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[19 Feb 2002|07:41am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | 8 days a week (a movie) ]

so last night was fun. the hat was closed so we couldn't have dinner there. so we went to the grocery store and he bought stuff to make pasta. (figures huh) and then we went back to my house. but we never ended up making the food. so it's still at my house. he says he'll just have to come back again to make it. instead of dinner i showed him around the house. and then we watched a league of their own. it didn't end til twelve forty five (the one and two don't work on this keyboard). he gave me a basket of candy with a little bear in it and flowers. and two play tickets. sorry amy. i won't be buying tickets from you. and apparently i'm famous at our school because everyone knows me. and i'm the nicest girl in the world :)

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[17 Feb 2002|06:19am]
[ mood | jubilant ]

I went to bed at 1:11 this morning and woke up about 19 minutes ago. Last night was soooooo incredibly awesome that I just can't sleep. It's really funny that I thought it was awesome because I went to bball games and a dance, and usually that's pretty boring, but this wasn't my normal dance. I can't give all the details because I'm torturing renai. She won't find out until I can actually talk to her. But I'll give this clue...Someone asked me to dance, and from then on, it was the best night of my life. Aren't you curious now?

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[27 Jan 2002|08:26pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | shooting star...happy hardcore ]

went boarding today with renai. i think we did pretty good considering it was the first time in over a year. it was so fucking cold though! we stuck to upper sneaky and twister. twister sucks. i can never make it all the way to the main part. i always slow down way too fast, but not on purpose, it just kinda happens. i think my board needs to be waxed. lots of people were up today. we made fun of the good ones who rode under the chairlift. just because they're better than us.

erik called last night. he said that he thought he saw me at the intersection by mendenhall mall, but i was at home. and then i told him i was watching a movie with my mom (which is true) and he was like ok, have fun. and i was like ok see ya. after i hung up my mom was like call him back! he probably wanted to hang out with you! but i didn't call back. i don't know. our relationship is weird. i don't know where i fit into his life, so i'm not gonna push it. he also said he was gonna call if he needed help with history. i'm guessing he won't look at it. but considering the fact that i can't figure it out, if he did look at it, he'd be calling. i need my book, but it's to heavy to bring home. i was gonna have renai look in her book for me, but she can't find it. oh well, i'll do it during yearbook tomorrow. actually, deadline's on the 15th, i should probably do some work. but i can do that at home, so it's all good.

i took the sat on saturday. they shouldn't have it until atleast 9am, your brain doesn't function well before then. but nooooo, it has to start at 8, meaning i have to get up before 7. i had to leave my house around 7:30 since it's icy and i wanted to get there on time. i think it went pretty well. i sat in front of owen and he sat next to callan, who i can't stand, but what can ya do? claire baldwin sat kind of diagonal from me. i brought honey nut cheerios to snack on in between tests. they were good. i hope i did well on it because i don't want to take it again. i would like to get atleast 1300. preferably a little higher, but i don't want to push it. i got a 26 on my act, and i don't know if that's good or bad. the science section killed me. mostly because i didn't feel like reading the passages. can't do anything about it now though.

my dad bought mint chocolate chip ice cream. mmmmmmmmmm. next to coffee it's the best kind. i already had a bowl though, so no more for me. it's gonna be hard to control myself, but i can do it. :)

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sorry, i couldn't help it :) [03 Jan 2002|09:00pm]
[ mood | chipper ]

i suppose i could see the molly ringwald part, yet i don't think i really qualify as any of the breakfast club people. i really don't see the will in me though. but hey, those tests are just for kicks.

i am really dreading going back to school. it's been so nice to have nothing to do. i feel really lazy, but i guess i'd rather feel lazy and sleep til 11 than feel like i'm doing something and have to wake up at 6:30 every day. i still haven't finished my chemistry. but it's not due til next friday. i just can't get into it. i'll do 3 or 4 problems and then feel like i'm about to fall asleep. i think i'm going to fail the final. and then i'll kill myself. literally. chemistry is just not my class. but we did get a new kid. a guy. from iowa. the land of corn. he's ok looking and pretty nice, atleast so far. i felt really bad for him because of rachel and ian bugging him, but that's about it.

i found the name of the place i'm getting married. it's da giorgio's, it's a restaurant at the misiones hotel and beach resort. really cool place in cabo san lucas. you should check it out.
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[03 Jan 2002|12:59am]
[ mood | nauseated ]

i don't feel so hot right now. don't you hate it when you can't stop thinking about something that makes you want to puke? i cannot get the thought of pine nuts off my mind and they are soooo disgusting...i think i'm gonna be sick...

oh my god

no worries, there was no worshipping (does worshipping have 1 p or 2? worshiping/worshipping. who knows/cares) the porcelain god. i just had to pause for a second to think about happy thoughts. i've been feeling not very good lately. i usually am just fine, but today it's like i'm just a tad on the nauseated side. it's not a side i like to be on.

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[01 Jan 2002|03:34pm]
[ mood | amused ]

i've decided that i want to move to hawaii and do bike tours.

