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Quotent Quotables [26 Jun 2002|03:51pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Elvis Prestley vs. JXL - A Little Less Conversation ]

Just so I don't forget....('the' quote of Hullabaloo)

Chelsea: "I didn't like how the singer of Papa Roach kept calling us motherfuckers. I'm not a motherfucker!"

(and a close runner-up...)

Xfm Guys Onstage: "So did you guys enjoy Crowned King, how bout a round of applause for our opening act!"
Us: "No we missed them! We were drinking in the parking lot!"

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A Little Less Conversation [25 Jun 2002|02:42pm]
[ mood | rejuvenated ]
[ music | Jimmy Eat World - The Authority Song ]

A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation ain't satisfactionin' me
A little more bite a little less bark
A little less fight a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me
Satisfy me baby

Baby close your eyes and listen to the music
Drifting through a summer breeze
It's a groovy night and I can show you how to use it
Come along with me and put your mind at ease

A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me
Satisfy me baby

Come on baby I'm tired of talking
Grab your coat and let's start walking
Come on, come on
Come on, come on
Come on, come on
Don't procrastinate, don't articulate
Girl it's getting late, gettin' upset waitin' around

A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me
Satisfy me baby

And flash forward 16 hours later, my ears are still ringing. *shrugs* Such is life.

Do I really have anything to say? Not today. I'm so relaxed. If you ever have any built up aggression for any reason (or even if you don't think you have any, like I didn't) just go to a concert and mosh your ass off. You'll feel so much better, so at peace with the world afterwards. It's a thing of wonder that everyone has to experience at least once.

Now it's time to lift kayaks. I bid you all adieu.
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My newest trick [24 Jun 2002|11:45pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | Ringing in my ears that hasnt stopped for an hour and a half ]

Is a backflip while crowd surfing, then keep going. This is my new math equation:
Hullabaloo 2002 = Crowd Surfing + Kickass Music + Four Good Friends/Moshers

Swollen Members performed the following songs as well:

  • Killing Spree
  • Fuel Injected w/ Moka Only
  • New Details
  • Front Street
  • Prevail Freestyle
  • Bring it Home w/ Moka Only
  • Lady Venom

All in all, an amazing concert, Jimmy Eat World got the best reception from the audience, Swollen were the best entertainers, Papa Roach kept everyone moshing constantly and even Theory of a Dead Man were surprisingly good to hear live. Two thumbs up, and one more productive day of summer done and done.
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It's been a summer / It will be a summer [24 Jun 2002|01:27pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | New Found Glory - Never Give Up ]

But she said
"I'd know when you would come back"
It's been a summer

It's burning up in here
Even though the bed is cold on your side
I'd rather die
Than spend this night here without you

I love New Found Glory so much it's ridiculous. I'm going to the Warped Tour solely to see them (Goldfinger, MxPx, and Reel Big Fish as well...but y'know I hear their new album sucks), and to buy a tshirt of theirs.

So, class, let's review our notes from the past two semesters, ten months, and one school year. My life has grown exponentially this year, in every possible direction. Take any quality I possessed or any aspect of my life from last year, and just expand it tenfold and you have my life as I know it now. I think of my high school life as follows:

Grade Eight: Don't remember. I was a very shy kid who didn't keep up with the other kids after grade seven. They went on to make tons more friends and stuff but I went in cautiously and overly paranoid so I came out "behind" (is how I thought of it) and trying to catch up. I even lost one of my best friends to the "cool" people who took high school in stride, whereas I tripped over the first hurdle.
Grade Nine: Don't really remember. I was still a very shy kid but I was reaching out and talking to a few more people but definitely not taking daily risks. Still very quiet but I did find a new group of people to be friends with. Only had one guy who stuck with me all through my first two years of high school- we stuck by each other.
Grade Ten: Now this I remember. I started the first day with bright red hair and I went down the halls to find people had been waiting for me to show up. That initial feeling of being wanted was enough to make me more confident and to reach out more. By this time I had found my taste in music and clothes and people at Christmas. Now that I had a better idea of who I was I was free to let people accept me or reject me, but always based on who I am. I met another group of people who I could be friends with, and I still had that one person with me from elementary school. Also the first year I went to yearbook signings, and I got about 30 people who wanted to sign it. This feeling of being wanted was still there and I loved being able to talk to everyone. That was one year ago almost to the day.
Grade Eleven: This year. This year has been ridiculous when compared to my Grade Eight year. This year it's hard to even imagine me being the same person I was three years ago. I've been very happy with who I am, and I'm trying my best to talk to most people at our school and to always take risks. This has been probably the year I will remember in 30 years time as the best year of my life.

