Saturday, June 22nd, 2002
11:47 am - Oh Boy
ok.. well... nobody is home.. WOO HOO!!!!!! ok.. well i am really tired and cold.. its like Christmas in my house, except the presents and stuff... ok my headache went away this morning... well not all the way away, but to the point where i don't feel the need to take the whole bottle of pills at once... i am listening to some ghetto rap.. WOO HOO!!!! ok well ya,i am happy, but not REALLY REALLY happy.. Chels you know what I am talking about.. RIGHT!?!? yea, ya do!! but i am off to go and talk to Homie KT!!! bye!! x~:.Kelly.:~x
current mood: cold current music: Oh Boy* Cam'Ron
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| Thursday, June 20th, 2002
9:45 pm - Forget all the things I should have said
BIG headache still... but it is going away.. SLOWLY!! but went to summer school today.. we spent most of the class time talking.. WOO HOO!! and well i cam home... took a nap... and hung out around the house... talking pills, trying to make this EVIL headache go away.. so the AC people came today and gave us a brand SPANKIN' new AC.. becasue the other one like broke.. so yea.. chels just come over here dude.. its ALWAYS cold in my room.. you know that!! so yes, i had to wake up early for these people to come, then the guy sounded JUST like Mr.Z.. Linds pointed it out to me after he left.. but yes... i am really sleepy so i think i am going to finsih some survey(s) my friends sent my send them back, and go to sleep.. so nighty nite!! ~:.Kely.:~
current mood: sleepy current music: Epiphany* Staind
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| Wednesday, June 19th, 2002
9:16 pm - homie KT!!!!!!
WOO HOO my homie KT!!!!!!! ok i shall now mention some good times i had with my friend Katie Fowler.. She is awesome.. She WILL come see me this summer.... haha.. i shall kidnapper her so she can come visit me.. any ways i have know her since i was like umm.. O god, like 8 i think.. But she is a year younger than me... well a year and 16 days younger than me!!!! haha.... but yea, she lives in Daphne, Al... and she lived up the street from me.. i will do this from time to time for the recored.. just randomly write about a friend.. yes, they are my world!!!! i have a sad but very full life.... we did a lot of stuff together.. so i am gonna goin' down good ol' memory lane right about now!!!!! Ok, we were jumping/walking HARD through the woods SCREAMING mary had a little lamb... going to BayFest, the o so many camp outs in the tent in your front yard.. your little home made movie..( we still need to make the sequel to that.. ha. umm... going to the casino.. cannot forget the first day i meet her/ stayed at her house.. like easter, and we ate this HUGE thing of chocolate.... hah.. popping your bra srtap, and that making you FLY off the skateboard!!! Ugh, getting sun burnt, while camping.. which included me and you in that small tent.. literally FIGHTING over Zac Hanson.. ok and this little thing i am stealing from julie journal just because i can.. HAH!!
1. Quiet or Loud?: LOUD!! no question.. 2. Short or Tall?: compared to me? short 3. Weird or Original?: umm.. i think u are a little of both.. 4. Nice or Mean?: you're nice.... 5. Friendly or Selfish?: friendly 6. Normal or Special?: "special" in that mental insane kind of way.. 7. Smart or Stupid?: smart 8. Boring or Fun?: FUN FUN FUN 9. pretty or ugly?: I hate to break this to ya, but you are uglier than homemade sin.. J/K you know you are pretty.. DO YOU THINK IM... 1. A psycho?: YES!!!!!! 2. Athletic?: Yes, i guess so.. 3. A nerd?: naw...only sometimes.. 4. Funny?: YES 5. Ghetto?: Of course you are my Homie KT! 6. Shy?: you can be... but not most of the time! 7. Two-faced?: NO!!!! 8. Obnoxious?: not really 9. Immature?: only when surronded by the right people..a.k.a ME! 10.Mature?: see above 11. Conceited?: NO JUST SOME QUESTIONS 1. What do u think I'll be when I grow up?:something cool, and that you like! 2. (a) Do u think I'll get married?: YES (b) If u do..who do u think I'll marry?:ummmm.. not too sure.. i don't any of the guys you know any more... so i guess that matt guy, from like the begging of the school year who you wouldn't tell me his AIM screen name.. 3. When is my birthday?: EASY(like me, NOT) July.31, 1987 4. Who are my best friends?: ME!! and the girls from your church that i meet!?! 5. What song (if any) reminds u of me?: ugh.. there is kinda a list.. MEMORIES!!!: Wanna Be* Spice Girls, MMMMbop*Hanson, Weird Al* anything off Bad Hair Day, and any Blink-182 song.. 6. Do I remind u of any characters on TV?: ugh.. not that i can think of! 7. Have u ever had a dream about me?: UGH!!!! yes, but it was like the one where i move back there.. and all that good stuff.. 