Relevant Communities The following communities are also interested in "h.p. lovecraft". 15 matches: Interested users The following users are also interested in h.p. lovecraft. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page. 766 matches:
- 100thoughts - Leander
- 1351 - 1351
- 1moredork - Ken
- 21yo_curmudgeon - stasi siegen spahn
- abase_me - A special thick whippy chocobanana shake
- abbysmells - Faggy McGay, Esquire
- ableedingheart - From A Bleeding Heart
- abortionxcore - didi
- absolutenill - MadWickedMojo
- abstractgenius - Meghan
- abyssus - Abyssus
- acko - acko
- adamnation - adamnation
- adeitydethroned - Seth
- adrian_brooks - Adrian Brooks
- adunaphel - Adunaphel
- adversary - Adversary
- advocate - Just some girl
- aestetrix - weenie gnosis
- affectsofxero - Man infected with 662RHC
- ahiruko - Serena
- ahriman - Ahriman
- ahypnoticdream - Lyriel
- ah_pyrettablaze - Day Tripper
- aiyume - AiYume
- aj - AJ
- ajil6 - Ajil and Pokey! The Ultimate Duo!
- ajthegreat - Andrew the Great
- akin - Scott S. Atkins
- akunin - Aaron Morgan
- alameda - alameda
- aliceisdead - Nurse Vannacutt
- alien42 - Kaethiel Aeryaela Crystalwing
- alienist - Brian
- alpy - Jesse
- alu - Alu
- amanonfire - [amanonfire]
- ambuscade - Ambuscade
- amp23 - ghestahdt de'arboreal
- andrith - Niveous
- angelfuck13 - Angelfuck13
- angelmortis - sharisse
- angelomidnight - AngelofMidnight
- angermarathon - Anger Marathon
- angryjonny - Vincent A. Loire
- antipi - [amanonfire]
- antropoz - Antropoz
- apoorexcuse - ian
- architeuthis - Squiddy
- archmage - Chaos Blackflame
- argusgenerator - Argus Generator
- arsenbug - Ramoney Ramone
- arylkia - Arylkia
- ashedreyvin - Ashe Dreyvin
- astrozombie - Psycho Magnet
- atomicgypsy - oneiromantic cherry
- aujourdhui - Margi
- avenant - Lance Conzett
- axaxas - DamianAxaxas
- azathoth2012 - Victor Luperena
- azry - Azry
- a_lad_inane - 9-Tailed Abraham Lincoln/Redd Foxx Hybrid
- balamuthia - Gypsyrat
- balthcat - Balthaxar T. Cat
- bananaboy - Paul Kim
- baphemetis - Baphemetis
- baralier - Baralier
- baronlaw - BaronLaw
- bassfingers - Bass Fingers
- bastslastchance - Bast
- batman1013 - Matt
- batvomit - Matty
- beat_hussy - beat_hussy
- belasco - Belasco
- benedictine - The Monk of Wayland
- be_my_beloved13 - King Zero
- biffbur - That Mike Guy
- bitterbert - Suburban Angst
- bi_sex_ualcat - DisIngenue
- bkwyrm - Bkwyrm
- blacksail - katt
- blark - Thomas White
- bleary - steve!
- bleedingmedown - Hafez
- blissdream - Michael "blissdream"
- blissedandg0ne - Blissed And G0ne
- bloodonyx - Christan
- bloodsoakedhell - Demon Spawn
- bloodycard - David
- bloody_keri - Keri
- bradx - Bradx
- brad_k - brad
- brandex - John Panic
- breighann - fuchsia
- brightpop - Another Poppy Day
- brokenaxiom - fission indecision
- brokenhalo - Broken One
- bruiserboy - Matt
- bujew - Bujew
- cabrutus - Little Ol' 3-Chord Me
- caddmanchopper - Will
- caesuraplaid - Té
- capnrockabilly - Nick
- captivesoul - mistress manda
- casiel - Randy
- catelin - Cate
- cchopps - Evan
- cearalaith - Erin
- cellometal - Pepe
- cemetary_cat - James D.
