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[21 Feb 2003|12:11pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | retarts talking ]

A lot happens to me
All at once

And it overwhelms the fucking shit out of me

I get confused
And everything plays in my head

Like a film slide
I unplug it
But it won’t stop.

Yesterday Jamie took me to 24mile and Gratiot

And I bought a van
For 100 dollars
It runs
Mike drove it home

It’s going to sit in my driveway
‘til I get my license

or until I loan it or sell it to a friend

I owe my mom $100
For my f-in phone bill
I must restrict everyone from it

Does anyone know of any job openings
By my house
Cuz I’m looking for #2

I’m grounded
But I still go out
And do shit

I think my mom hates me

I want to hang out with Jamie today
But he didn’t seem very enthusiastic about it

I have to go do work

I think I’m going crazy

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[14 Feb 2003|12:58pm]
i hate valentine's day

what a shitty f-in holiday
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[14 Feb 2003|12:36pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | beatles, two of us ]

I feel like I’m doing everything
For nothing
Nothing at all

Before I just wanted to accomplish things
And be somebody and do something
But with all this in mind
I’m getting nowhere

I’m at a permanent standstill

I feel like all I want to do is go away
I want to leave everyone

And be all by myself
And cry

And no one will be there
To tell me it’s uncalled for
Or that I’m being a baby
Or too emotional

And I’m sick of people telling me to be happy
I’m happy when the time calls for it
And at this very moment I have no reason to be

Like I’m permanently frustrated
And it gives me a fucking headache

i don't want to go to college anymore

i could easily go on forever
making minimum wage
smoking a pack a day

i don't feel good

i want to leave now.

after school i'm hanging out with sherrie and jade
maybe jamie too unless he finds someone who will smoke w/him

i don't want to work this weekend
i'd rather go away
i feel like shit


when i'm home
it doesn't feel like home

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[13 Feb 2003|12:24pm]
i suddenly have a strong love for the library.

i'm sitting here with crystal
and i can just dick around all hour
and the library ladies are letting me listen to the beatles
it's splendid.

i sat here for an hour
and did nothing
and i enjoyed every minute of it.

i wanna hang out with sherrie and jade today


i gotta go

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im at school.... [12 Feb 2003|01:48pm]
we had our field trip today

it was nice.

"i thought you were going to put your hand in my vagina"

has someone ever said that to you?
crystal says it to me all the time

i have fat wrists.

payday is wednesday now instead of tuesday

so i get paid today
not yesterday.

so i went to the bathroom at school
and the toilet was clogged and i peed in it anyways
and i was like okay, i just won't flush when im done
but when i was done it flushed ITSELF automatically
and started to overflow

so i left the pee facility
and i left alexa madonna there
i'm sorry

kim tauber hates my f-in gut
she never hangs out with me
i think she wants me DEAD!

i'm in the mood for foozeball

i need to get a hold of jamie
my phone is dead somewhere at his house
which means it will be impossible to find.

i like school days like this where i do a whole lot of nothing.

call me slash

time to go.

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[11 Feb 2003|12:57pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | none ]

i really hate school.

i have a field trip on monday
it should be fun
all day...

good stuff

i think
i'm gonna hang out with
jamie today
i get paid.


i have to go pee

the bell is going to ring soon

:) <---yea, thats a smile

i'm content


get well soon crystal carrow

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[10 Feb 2003|01:46pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | greenday, she.... in my head ]

so this weekend made me happy

ask jamie

he seen it...

hahahah ahhaha

i was at work washing f-in dishes
and he watched me for like 4 minutes
and i had a goofy ass smile on my face.

i'm retarted

i've been hanging out with jade and sherrie a lot.
jade laughs a lot and sherrie's a non-retarted girl
it's nice.

i'm awfully content with things.

crystal wasn't in school today
it hurt my feelings. :(

i think i should go
and make a few phone calls
before the bell rings.

i love


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[10 Feb 2003|01:45pm]
happy birthday joshua alfonze gaudette

i love you
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[07 Feb 2003|10:50am]
[ mood | full ]
[ music | of pee ]

im in love

with crystal carrow

we're going to go home and sleep together

i'm so excited.

we went to hang out tonight...
with people
and go to the movies
and do stuff

it would be nice

today isn't that bad of a day

i have to pee
it's an emergency.


