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Amber N. Ritchie

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Operation ÜberSys [15 Nov 2002|06:04pm]
[ mood | patient ]
[ music | Tears for Fears - Mad World ]

Step 1: Order motherboard.

Status: Complete.

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The weekend's over already. [10 Nov 2002|11:48pm]
[ mood | tired ]

Here's a quick recap of my weekend, just to see if I can remember it.

Okay, so it's not so quick. Beware, details a-plenty lurk within. )

Fewer than two weeks, and Grand Adventure #1 takes place. More details about that will be posted as the time draws nearer... let's just say I scheduled 3 PTO days for it during Thanksgiving week... :)

Okay, between mindless arguing with people over on IRC and posting this, another hour has passed... time for me to drag my ass to bed.

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Audigy gets her groove back [06 Nov 2002|06:44pm]
[ mood | whee ]

see attached )

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funny. [06 Nov 2002|05:55pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]

the day i post the below entry... overtime becomes available again.

apparently a lack of understanding/communication between my supervisor and her supervisor.

oh well, no complaints here.... yay, back to 9-10 hour days with no remorse for a while.

The longer I spend away from my computer, the better I end up feeling, for some reason... it's really quite refreshing. I'm still planning on building ÜberSys, though... I'm certain I'll find some plan for it. :)

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[05 Nov 2002|07:19am]
[ mood | apathetic ] foggy outside, can hardly see out the window.

Today should be a good day.

not much else to say... looking forward to coming home and sleeping another 12 hours tonight.

I was lucky; I'd set my alarm for 7:15pm but still ended up waking up on time.

I don't think I've mentioned this, but overtime in my department for the next few weeks (months?) is now forbidden. It's really bugging me... I could hardly get all my work done on 2-3 hours of overtime a week, let alone... none. Well, we'll see how it goes. I guess as long as I'm doing my work while I'm being there and getting paid for it, hey... ...bleh.

Gotta get there early today and finish up the CSRAs from yesterday. Yessir. *zoom*

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Holy cripes, it's November... [01 Nov 2002|07:57am]
[ mood | chipper ]

Halloween was interesting... didn't really do much festive stuff, except dressing up like this: )

...after work Michael and Kim and I went to Leo's for dinner. Kim was dressed up all medieval-like, and it was really awesome looking :D I should've taken a picture.

Anyway, Brian's out of town 'til Sunday night... in... Louisiana (not Texas like I thought ;P) for some regional programming competition... I hope he does well. ^_^ (I'm sure he'll post about it when he gets back; he'd better. *poke*) so anyway, Kim's kinda lonely, having him be away for the first time since 1998, when he was in Japan... :( So I'm going to make sure she's not too lonely, I guess. :) The gas line for her house broke Wednesday night... so she has no heat. :( We had a sleepover party (well, okay, we just camped out in the living room after watching CSI and ER ... and *gasp* Voyager (which was awesome! :P) ) at Michael's house... might do that again tonight, if Kim's gas still isn't fixed, and heck, maybe even if it is, who knows. ...Yesterday, I can safely say, rocked.

Real life friends are so much more... ...real than internet friends. I'm so glad I have a few. :)

Yay, Friday. *darts off to work*

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*pokes LJ with a stick* [30 Oct 2002|05:07pm]
[ mood | whee ]

I'd post in here more often, if I were actually in front of the PC most of the time.

Anyway, first things first -- Happy birthday, neillparatzo! :)

Let's see... what else... I was reminded today that "I get what I pay for" when it comes to utilities around here; the water was off when I woke up this morning, and was turned on just now... so yuck, no shower before work. >_< I got out of there early, picked up some final things for my costume (that I'm wearing to work tomorrow; there's a company-wide costume contest... I'm not expecting to win, but just to have fun. :) I'm going to _have_ to have some pictures taken that I can post here... ;) )

Hm... plans for the rest of the day... take shower, do laundry, have dinner, sleep.
I feel like today's been backwards. >_<

Oh. In other news... here's the Amusing Image of the Day:

No, I will not turn Messenger off. I get a tremendous kick out of seeing these things... just one click makes them go away, anyway. I wonder if MS will ever release a 'security hotfix' that disables this thing automatically for t he millions of idiots who can't figure out how to do it themselves... doubtful. :D Congrats, spammers; I tip my hat to you. Microsoft, get on the goddamn ball. :P

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Hey, it's Saturday. [26 Oct 2002|01:52pm]
[ mood | excited ]

I actually slept in... for once. Haven't done that in a while.

Anyway, what's a weekend without an adventure? :) In another hour or so, darconville and I are gonna pick up shinmizu and head to OKC, where we're gonna meet up with Kim... ...and hopefully convince her to let us (me and shinmizu, anyway... :p) compete in the DDR tournament that's tonight at CJ's.