- cenobitten - *Cyn*
- chaizzilla - plesiosaur de champlain
- chamberzane - chamber zane
- chamelaeon - Chamelaeon
- chaos7 - Chaos Seven
- charlesks - Charles Stanley
- chasearkham - Chase's Crypt
- cheesechick - Mandy
- chewbacca36 - Bob Villa's Festering Corpse
- childofbabalon - Markoff Chaney
- chordam7 - Chord Am7
- chriscrunch - chriscrunch
- christinversion - Fear Is The MindKiller
- cigfransidhe - Jack Blue
- circusstar - silent but deadly
- clarity19 - Tyler
- cloudcaptain - Balin
- cloven - Queen-of-Space
- cobaltnine - Cobalt Nine
- copperpoint - Jonah
- coppertongue - Mon Cul
- corey_fish - the unsilenceable megaphone of truth-saying
- corpsevomit - Sober Mike
- cor_tenebrarum - Cor Tenebrarum
- cowbob - Jesus
- cowgod - Tom
- coxmage - Transubstantiation Unlimited Inc.
- cranialouch - aaron - slave to the creeping women of bamu rambi
- crazee_hoe - Beautiful Addiction
- creepingdeath - nick
- crematia - Ari
- crimson_blues - Black Market Requiem
- cryotank - Cryotank
- cspariah - Alex
- dalibor - Erwin
- dannisan - Daniel Anzulovic
- danyka - danyka
- darkestlily - Asa
- darkindestod - Darkindestod
- darklithe1 - Dan
- darkmessiah9 - Alistair * Tolkien
- darksilverlight - DarkSilverLight
- dark_id - Erica
- daryash_koh - Daryash-Koh
- dawndancer - Silverfire ChaosLord
- dc_commons - caliga
- deadeyedick - The Chaostar
- deadkittens - God
- deadkitty - Ms. Organization
- deadsunwheel - Iron Wolf
- deathdream - the loved one
- deceasedunknown - deceased unknown
- degreesoflife - infinitlyalive
- dementlieu - wormy
- demiankatz - Demian Katz
- deramani - The Black Champion
- desdemona16 - Elizabeth
- desertlullaby - sister sleep
- desu - desu
- devilmonkey - Christian
- devonsego - devonsego
- devzero - /dev/zero
- dianadeath - Diana Death
- digitalgimpling - Mebbeth
- discordian - The Cynic
- diseasedewok - Jason
- divian - kim
- divinus - the divine
- djmindwarp - This One's For Albert!!!!
- dj_archduke - Archduke
- dj_rotten_rotny - Nastywetsoftness
- doctorvertigon - Dr. Peter Vertigon
- dominoep - Count DeMonet
- dongorgon - Pope Beligerent I
- doom_amoeba - throbbling gristle
- dopefish128 - Under the Gravity's Rainbow
- dormantspore - t r {a} v i s
- downwardspiral5 - Becca
- dragon_princess - Genevieve Seraphima
- dreamkia - Kia's Dream Journal
- dreamtheatre9 - Steve
- drexle - Drexle
- drownedinink - Chad
- dr_pipe - Doctor Pipe
- duskfallsineden - Noelle
- dvoid - DvoId
- eadric - Eadric
- eakinj - NotAGoth
- earthdragon - Me
- edgexprincess - Miss Stephie Pookins
- edvard_munch - groggy
- eerieval - the phantom of burger chef
- egore - egore
- eisoptrophobia - Reptilian
- elgorgo - elGORGO, Most Likely to Become Radioactive
- elvis_christ - Elvis Christ
- enamon - Enamon
- enduring_evil - enduring evil
- ephemeral_0_ - moceno
- erythros - Saint Erythros
- etherhead - The end of the future.Killjoy
- euthrecyti - "Complains-Too-Much" - Silent Strider, Galliard
- evafury - Lincoln Eddy
- eventide6 - Eventide
- everydaylloyd - Everyday Lounging Lloyd
- evilchuck - Chuck XIII
- evilivejournal - Nick
- evilmario - David
- evilspaz666 - ...Absurdity...
