Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
8:39 am
I got my new parking pass last night, and I must say, I'm really disappointed. As they're going to charge $5 a piece for replacing a lost one, I was expecting something sexy - black plastic with barcodes and proximity sensors and holograms and silkscreened logos and the like. Instead, I have this stupid little yellow cardstock rear view mirror hanger with '[workplace name] ADVISOR No. 99' printed on it. It's a huge bummer.
The normal bunch of St. Patrick's Day beer ads have started up on the radio again, and once again, Killian's is being plugged as the official beer of the holiday. Like hell.
current mood: sleepy
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| Sunday, February 24th, 2002
10:26 pm - It's A Puzzle
I've been thinking - why is it that I can be perfectly expressive to someone I dig - I mean, really dig - online or over the phone, but yet when we meet up face to face, I get all quiet and meek and awkward? Do I just need to get out more?
current mood: melancholy
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9:40 pm - Parking Goodness and Playstation 2 Games
Well, I'm back to work, and doing a whole lot of nothing, as is usually the case on a Sunday. It looks as if management is going to start enforcing a parking tag policy, which means that parking problems here, regardless of the day of the week, should become a thing of the past. Huzzah!
I got about 5 hours into Final Fantasy X last night, and I must say that I'm awfully impressed. I really dig the characters, I have no complaints with the battle/powerup system, unlike the mess that was FFVIII. The voicework isn't perfect, but nor does it suck (ala Resident Evil: Whatever) and I like the little touches in the animation, like Yuna affectionately petting the beak of the massive bird that she's just summoned from the heavens before said bird commences ass-kickin'.
In addition, any game with a witch that animates plushies to hop across the screen and bop the enemy can't be all bad.
Has anyone played State of Emergency by Rockstar yet, and if so, what did you think of it? There's an article in today's Salon where they get the opinions of various anti-corporate and anarchist types about the game. I was particularly amused that the name of the villain was changed from the American Trade Organization(ATO) to 'The Corporation' before release.
current mood: contemplative current music: Humming "Robot Parade" by TMBG
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4:14 pm
7:39 am - Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-Qverf
Rrf. Back home from Chicago. Friday night was spent with Datahawk, Moryssa, Vlad, and many others as we went out to eat at a spanish/mexican place and I experianced the goodness of paella for the first time, then most dressed up in semi-(demi?)-gothwear to take in Queen of the Damned. Mmm, homosexual overtones. I could not tell you if it was a faithful adaptation, as Anne Rice Books annoy me, but general consensus was that it was not faithful to the books (two actually, The Vampire Lestat and the title book), but still enjoyable. Why is it that there are no sexy vampire guys named 'Stu' or 'Chuck'? Lestat. Heh.
After that, we went to Omega. IT's like a Denny's, except it doesn't suck. after talking there for a bit, we eventually parted ways and I headed to my host's place. I got a ride to the airport, and hopped on m' plane back to Detroit, and well, here I am.
As an aside, the added security at O'Hare was handled a LOT better than that at Detroit Metro airport. Little surprise, if you've ever been to Metro.
I picked up a Playstation 2 soon after I returned - I was not able to get a hold of a 10% WalMart discount in Chicago, as I'd planned. Final Fantasy X Looks like it's going to be very habit-forming.
Must go bed now.
current mood: tired
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| Thursday, February 21st, 2002
8:35 pm - Still in Chicago
I played a marathon game of Heroes of Might and Magic 3 last night over 7 hours, and my host has yet to recuperate, still dozin'. I've not done too much that's noteworthy this week, with the exception of seeing Posi_cat and Datahawk from FurtooniaMUCK Tuesday night, marvelling at the massive warehouse o' cheap food that is Aldi, and just doing a lot of hardcore chilling out, in general. I only wish that I get a chance tomorrow to meet up with some friends from Wisconsin - namely angelfennec and Moryssa - before I have to go back home on saturday.
current mood: relaxed
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| Monday, February 18th, 2002
5:22 am - Bunnies, Emmett Otter, and Xxxenophile
I forgot to mention in my last post that I fell asleep on the couch in the front room. My friend covered me with a blanket and approxomately 14 or 15 bunny plush. Sadly, I was not able to get a picture of myself so cover'd. Ah well.
