The Wayback Machine -
Broken heart, broken mind.   
03:19pm 18/11/2002
mood: ok
music: Birthday Massacre
La banda va bien. La práctica hace perfecto. Tenemos una canción tambores sólo perdidos y nosotros hemos comenzado a trabajar en otro. Creemos que podemos tener nos fundamos un tambor, ahora nosotros buscamos para otro jugador de guitarra. El trabajo repugna.

(get inside my head...)

Follow in my footsteps..   
06:04am 11/11/2002
mood: good
music: Birthday Massacre/Audioaura

Nothing much going on. Practice 1-2 times a week with the band. We have too much fun. Drummer and a second geetar player are needed, may even look for other noise makers. GTA:Vice City is awesome. Besides that it's all the same. Well.. I have been working layaway more at Wally World. Anybody know who won between the Falcons and Steelers?


(get inside my head...)

Get out of my rowboat.   
05:35am 06/11/2002
mood: tired
music: Birthday Massacre
We are on a mission. At least 2 more people are needed to fill in our ranks. Soon.

(get inside my head...)

hut 2 3 4   
01:42pm 04/11/2002
mood: accomplished
music: Coal Chamber

(get inside my head...)

I am the reason, I am still alive.   
08:37am 21/10/2002
mood: tired
music: Union Underground, Finger Eleven, Seether, Audiovent, Rammstein, Vanilla Ice
Well hello out there. How is everyone?

(get inside my head...)

All aboard   
06:18am 18/10/2002
mood: good
music: Bunch of cover songs
Fuuny that Corey from Slipknot should make comments regarding Nickleback and Roadrunner. It would seem that Roadrunner is wanting more bands like Nickleback because they make more money. Corey bitches about how Slipknot isn't getting what they deserve. I guess the best thing for Corey to do was sign his new band, Stone Sour, to the record label he so loathes. Have you seen the video for 'Bother'? Horrible. Corey looks alot like Jonathan Davis, not Micheal Keaton as some have said. Bravo Corey, on your wise move to tone down, bravo. Slipknot is dying.

(get inside my head...)

Power of moonlight   
09:53am 17/10/2002
mood: estoy contento
music: Tiger Army

What kind of porno would you star in?

brought to you by Quizilla

(get inside my head...)

12:14pm 10/10/2002

It's not much and it will never be. It's just something to do from time to time.

(get inside my head...)

10:19am 10/10/2002
I do not u n d e r s t a n d why you are d i f f e r e n t .

(get inside my head...)

Faster than a bullet..   
09:33am 10/10/2002
mood: amused
music: Linkin Park - Reanimation

Thank you Kazaa for Reanimation, a lot of punk cover songs, some Priest, Digital Underground, Big Tymers, and a movie that came out last Friday. Being as I am going to college and cannot afford to buy CDs or go see movies.. You make it easier on my wallet! I salute you!!


your buddy,

(1 voice | get inside my head...)

08:47am 09/10/2002
mood: none
music: none
Found some new awesome bands.. Son of Sam, Tiger Army, and the Nerve Agents. Lonely Kings isn't that bad either.

(get inside my head...)

I've gotta right, right to say..   
12:39pm 06/10/2002
mood: accomplished
music: Misfits - 'Cuts from the Crypt'
Well.. I am off to work. Later all

'Unreliability is wrong'

(get inside my head...)

I can't believe that you are real..   
09:47pm 03/10/2002
mood: good
music: Lollipop Lust Kill - 'My So Called Knife'
Well.. It is done.

Now I am trying to finish up some songs I have written then I am going to see what the guys think. All we need is a drummer. I have 2 band names that I like. I won't tell what they are.. I won't count these chickens before they hatch. I am going to see if the guys have any other names as well then see what we like the best out of them all. It is going to be a punk/metal project. And if it turns out like the way I felt today talking to the geetar man, Levi, it is going to rock.

(get inside my head...)

"Native American.. It's sweet"   
12:00pm 01/10/2002
mood: livid
music: laundry
Ever had one of those days where you just felt like something is going to go wrong?

Well i just left my Spanish class early.. Why you ask?
time warp
Oh and I don't mean to offend anyone, by my remarks or my spelling.