- evil_cleodora - Katsumi
- evldeadgrl - Shelby
- exegesis - Musica Electrica
- exhibit_a - Sinema Whore
- eyes_of_tragedy - Kristina
- factorial_nine - MATT
- faith_rayne - Sekhmet
- fidelus - alej
- fishe - fish
- flagpolesitta - Dancing with Myself
- flanklint - Lanky the Tango Smurf
- forcefedglass - Force Fed Glass
- frankblack - Frank Black
- freakypucky - Pucky
- friarjohn - John Robison
- fuchsia - 7 clowds
- fulcilives - Dom
- gargametal - Dave
- gav_rosh - Gavrosh
- gawthzilla - Allison
- geeknoir - grimm shady
- gehn - <type 'instance'>
- genghis_meebo - Aleksander Toren
- genin - Green Finned Demon
- gentle - Gentle Slaughter...Life of Gentle
- ghostmasque - GhostMasque
- ghost_who_walks - Rob Zannini
- gigahertz - GigaHertz
- gillshallows - Gill-Shallows
- glasshaus - glasshaus
- glassveins - Johnny D'Formed
- goddamndunce - The Girl who Cried Rat
- godroth - Godroth
- goldenmean - Josh Herreshoff
- goth39 - Corey
- gothigirl - gothigirl
- gothik - Jon M.
- gothkittyn - Althea
- grabbingsand - grabbingsand
- grassmonkey - liver and chucky
- greengerg - Greg Fasolino
- grinnmn - Josher the Mighty
- grrl_b - grrl b
- gtrmp - Sean
- guendella - Just a girl, her words and her pictures
- gwferguson - G. W. Ferguson
- g_o_t_h_i_c_a - Bonita Carmelita
- handlethisfuckr - Major Jones for Bianca Stratford
- harlock - Phantom F. Harlock
- helcat - ScytheWorks
- hellebore - Black Hellebore
- hellenkiller - Brett Green
- herohigh - Misha Favorov
- hillshaveeyes - justin h
- hoamtown - Hoamtown
- homicidalbunny - Minday
- hoptkov - Rob
- hoshistar - Jo
- househermit - House Hermit
- hpenguin - Homicidal Penguin
- hplovemonkey - Kalika
- hungerkunstler - atrocity_exhibition
- hushdarling - Mellie
- hydra9 - Sam
- hyp0xia - hyp0xia
- iain - Iain "Confusing Jerk" Cooper
- iblis_kukl - IBLIS The Ultraviolet
- icebluenothing - Six
- ichabod - Chief Cold Hands
- idle_thoughts - Brian
- idol_effigy - heroicpursuit
- ihavenolife - meehan?
- iiudian - Nathan
- illuminatispy23 - Ennui
- imckinnon - Ian McKinnon
- immortaldead - immortaldead
- impytoes - Devi Bloo
- incarnate - Grey Lurker
- inebrigoth - Ligeia
- ingenue0 - ingenue0
- in_silico_siren - Sherazade
- irgquthtp - Snow Ape
- isfetapep - Curt ~IsfetApep~
- ithastalons - Situation Normal...
- ixtimesiii - IX
- izx - Joshua
- i_like_myself - Tyranny of evil men
- i_zombi - i attack only one
- jackylhellstrom - Mr. 44
- jaded77 - Jess
- jaded_purity - °º°•Katsumi•°º°
- jadingress - TheBlueRaja
- jahshdee_oh - jahshua
- jahshua - jahshua
- jamko - James
- jamye - SpiralApparition
- janeliberace - sebastianflyte
- jarthur - Jesse
- jasin - Jasin
- jaspers2501 - jaspers
- javafiend - Java Fiend
- jaydedone - Miguel Duran
- jazzresin - jazzresin
- jeckcrow - Minister Crow
- jeef - Jeef
- jeshet - toxicboy
- jher - jher
- jieldravine - Morrigu
- jinglelord - Dan
- joanarkham - Countess Van Spookymittens
- joe4sale - Joe4sale
- joeinto - Shiki Shravaka
- joethelionn - Beau
- jojotdfb - Jojo the dog face boy
- jonnyx - Pope jonnyX
- joshuapanther - Joshua Panther
- jugglervr - Kevin
- julicide - JeanGenet Ramsey
- jwz - jwz
- kaf - Drew
- kaged - Killy
- kahoki - Mr. Bingle
- kaisemic - Mike Kaiser
- kakurete - Crestfallen
- kamereon_ruumii - Sarah
- karma_slave - my name is just another word
- katzekori - Hilary
- kat_the_mighty - Kat
- kawika - Dave
- kderrida - Derrida
- keeper_of_rlyeh - Kyle
- kelvenna - Jenni
- kergillian - a well behaved pervert
- kerosenecoyote - HELTER.SKELTER
- keymaster - Randolph Carter
- khaosworks - KhaOS
- kiarda - Kerrie A. Smith
- kiashadow - Kia "Weee! I'm sticky!"
