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The Razor Fetish Journal

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[16 Feb 2003|12:47pm]


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Re-Introduction [14 Feb 2003|06:12am]

[ mood | sociable ]

Hello everyone.

I used to be on this community as 0ctoberRain, but I've shut down that account. Now I'm back being a maryprankster, but it's still me.

A brief self-promo: In the Blood, the bloodplay journal I co-edit with borggrrl and sherilyn has issue #1 out right now in time for Valentine's Day. It's free if you live in Portland and $3.50 if I have to mail it to you. E-mail me at for details if you want a copy.


(P.S. . . . It was nice meeting you at Ember's the other night, razorotika. *hugs*)

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New [12 Feb 2003|12:32pm]

[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Cradle of filth ]

It's nothing special..but I've decided to post it anyway.

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[03 Feb 2003|05:12pm]

i havent posted in a while so i am deciding to post. and say halo..

<*waves*> HALO


aim= liquidxpink
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[30 Jan 2003|05:09pm]

[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | nine inch nails - closer ]

someone please tell me how to take apart a one will tell me cause they care or some bullshit like that.

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[28 Jan 2003|11:47am]

i bought these at a dollar store. just one dollar, duh.

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[18 Jan 2003|01:56am]

[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | London After Midnight - Sacrifice ]

First time posting. I wish I could have taken pictures of the cut on my wrist while it was still fresh. I used the blood to make some art. It's gorgeous. I don't know what to say really... All the cuts are different ones. The actual cuts all happened at the same time, but the picture of the scar is from awhile ago. Sorry all these pictures aren't very clear or fresh or all that great but I hope to post better ones as they happen.


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QP at snow mountain!! [17 Jan 2003|10:00pm]

[ mood | awake ]

Last day off,I went to the snow mountain by myself!!!!and took some photos of QPs and other things(finally!!!)it was not so cold and I was soooooooooooooo happy in the snow!!!!!

9 more photos
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[14 Jan 2003|11:28pm]

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Sorry if I sound a bit bitchy... [11 Jan 2003|02:32am]

[ music | London After Midnight- -Kiss ]

...but, this is a razor fetish kommunity. Like yeah, go ahead and post pictures of your cuts and shit, but you're not supposed to be depressed. It's supposed to be erotik. Razorotik.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love seeing all the bloody pictures. They're simply gorgeous! But they should be done in an erotic and fetish-y sort of way, not an act of depression. But, no one ever listens to me and I'm sure I'm going to receive a bunch of mean comments. Post as you'd like, but I'm merely reiterating what the guidelines of the kommunity are.

The kommunity userinfo states:

Name: The Razor Fetish Journal
About: Welcome to the journal of razor blade fetish. Lets talk about shiny metal things that turn us on. If you're a mature adult who enjoys mutual sadism we look forward to hearing all about it. Be encouraged to post images here.

So, as an example, I will post a picture of some cuts my boyfriend made for me:
bloody back

By the way, Hiiii Flo (vivadawolf)!

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[10 Jan 2003|10:44pm]

[ mood | sad ]
[ music | allister - scratch ]

sorry if i seem like a whiny puss, but why the hell can't she just love me anymore? sigh. aldjfldsjfld.

i could go into it more, but it's all i bitch about anymore...

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[10 Jan 2003|08:00pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

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[30 Dec 2002|01:20am]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | the sharp hint of new tears - dashboard confessional ]

im fresh blood here. these are pretty old pictures and i no longer have a webcam i have to get a new one soon.. which i will anyway i can describe tonights work if youd like..

been asking me to bleed these kind of questions come too easy to you now )

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newbie <3 [29 Dec 2002|02:57pm]

when i cut its usually few and far between, and in some sort of design.. this was done about a month ago..they arent very deep or anything.. the scars have faded into a light pink already..and soon will probably disappear all together. the quality of the pix are shit too.. sorry.

fucked raw
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[29 Dec 2002|11:02am]

look at me go. i decided to kinda start over, so yet again i changed my screen name!

it is sourasthetouchx

everyone who has aim should add me to their list and talk to meh!

but isnt that name just sexy anyway.
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"and every night is the worst night ever..." [28 Dec 2002|01:57am]

[ mood | no words to describe the pain ]
[ music | taking back sunday - bike scene ]

tonight...was one of the worst nights ever and one of the worst nights i could ever imagine.

for once i don't want anyone else in the world and foolishly think she feels the same still and i am wrong. and what's worse, she's not sure she even wants me anymore.

it's like being stabbed in the heart.

it doesn't seem nearly as impressive on film...or when it's not dripping to the floor.

i'm a sick fuck, i s'pose.

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[25 Dec 2002|11:29pm]

[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | nerf herder -nosering girl ]

my night fuckin' sucked. grr.

sorry the last one is pussy-ish. i made it two days ago.

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[25 Dec 2002|02:59am]

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[25 Dec 2002|02:56am]

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[25 Dec 2002|02:53am]

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