8. If u could give me anything...what would it be?: a life!!!!!!! and ugh, a way for you to get here, or me get there ALL THE TIME!!!! 9. If u could promise me anything..what would it be? : that you will come visit me this summer! 10. Whats my middle name?: Jean 11. My shoe size? : ugh... you have a smaller foot than me! a like 9?!?!?? i have no clue!!! 12. What do I find most important in the opposite sex? : looks.. J/K!?!?! umm personality!?!? 13. List all the people you can remember i've had/still crush on: Zac Hanson, Bob Becklen(sp?), Blink-182, Cone from Sum*41, guys from school.. ugh.... cannot think of any more! 14. If you could change anything about me..What?: you'd live closer to me.. so i could actual still hang out with you more than like 2 or 3 times a year!!
Ok bye!! Homie KT i miss yea.. Katiebug!!!!!!!!!! ~:.Kelly.:~ "CB" (right Katie)
current mood: tired current music: 3 Libras* A Perfect Circle and me talking to KT over AIM!!!!
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| Tuesday, June 18th, 2002
10:20 pm - FUN, FUN, FUN!
ok.. just got back from a lil' adventure with julie and chelsea.... and telicia was there for part.. we went looking for julie some clothes.. YAY! good times.. many many giggles came out of tonight.. you shall read if you are on my friends list.. hahaha... don't ask.. if your not!! MOO!! ok well anyway.. all in all it was fun.. but ya, julie got some new clothes.. after like 3 hours of looking.. it was fun!! i giggled a lot tonight.. and yea, these rednecks were being stupid and trying to race us... ARG on dumb georgia redneck boys, who think there little jacked up truck, can actually do anything!! but we showed them, well julie did she was driving... and, umm.. we all got glowsticks in the bathroom.. its funny though dude, its like we can buy: a tampon, a fake tattoo, sour candy, and glow sticks.. in the girls bathroom.. interesting, right guys... since i know you were all wondering, and waiting in anticpation.... about that very thing...yea.. and yes, some old lady called me, chelsea, and telicia goof balls.. we saw the crack melina made in the wall infront of the toy store.. aww.. it twas great.. but yes, i shall end this entry and write a differenet one, for other viewers.. ha, i'm such a little weirdo!!!!!! ~:.Kelly.:~
Quote of the night: chels telling a story: "Dude, give her back her bra!!"
current mood: ditzy current music: Slept So Long* Jay Gordon
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| Sunday, June 16th, 2002
11:05 pm - I disarm you with a smile
ok well... i am bored... nothing new... um.. yea.. i am taking to my brother and sister-in-law.. YAY family.. ok well, yea.. i don't know which one i am talking too.. and i don't wanna ask and make myself look even dumbed than i really am.. ok they are off.. nobody is on to talk to, and i am not tired.. just really cold.. its freezing... it really is.. no joking yo!!!! but anyways.. went to church today.. and cleaned my room!! WOO HOO!! me and lindsay were gonna go see Scooby Doo, but like we didn't.. she really wants to see it, and i just see the van part w/ the grilling that chels was talking about... i think i would die laughing at that part... ahha.. i would scare small children.. haha.. but yea, still bored somebody needs to get on so i can talk to them.. i am all lonely.. but somebody has to get on sooner or later right!?!? ok so, my sister-in-law/brother are back on.. ok not one of the people i had in mind, but i do like talking to them.. since i don't get to see them barely anymore.. ok bye.... ~:.Kelly.:~
Quote/Convo par of day: Kelly says: ok that reminded me of the movie The Labyranth(sp?) and heather use to hold me up and say what the girl said to try to make the man in the leather pants take me away
Amy or Matt (sister-in-law or my brother) said some weird name come take them away, or something it just reminded me of it! YAYA!! Chels is on i have somebody to talk to!