- kideternal - Kid Eternal
- killen_prophet - Killen Prophet
- killitded - SSouSe
- kill_yr_idols - trystero
- king_in_yellow - The King In Yellow
- kinky_kittykat - Kitty Leigh McBane
- kitaryufinn - Sarcastic D
- kittylad - Osiris
- krakmunky69 - mikey the homocidal maniac
- krizzy - Kristen
- kronos - Marc
- kungpaochuck - kungpaochuck
- kuranes - David
- kylefuetzvater - Ruby Reveur the Techno Fae
- kyrn - kyrn sair
- lachupacabra - Elisavet
- ladyangst - lia-lia-bo-bia
- ladytabitha - Lady Tabitha
- lady_medea - Princess Coldheart
- lassiter - lassiter
- leezarbeth - Burnt Stump
- legionfwam - Legion, For We Are Many
- legiopraetoria - The Other Guy
- lehah - Justin
- lemming - Lemming
- leo9 - Leo9
- lethalwife - Zaya
- lickingtoad - Christophilus
- lightyear - Gregory Lightyear
- lilmissanthropy - Lil_MissAnthropy
- liquidbrain - liquidbrain
- little_star19 - littlestar
- livingdeadgoth - Kayla
- lkchan - Loki el Rey Amargo
- llanberis - Marette
- lolapagola - Your One Way Ticket To Midnight
- lordbrand - Lordbrand
- lordomega - Messianic Shadow
- lord_bastard - Todd
- lovecraftlackey - Gray
- lovelyevening - CM
- lovesuglychild - anneleah
- love_is_syn - Syner
- lucasthegray - lucasthegray
- lucifera - Lucifera
- luciferian - owen
- luneculte - luneculte
- lush4life - shawn
- lwoodbloo - The Harbinger Of The Void
- machine - Machine
- machinegirl - Digital Samurai
- madelynknight - Madelyn Knight
- maelstrom1313 - Hap-happ-happy fucking day! - Adam
- magnex - Robin
- mailanurmi - Maila Nurmi
- malignatus - Metalhead Dork
- maliszew - James Maliszewski
- malphas69 - malphas malaclypse
- mania - Star
- manningkrull - Manning Leonard Krull
- mantisleap - Camus' Bastard
- marckorbin - Count Of verMillion
- mars - marsley
- matthaun - Matt
- maxdwolf - Noba D.
- maxerg - Schrodinger's Kitten
- mbvd - Sol
- mdags - mdags
- media - OL
- melliemeal - Mell
- memo - That Fucking Asshole
- merzbunny - Merzbunny
- metal_soul27 - Dazed and Somewhat-Confused Nikki
- metri8 - Demetri
- mgrasso - Michael Grasso
- michi_k - [forgotten.angel]
- mik3mad - Patrick Ledph
- mikecap - Mike Caprio
- mikeylikesit - mike
- mikeyvillain - MikeyVillain
- milosgirl - Michelle
- minette - Minette
- minorannoyance - The Dark Lord Satan
- miskatonicrose - Erie
- misslynx - Miss Lynx
- mitcharf - Mitch Harding
- mixylife - Amy
- miztinsel - Miz Tinsel
- mokole - David
- mommyusedlsd - Ms. Mojo Risin
- mondhaut - Mondhaut
- monkeyparts - BEN
- montezuma - Montezuma Goldstein
- montykins - Monty
- mooglegrl - Tanzut's Kitten
- mookiebean - Mookie
- moonbeamswirls - *kitty collar tight*
- morgyne - Lady Morgyne
- morrigan3 - Danielle Ní Dhighe (PhantomQueen)
- mowens - Mark Owens
- mozgirl - Mozgirl
- mrlewis - Jim Lewis
- mrpurkey - Bhogavati
- mrpuzuzu - Neil
- mrzarquon - Mr. Zarquon
- mrzero - Mr. Zero
- mr_blink - Inertia
- mr_dirty - Cold and Utterly Alone
- mr_wes - Wesley
- murdermachine - Plague Weilder
- mu_beta - Mu Beta
- mwack - Daniel
- my31scars - Steve
- myaimistrue - the deconstruction of color, and what's yours?
- mycousindallas - dj
- myheresy - ?`.~???V???L????????~.`?
