Naked Gay Sex: The French Movie |
[06 Apr 2003|10:44pm] |
Well. Come Undone was actually good! I mean, it had a plot and characters I came to like and not just naked gay sex. (Though there was some of that, too.)
( As promised, here are some screencaps. )
Pruning. |
[05 Apr 2003|03:11am] |
I'm trimming my friends list again. If I've removed you, please don't be offended. My obsessions change and I find I'm just not as interested in some things as I once was. And, much as I'd like to be, I can't be very best friends with everyone.
Heh heh heh. |
[04 Apr 2003|01:45am] |
Tonight, along with West Side Story and Who Framed Roger Rabbit, I have acquired a DVD of what I believe should rightfully be titled "Naked Gay Sex: The Movie."
It's called Come Undone. It's French. There are pretty boys. Who are gay.
Will watch sometime this weekend and report back with any interesting screencaps. *eg*
Memories, like the corner of my mind... |
[02 Apr 2003|11:38pm] |
I will now confess a recent and deep love of The Way We Were. I watched it at first because it's mentioned in Sex and the City and was surprised that I like it as much as I do.
I love Barbra and her bad hair. I love Robert Redford with his turtlenecks and eyeshadow and obvious "way too old to be in college" looks. I love Katie and her gutsiness. I even like Hubbell.
There are so many little moments of brilliance that makes the relationship seem like something real. And even though I know that the two characters are better off without each other, it still makes me sad that they can't work it out.
And the end? When she brushes his hair away from his forehead? Sighness.
Yes, I am the biggest sap on the planet. I blame the spring weather.
I dream of Michelangelo when I'm lying in my bed. |
[02 Apr 2003|02:49pm] |
I think my med increase has made me loopy. I've got that strange light-headed "hello, I'm not really exisiting on this plane right now" feeling and what I'd really like to do is crawl back into bed and veg out for the rest of the day.
Sadly, that's not going to happen, as I have to go to work in about twenty minutes and then when I get home I have to study for the finals I'm going to make up tomorrow.
Slightly Bored and Hyped Up on SweeTarts... |
[02 Apr 2003|12:02am] |
I pose an important question to you:
Cake or death?
Cats! |
[31 Mar 2003|08:36pm] |
I'm sure everyone's been dying for more pictures of the Frenette cats. Well, you've got your wish. Please ignore the messy house. We do.
( Kitties! )
Caught a ride with the moon. |
[31 Mar 2003|02:14pm] |
Meh. My good mood kind of fizzled the middle of last week and I lost all motivation to continue my homework. So tonight I'm going to try to finish two of my projects for my Quality Management class. My goal is to at least have passing grades in two of my classes when my incompletes expire, which is Thursday.
I was going to work on homework this weekend when I worked but somehow "do homework" translated into "watch a lot of movies and read." So instead of working out percentages for incomplete medical records, I watched Being John Malkovich, The Way We Were, One Hour Photo and Mulholland Drive. Mulholland Drive makes absolutely no sense and I love it and therefore must watch it again. Especially since the chapters on the DVD are supposedly "clues from David Lynch" to "unlock the mystery." I think they're really just "random sentences to make you go insane."
Saturday Sarah and I saw The Pianist again and brought Bethany along. She now hates me. She's said that if/when we stalk and find Adrien Brody that we have to make him apologize personally for making her sob. I, on the other hand, want to see it several more times and also got the book.
And now I must go, because my EW post Oscar issue is here. Whee!
Lies My Parents Told Me. |
[26 Mar 2003|01:30pm] |
I'm not sure if my mood affected my reaction to last night's Buffy or if last night's Buffy affected my mood. In either case, I'm feeling bored, restless and sad today. And my main reaction to LMPTM? ( Annoyance. )
So basically, I'm pissy and have nothing constructive to say. So you may want to stay away from my pissy thoughts.
Hmm. |
[26 Mar 2003|12:34am] |
I'd write my thoughts on "Lies My Parents Told Me" but they're pretty much of the "Huh, that was okay, but could have been better. Moving on..." variety.
Instead I bring you wisdom from my mother: "You know, sometimes Mulder looks like Cate Blanchett!", I'm not making this up.
Killing time until I have to go to an orientation meeting... |
[25 Mar 2003|12:45pm] |
-The prospect of New Buffy tonight doesn't really have me excited. I have no idea when the next new one after tonight is, and I've started picking up shifts on Tuesdays. I think that I might just record them and then watch them all in one big lump.
-I have successfully gotten Bethany hooked on Sex and the City. And Bethany's made a trade with Sarah - she'll watch Eddie Izzard if Sarah will watch SatC. Heee.
-( Books I've recently read. )
-I really don't want to go to this meeting. It's going to be boring. I can tell.
In my blood like holy wine. |
[25 Mar 2003|01:12am] |
I'm having so much fun making icons. I realize that a lot of these are just going to look pretty, and no one will really want to use them, but yes, fun.
( Icons from My So-Called Life and strange icons from Signs )
As always, icons are up for grabs. Also, anyone willing to tutor me on how to do animations in ImageReady?
Because who really wants to do homework? |
[24 Mar 2003|12:42am] |
ETA I smell a new obsession coming on... First Alan Rickman, then Viggo Mortensen, now Adrien Brody. You are all forewarned. ^_~
Oscars. |
[23 Mar 2003|11:02pm] |
First of all: My friends and I were probably the only people actively rooting for Chicago *not* to win. I thought it was a cute movie but not stellar, especially when compared to The Hours and The Pianist.
Second: Oh my god. I am *SO* glad that Adrien Brody won. He was just *fantastic* in The Pianist and his speech? So cute. I want to glomp him ten times over.
Third: Yay Nicole!
Fourth: I really need to see both The Pianist and The Hours again.
I am the queen of France. |
[17 Mar 2003|02:08pm] |
Longish update since I've been too lazy to write anything for a while. It's nice outside and I'm feeling betterish. Today seems to be a not-so-good day for some reason, but I'm still feeling better than I was at the beginning of last week.
So, some boring and possibly not boring ( stuff. )
More icons are forthcoming, probable later today and tomorrow. I have my second counseling appointment today. Wish me luck!