LiveJournal for a bizarre little oddity.

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Tuesday, August 20th, 2002

Time:10:22 pm.
I went with my brother to his little orientation thing. He's in 7th grade, he goes to the school i used to go to. All of the teachers changed though, he doesn't have the teachers that I had. I went around and said Hi to my 7th grade english teacher and my reading teacher, they were really nice, i loved them. I don't really remember any teachers from 8th, it bothered me that I couldn't remember one but my bitchy math teacher which i sure as hell didn't want to even see. I guess 8th grade was kind of depressing or something.

I felt so grown up coming to that school, it was so odd beacause when i was in 7th I felt so big and everything.. heh, wow, now when i look at them i see a bunch of little kids.

Before i left for the whole orientation though I took some super glue and tried to glue this edge of my shoe cos it was sort of coming off or something and i had the shoe on and i guess the glue came thru so when i took off the shoe and tried to take off my sock the sock was glued to my foot. i started a panic.. heh, but I managed to get it off :/

tomorrow i have to dress out again + i need to shave :/ god i hate gym.. and running, especially because it's 1st period and then you stink the rest of the day.

i sort of went out with my parents today, i hate going out with all of them mainly because they can never come to an agreement between anything and everything. There's always arguing and i just want to isolate myself from them. My dad barely talks to anyone anymore anyway. He seems to have pulled himself away even from my mum.. which never happens.
hold me tighter

Monday, January 14th, 2002

Time:5:25 pm.
All entries have been converted to FRIENDS ONLY, if you would like to read ADD me and LEAVE a comment otherwise I might not realise you added me.

This is just the life of another girl. I never liked long intro's so i'm just going to make this short and simple. This journal keeps me sane and although most entries seem irrational, they make perfect sense to me.

I don't like parties, I don't like cigarette smoke, I don't like large groups of people, I don't like 'normal' people, I don't like fussy people, I don't like assholes. I'm not in a band anymore, I don't look like some model out of a magazine, however, I do like writing and I like girls and I'm just flat out.. me.. and well, anyway, the main point here is that I'm not interesting so if you're going for a thrill.. you're at the wrong journal.

Add me if you'd like.
Otherwise see you in another lifetime.
78 refused.-x-hold me tighter

LiveJournal for a bizarre little oddity.

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