *lol* I had lots-o-turkey and lots-o-ham. I love that green bean shit too. I'm usually not one for casaroles. But I had a good time Jean & Jeff stopped by for a bit and a stray dog (full breed boxer) came to kick it with us outside while it rained and we smoked cigarettes. *lol* I had a good turkey day.

I'm going to be in Jean & Jeff's wedding. It's the 10th of May in Vegas. That will be so fun! I'll have to get a really cute dress. The bridesmaids dresses are RED, I'm glad about that, I like red dresses. I'm kinda miffed that I'm not the Maid Of Honour considering I've known Jean a lot longer than Elizabth. Elizabeth is a typical trendy. *sighs* I know she said she wanted to be the maid of honour and Jean always wanting to please the "cool" kids...she said yes. Jean and I are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO different. She wears Fleshgear shirts, and gets a pedicure everyweek. Well, sometimes I wish I was one of those perfect high maintenence chicks...but then again...that's really not me. You know the typical, "I have blond streaks in my hair, my skin is oh-so perfect, and every curling iron induced curl on my head is perfectly into place, my nails are french manicured and always filled, all my whites are oh-so white....blah, blah, blah" *gags* I really could never be like that. Anyways that's what Jean aspires to be. I love her only because she's been my friend for so long and I care about her and her family a lot. I mean if I saw her now and just met her I would think she was one of the dumbest chicks ever. But I have history with her so yeah, I'm in her wedding and I'm excited about that.

The day after Thanksgiving Mike and I went to Dave & Buster's. It was fun, the food was really good, heh...and so were the drinks. I had 2 long islands...the usual. We played video games and walked around the block at orange we ended up getting calogne for him and perfume for me...he got "CKB" and I got "Lucky You". I've wanted that fragrance forever! Anyway, Yeah we also went into FREDRICK'S OF HOLLYWOOD. I love going in there and looking at all the cool corsets, lengerie, etc... *sighs* if only I had the money to get everything I wanted there!

I just found a little mouse in here...(Throne Room/Garage room @ Mike's.) It's shaking and not moving much I think it's sick. :( I feel bad for it because it's so helpless, I put gloves on to pick it up, becuase I was thinking "What if this thing has rabies or some sick disease?!" But yeah, I'm trying to get it to eat or something. It won't. :( It was funny how I found it. I was Typing this post and i just so happend to look down for a second and I just saw a little fuzzy greyish brown thing huddled next to a guitar peddle. I was kinda puzzled when i fisrt saw it like, OK is this thing real, or a toy Mike has in here? Poor thing, I hope it can feel better and I can let it go frolic in the vast fields nere here. *yawns* I'm downloading Nightmare before X-mas songs! weee! Okay I think I'm going to go...Toodles.

(5Wet Spots | ~*poke*~)

I'll post an update after the images... [24 Nov 2002|11:50pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Type-O-Negative -Bloody Kisses album ]

Carnival Pix!
:In the mirror maze:

:Adjusting myself?: (Well, my hair looks cool in the lights.) *lol*


(3Wet Spots | ~*poke*~)

Carnie Folks And Other Stuff... [18 Nov 2002|08:33pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Blondie ]

Oh yesterday was SO fun. Carissa
and I went to the Fair! We went on most the rides (We were wearing skirts tho.) We took pictures while being on rides and stuff it was sooo fun, and we got some really awesome pictures! Oh how I love the neon/bulb glow of lights that surround you at the carnival. I bet people thought Carissa and I were weird. We had the guy on the tilt-o-whirl wait so we could take pictures. We even took pictures on the swings! *lol* We're also going tonight, so Mike can go. It'll be fun. Weee! *yawns*(P.S. I'll have the pictures posted soon!)

I woke up this morning and while Mike was taking his shower. I stepped to the side of the bed, and there was a huge spider!!!! I freaked out. I like the way they look, but in pictures or from far, far, FAR away!!! I freaked out, sqeaked and ran to the bathroom. I told Mike to kill it...he was all soapy and still half-awake. The spider was sooo big!!!!! but yeah he killed it with his shoe, and today I'm going to go out and buy those bug bomber things. *ewwww*

On a shitty note... One of my buddies is preggo. FUCK! It really makes me upset because I care about her a lot. I feel bad because I know what she has to go through. *sighs*
I dunno what else to talk I shall go.

