International Childfree Meetup Dayin 8 Days |
Frequently-asked QuestionsIs this affiliated with any Childfree-related organization?No. Meetup has no affiliation, connection or association with any Childfree-related organization. Meetup simply provides the technology to enable Childfree Couples and Singles to Meetup with each other locally. We hope this strengthens the Childfree community. Meetup's use of any trademarks owned by third parties has not, in any way, been approved or sponsored by that third party. What is a Meetup?It's a local gathering of a group of people brought together by a common interest. Real world, face-to-face, maybe over coffee or a beer. Is this free?Yes, Meetup is a free service. Some venues pay Meetup to be listed and to help coordinate events. (Note: We NEVER force a Meetup to be at a particular venue. Meetups only happen at places that the people vote for.) Does the Meetup happen over the Internet or in real life?Real life, real local communities, real groups of people. What if my city/town/country is not listedIf you want Meetup to come to your city or to redefine your geographic area tell us here. The two most difficult things about getting Meetup going in a new place are getting venues for people to Meetup and getting enough people to make sure Meetups actually happen. If you give us some help on both, it will make it more likely Meetup will come to your town sooner. Where are Meetups?Meetups happen in 532 locales (cities, towns, areas) in 27 countries. At local cafés, bars, bowling alleys, donut shops, dog-friendly spots, videogame displays, and lots of other places. People vote on where their local Meetup will take place. How many people will Meetup?The average size of a Meetup is 4-12 people at a Meetup. You can check your local topic page to see how many people have confirmed that they're attending. Who leads the Meetup?Nobody. Meetups are informal; it's peers talking to peers. Most Meetups do have volunteer hosts that help make things go smoothly, but think of it as a casual get-together, not an official meeting. What do people do at a Meetup?Chat, chew the fat, shoot the breeze, sling the bull, babble, cackle, chatter, gab, yak, yammer. No big whoop. Is the Meetup time in my time zone?All Meetups happen at the same time of day in the local time zone. For example, if the Meetup is at 7PM, then it's happening in New York at 7PM New York-time, in Ottumwa (Iowa) at 7PM Ottumwa-time, and in Hong Kong at 7PM Hong Kong-time. Our fancy computers make it easy for you. |
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WHO HAS SIGNED UP?Childfree Couples and Singles