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NOFX "the quass" |
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when i get older i want to climb a mountain and say "look at me i just climbed a mountain." Mountains are my dads favorite food. I hate eating mountains, i think ill stick to shark fin poo.
But i think i'll write a long story about my life so i can fit in with the others.
It all started when i popped out my mom. I remember it like it was yesterday. well anyways i got sick, threw up, drank some water, ate a large turkey leg, bought some tacks to throw at my bed,learned how to smoke large blunts and cigars to look cool infront of the ladies even though i am just going to look like a dick, jump in mud puddles with pigs, not acknowledge anything someone says, make fun of funny looking people as i pass by them in my large airplane with built in blow dryers, chew tobacco so that i can eventually form cancer in my mouth and end up lookin like Joan rivers on a frying pan, watch the sun set with my really hot girlfriend charlie, complain about my dream like life, listen to my large country collection in my dads big ole' pick up truck as i drive it down highway 40, listen to my friend timmy talk about suzy, who was so bad her mommy stopped she loving her, jump in lake racoon with my stuffed animals, eat cereal with my pet chair, learn the art of using a undercover cat to reveal what life has to offer, and how a beaver was the first to speak the english language, try and reveal messages that are subliminal, but are not really there. Also, i tried and figure out why or what someone meant by using my super knowledge brain capacity, talk to my grapes that live in the fridge, make my mom angry and cause a ruckus in my backyard, waste my life on skateboarding casue it is not a team sport, eat doughnuts that are high in fat, make things more complicated SUCH AS bed time stories, make up useless word such as dog, make money and spend it on humans, hang out with people with guns so they will protect me from getting shot in the face, play baseball the All aMeRiCaN sport with my next door neighbor tod, stay up till 1:00 thinking about how im just one of the billion people on this earth that probably wont make a difference in anything, and finally play golf.
The Greatest warrior is O-W-F.