(2Wet Spots | ~*poke*~)

Interesting and true... [16 Nov 2002|11:07am]
[ mood | awake ]

Scara, your unconscious mind is driven most by Curiosity

This means you are full of questions about life, people, and the potential of your future. You spend more time than others envisioning the possibilities of your life — things that others are too afraid to consider.

Your curiosity burns with an almost physical need to know and do more. It's only through new experiences that you feel a greater understanding of yourself or the world — which ultimately is the greatest way for you to feel satisfied.

It is possible that the underlying reason for your drive towards curiosity is a deeply rooted fear of boredom. That means that you are probably more susceptible than others to feel like you're falling into a rut when life slows down into a comfortable routine.

You need to make sure you have stimulation in your life — that makes you feel like you're innovating or being exposed to the ideas and experiences that truly inspire you.

With such a strong orientation towards curiosity, you're also prone to a rebellious quality that shows up when you feel you are just going through the motions, and are unable to really influence the world around you. But interestingly enough, your drive towards novel experiences also indicates an openness others don't have, but wish they did.

Unconsciously, your curiosity presses you to learn more, experience more, and get the most out of life.

I took an inkblot test and the results were pretty much on the dot. it's crazy that looking at paint spats can reveal your inner workings...If you want to take the quiz the link is here---->INK BLOT TEST

(2Wet Spots | ~*poke*~)

Father Forgive Me! [13 Nov 2002|02:44pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Pet Shop Bays- It's A Sin ]

It's A Sin...
I'm Dowloading Pet Shop Boys...I forgot how much love them.
Kazaa is great! *yay!* I'm all about 80's right now. Hee hee!

(4Wet Spots | ~*poke*~)

Whenever I'm Alone With you... [13 Nov 2002|01:40pm]
[ mood | pleased ]
[ music | The Cure ]

Well, I'm doing a whole lot better now. I physically feel better, like I don't feel sick all the time. I can stretch without hurting. Mikes been taking such good care of me. He's a great guy, he's attentive, and thoughtful...I need that right now. We went out at around 9:00pm to get Ben & Jerry's. Hee hee! We ate ice cream and talked about stuff. It's like we never run out of things to talk about. He was pointing out that we've been together for over a month and it still feels brand new...but with lots more love of course. It's funny because no one, not even us, we're expecting us ever to get together. It's funny he's always saying "Why didn't this happen sooner?!" I think it was because the time wasn't right yet. Right now, and hopefully forever is the right time. It feels so comfy, and he does/acts/is everything I ever wanted and then some. Stuff I didn't even know I liked or wanted in a guy. It's crazy...*sighs* but all that matters is that I'm happy. Things always seem to work out...for instance, strange story: I was going to Washington Mutual (bank) To cash the check that Nick gave me for his half of the abortion. I didn't have 2 forms of ID so they wouldn't cash it for me (bastards)I had no gas. Well, not enough to get me home. So it was raining and I walked to the grocery store nearby and called my Mom but she didn't have the car. My Dad took it to work and the other car is broken. I had my Mom call Mike but Mike left his cell phone at the house. So I was walking to my car to get more change and I heard someone call my name but everyone has my name so I didn't look. But anyways while digging thru my middle console to get change someone walked up to my car and said, "Sara?" I looked through the window but I couldn't make out who the person was because it had rain drops all over it, but I opened my door and saw RON! Of all was strange. So we talked I told him I was stuck and had no moo-lah. So he ended up giving me gas money! I was saved. It was just weird it was him. (For those who don't know...Ron is my ex fiance.) Anyways, I need to go and get shit done the day is still young...well kinda.

(2Wet Spots | ~*poke*~)

Father Lucifer... [04 Nov 2002|11:33pm]
[ mood | guilty ]
[ music | Tori Amos ]

Father Lucifer
you never looked so sane
you always did prefer the drizzle to the rain
tell me that you're still in love with that Milkmaid
how's the Lizzies
how's your Jesus Christ been hanging...