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no show [06 Feb 2003|11:20am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | a bunch of ass clowns talking jibberish ]

what if the only question was

how do you feel about that?

i personally don't know how i feel about that question

or the sarcastic morbid annoying answer i could come up with


today is a kowala day...
and i am the kowala
coo coo ka jew

i look 'worn out' again.
what a compliment

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this should be intresting... [05 Feb 2003|12:11pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | lucy in the sky with diamonds ]

so we're finally gonna have a talk
and i hope the friendship wil remain.

i need to be strong though,
that's the hard part...

especially seeing how emotional i have been lately.

mom is being a f-in bitch again.
i wish i could explain things to her.
but that would be impossible.

mike- i know i have to make changes
it's just easier said then done
but i'm gonna try
i swear.

so things should go my way.
they won't
but it sounds nice
right about now.

i have work to do.
god damn internet research.



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[04 Feb 2003|08:27pm]
what happen when there's no intrest in continuing.

i miss me.


i know

not til i get my act together am i worthy,

i didn't break and weaken like you think.

i fucking swear

i think you just wish i did
so our friendship could be
ended more simple for you

guilt free

i fucking hate me


i just want you to call
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[04 Feb 2003|01:04pm]
i think i miss my live journal...
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unbelieveable... [04 Feb 2003|12:43pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | i hate being at school ]


it's great.

why does it seem as if you
have fallen off the face of the earth.

if you ask me i think you're trying to avoid someone...
someone such as myself.

i understand,
if i could
i would avoid me, too.

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it's ri-god damn-diclous [02 Feb 2003|09:31pm]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | crystals beautiful voice ]

i can't get over what a fool i am.
i'm always left standing alone in the end.
with my lip quivering and your lies.

it's such bullshit. i'm such bullshit.

i'm madly in love
with crystal fucking carrow.

we're gonna get married

no really though
it feels good to
have good friends

i know i wouldn't have
survived my previous
experience with out
my few true friends

and i thank them
which still doesn't
feel like i can evem
completely express my deepest
sincerety when i tell them
i love them with all my heart...

you know who you are


if i wanted to talk,
would you listen?

don't say you'll be there if you have no intentions in doing so

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remember me? [02 Feb 2003|08:29pm]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | do you want me to hate you?? ]

i wanted nothing more from you than for you to ask about my well being...

thanks anyways


why do i always seem like the jerk?

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i'm at bills again [30 Dec 2002|02:35pm]
[ mood | quixotic ]
[ music | manford steamroller ]

so on saturday i got off work an hour early
to go to the suiide machines concert
with kim and tiffer-roo and kims boyfriend scott
it was fun stuff
but while i was in the pit
a body hit me in the head and my neck went
crack crack cra crackity crack
then i fell

so i went to the hospital
at 11pm and i left at 5am

it sucked muchly.

i had to get a cat scan
and an mri
and some x-rays

and i left with a note
that said
get ibruprofrin
and ice it down

i didn't need 6 hrs in a hospital
to tell me to take some pain killers
and ice down the swelling.

but the concert was awesome.

truly good stuff

i got a shirt
and a cd
and 2 stickers
and 2 patches

and some bruises

i think thats all


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at billy the pony's [27 Dec 2002|02:05am]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | nin, mr.self destruct ]

so uh merry f-in x-mas to you all



so i;m at bill's with ashlie and jamie. nice stuff. i went to media play and im now listening to nin the cd that i bought for the third time. i really need to not let people borrow shit. i suck. i got a bong for christmas. and a stero. good stuff.

and a weezer zippo that i just filled up with fluid.
it's a scary task.
true story.

christmas TREE


i used to write in this crappy thing every day.

now it's like once a month.
at least that might be saying my life is improving.
we could only hope...

i ate a bunch of reeces bites and now i have a bellyache

i think i need to depart
or i could be in here forever...


bill lit his hand on fire

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[16 Dec 2002|03:35pm]
happy birthday jamie!
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hmm [16 Dec 2002|03:29pm]
one day every thing will be okay...

(i'm lying)
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