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User:ask_obsessed (579983) ask_obsessed
Name:Tachi Aizawa [RP Journals]
Location:Tokyo, Japan

My name's Tachi Aizawa and I'm the lead singer of ASK-we just came back from being out of commision in the music business. Hopefully we can get back on our feet.

I'm twenty one years old, I own a cat (own would be the wrong word for it, but...), live in a two room apartment in downtown Tokyo, and I play DDR all of the time.

I go for men or women, meaning that I'm bi, and I used to prefer guys-but I think my mind's changed. I've got a huge thing for this girl I met a while ago.

And, my favorite singer of all time...


My favorite song by him is NINE SPIRAL.

(Tamed {kind of.. >>;} by the ever-so-...genki Alicia. XD)
Interests:22: anime, besting nittle grasper, cats, drawing, ken-chan, lyrics, ma-kun, maiko, making layouts, men, music, painting, photography, playing ddr, playing guitar, playing with html, psychology, singing, sleeping, toying with graphics, women, yaoi. [Modify yours]
People17:ask_no_ma_kun, ask_obsessed, hiroshi_nakano, kenchan_of_ask, ma_kun_ask, maiko_chan, mikarin, mistah_k, pikapikaryuichi, pockyshuuichi, sakano, suguru, tatsuha, tohma, ukai_noriko, yuki_eiri, yuuzi
Communities2:gravifansunite, nittlegrasper
Friend of:28: ask_no_ma_kun, ask_obsessed, black_dragon88, farfluvtwinkies, genkitwins, gravi_watcher, gravirpreader, hiroshi_nakano, judy_winchester, kenchan_of_ask, kouyami, lil_saki_ukai, maiko_chan, manager_k, mikarin, mistah_k, pikapikaryuichi, rage_in_a_cage, sakano, suguru, tatsuha, tetsuyas_testes, the_real_yuki, theredheaddiva, tohma, ukai_noriko, yoshikichan, yuki_eiri
Member of:2: gravifansunite, nittlegrasper
Account type:Free Account

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