current mood: cold current music: Disarm* The Smashing Pumpkins
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2:26 pm - touching you makes me feel alive,touching you makes me die inside
well yea... ok confused... lots of confusion, thats what i have.. but chelsea YAYAYAYAY!I had to do that b/c chels was like glowing through the internet last night she was so happy.. hha. GO CHELSEA!! ok just really confused...well... i am really bored... REALLY BORED!!! chels i wanna see your hair, before you leave for work..so I think i am gonna call somebody or something, becuase i am REALLY bored... so i am off to call somebody.. well ask Lindsay if she wants to drive somewhere, then call somebody.. i don't like not being able to drive.. ok bye... ~:.Kelly.:~
current mood: weird current music: Slept So Long* Jay Gordon
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| Saturday, June 15th, 2002
9:52 pm
ok.. well happy birthday melina!!!!! she is 16, and today we(meaning Sara, Melina, me, Melina's brother Matt, and kinda Keely and her boyfriend, there wasn't much point to them going) went to the mall.. then Sara, Matt, Melina, and me went back to her house for some burgers.. yummy food... but yea.. in the mall, Melina did a cart-wheel.. it deserved a 10.. I got a purdy Hello-Kitty shirt.. a new thumb ring... and i built a bear!!!!! it is so CUTE!!!! it is wearing little boxers...i got a little toy at McDoland's today, you know from the movie Lilo and Stitch.. So i had the name stitch in my head.. So i namedit stitch.. its cute.. it will sleep in my bedw/ me!!!!! YAY!!! another stuffed animal! Ok, well HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELINA!!!!!! bye ~:.Kelly.:~
current mood: bouncy current music: 3 Libras* A Perfect Circle
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| Friday, June 14th, 2002
11:55 pm - YAY!!
Ok.. this is early by like say.. 5 minutes.. but HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok well.. so we rented some movies.. Julie i finally saw harry potter.. it twas interesting... and this kinda funny movie called Out Cold... it was kinda funny.. but still. yea.. i am happy today.. yes, i went toblockbuster yea know, gettin' movies and all, i saw my summer school teacher w/ his g/f.. he is very tall, and she well, isn't.. it was cool though.. but yea, anyways once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELINA!!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote of the day: Melina: Turn left.. My Mom/Linds: ok.. but there is no left
it goes along those lines.. you had to have been in the car. it twas great.. but anyways ~:.Kelly.:~
current mood: loved current music: the fish tank
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| Wednesday, June 12th, 2002
6:56 pm - Yummy lyrics
3 Libras* A Perfect Circle
threw you the obvious and you flew with it on your back, a name in your recollection, thrown down among a million same. difficult not to feel a little bit disappointed and passed over when i've looked right through to see you naked and oblivious and you don't see me.but i threw you the obvious just to see if there's more behind the eyes of a fallen angel, the eyes of a tragedy. here i am expecting just a little bit too much from the wounded. but i see through it all and see you. so i threw you the obvious to see what occurs behind the eyes of a fallen angel, eyes of a tragedy. oh well. apparently nothing. you don't see me. you don't see me at all.
No One* Cold
Well I can't ever really believe No one was sent to get me And I feel like I'm being erased No one got left here
I'm all alone No one was sent to get me I'm all alone No one got left here
But I'm fine No one got left here Well I'm fine No one got left here
I can't breathe when I see The pictures sent without you I feel like i've been erased No one got left here
I'm all alone No one was sent to get me I'm all alone No one got left here
But I'm fine No one got left here Well I'm fine No one got left here
But I'm fine No one got left here Well I'm fine No one got left
I'm so sick of this terrible instinct It's so hard now Just to find you I'm so sick of this terrible instinct It's so hard now Just to find you
So sick of the terrible instinct I can only find you So sick of the terrible instinct I can only find you
But I'm fine No one got left here Well I'm fine If it's fine then stay But I'm fine
But I'm fine No one got left here Well I'm fine Nobody got left here [x3]
But I'm fine No one got left here Well I'm fine Nobody got left
current mood: nervous current music: 3 Libras* A Perfect Circle
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6:08 pm - Hola
ok.. well.. me= bored/weirdness... ok well any way.. Melina if you are reading this my parents were kidding about money!!! PROMISE!!! you can have a ride home for free!!!! ok anyway, i am bored and nothing big really happened today.. my parents have been married for 31 years today.. WOO HOOO! ok yea... i don't really have anything else to say to "my public" so bye.. ~:.Kelly.:~
current mood: weird current music: Down With The Sickness* Disturbed
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| Tuesday, June 11th, 2002
9:16 pm - WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!
