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Fighting Gravity - Lost Our Way |
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it's all over. In one fucking week, some of my best friends will be leaving me. Some of the people who inspire me the most, who teach me about my life and how life should be lived, and who have let me become their friend, for whatever reason, are leaving. I had one of my best nights on Thursday night at Awards Night, and last night I got to meet all the scholarship presentators before the Grad ceremony (it was my job to serve punch), and they knew what they were giving away. They were handing out opporunity, hope, and inspiration to a group of people already full of it, or perhaps people who just needed that little extra push to go for their goals and let Seycove be their springboard into the real world, into success.
I cheered, louder than I remember doing ever before at a school event, when the people I had come to call 'friend' walked across the stage with their heads held high- they knew what they had accomplished. Chelsea, Chloe, Jess, Darcy, JJ, Mack, Erin, Malcolm, Meghan, Blake, Andrea, Jenn, and Lindsay; these are people who I know just a little better than a face in the hall. I know how they speak, how they laugh, and I know that they will go off and be something great. It's a little/lot overwhelming to know I'll be filling their role in a year's time, but I think I finally have an idea of what it feels like to lose some friends to the real world. I'll miss all of you, even if we haven't been really good friends or talking all the time lately, you have changed me in one way or another and I wish you all the best luck for the future.
Chelsea & Chloe: We now have 4 altos and 4 sopranos in Blue Avenue, that means we needed 3 altos and sopranos to replace the two of you. You are amazing to me in that you were able to conquer other aspects of life besides music, because you certainly have dominated our Vocal Jazz. I am truly honored to know both of you, and please don't forget me when you leave to pursue your dreams. I won't forget you.
That's it, I don't have a lot else to say. But I'll see every one of you next week, and at yearbook signings. After that, I hope you keep in touch with me (I'll do all I can) and I'm proud that Seycove wasn't able to blunt your dreams of becoming something so much more than just another teenager.
"Maybe now I've conquered all my adolescent fears I'll do it better in my next thirty years" (Tim McGraw)
Thank you all so much. :) -Mikey