Which brings me to Thursday- Report cards and yearbook signings. I hope everyone I know will sign mine and I know it's kind of a meaningless thing but it means a lot to me if someone takes the time to write a happy memory of the two of us or something like that. I'm going to sign as many as people want me too, and I hope you guys enjoy that day as much as I have. Chins up and eyes forward to grade 12, but until then anyone want to go partying?
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Longest Day of The Year [22 Jun 2002|03:43am]
[ mood | drunk ]
[ music | Lil Bow Wow (why? i have no idea, it just started playing) ]

Spent quite well, they all get shorter from here on folks. Just remember, Robie is on your side.

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Awake for 4 hours and counting [19 Jun 2002|05:42pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Sublime - What Happened ]

Sometimes building one of those planes you get at the dentist and jumping on a trampoline can make you feel at ease. Not worried bout what time it is, or what you have to do later. Kind of like a warm welcome to summer.

Then I longboard home with Jerren and have my jackass neighbour tell me that he hates all skateboarders because one time they hit his car and now he hates me. Ahhhh gotta stay grounded in this world.

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One other thing [17 Jun 2002|12:05am]
[ music | New Found Glory - It's Been a Summer ]

By my 18th birthday I will have a novel ready to show to editors.
Now, that's all.

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When I'm 25 [16 Jun 2002|01:46pm]
[ music | New Found Glory - Houdini ]

In nine years I will be a millionaire.
That's all.

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Quirks [12 Jun 2002|12:05am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | New Found Glory - My Friends Over You ]

What's your quirk? Everyone has one, some have many. Certain qualities or characteristics that you exemplify or enhance more than the average person. These are things that everyone does at one point or another, but you do them differently, or more often, or whatever. My quirk is that I notice shoes. I can tell you probably the shoes that anyone in our school has. Honestly, it's one of the things I know people by. What's yours?

Sidenote: It's ridiculous how much I need music to function. I'm getting new batteries tommorow morning FINALLY. I've been wihtout my discman for two days and it's hell. And I'm getting 6 new cds in the next week or so. I'm pumped.

Sidenote the sequel: I recorded a new message for my answering machine. Call when nobody's home and you'll be amused.

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Trial by Candlelight [10 Jun 2002|11:28pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | New Found Glory - My Friends Over You ]

Exhibit A:
The man who tames the oceans. Known as Wavecatcher, here he is depicted in a re-enactment of parting the Red Sea (mimicking the prophet of yore) and placing it back together an instant before the onlookers notice what has happened. We consider this man to be a vital element of this case, this man who also is one with the candlelight shadows. It is said that he is the only one who knows the whole story, but he is unwilling to co-operate thus far.

Exhibit B:
Broken headphones. These have been the gateway from the music note into the accused's head, filling him with scores of messages, information and beliefs that can not be healthy for a normal being's existence. It is this exhibit in particular that we feel has turned the accused into this defiant being that exists now. With proper discipline and with proper disposal of these funnels of chaos, perhaps the accused would have grown up with a normal headspace.

Exhibit C:
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this is the focal point of this case. This coil-bound purple notebook is filled with prophecies of freedom, promises of change, and anthems for rebellion. These poems and lyrics are dangerous to society, and nobody can say for sure how many youths have been exposed to their propaganda. This is the thesis of this case- the accused has no excuses, and we the accusers demand recompance for the filth contained in this book.

Therefore, we accuse this man, Mike Hoobastank, of all of the crimes listed above in the initial document. The prosecution rests its case.

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Ugh. [10 Jun 2002|06:25pm]
This sucks.
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Jeebus... [08 Jun 2002|01:00pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | Fighting Gravity - Lost Our Way ]

it's all over. In one fucking week, some of my best friends will be leaving me. Some of the people who inspire me the most, who teach me about my life and how life should be lived, and who have let me become their friend, for whatever reason, are leaving. I had one of my best nights on Thursday night at Awards Night, and last night I got to meet all the scholarship presentators before the Grad ceremony (it was my job to serve punch), and they knew what they were giving away. They were handing out opporunity, hope, and inspiration to a group of people already full of it, or perhaps people who just needed that little extra push to go for their goals and let Seycove be their springboard into the real world, into success.

I cheered, louder than I remember doing ever before at a school event, when the people I had come to call 'friend' walked across the stage with their heads held high- they knew what they had accomplished. Chelsea, Chloe, Jess, Darcy, JJ, Mack, Erin, Malcolm, Meghan, Blake, Andrea, Jenn, and Lindsay; these are people who I know just a little better than a face in the hall. I know how they speak, how they laugh, and I know that they will go off and be something great. It's a little/lot overwhelming to know I'll be filling their role in a year's time, but I think I finally have an idea of what it feels like to lose some friends to the real world. I'll miss all of you, even if we haven't been really good friends or talking all the time lately, you have changed me in one way or another and I wish you all the best luck for the future.

Chelsea & Chloe: We now have 4 altos and 4 sopranos in Blue Avenue, that means we needed 3 altos and sopranos to replace the two of you. You are amazing to me in that you were able to conquer other aspects of life besides music, because you certainly have dominated our Vocal Jazz. I am truly honored to know both of you, and please don't forget me when you leave to pursue your dreams. I won't forget you.

