LiveJournal for Severus Snape's Special House-Elf.

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Friday, November 29th, 2002

Time:12:25 am.
Mood: tired.
I should so be in bed right now. I didn't clean up, I didn't do the dishes, I didn't go to bed early - all this I wanted to do because early tomorrow my parents will come. I'll go to Ikea with my Mum and hopefully find a cuddly dark-red rug. Oh, and she'll bring my new puter.

What am I doing instead? I've started re-reading Krum do I love?. That's the first time I read HP FanFic for nearly a year. I've forgotten how great that story is. But it's late and I should go to bed! *moral dilemma* Gaaah!
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Thursday, November 28th, 2002

Time:9:34 pm.
Mood: shocked.
I just flooded the bloody bathroom. Moaning Myrtle would have a field-day. Grr.

Not that the thing that I wash in is any bigger than one of the cubicles in the girl's toilet in Hogwarts. Bleh.
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Time:7:14 pm.
First and foremost: They need to insert some scene in CoS where Tom Riddle gets to smile happily. Because Christian Coulson smiling is a thing that can make me spontaneously combust. Oooooh. *fumes* And his bedroom-eyes do me in - that they come in a perfectly package with v. nice lips and long-fingered elegant hands doesn't hurt. *pervs around*

Bonnie is a very cute kid - I thought the story how she got the role was quite interesting. Weird procedure.

And Tom - dude, try to pull those teeth apart while talking, it sounds like you have some of Hagrid's Fudge stuck between them. Shirley Henderson.. well, she seems nice. Sorry, I just didn't like her as Myrtle. (the only good thing was when she offered Harry her toilet)
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Subject:Once upon a time...
Time:5:01 pm.
Mood: nostalgic.
over 1 1/2 years ago, I was very, very actively participating in HPfGU. And I was eloquent and managed to express my thoughts perfectly. Nowadays I often feel that I lost that ability somewhere along the way.

I've just looked up all my Snape-theories for a project I'm working on, and already have over 10 pages. And I knew what I was saying, and I had my thoughts together, and I could quote canon without having to look everything up. I brought valid arguments and proved my point effectively. Where did't go?
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Subject:Yeah, well, who would've guessed
Time:1:01 pm.
Mood: amused.
Religion Quizz - fuuun (or not) )

Why do I even bother? Always get the same result anyway, no matter what quizz I take. Glad to see that my spirituality can be so easily determined by the Internet. (not that one look at my bookmarks wouldn't suffice)

Just wanted to show off my new icon anyway.
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Wednesday, November 27th, 2002

Time:11:30 pm.
Mood: crazy.
That's me, alright )

Except that I want him all to myself. (I guess it's the Severus/Remus beast within me...)

Oh, and the fic that is taking over my friends page? It bothers me. Not the fic itself, but that I was sitting there, reading it, and thinking "why, yes, this is amusing" while smiling mildly. Makes me feel like I've lost my sense of humour.
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Time:1:16 pm.
Mood: relieved.
Found them!

It's truly bitchy when you know there are some vignettes and ficlets you wrote for Challenges archived somewhere and can't remember where! Double the anxiety if you haven't safed them on your own hard-drive. But I found them again and I'm a happy camper now. There weren't that many, and onle 3 or 4 were really good, but I was fond of them. Writing short, funny nonsense vignettes seems to be my specialty. (BTW, I'm talking Highlander-Verse here)
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Time:12:53 pm.
Mood: predatory.
OMG!!! I love TLC *shnugs*
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Tuesday, November 26th, 2002

Subject:My day is made...
Time:10:19 am.
Mood: pleased.
Music:Chris de Burgh - If beds could talk.
My linguistics teach reads my mind o_o We were talking about the difference between analytical and synthetic languages. And she said that Chinese is purely analytical and that she doesn't have an example. First I thought "Shame that chinawolf isn't here. Then I thought, "Aww, why didn't alexmalfoy post 'Welcome to the Bad Place' in Chinese." (grabs the Stick from Malfoy sr. and pokes Alex with it)

But then I thought "Well, that'd be hard to explain - the weirdness of the Potterverse." and off I was straight to the Bad Place. Suddenly my prof starts writing
Harry Potter

onto the board. I swear my heart nearly stopped. When I looked out again there was a whole list of HP names to analyze. I did Severus Snape - of course!