8:10 pm - Your as fake as that padded bra your wearing
well well well..... nothing..... that is pretty much how my day went.. went to summer school, learned some new stuff, got back a quiz, came home... played some games.. did nothing until me and lindsay went to get lindsay... then we went to super target, chelsea got the new KoRn CD.. i had no money so yea.... i am bored and i really really really want to do something.. but you know what i don't have a car, and i cannot legally drive, w/o somebody over 21 in the car.. so that isn't gonna happen... but yea... i don't want to go to school tomorrow... but i have to.. i can miss 2 days, but i don't think i am going to go on my birthday.... Guess what?? tomorrow my parents will have been married for 31 years.... wow.... but yea, tonight is making the video with kelly osbourne.. YAY!! ok, well i am off to do nothing..... bye! ~:.Kelly.:~
current mood: nervous current music: Screaming Infidelities * Dashboard Confessional
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11:29 am - Quiz-licous/ boredom at its highest level!!
10:49 am - BEST FIGHT: Mrs.Ozzy Osbourne vs, Britney Spears.. Go Mrs.O
ok.. well i JUST woke up... arg... need more sleep... Untouchables comes out today.. WOO HOO!!!!! yayness..... Lindsay is going to take Chelsea after we pick here up from work.... WOO HOO!!!! KoRn-licous..... i'm so weird.... but yea so, i was talking to Savannah last night and this was part of the conversation... SO ya, i have nothing else to write because the day has JUST started..... ~:.Kelly.:~
~Convo/Quote of the day (well last night) Convo/ Quote of the day: Hannavas says: shakira is so cool Kelly says: haha Kelly says: that came out of the blue! Kelly says: and umm, i'm thinkin' not... Hannavas says: i am listening to her now Kelly says: she sings about her boobs being small.. what the blue crap.. Kelly says: who wants to hear about her boob size!!!?? Hannavas says: lol Kelly says: not me! but i would like to see her kick the crap out of britney spears Hannavas says: lol Kelly says: it would be funny.. Kelly says: NO wait Kelly O. kicking the crap out of her.. Kelly says: that would be pricless! Kelly says: priceless* Hannavas says: kelly O. ? Kelly says: Osbourne Hannavas says: k Kelly says: that would be GREAT!!! Hannavas says: lol Kelly says: WAIT i can top that Kelly says: Ozzy's wife kicking the crap out of her Hannavas says: lolol Kelly says: what is her name!!?? Kelly says: arg i cannot remember Hannavas says: lol Kelly says: do you know it!? Hannavas says: no Kelly says: moo Kelly says: i will just call her Mrs.Ozzy Hannavas says: ok Kelly says: that is my title Kelly says: haha Hannavas says: lol Kelly says: BEST FIGHT: Mrs.Ozzy Osbourne vs, Britney Spears!! hah.. Go Mrs.O Kelly says: that is my title Hannavas says: lol
current mood: tired current music: Slept So Long* Jay Gordon
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| Monday, June 10th, 2002
10:30 pm - the power of boredom
ok... boredom does weird things to you... we went to dinner, Red Lobster... Yummy... I tried something new, Aztec chicken.. it twas very yummy.. it was covered in some sauces... ok well that was about it.. i am talking to Savannah now, so i am gonna go and talk with her.. buh-bye!!! i'm such a loser... ~:.Kely.:~
current mood: uncomfortable current music: the rocking sounds of nothing
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4:10 pm - I'm only happy when it's complicated
Wooo Hoo.. good ol' garbage.... well anyways summer school went fine, made a 84 on a quiz, and well talked about stuff.... but this morning was different.. we went through old clothes, and had a weird time.. i found this pair of old yellow overalls(sp?) and tried them on.. i am A LOT bigger than i was in Daphne... ok duh, kelly... I'm a freak!!!!!but we are going out to dinner tonight with one of my dad's/family's friend, Too Tall, a.k.a. Mr. Micheal... so yay, free food..... mauwhaha.. ok chelsea, did that guy call you, and you be HOME!!!! or actual answer the phone!?!? well, i am gonna go.. Bye..