Tomorrow is the day...I'm overflowing with emotions. Anger being the most prominent. My heart won't stop pounding, tears constantly on the verge of jumping out of their windows.

nothings gonna stop me from floating
nothings gonna stop me from floating

I keep telling myself everything is going to be OK. It will be, but anger, fear and sadness keep picking my brain and wrecking my nerves. Katie and Mike are going with me. *sigh* I love them so much. Katie will take care of me the rest of the day, Mike has to go back to work. I'm going to be OK...I will.

everyday's my wedding day
though baby's still in hs comatose state
I'll die my own Easter eggs
don't go yet
and Beenie lost the sunset but that's OK
does Joe bring flowers to Marilyn's grave
and girls that eat pizza and never gain weight
Father Lucifer you never looked so sane.

(5Wet Spots | ~*poke*~)

*shivers* [01 Nov 2002|12:36pm]
[ mood | scared ]
[ music | Rasputina ]

I'm scared again...
I made the appointment for the 6th. I'm so scared...I kept putting it off because the scareiness of it all sort of diminished with time. Now it's back...and my chest feels heavy once again, my heart is sad. Fuck, I'm so scared. I know everything is going to be okay but I can't fight this feeling.

On a happy note, I had a great Halloween. Everyone went to Hell's house. Heh, we went to hell. His mom is so nice. we didn't really do much but watch all the trick-or-treaters, talk and play video games. Minus the was the same as it is every weekend. I was dressed as a "Bad Kitty" i didn't want to be bettie because that was too easy. So I wore a devil tail and cat ears. I had way too many comments by guys...I don't think I want to be a cat for Halloween ever again. I won't even go there. *sighs* okay I'm thinking about it again....and I'm scared again, I deserve this though. Ah-kay I'm going.


(3Wet Spots | ~*poke*~)

And If People Stare,Then People stare... [30 Oct 2002|10:15am]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | The Smiths- Hand In Glove ]

"...Oh, I really don't know and I really don't care!"

*Tummy Gurglith* EEP! I need to eat...but I was feeling too nauseous to eat. I hate that. Anyhoo, I made some new icons. Well, I made 2 to hold me over till Carissa
makes some nifty ones for me. HERE are my new Icons.

I'm cravin' pizza pockets! YUM! I had a strawberry shake like at 10 pm. I NEEDED a strawberry shake. How will I justify my cravings when I'm not preggers? *lol*

I went to a wedding on Sunday, It was a friend of was cool. It was Me, Mike, Peter, Dawn, Amy and Brandon all at the back table. Hee hee. I was up in Idywielled (sp?) (A perty place, with big sometimes snowy mountains and such)It was so beautiful was cold but I like the cold. It was just amazingly beautiful there! I can't say that enough. We ate quiche and chicken kabobs. I had lots-o-fruit too. They didn't have any alcohol as per request of the bride and groom. *sighs* They're straight-edge Xtians. But it was fun there anyways.

Halloween is TOMORROW! I can't fucking believe it! I don't even have an costume. So, I guess a quick and easy one for me would be Bettie Page. Gawd, I'm her everyday. *lol* Maybe I'll wear my Nurse outfit AND silver go-go boots... I could be Nurse Bettie. I dunno though, I think it's too cold for that. I just want CANDY!!!! I won't go trick-or-treating though I mean I'm 21 how dumb will I look? I will look like a loser who has nothing better to do on halloween. um...wait I am a loser with nothing to do on Halloween. *lol* anyways...yeah I must be off! So HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all muh buddies!

(2Wet Spots | ~*poke*~)

Jesus, If You Love Me...Where's The Shug-ah'? [23 Oct 2002|01:01pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Christian Death -Sex, Drugs, and Jesus Christ album ]

Well, since i'm unemployed and bored most the time i've been workig on my new website. The link is on my journal and HERE
if you're too lazy to look. *lol* Since I don't have my own server I can't directly show my pictures on here. So, here are some very recent pictures of moi! Enjoy.


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