Then, later on: Waaaaah! She writes the 4 houses on the board and says "there's a house where the bad guys live in and one where the good guys live in. Those who haven't read the books, guess which is which!"
Answers: Ravenclaw is for the bad guys because it sounds gloomy, Hufflepuff for the good guys (probably because it sounds cute ^-^) (and thank you, Slyth is not for the bad guys, just for the potentially evil and misunderstood)

That was my linguistics lecture for the day. V. funny.

BTW, do you Americans really say "to burglarize" ???
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Monday, November 25th, 2002

Time:6:05 pm.
I suck, I suck so much I'm the most pathetic sucker in the whole wide world! Gaaaah!

Say it: "I'm doomed."

That's what I wrote on my notepad while the lecturer was explaining what he wanted to be included in the politics essay and how it should've been structured - and that there were all marks, from good to bad (1-5). I was so sure mine was horrible.

And I got it back, and peeked carefully, and there it was, "very well done, 1-2".

I'm a Goddess, bow down before me.
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Subject:Another example why Jason Isaacs is one of my Gods.
Time:12:22 pm.
Mood: giddy.
Interview, found at TLC. (Yes, I know it's an older one)

Have you signed on for the fourth and fifth?

JI: I've signed on for the fourth one, and the fifth one I can reveal now that Jo Rowling actually sent me an early draft of it, it's called Harry Potter and the Lucius Chronicles, it's all about his early romantic adventures, but she said it may change.
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Subject:House Christmas-Elf
Time:10:59 am.
Music:CdeB - Bal Masqué.
Beginning on the first December, I'm going to post something like an Advent-Calendar. Every day there'll be something that, for me, is christmassy. Even though I don't celebrate Christmas but Yule I won't stop at the 21st but continue to the 24th. For me, the 24th has always been the important day, not for religious reasons but because Christmas is a family-holiday - it's the time where I try not to bitch as much, where I get to stroll through the town and pick out fun stuff for my loved ones, where, in the end, we'll all give each other things that show that we thought about the other and took into consideration what they might like to have - and then sit under the Christmas tree (and, in the case of my Dad and his Mum, still bitch at each other, but hey! Who said it would be perfect!)

I'll post little poems, stories, song-lyrics, many of those probably season-unrelated at first glance. Don't worry, it won't be anything long and there's always the lj-cut.

I also want to send out Christmas Cards! So, if you want one, send me an e-mail to - some of you are probably going to get an e-mail asking for their snail-mail addy anyway ^-^
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Sunday, November 24th, 2002

Time:8:10 pm.
Mood: aggravated.
I come home, there's a note sticking to my door. Obviously I shouldn't have bothered phoning the carpenter about 20 times in the last week and finally, finally settling on a date on monday. Because they were there friday.

The freaky thing: I had told them to come the friday before, but the janitor didn't let them in because I hadn't told him to do so personally. This time, I hadn't given them permission to go in without me and this time he did open my door for them. With my nightshirt draped on the floor, dishes in the sink and a trash-bag on the floor. I would've liked to do some tidying up before hand, thank you.

The good thing: My room is finally fixed.

BTW, someone paid 150 Euro (= US Dollar) for the Draco poster on e-bay. I want it, I really do, but some people are just crazy.
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Subject:I really can’t leave you alone for a moment, can I?
Time:1:03 pm.
Music:my own frantic wibbling.
Gone for the weekend, and what do I come back to? Mayhem, mania, monstrosities! *ends Molly Weasley mode* Yes, we can panic now.

Please, P-Z, Alex, can you please come back?

Alex- fearful leader of the toob trail, you can’t just abandon your groupies, that’s cruel.

*clings to fandom* We had such great fun in London, didn’t we? Why don’t you ignore all other annoyance and think of that fact? Please?

You’re all anchored in my sub-conscious and can’t escape anyway. I dreamt of the toob-trail tonight. I was re-reading Cos, and suddenly the Trio was following the toob-trail and I thought “So that’s where it’s from!”