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[29 Dec 2001|01:51pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | it's raining men ]

so far, the only calls i've gotten were 8 from my dad christmas morning when he was making the package ring. :(. oh well. i have to go to work at 3. it's a wedding! i've never worked a wedding before. watch me spill food in the bride's lap. actually that probably won't happen. it's a buffet. it's not going to be a very fun wedding i don't think. they don't have a dance floor or a bar. my favorite nights are when there're both because it's a bunch of drunk people making asses of themselves on the dance floor. haha. it's good fun. hopefully i'll get off early since they're boring. i saw my hot guy from when i played bells at the governor's mansion thursday night. he was at the ccc games. with his brother looking guy. i'm not sure if it was his bro, but they sure looked a lot alike. except my guy is way hotter. but he's not exactly my guy, since i've never talked to him. i was hoping i'd see him last night at the games, but he wasn't there. or atleast i didn't see him. and i did look. i told myself that if he was there i would talk to him, but he wasn't. but ryan wilson and hans madsen were. and eric hull and everyone who graduated and came back for the break. how come all of the hot guys graduated? damn the man. oh, and there are some HOT guys here from East in anchorage and from San Pedro in Cali and I think Mills in Cali. DAMN. there was a dance last night that i could have gone to. they were gonna be there. but i didn't feel like going. and steve was supposed to have a party last night and he said the guys from one of the teams was gonna be there, but i don't know if anything happened. hilary was gonna call me if there were hot guys there. and she was gonna give them my number :) but no calls. oh well, we had fun. i should probably go now, i still have to get ready for work and i have to leave soon.

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[28 Dec 2001|04:53pm]
ok...so i know i said i was going to stop posting these, but i really like this one. :)

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

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[27 Dec 2001|03:04pm]
i was going back through my entries and i realized that i do way too many of those little quiz thingys. so no more of that. christmas was pretty good. it totally wasn't the same though. i got a printer as my big "santa" present. my dad didn't even get a santa present, that was a first. and my mom got the computer she's been using for the past 3 weeks. my dad just stole it from her and put it under the tree christmas morning. my brother got an x box and 2 games so i spent a little time playing shrek. i realized that i really suck at video games. really, i do. i also got a cell phone. my parents programmed it to ring jingle bells and my dad kept calling it with his cell phone while it was still wrapped and under the tree. i ended up listening to all of the presents, but whenever i would get close he would turn it off. it's pretty cool. the cover is heat sensitive so it's red when it's just sitting there, but then it turns yellow and then purple. it looks really cool once you've been using it for a little bit. my number is 321-3771. give me a call, preferably after 7 on weeknights or whenever on weekends. my mom also got me 2 books on napkin folding. and then one of her friends gave her nice linen napkins, so it works out. my sister also got me this really awesome quilted vest that i refuse to take off. hehe. yesterday my mom and i went out to the mall to see if there were any good sales. but there weren't really. i did get the shoes i wanted from nugget alaskan outfitter. they're awesome. and even though they were $98 i only payed about $30. i used these nugget buck token things that i got in my stocking about 2 years ago, they were worth $50 and then my mom payed $48 of it because she didn't get me the other clogs i asked for for christmas and they cost $48, but i owed her $30 so she put in $18 for the shoes and then i paid the other $30. it worked out very nicely.
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i have 100 legs [27 Dec 2001|02:59pm]

What Video Game Character Are You? I am Centipede.I am Centipede.

I wander back and forth minding my own business, changing directions only when things get in my way, but I always seem to be persecuted. It's as if people want to hurt me, to cut me in two, to laugh at my confusion. Can't you just leave me alone? Stop shooting me! What Video Game Character Are You?
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[22 Dec 2001|10:06am]

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
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[16 Dec 2001|09:06pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | angels...robbie williams ]

i'm arguing with this guy about marijuana and he's really starting to piss me off. he says that i should go to aa meetings because i sound like a lot of the kids that go there and i'd have fun. what the fuck is that? oh well.
i made a new facethejury person and i deleted my old one. my new name is influence. too bad i can't get into ftj right now. is anyone else having better luck than me? i can't get the page to come up. but it's ok. i don't want to seem like i'm addicted to it or anything.

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[16 Dec 2001|05:55pm]

Take the Corporate Mascot Test at Willaston's Lounge!

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[16 Dec 2001|05:55pm]

Take the Corporate Mascot Test at Willaston's Lounge!

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[11 Dec 2001|09:21pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | long december...counting crows ]

i hate myself.

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[05 Dec 2001|09:32pm]
i hate it when i say hi to someone on an instant messenger and they don't say anything back. so then i sign off and the next time i come on and they're on, they still don't say anything. this is especially frustrating when one person in particular does not live here for me to yell at him.
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hehe, silly silly [04 Dec 2001|09:11pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | some other song on that random cd, it has fuck in it a lot ]

Take the sheep test at Life & Crimes Of Scott Freeman.
Poll made by scottfreeman.
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i love this painting [04 Dec 2001|09:04pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | say it again...i don't know, it's on a cd i found ]

If I were a work of art, I would be Salvador Dali's Persistence of Memory.

I am a surreal landscape composed of several disjointed and bizarre components. I like to keep an eye on the time, although the very concept is fluid for me. People are never sure what they are seeing when they look at me.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

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[02 Dec 2001|04:43pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | emotion sickness...silverchair ]

why won't msn work! and why is live journal being so dumb!

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what the shit is this? [27 Nov 2001|05:18pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | hemorrhage (in my hands)...fuel ]

I am 81-100% Ghetto


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