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Community Information
Below is information about the "Photoshop & PSP Brushes" community on LiveJournal. This an open-membership community. To join, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:brush_fanatic (573006)  
Name:Photoshop & PSP Brushes
About:A brush community for users of Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro.

Share your brushes, talk about brushes, and find tips and tricks here.

An updated list of links will be kept here :(please add your favorite and it will be added!)

+moderated by: somavenus <3

Grungy & Dirty PS Brushes

Interests:20: adobe, adobe photoshop, art, brush, brushes, creativity, design, help, layers, paint shop pro, photo editing, photo manipulation, photoshop, photoshop 7, photoshop brush, photoshop brushes, ps6, ps7, psp, tutorials
Members:153: 538princess, abombstar, altricial, amberlynne, ankhbrat, asphyxxia, awwison, babywestlife64, bienvenida, bluest, blushycyootie, callmeblinker, candytrixie, celestemarie, celtic_beast, chaneen, chippedandfaded, circebleu, crane, crestfallen_06, crowskywalker, curvaceous, cutequatre, deadinthewater, deathdoll, desu, deteriorated, dickiestrin, dinarawrrr, downtheh0le, duckienikki, dyingviolet, echoed_forever, elfmoogle, elusi0n, elusion, elysiumblue, em0_sar, emmys_ducks, etod, excal004, fahrchan, fluffycathy, flyswatter, fmdjgirl, freeboy, fuuangel, ghostfire, gimmie, goobxbrit, goth_quatre, habanero, hansonfreak314, heatherita, hells_lil_devil, hiddentiger, iceprinc3ss, illegalmission, indrakshi, i_dig_scars, jedibrat, justjoy, kalephunk, kaoriblue, kareen, keegdnab, kissaki, kris, lauralatham, liagrl, lilacspheryeyne, lilstepherzz, littlefoot84, lor22ms, loveli, lucidscreamer, lucystrikes, lyntek, mandelicious, marieamethyst, marilyndolly, metabloom, midnightgrrl, minhee, mione2, missashlimb, mistybug, mondayschild, motonaku_meushi, mrwilson99, mscheveus, muhreeah, my_solution, nobodycame, now4ever, nuclearpixi, peppermintcaz, phattyfat, philosophygrace, picons, pinkyliciouz, princessjd, protocoldroid, purplesneakers, pushpop, pushxmexaway, quackkwak, rainbow1530, reunion, rootoftheoracle, rufu, sammehtosh, sankitty, san_san, sarahlouise, sexm0ans, sherriedriver, shortthugett, slinkigrl2, somavenus, so_glam, so_sexy, sparklingminnie, spyderpixie, starbright2767, suiseiryu, sunshinebabe12, super_kat, sweet_calamity, tetsuwanatom, thanatopsis, thegrandcricket, ticklish, todayisonfire, vblackangelv, vilaeth, violetskys, voideity, wastedspace, wrapped, xinsecurex, xitsmylifex, xt3ffi3x, xtoxic_sparklex, xxdhxx, xxeuphoricaxx, xxlilpiggyxx, xxprincezzxx, xyummaybrenx, yuffiebunny, zeroalexis, _bellezza_, ___forgivemenot
Watched by:101: 538princess, acoolsecretary, altricial, amberlynne, angelmuse, ankhbrat, asphyxxia, babywestlife64, blushycyootie, butterfiydreams, callmeblinker, candytrixie, chaneen, chickenhound, chippedandfaded, circebleu, clue, crane, crestfallen_06, cutequatre, deadinthewater, deathdoll, desu, downtheh0le, eleveneva, elfmoogle, elusi0n, em0_sar, etod, fahrchan, fluffycathy, flyswatter, fmdjgirl, fuuangel, gimmie, goth_quatre, habanero, heatherita, hiddentiger, hino_ai, iceprinc3ss, indrakshi, jedibrat, kalephunk, kaoriblue, kawaiimiaka, keegdnab, lauralatham, lilacspheryeyne, lilstepherzz, lor22ms, lucky_angel, lucystrikes, lyntek, mandelicious, marilyndolly, minhee, missashlimb, mistybug, mithas, motonaku_meushi, muhreeah, nuclearpixi, ozzylynn, peppermintcaz, phattyfat, philosophygrace, picons, pinkyliciouz, princessjd, protocoldroid, pushxmexaway, rootoftheoracle, sankitty, san_san, sarahlouise, sho0ting_stars, slinkigrl2, somavenus, sparklingminnie, suiseiryu, swanniep, tetsuwanatom, thegrandcricket, vilaeth, vivadawolf, voideity, wastedspace, xitsmylifex, xt3ffi3x, xtoxic_sparklex, xtremesaints, xxdhxx, xxeuphoricaxx, xxlilpiggyxx, xxprincezzxx, xyummaybrenx, yuffiebunny, zeroalexis, _bellezza_, _nebula
Member of:1: community_promo
Account type:Free User

(more details...)