Today, after sammiches at Denny's, we stopped by th' local beverage store and looked at libations, then stopped by the local mall tfore. It was Korean in origin, as far as I could tell, and in addition to the rather smallish blue floor sensor, It had IR beam sensors on either side of the platform to be broken with the hands. The name of th' game eludes me, unfortunately.
We then stopped by a local Chuck E. Cheese-esque arcade games/minigolf/bumper cars place ('Why spend time with a RAT when you can GO BACK IN TIME at THE ENCHANTED CASTLE?!') which didn't have much enchantment nor any castles. I didn't get to see some guy dressed as Jolly Fun Happy King(tm) entertain the crowd at large, either.
After that, we watched Emmitt Otter's Jug Band Chriatmas, then listened to Dr. Demento while playing a game of the XXXenophile card game which was a lot of fun. It's easy to learn, and (I'm told) fast moving once you get used to differant card effects - the fact that the art is of the naughty comic variety doesn't hurt, either. It's out of print, sadly, but I've been told it's 100% compatible with another Foglio comic game, Girl Genius: The Works. I think I'm going to look into getting myself a copy.
It's late, and I'm going to bed very soon.
current mood: tired
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| Sunday, February 17th, 2002
7:36 pm - Arrival, and Day One n' Two
Sooo, I'm in Chicago. Yay. The plane ride went relatively smoothly, save the long, serpentine security queue through the airport and the X-raying of baggage before they were loaded. I was afraid that the yahoo running the X-ray machine would search my stuff after finding the bottle o' Minty Dr. Bronner's in my bag wrapped up in masking tape to keep it from opening (GOOD GOD! PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE!).
I was picked up by a friend at the airport, and I'll be primarily stayin' at his house for my time here. I've not done much o'er the weekend - but it is nice just to be away from home, and not to be working. If I know you and you live around here, please get in touch with me at my livejournal e-mail address. Thanks!
current mood: good
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| Friday, February 15th, 2002
6:20 pm - Never Underestimate Michigan Traffic
Well, I'm in trouble. I spent the night at my parents' house, hanging out with my younger sibling while plugging away at that computer of my co-workers' 'fixed' (Drive formatted, EZ-BIOS installed, Windows installed, AOL (uck) installed). I woke up at 2 pm, and had plenty of time to do everything I needed to do, yet still, I waited too long to leave managed to arrive at work 2 minutes late.
2 minutes isn't a big deal, you say? Not at most places except here.
The next step is 'Sudden Death' probation (As I like to call it), where if I'm late 1 minute 1 time in a 60 day period, they will terminate my pasty ass with extreme prejudice. Erf.
So after I return from my jaunt to Chicago, I will be forthright and punctual and happy and leave an extra 20 fucking minutes early every day.
[Update: I was lucky enough to get this signed off on, which is Very Good. No blemish on my record, yet.]
current mood: pissed at myself
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| Thursday, February 14th, 2002
8:47 am
This movie of people playing with the wacky-assed physics in Microsoft's Halo almost made me paint my monitor with a mouthful of banana Nesquik(tm).
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6:21 am
1:52 am - Happy V-day, You Lucky Devils
It's another Valentine's Day, and I'm without a sweetie. Woo. I'll likely go with my brother and his friend to see Amelie if they're game, rather than feeding my Significant Other fudge dipp'd strawberries and taking her out to said movie. In any case, Jeunet's never a let down (well, except for that Alien Resurrection thing, but that doesn't count).
It's a typically slow final hour at work, and the three of my friends that are on AIM don't appear to be in the mood for a conversation. Ah, well.
My brother has obtained an old computer that he's imploring I have a look at. He's telling me that he thinks it's about four years old, and I'll be over there tonight to appraise its vintage and let him know how useful it is, in terms of a net computer.
There's an interesting article on polyamory in this week's Metro Times, a free independant weekly paper o' Detroit - I believe it may be readable in full on their website.
current mood: lonely
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| Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
7:35 am
Just read through esche's journal from Day 1, just for the hell of it. I need to get out more.
