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Below is user information for Stephanie Wukovitz. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:sebab (12756) Paid User
Name:Stephanie Wukovitz
Location:Burbank, California, United States
AOL IM:sebab13 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN: 7378939 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:wukovitz (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:swukovitz@hotmail.com
Bio:figured I'd get around to the bio sooner or later. well ok, it was more like later...

who: geek before geekiness was trendy, former mathematician and programmer, current composer, wife of similarly geeky and incredibly creative programmer I met on Usenet in 1990...

where: in Pennsylvania until age 22, upstate New York until age 25, and then on the West Coast with fiance (now husband)... lived in Los Angeles (Westwood and Burbank), SF Bay Area (San Jose and Santa Cruz), and Seattle (dark, dreary, short mistake)... will probably eventually split my time between LA and Silicon Valley...

what: a few degrees in math and applied math, various work as a composer (of music), programmer (C, C++, Java), and web developer... currently a music student...

why: back down here in LA so I can take classes in writing film music and jumpstart a career in same... I love what I am doing and want to do more of it!

when: on the net since 1987, website of one kind or another since 1994, current weird webcamsite since 1/98...

how: passionately, lightheartedly, strangely, sleepily, disjointedly...
Memories:2 entries
Interests:144: 12 monkeys, a stir of echoes, alan silvestri, alesis, amber, babylon 5, barry tuckwell, bartok, basil poledouris, battle sphere, battlesphere, bernard herrmann, bicycles, bicycling, borscht, branch point, breath controllers, c, carl sagan, cats, cello, cherries, chess, chopin, classical music, clifford simak, coffee, composing, composing music, computers, contact, cooking, dal muth, danny elfman, dark city, debussy, dennis brain, dessert wine, diabetes, dogs, dreamscape, e-mu, e4, electronic music, elliot goldenthal, elmer bernstein, esperanto, expandagons, eyebrows, fight club, film music, film scores, film scoring, folderol, fractals, frederik pohl, french horn, game music, game programming, geometry, gigasampler, group theory, hazelnuts, heinlein, holst, hot tubs, indian food, inquisitor, insulin pumps, isaac asimov, jacob's ladder, james burke, jerry goldsmith, john barry, john corigliano, john williams, khatchaturian, klein bottles, layla, leather, legos, limes, logic audio, madeira, martin gardner, math, mathematics, maurice jarre, moebius strips, mona clee, mozart, music, music composition, mussorgsky, narnia, npr, nutella, oboe, opengl, orchestras, orson scott card, piano, pipe dreams, programming, prokofiev, puzzles, rachmaninoff, ragdoll cats, ravel, reading, recumbent bicycles, richard matheson, richard strauss, rimsky-korsakov, saint-saens, salmon, samegame, satie, scatologic, science fiction, sebab, shirley walker, shostakovich, silk, silver, stravinsky, sushi, thai food, the five senses, the kabal, thomas newman, twin peaks, vaughan williams, vegetarian food, vietnamese food, wagner, webcams, weight lifting, weightlifting, what dreams may come, wine, writing, zathras, zenna henderson
Friends:220: 2049live, academics_anon, alexpgp, alienghic, althaea, annaleah, aradtech, aravan, arcanum_dogma, aristophren, artfilm101, artless, bandicoot, basseykay, beathotel, beat_hotel, big_rod, bisexual, bram, brazen, bud, camgirls, carrie, chaizzilla, chiabrit, childfree, chuckvideo, compersion, composers, cooking, cornrelish, creativeinsults, creentmerveille, curmudgeon, curtis, cynicalbitch, czircon, darius, darksight, darthbono, daveb, dawnd, deyo, diabetes, dorwrath, dotruth, dragonfly, dreamsinaudio, driftersonline, dufresne, duke_of_url, editrix, electricjuice, elektric, explodingcat, faeriechilde, feh, fey, filmmakers, filmscore, finnegan, firelegend, gabbymoe, gardengnome, gayathri, geomalgebra, getorganized, ginger_g, ginkgoes, girlcams, gobi, gossipgurl, gourmetla, greymeowsr, greyspongeamp, haikuarena, halsted, happyhardcore, happypete, haroldl, hatesousa, heath, holborne, hoodedone, hopeforyou, hornplayers, indiefilms, inquisitor, insomnia, inspectorjury, intothepit, ironcheffan, jbonne, jodawi, joedecker, juliabee, julias, killer69, kith_and_kin, kramerino, kricker, kurwenal, latraviata, laurelo, lehah, lellan, lentil, lisaloo, lizmarie, lj_dev, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, los_angeles, lucy_anne, luka91, luka91_reviews, luminosity, lunesse, lure, mactavish, madbard, magicwoman, majorweather, mallorquin, malver, masstransit, maxmus, meanies, meredith, metrocake, mish, montfort, moonsis, moremittens, mrbarnabus, mremile, mrguard, music, musiccomp83, musictheory, mystrys, ndr, news, no72snr2, nolly, nonduality, nsingman, ojdorson, om_bodhi, onasc, onecell, opalcat, operatic, orchlover, paidmembers, paris_of_priam, persis, pigue, pistorius, polyamory, proof, protozoa, randomlife, razer, razz, reasonablewomen, renwick, reymon, robert_deniro, rosaferreum, samhamm, samurai_x, sapience, scasey1960, sciencefiction, sebab, secret_santa, sfbayarea, shaktiqueen, shapeinwords, sherina, silenceleigh, sinboy, sleepy, socal, solri, sorrento, ssilverfish, stand, strike_anywhere, strrretch, superherobear, tawdrypearls, tazcam, techstep, testcase, themouse, themusicbiz, theproteus, theshogun, thought_club, thrylos, tommx, tregare, treppenwitz, trisloth, trucent, tyrian, velocity, venusflytrap, vertigo3pc, vitki, whodoyoulove, whorylori, wickenden, windmere, xandria, zathras, zhaneel, ziemkowski
Friend of:172: 2049live, alexpgp, alienghic, althaea, annaleah, aradtech, aravan, arcanum_dogma, aristophren, artless, bandicoot, basseykay, big_rod, bram, brazen, bud, carrie, chaizzilla, chiabrit, chuckvideo, cornrelish, creentmerveille, curmudgeon, curtis, cynicalbitch, czircon, darius, darksight, daveb, dawnd, deyo, dorwrath, dotruth, dragonfly, dreamsinaudio, driftersonline, dufresne, duke_of_url, editrix, electricjuice, elektric, explodingcat, faeriechilde, feh, fey, finnegan, firelegend, gabbymoe, gardengnome, gayathri, ginger_g, ginkgoes, gobi, gossipgurl, greymeowsr, greyspongeamp, halsted, happyhardcore, happypete, haroldl, heath, holborne, hoodedone, hopeforyou, inquisitor, insomnia, inspectorjury, intothepit, jbonne, jodawi, joedecker, juliabee, julias, killer69, kramerino, kricker, kurwenal, latraviata, laurelo, lehah, lellan, lentil, lisaloo, lizmarie, lucy_anne, luka91, luka91_reviews, luminosity, lunesse, lure, mactavish, madbard, magicwoman, majorweather, mallorquin, malver, maxmus, meredith, metrocake, mish, montfort, moonsis, mrbarnabus, mremile, mrguard, musiccomp83, mystrys, ndr, no72snr2, nolly, nsingman, ojdorson, onasc, onecell, opalcat, operatic, paris_of_priam, persis, pigue, pistorius, proof, protozoa, randomlife, razer, razz, renwick, reymon, robert_deniro, rosaferreum, samhamm, samurai_x, sapience, scasey1960, sebab, shaktiqueen, shapeinwords, sherina, silenceleigh, sinboy, sleepy, solri, sorrento, ssilverfish, strike_anywhere, strrretch, superherobear, tazcam, tdronet, techstep, testcase, ...
Member of:47: academics_anon, artfilm101, beathotel, beat_hotel, bisexual, camgirls, childfree, compersion, composers, cooking, creativeinsults, diabetes, filmmakers, filmscore, geomalgebra, getorganized, girlcams, gourmetla, haikuarena, hatesousa, hornplayers, indiefilms, ironcheffan, kith_and_kin, lj_dev, lj_nifty, los_angeles, masstransit, meanies, moremittens, music, musictheory, nonduality, om_bodhi, orchlover, paidmembers, polyamory, reasonablewomen, sciencefiction, secret_santa, sfbayarea, socal, stand, tawdrypearls, themusicbiz, thought_club, whodoyoulove
Account type:Permanent Account, previously an Early Adopter

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