Kim's birthday is tomorrow, and I still have no idea what to get her. >_< We're gonna be hangin' around malls and stuff before we meet up with her... hopefully I'll find something that's perfect. We'll see. :)


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Wow. [24 Oct 2002|11:47pm]
[ mood | introspective ]

"Wheel goes round, landing on a leap of fate
Life redirected in ways unexpected
Sometimes the odd number wins
The way the big wheel spins..."

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[21 Oct 2002|11:02pm]
[ mood | guh. ]

*slams her foot on the gas pedal and zooms off into the night, wa-hey!*

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as a Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud,
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how straight the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

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Well, I made it home in one piece... [20 Oct 2002|11:14pm]
[ mood | peaceful ]

can't say i've ever spent that much time on the road in one weekend. :)

..i'm also feeling way too lazy and tired to type. >_<

this was our path.

most of the quest was along that line.
I got to see the Gulf of Mexico from the _other side_ for the first time ever, which was neat. :) first time seeing it in nearly four years... also spent some time in Dallas, got to see the house that Michael lived in for a few years in Irving.. and his elementary school... hm, what else... picked up both of the dragon warrior monsters 2 games for GBC... I didn't really spend that much money, which was good :)

got to sleep two nights in a car, which really wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be... most of the trip, I just 'shut down' and didn't think or worry about anything, and it was really a nice escape.

definitely need to do that again. :) Thank you, Michael, for humoring me, and accompanying me on this grand adventure (or did I accompany you? :P something like that)

work tomorrow. >_< *zzzzzzzzz.*

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oh yeah. [18 Oct 2002|12:12pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Praying Hands - Dracula New Classic ]

There was a huge car accident on I-35 last night. Kim and Brian and I saw a report about it on the news last night... apparently, a car from the other half of the highway (the one going southbound, or whatever) crossed into the northbound (or reverse them, i forget) lane, and slammed into a car there, causing a seven car pile-up.

Now, I didn't think much of this... yeah, car accidents happen all the time.


There was a message posted on the community board here at work this morning... Geoffrey Conley, one of the tech advisors here was involved in that wreck. -_- Luckily he seems to be okay, just a bit banged up... broken ribs, some broken facial bones...but it doesn't seem critical--I hear he's able to sit up and talk and stuff...

Geoff's really a cool guy, he's one of the MIDI people, and helped with APS support and stuff a few years ago, and... I know him fairly well. This is really the first time anyone I've known has gotten into a bad car wreck. He'll be okay. I'm sure the supervisors around here will keep us all posted. It's amazing how people care around here, it's nice. :) grah. crying...bad. *lets a tear or two fall, then repositions the Mask of Indifference.*

*gets back to work*

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heh, actually missed a day writing in this thing. [18 Oct 2002|11:47am]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Monster Dance - Dracula New Classic ]

nah, i'm still around... got home from work yesterday, stuck around my place for probably a total of ten minutes, and skipped out the door again, intent on finding my car insurance place, so I could find out when my bill for the next six months is due... (I tried calling them the other day, and they said they needed a copy of my policy before they could give me any info o_O, so eh) ...heh, I never found the place... it's around the 200 block of south main street... ...but I drove up and down it three times, on both sides, and could not find it. :P Oh well, next week I'll try again.

so afterward, hell, I didn't want to go back home... nothing to do there, so I went over to Brian and Kim's place. Brian was getting ready to go to a math club meeting, and Kim had to go back to work (she does plant stuff at the university :) ) ...but they invited me to come along (I felt like an ass, showing up there uninvited, but it didn't seem to be a big deal at all... they're such nice people ;_;) so I went with Kim and made myself useful helping her enter root (plant roots :p) measurements into one of the ancient computers there with Excel... afterward, we went back to their place, watched CSI and ER, and had dinner (which was delicious as always :) ) ...and I went home, played dragon warrior 7 for a half hour or so, and went to bed. Rah.

I don't feel like spending this weekend at my apartment; I really don't have anything to do there... so Michael and I have decided we're going to go on an adventure. We might leave tonight, who knows. We're going to head down to Dallas and explore a bit. I haven't gone on a weekend trip in a long long time, and this'll be good for me... hm, hey domo-kun, don't you live in Dallas somewhere?

anyway, yeah.
no idea what I'm gonna do in Dallas, but... well, I guess I'll update this thing sunday night, or whenever I get back, and write all about it. :)

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weird dreams [17 Oct 2002|07:45am]
[ mood | awake ]

dreamed last night that I was in some big store that had a big musical keyboard display against one of the walls... naturally I was drawn to it. Over the store radio thing, the song "Revolt" was playing from the Ogre Battle soundtrack... heh, so I play along.