current mood: relaxed current music: I'm only happy when it rains* Garbage
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| Sunday, June 9th, 2002
11:00 pm - all about my rock star!
ok i am talking to my friend mari, and i told her i was gonna write an entry for her so i am.. she is going to home school next year, and i am going to miss her.... she is awsome... i remember all the good times... Six Flags, her not going to call my mom and tell her that i died, going to the bungee thing.. which i didn't do but i still want to... the guy that worked at the game thing(one of them) that let us play free... haha... ok well mari, my rock star, i will miss you next year but we will still hang out!!! I heart you!! i am so lame, and boring!!!! ~:.Kelly.:~
current mood: lazy
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10:46 pm - Cheese that is Creamed is Nummy
well i was bored after dinner and my parents came back... so i asked and got some money and the blockbuster card and went to blockbuster, rented how high.... it twas very funny.... but yeah, i am really really bored right now.... everything is all quite, i hate things all quite unless i have a headache, then all i want to hear is some nice slow music... awww, hurt by NIN.... or 3 libras by a perfect circle.. i have had a very uneventful day.... and i am not sleepy, well i am but i can't sleep... evil thoughts.... but anyway, i am asking my friend Mari for a funny title name... not to sure what she is going to say.well what she said is interesting and funny... ummm...
Quote/Convo of the Day: Me: mari say something funy, so i can use it as a title on my journal! Me: funny* Mari: Cheese that is Creamed is Nummy Me: haha ok Me: i will use that... Mari: lol Me: that will also be the quote of the day.. Mari: lol
Love you all... ~:.Kelly.:~
current mood: amused current music: the keys clicking as i type
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3:52 pm - umm... yard work....
ok just got done with some lovely yard work... well my dad, mom, and Lindsay did more than me, but still.... ok well i went to church today... o yea... but i had to wear to "preppy" outfit.. the khaki pants with the white undershirt and button-up over shirt... umm.. but yea i think everybody went somewhere when i went to go take my shower.... but yea, i don't know... they asked if i wanted to go and i said no, because where they were going is a hour drive then they were just looking for stuff.. i don't even know what, well all in all i didn't want to go.. umm.... well thinking of more stuff i can write in here, i have a very boring life.. well not really, but today has been boring.... well i go back to summer school tomorrow.. YAY!!! not really.. but the people in my class aren't that bad.. i have some cool people in my class.. i have Melina, Beth, Sandi, Bill, Rachel, and some others.... so i have friends in there.... and i don't have to wake up early, which is a VERY GOOD thing..... but yea, i really wanted a summer job, wait a JOB.... because i want money of my own... which i have turned in applications and all that good junk, but because of summer school i cannot get one.... argg..... SO my mom said that she will pay me money to do stuff around the house.. which is a very good thing... that money will probably be spent towards CDs i want and clothes..... so my mom doesn't have to pay so much money, because hot topic is expensive, but GREAT! so yea, my friend Katie is coming up here on Friday, well to six flags, with her church, and i am going to try to get over there so i can see her... Katie is awesome.... but yea, after summer school she is going to come up here and stay a week with me. then next year when i have my license, my parents said they were going to buy me a car... i can only hope.. and i am going to drive down there and spend some time with her and my family down there.... haha, good times waking up at the crack of dawn with my nieces... ok well i think that is enough for now.. ~Kelly
current mood: thoughtful current music: Tonight, Tonight* The Smashing Pumpkins
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| Saturday, June 8th, 2002
9:44 pm - Hello There
Ok.. well this is my first entry..
yea, steph you rock becuase you gave me this code... ok well, i shall tell you how my day went,i slept A LOT, and i went shopping with my mommy and i got an outfit for church.. yippe..(not) ok well ya, i will write more later right now i have to go edit stuff on this thing... once again Stephanie you ROCK... ~Kelly
current mood: happy current music: Bleed* Cold
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