My wireless modem do-jigger for my Visor is not working. I am pissed because that'll be the second one I've bought from eBay that's been DOA. I had better not get sucked into a service contract for the damn thing if it doesn't work. I'm going to charge it overnight, to see if it's just a battery thing.
current mood: blah current music: Funker Vogt - Zeit
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12:52 am - Taco Bell and The Wheel O' Disease
I had Taco Bell for lunch tonight. Yummy, yummy Taco Bell. I miss the Wild Sauce they used to have there - It was like a real salsa instead of the watery glop they serve now. It was good.
As I was frittering away time last night and playing Neopets, I spun the Wheel O' Excitement(tm) and happened to land on the skull. This makes one of your pets break out in disease. Perhaps that'll be the next step in 'extreme' game shows.
'And Cheryl, you've spun .... THE SKULL! Vanna, strap her down and inject her with rabies!'
Maybe John Waters could host.
current mood: lethargic
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| Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
10:12 pm - Boy, I like Taquitos
I've yet to find someone to do that picture I'd like of a ferret-guy eating a taquito. I envision him as tall, effeminate, and either nude or wearing something comfortable, but revealing. His mask would be subtly spiky, David Hopkins-style. He would be eating this taquito with deliberate slowness, chewing thoughtfully as he gazes thoughtfully into the distance.
It goes without saying that it'd be a really damn good taquito.
current mood: meaty and saucy
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9:22 pm - Cessation of Woggling and the Lack of Paczki
As I drove to work today, I noticed that my speedometer needle was no longer woggling about as it was last night, which is a good thing - but I am filled with dread that the woggle may restart at any time. Such are the perils of old-ass vehicles (pronounced VEEEE-hickles).
It being Fat Tuesday, today the upper management purchased several massive boxes of paczki(pronounced POONCH-key) for the employees here - if this is not a regional tradition for you, they're jelly donuts about the size of your fist which clock in at around 1,000 calories a piece. They're traditionally eaten as one last indulgence before Lent.
I'm just a bit bummed that the evil evil morning shifts ate 'em all, and I am paczekless(sic). I sit and do this repetitive crap for you all day, upper management, is one massive lump of donutty goodness (preferably custard) too much to ask for?
current mood: hungry
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| Monday, February 11th, 2002
9:54 pm - Wacky Buick Fun
As of today, the Buick's speedometer needle has started woggling(that's a very technical automotive term, you know) back and forth like the head of one of those drinky-birds whenever I put my foot on the gas. Next I anticipate the rear brakes to go, or the engine to implode, or the steering wheel to pop off in my hands while I'm doing 65 down th' highway. Bah. I'm sick of the Buick.
This workday's moving at a rather brisk pace, as if to make up for sunday. It's almost an adrenaline rush. Yeah. I'm like a cowboy. A powerful cowboy, with great customer service skills. My gun is my headset, and I fire bullets tempered with courtesy!
...Okay, that's a crappy analogy. I'll think up a better one later.
current mood: productive
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5:51 am
| Sunday, February 10th, 2002
7:12 pm - Slow Sundays and The Events of Saturday
It's a Sunday, and it's really slow. Big surprise there.
I was almost late to work today. I took off through the door and realized that I'd left my keys on the end table by the door. After a frantic call to both my workplace and my parents' house, my roommate thankfully showed up and I peeled off down the road - and I got here with 2 minutes to spare. Whew.
Last night, I got to see Chet for the first time in about a month, since we got together for New Year's. We had some food at the Ram's Horn down th' street(It's Where To Go When You're Hungry!(tm)), then headed to the theatre down the street to take in a flick. There is currently a piss-poor collection of movies in theatres, and we ended up seeing the worst of them, Schwartzenegger's Collateral Damage. Wow, it was full of suck, including a secret surprise ending that you can see coming from a billion miles away.
After he headed home for the evening, I gave that computer of my coworkers a looking at. It would seem that it's a pre-1995 model, (P-133, 16 MB, 3 GB HD), and, as such, needs one of those bloody disk overlay programs in order to make use of the whole hard drive. It looks like I'm going to have to grab a copy of PC-BIOS from StorageSoft, if the Seagate specific program I downloaded doesn't work. Fun.
current mood: bored
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4:06 pm
Spent most of the last hour or so talking with a former coworker, Madison DuVeau. The link leads to her Camarades(tm) webcam page, where you can gaze upon her radiance n' look at her cute parrot. She's got a sweet coffee table, too.
She tells me that her main web page is at http://www.du-veau.com.
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