Now, it would be really really awesome if I could dream in perfect pitch, and I was discouraged, upon waking, to find that I didn't. -_- the note I started the main melody of the song on in my dream was an "F" but the song actually starts on "E"

blah. :)

*grabs jacket and darts out the door*

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you snooze, you lose. [16 Oct 2002|06:59pm]
[ mood | oof. ]

I return from my late trip to the bank for work today at around 5:45... start opening CSRAs when I remember "shit, I never got my USB cable" ... I trek back to the warehouse to find it locked up; it was closed, the guy who runs it went home. He never emailed me, called me, or anything to let me know that my cable was ready for pickup, nor did he attempt to deliver it to me.

So I call up Menchu and ask her if I can snag a USB cable from the CSRA room and replace it with the one that fulfilled my order tomorrow... because I got my printer in today, and I'd really like to hook it up :P she says no, which I completely understood... hm.

So I come home, completely intent on finding that thrice damned cable. Guess what, I find it. It was in the place I put all of my ISA cards and other PC stuff when I moved out of the other house.

Someone's going to have to do a CSRA for me, because I don't need this 6.99+tax USB cable (heh, that I don't even have) anymore.

On the brighter side of things, HEY, I have my printer/scanner/thing, and I'm gonna hook it up shortly. :) My copy of Squ/\reDance came today as well, so I'm gonna have fun ripping that later. I have no idea what I'm going to make for dinner, but... ...oh yeah. Salad. I have salad to eat. I think I'm going to make "pigs in blankets" ..(that's what Sallie calls them) -- hot dogs wrapped up in crescent rolls and tossed in the oven... ...yeah, that and salad. That sounds really good.

Time to hook up the printer/thing though.

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email sent. [16 Oct 2002|03:29pm]
[ mood | ... ]
[ music | Naoto Shibata - Don't Wait Until Night ]

so let it be written, so let it be done.
I am going to be an order entry shift lead for a while.
My fate has been sealed.

I'm going to be okay.

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[16 Oct 2002|03:08pm]
[ mood | motivated(?) ]
[ music | Requiem for the Nameless Victims -Dracula Battle ]

Hm...employee price list hasn't officially been released yet.

My printer/scanner/thingy is sitting on the floor here next to me, all sealed up nice, can't wait to take it home and figure it out. ;)

Also... I'm leaning pretty heavily toward not even bothering with that test lab position. I'm just afraid that I'm going to be bored out of my mind over there, and... ...well, even though I'll be working with neat stuff, I'd rather be over here and be busy. Work isn't supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be productive. I think I'm doing the company a bigger favor by being over here in this department. Besides, I ... ...actually kind of care about my work, and it's a neat feeling.

I'm not sure what to do. What I do know, though, is that I'm not really too keen on doing homework for work, unless it's to obtain a position that would net me a big fat raise. Furthermore, self-reviews just finished over here, and there's a small chance I might get a raise if I stay in this department... taking a lateral transfer might nip that in the bud.

I think I'm going to stay over here. I kind of like feeling needed. :) I don't WANT someone else doing my job... I'm the best person in the building for what I do... ...that, and I kind of told Jaime that I'd give this position at least six months, anyway. Yeah, I think I'm gonna write the supervisor of test lab, and inform him of my decision, that I'm 'dropping out of the race' for that other midi position. I hope he finds someone good.

I also need to call Shelter insurance before I forget, and find out when my next insurance payment is going to be due, so I'm not surprised by it. Yeah... I'll do that as soon as I'm finished with these RMA charges, here.

Over and out.

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! [16 Oct 2002|10:09am]
audigy 2 platinum has been added to the employee price list, effective yesterday.

there goes the rest of my paycheck.

thing is, though... i'm not going to install the card in my current system.
i'm going to keep it packed up until I get started building the new system.
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Hm. [15 Oct 2002|08:06pm]
[ mood | procrastinating again ]

Well, I have a pretty decent mental framework built for my 'homework' project... I'm gonna take the night off and do some webbing, then go play some more DW7... I'm actually making progress in it, which is neat. ;)

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hehe, oops. [15 Oct 2002|06:40pm]
[ mood | confident ]
[ music | pyroxene.mid ]

Hm, turns out that the new Harry Potter movie comes out on 11/15, not 10/15. *patpats Kim* It's okay. ;) I'm definitely interested in going when it comes out though, and hey, this'll give me plenty of time to watch the first one. ^_^ It'd probably be in my best interest to stay home tonight...

...because I have homework. :) )

but first... leftover tuna helper beckons. :) I think I'm gonna brew some iced tea or something to have with it.


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