That's it, I don't have a lot else to say. But I'll see every one of you next week, and at yearbook signings. After that, I hope you keep in touch with me (I'll do all I can) and I'm proud that Seycove wasn't able to blunt your dreams of becoming something so much more than just another teenager.

"Maybe now I've conquered all my adolescent fears
I'll do it better in my next thirty years"
(Tim McGraw)

Thank you all so much. :)

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AWARDSIES [06 Jun 2002|11:11pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Harry Connick Jr - Lonely Goatherd ]

So how bout them awards? I did quite well tonight...five certificates and a plaque (Exemplary Student? coulda fooled me), and I missed one of the awards I wanted. I had a great time tonight and Blue Ave even got to perform again! I'll be coming back next year for another trip through it, with an expanded group up to 12 members from this year's 9. All in all, a good night.

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Proper Burial [05 Jun 2002|01:03am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | the product of 5 minutes ago....no music ]

Proper Burial

You'd love that, wouldn't you?
To finally close your fist on this chapter
Without so much as a raised eyebrow
Or a complaint
To end this brief facad and move on
Without a proper burial

You can't see it, can you?
The end of what might succeed if you had trust
Without so much as a passing smile
Or some kind words
The potential has been slaughtered
Without a proper burial

Sources say cremation
Ashes over tangibility
Ready to leave your memory
Where will you lay the flowers?

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Ye Old Shafte [04 Jun 2002|12:24am]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Method Man ft. Jonell - Round and Round ]

You are the yard stick; I have nothing else to compare with. So what do I do when you won't give me a measurement? Give me something. I don't know how to deal with this (Did I ever?) and it flatout sucks. It's not the way to do things, and certainly not giving me reason to keep striving on, searching for something that I may never find or worse still, I'll find it but pass it by because you won't tell me when I get there.

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Awards Ceremony in one week... [30 May 2002|10:26pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Eminem - Til I Collapse ]

And this has been my most successful year so far in my life. Let's recap the stuff I've done this year (for my reflection):

Wrote/Directed/Starred in "How to Waste 45 Minutes of Your Life"
Wrote/Performed the part of Narrator in Peace Play
Performed in Senior Concert Choir and Blue Avenue in 1st year in music
Recorded upwards of 25 service hours
Maintained 87% GPA this year
Written some of my favourite pieces of literature ever ('Three Card Stud', 'Shaky Legs')
Started writing poetry- 20 pieces completed so far

Holy shit this makes me feel good about my life. I've got more to do next year before I can leave high school, the time to start is now.

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Term ends just aren't exciting [29 May 2002|10:27pm]
[ mood | its grape juice! ]
[ music | i really hope i dont spill any ]

But once I get home, I get to drink juice. And I fuckin LOVE juice. (Tonight students and parents alike were saying "Thank you Mike that was great", calling me by my first name cause I used it on stage...do I know these people? That was kinda cool). But not to sidetrack, the point of this entry is that I fuckin LOVE juice. The end.

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A Stab at the Upbeat [28 May 2002|10:27pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - Go Daddy-O ]

As long as I'm sharing things I've written in the past 2 days...this is my first shot at a truly upbeat piece and I think it would translate quite well to a swing song (or else it's infringing severly on another swing song already made, those are my two options).

A Whole New Shade of Red

Fire up the jalopy
Put on your cleanest shirt
Lace those sneakers up tight
And call up your buddies
It's go time

Now slick your hair back son
And trim those fingernails
If the music is roarin'
If your parents are snorin'
It's go time

We gonna take this party uptown
We gonna bring the ladies downtown
[Grab a brush] [Grab a brush]
We gonna paint this town
A whole new shade of red

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Sand (aka the product of writing for 2 days straight) [28 May 2002|07:48pm]
[ mood | extra.extra. ]
[ music | fresh.from.the.presses.20.mins.ago. ]


Just to prove you wrong today
I'll scrawl inspiration on my door
As I sit alone downstairs
And silently follow your instructions
While changing the face of literature

I'm afraid your views went stale
And the new blood is now leading the way
So take your place behind me
Accept that your hourglass is near-empty
As I step into the spotlight

One thing to add for some closure
Time will one day grab my ankles
Leaving me withered and pale
Until then the language is my funnel
Carrying thoughts to blank paper
I'll count each grain of sand as it passes

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[27 May 2002|10:43pm]
[ mood | mental.constipation. ]
[ music | Mobb Deep ]

Is this the life I've always wanted? I always wanted to have people call me and ask me to do stuff on the weekends, and be able to get along with a lot of different people. Now that I guess I have that, it doesn't feel like I've quite achieved what I've always dreamnt of. I still look beyond this at other people who "have it made" but I don't think they think of their lifestyle as the one that others strive for.
[I'm out of ideas of what to say, but my head is full....anyone got a translator?]

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