See? You can’t go, you are all a part of my brain!
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Saturday, November 23rd, 2002

Subject:First Aragorn, now this...
Time:2:04 pm.
Heh. I tried to convert my Mum to the Bad hairday-Percy cult, but alas, methinks she has hotties for Lucius instead. "Well, I didn't like him in the photographs, but he perfectly portrays the seductiveness of evil!" Thanks for the dissertation, Mum, why don't you just say "I want to get my hands on that piece of ass!!!".

And she's turned into a Hermione/Ron shipper. The doom.
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Friday, November 22nd, 2002

Time:7:22 pm.
I've just returned from seeing CoS in German - and it wasn't quite as dreadful as I feared it would be. Not great, but not horrible either.

Horrible was only that I convinced my Dad to go with me. Why I try to include him in things I like is a complete mystery. He fell asleep during the Dursleys-scene, snored very loudly, then later on got obviously quite tired of the film and started to groan and shift in his seat.

I should probably say that the last time he was in a cinema was, when "Saturday Night Fever" first came out.

Wish you could've been there to watch it with me.
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Thursday, November 21st, 2002

Subject:Slow. Very slow.
Time:1:30 pm.
I just posted my first post on FAPark. Considering that I registered in February, that' very poor. Especially since I love message boards. The thing is, I never ventured farther than the FanFic boards, and since I don't read FanFic anymore I had nothing to post. Oh the pain, I missed out on quite a lot, I'm afraid.

*bounces* And I'm finally getting my new PC. (if it's not sold out when my mother gets to the shop *crosses fingers*) It has a freaking 120 GB hard drive! And a TV card with several programs and (of course) a CD writer, which means that I can finally switch from tape to CD. Phew. Considering the state Truly, Madly, Deeply is in it's high time for that, I didn't dare watch it because I was afraid it'd get even worse.
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Wednesday, November 20th, 2002

Time:11:58 pm.
Mood: annoyed.
I'm just back from the cinema, where I watched CoS again. I couldn't quite stomach the idea of the dubbed version, so I went into the original one, which they're thankfully showing here every night.

Well. I began to feel a certain amount of dread when the title proclaimed that I'd come to see "Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens". Yes, thanks. Everything went quite ok until the diary scene. Where they had subtitled everything that Tom scribbles. In the most ugly, unimaginative white font ever. Then, just as we're about to go into the diary, the curtain closes and a sign proclaims that we're taking a break. A freaking break, at that point? The whole atmosphere was destroyed and I bet half of those who ran to the loo had forgotten what was about to happen when the film commenced.

Then came the spider scene - and they cut a huge chunk! Baaaah! And then the Chamber scene. Where, when they go down the plumbing, about 2 seconds were missing. Why? And in the chamber they again cut a huge chunk. Am so pissed off. Grrrr.

I hate the fact that "original", in German, means cut version with English audio.

I don't know why, it didn't happen the first two times I watched it, but this time the scene with Lucius in Dumbledore's office just cracked me up. I was sitting there the whole time, giggling like a maniac.

And there is another huge blunder in the credits. The collective gasp that went through our rows when we discovered that the credits proclaimed that there was a "Hannah Hufflepuff" at Hogwarts is fresh in my mind, when I suddenly see
Slyth Beater No. 1
Slyth Beater No. 2
Slyth Beater No. 3


There is no such thing as a third beater. Grrrr.

Edited to say that something about Lockhart makes me want to go and search for my old riding crop and spank him - naughty naughty
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Time:12:13 pm.
There's "Dancing in the Moonlight" on the radio! And we listened to it in the car the whole weekend *weeps* It's so not ok. I'm moving over there, now. Hitch-hike north, then swin through the Channel. Other's have done it, who cares if I freeze my arse off?

Edited to say: I'm desperately searching for Ron/Draco FanArt! Maybe that'll cheer me up. The only pics I found were chibbi-style... Any ideas?
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Tuesday, November 19th, 2002

Time:8:28 pm.
Can anyone tell me why they took out that scene? I was so looking forward to it. And what is with this one?

I have the feeling we have some sort of Director's Cut dvd coming our way.
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LiveJournal for Severus Snape's Special House-Elf.

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