..::Ally::..'s LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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Look At The Stars...

~*~^Him..^~*~ [12 Nov 2001|11:26am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Hanson "I will come to you" ]

The First Date

So the truth is all my friends know I was all *anti-men* until last saturday.. I was working in the club.. I was having the fun of my life with Jess , Isabel , Hector and my cousin Luis , when I spotted Him.. first impression.. hottie! So after that it took one look and one smile until he finally came up to me and everything began… his name? Jack.. so well anyways I was dancing and talking with him *all night* and he was so cute!! Well thing is he asked my my phone # when Isabel , Jess and I were leaving.. hehe so yeah.. gave it to him.. didn't think he'd call.. but he did , yesterday , he asked me out , so.. we went to Loreto , we hanged out there all afternoon ... we played air-hockey for a while , I won two times , he won three.. hmmmm =)
.. I think it could take me time to adjust..but I guess I would.. for him.. if he’s worth it.... I didn't think the way I do right now until last night when I had just got home , and the phone rang , and it was him.. and we talked for about 2 hours straight , some things we talked about were silly , some other were way too sweet!!
By far he's smart , and yummy , and silly , and cute! He's leaving on Tuesday to Honduras.. but he’ll be back on Thursday.. if I have luck I'll see him on Friday in the club , if not I'll surely see him on the weekend…! Oh yeah.. lucky me .. that's what Jessy and Isa keep telling me LOL =)

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