When I arrived in Spanish we were going over our tests. Then somehow the teacher and a couple students go off topic talking about the Palestinians and Isrealites. I knew this was going to quickly become something I didn't like. So then religion is brought up and the one black girl I have in my class walks in. The teacher and some of the students then start talking about minorites and how hard it must be to be growing up and black. The girl starts talking about how much she blames Bush for everything. I thought I was in Spanish class, not the culture kiss-ass class. So then 'who is black and who isn't' is discussed. ¿Que? And then it happens... The ripping on Native Americans. Now with a name like Travis Panther I cannot see how it isn't clearly obvious that someone with the last name of Panther MAY POSSIBLY BE Native American. I guess some people wouldn't know Native American if one took a shit right in front of them. Now sometimes I can be pretty cool and talk to people about how ignorant they are but today isn't one of those days. A joke was made about how all the Native Americans were killed and the 12 or so left were used in Hollywood. Some of you may not see that as offensive but I took it as a slap to the face. I grabbed my shit and started walking out and the teacher said something and I replied "I'm Native American", teacher says, "Oh you're Native American.". Thanks for the "Sorry", ass. Then I replied, "It's sweet" and left class. No wonder other cultures and countries hate the United States soo much. The hatred has to start somewhere..

I don't know why but I saw the talk about religious beliefs to a precursor to something I wouldn't like. I am Agnostic. I believe more in nature and living beings than I do in 'powers from above'. I don't know why people are so ignorant. I was shaking so bad when I left class but I had to leave before I did/said something stupid. This guy was one of my favorite teachers too.. Now I wouldn't recommend him to anyone.

(1 voice | get inside my head...)

Don't ask.   
03:17pm 29/09/2002
mood: restless
music: nothing
Celtic Swami.. Dead or Alive.
Your days of crappy predictions are over Swami!I predict...Predict this! Raaaaargh!

(get inside my head...)

I'm yo one and only lova, oh yeah, We don't nee to use a rubba..   
09:48am 29/09/2002
mood: weird
music: musica de nada
Travis' Guide to Cart Pushing

Oh and I read that there is a new Punisher movie in the works and they want no other than The Rock to play Frank Castle. The Rock who is, to my knowledge, black, samoan, and buff is going to play a normal Italian around his late 30s. Good job people, totally mess up a possible good movie. Get Bruce Willis or Sylvester Stallone(sp?) and maybe will go see it.

For the Ghost Rider flick coming out soon they have ole' Nick Cage tapped to play Johnny Blaze. For Fantastic Four they 'see' George Clooney as a good Mr. Fantastic. What's wrong with these people? It's bad enough stiff actor supreme is playing Daredevil and some random actress is playing Elektra. No problem with the guy playing Bullseye.. Except his lame ass costume. So I guess it's "try to get big names to star in comic book movies" now. What next, Matt Damon as Captain America?

(get inside my head...)

Up in here, up in here   
04:29pm 28/09/2002
mood: alright
music: 92.3 Jamz
The B-Movie That Suits Me Is:

Mr. Vampire: Hong Kong, like Hollywood, is not known for creativity. Although similar to A Chinese Ghost Story, this movie is unique in many ways. Well written and played out, this funny horror is a true treat.

Find out which b-movie suits you.

(get inside my head...)

06:19pm 27/09/2002
YellowMan Vs. Mario
Die Mario! I hate your stupid guts man!Is it because of the noises I make when I jump?
This is for Luigi! Gooo Joeee!Oh crap! How did you? It'sa comin'a right-*
Good job Yman! Luigi will be proud...I know. I am the

(2 voices | get inside my head...)

What the?   
06:07pm 27/09/2002
mood: interested
music: none
The death of KuKuKaChoo
I have lived with your dirty laundry long enough!Dirty laundry? Die Kuku! DIE!!!!

(2 voices | get inside my head...)

Standing in line to see the show tonight..   
08:03am 27/09/2002
mood: contemplative
music: Lick
late night scootin' Monday night. Starcraft night Tuesday night. Whatever night Firday night.

I am going to talk to a guy about the geetar today.
I get to go to work today.

I didn't have class today.

(get inside my head...)