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If you think i am a nazi, well you get a gold star.
Oh man.
Heh. This is the most ridiculous thing i've seen in LJLand in a long time; ever since that Beautiful Freaks community. HAH. The only thing worse than a 'goth'; a 'Christian Goth'! I mean. It really makes no sense to me. All pre-packaged goths are people who crave togetherness, All Christians are the same; a place to go to feel accepted. So if you already had that in religion, why turn to 'goth'? Actually, the more i think about it, the more it makes sense. Two titles to hold that both grant their wearers a niche with fellow man. They go hand & hand, don`t they?
I realized that that existed a while ago, yet am unable to bring myself to look at it. Sounds scary. I just think it's funny how many people list jesus as an interest.
In other news, when are you getting here? My best friend is moving away, so I have an opening for a new one... hint hint.
I don`t even remember how i found it last night...
And yes, in other news, i should be up there first week in march. And i will definately be over at your place a lot... Afterall, you do have a baby... TEll ME... is it's excrement greenish at times? Tho, if not, i'll settle for just plain brown.
Always green, unless she gets really stressed out, and then it's more a bluish-grey. Seriously. But mostly she is just cute and full of grins, not poo.
Oh, don't you worry. It can get pretty harrowing, especially if you open her diaper before she's done. I like to refer to that situation as the "poo-cannon". I have found her literally up to her belly-button before.
I think it's funny..> I have no issues with goths who are christian but why put the two words together.. Goths who are into Jesus, hrmm.. I'm spiritual and ordained, but you know that hehe... But fuck.. I mean well fuck...I mean I'd rather have christian goths running around than satanic goths.. one harms the genre more then then the other.. but fuck.. I'm just really without the proper words.. I'll blame this on Eva O since she became a born again.. There is a goths who hate goths lj group to that's a hoot.. nothing worse then goths trashing their own.. it's beyond hypocritical but it's funny at the same time...
Satanism from what i know of it.. I read up on it a few years back... but mainly Lavey material.. it seemed basically based around being athiest while having self pride...
But when I was referring to satanic goths I was referring to the sterotypical ones who run around in Cradle of filth shirts and paint inverted crosses on their foreheads... It reminds me of the days when bands like Slayer and Venom were popular and all these lil teenagers went around killing cats and wearing black.. that made me sick..
OK.... I guess I can see that, but I wouldn't call those kids "satanists" mostly because they seriously give "Satanism" a bad name, as well.
I see them more as "evil fundies" in the sense that they're a very blatantly "evil" version of the "Halleluljah!" Fallwell types, they just worship the Christians version of Satan instead of the Christian version of God.
I mean, it makes sense. They pretty much have the same mentality as the Falwell types do: undying belief that there is an entity out there that is greater than themselves which they must live a certain way in order to "appease."
Heh. I only have issues with goths and christians when they in any way directly affect me. ? or try to? BUT... i think it's safe to say i have a problem with 'ChristianGoths' Any day of the week simply because it's so lame and rediculous to me. The whole point of these subcultures; the reason they were BORN was partly to escape/show division from the pressures of these religious sects int he first place. pFFFF. And i DO think the crazy teeny 'satantists' are funny as hell and DO give 'freaks' a bad name, only in the sense that the 'norms' see those types and automatically it drives the stake in deeper between the two groups. Ofcourse, why would real freaks care about that ANYways?? It only worries me at all that silly 'gothsatantists' are giving a false ideal of what real freaks are to the suit&tie; types when i am in a bad or bitter mood in general. I really don`t care. 'Goth' is ruined and overwith anyways. But i think the whole satan worshiping thing is silly anyways. Rozzlyn knows or should know that. But whatever turns your doorknob.
my fellow ordained preacher sista... your font is small waah... but I think I can see what you are saying... The goth thing is by far not ruined.. it's just in a healing stage... the newer bands are actually showing some real potential and I think things have moved past the damage that Nosferatu, manson and other shite has caused.. But I have never considered myself a goth, I consider myself a fan of the gothic genre and fashion and literature at times.. I don't want to be pigeonholed.. There was a time when i would have been happy with that tag but now when i get tagged that it irks me... not because I feel it has a bad stereotype, far worse tags out there but because I can't be goth 24/7... Gawd, I'm ranting...
My point is this... I just don't like people ridiculing goths, and it irks me even more when goths ridicule other goths.. it's catty and it's bad for the genre... Karma and all as well.. if the people who ridicule goths don't mind getting the same shit slammed into their face then they are welcome to slam away.. but they need to remember that the oldies will slam them right back for it.. heh... The younger kids in the scene nowadays are kinda cocky..
Nah...I don't have an issue when you do it.. not sure why... But just remember jrock is fair game the next time you take a shot at the cruxshadows ;)...
Hahha. Odd that you'd say that. take a look at my newest post. It might prove your threats feeble; and if not, well tough tootie, because i don`t get offended easily anyways. :P
ok, now i remember why.. you make me giggle.. in a good way.. the car battery would bounce of his hair, you do realize that right? As for jrock, I saw the post.. I can see why you girls are into their aesthetic.. they do their makeup quite well.. It's their music.. it's like listening to poison gone japanese and I have this intense dislike for glam metal these days... I think it's cuz I actually liked it at one time and woke up and was like... "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I BEEN LISTENING TO???"
Oh well... that was 7 years of my life wasted.. I'm sure I'll waste another 7... but do me a favor.. if I'm still doing this lj thing in 7 years and i start listening to new age.. shoot me...
Is goth a religion now then? I think the two can go together. But only because christians are very good at twisting what their religion really means, to suit them.
I noticed this community a good while ago when I was looking to find other Eva O fans. I was more amused, at the time, of the insipidness of the majority of the posts than struck with a sense of oxymoron. I don't know if it has changed since then, but it seemed that every post was just a passage from the Christian Bible -- can we say overzealous Christian goths?
I remember reading in CosmoGirl not long ago... this girl wrote in complaining about an article they posted about wicca. She was gravely offended and yes, she was a Christian. I didn't get that either. What makes a goth Christian? What makes a Christian goth? Bollocks to that.
why follow a leader when... mutt 2002-01-30 01:00
(link) can follow your nose? :D and in your case it is such a smoooochable nose that i may just have to smoooch it .right here.right now! :O all "scenes" and "organized" religeons are the product of fear.fear of ones' self.lets get naked!!!!! :D