- mykeinal - picturesofyou
- nadja - Good Morning Midnight
- naivespider - Eine fette Fledermaus
- nancie - Nancie Sara Ramírez
- needless - needless
- nefariousjareth - glam the morning after
- nekopowerpunch - Wired Geisha
- nemo49 - nemo
- neocubist - Oculon Mstantryl
- neppyman - Geoff Ellingwood
- neubauten - the experimental orthodontist
- neurolepsia - La Flor de lo Efímero
- nickolaus - Hy Pro Glo
- nifty_as_shit - the sellout kid
- nighthawk21 - nighthawk21
- nightspawn - Nightspawn
- ninevah - ninevah
- ninjastyle - /s p i t e
- ninjer - Samurai Fux0r
- nith - Nith
- nofeeblechrist - NoFeebleChrist
- nosferatuuu - lotus
- nstrom - Nate
- nuclearviolets - fizzz
- nyarlethotep - Mr. Bad-bad
- nyx_hemsut - Scandalous Ruin
- obliviondream - Oblivion Dream
- oceanofclovers - PoisonClovers
- ocus - Brian
- od23 - otis
- onia - Onia
- oninochuck - Oni no Chuck
- orgonomic - orgonomic
- orobouros - Caoimhín
- papapuff - C
- passionvictim - *
- pettyfiend - Amanda
- phenobarbidoll_ - phenobarbidoll
- pickmansraven - The Alchemist, El Fattache: Jökull Quicklegs
- pigeonfarm - a remotely operated vehicle system
- pixieslippers - breighann
- planetconcrete - Eric
- plattcave - John R. Platt
- playerinc - Matthew Janiak
- poisontheseacow - Manatee Grimace
- polynoia - Polynoia
- pooka - Pooka and the Purple Crayon
- pouk23 - Loki
- prettyoctopussy - Agnieszka
- primrosepath - Nicole: Hell's Gardener
- princessnyar - nyAr.
- prncessothedawn - Princess of the Dawn
- pseudosilentbob - Sordid Hipster
- ptevis - Paul Tevis
- punkisdead - the law
- qspade - Silhouette
- quantumlotus - Ben
- quesadiaz - The Grand Wazoo
- quizro - Quizro
- raevynn_psyche - Psychotic Angel
- raguel - Chrisam
- rainydaygirl - Tabby
- ramgod - Rammy
- ravenia - Ravenia
- ravenlennier - Raven
- raven_darkling - RaVeN!!
- razoredge - razoredge
- recurr - Hector Victorious
- redcynic - Elitist Bastard
- reddenbacher - Laure
- redmage - Lena-chan
- redsea - __t arantula
- regohemia - Hunter
- reirei - crushed.
- relevance - Relevance
- renwick - Renwick Vel Eros - systematic derangement
- repelpeetje - Repelpeetje
- resist2exist01 - resist2exist
- rgreen - Eibon
- riccer - riccer
- rightwing22 - Atom Heart Brother
- risingnoise - Wynne
- rmmorrow - R. M. Morrow
- roanoke - Desolation Angel
- robojesus - robojesus
- robotknives - signed, your doppelganger
- rockarollaman - Zoopster
- rotny - Rotten Rotny
- rottenpunk - ron
- saddened_eyez - empty.soul.complex.
- sajin - Anthony M Preader
- sam16 - Scott
- sanitywidow - ~*Sanity Widow*~
- sappy - Damien
- sarabellum - Saramin, the Human Theremin
- sarafina666 - Pam
- sartara - Kasey
- saturnalia22 - Holy water in my lungs
- satyrich - Richard
- scarbreeder - The Un-Sonny
- schaltkreis - the girl with the thorn in her side
- screamingguitar - Logan
- screemingecho - Screemingecho
- screever - susie
- scribble - scribble doubt
- scyllz - Scyllz
- seanb - St. Sean the Amused
- seanthesean - Sean the Sean Goblin Aaberg
- seawee - C Lo
- seiichirou - max
- sengira - sengira
- senjo - stephcore
- sequential - Sequential - The Magazine
- seraphempyre - SebAsTiAaN Manche
- seraphictine - Blutende Maria
- serenadelluna - le femme noir
- serizawa3000 - Duncan Shea
- serpentbearer - Serpentbearer
- setsuled - Trompé Setsuled
- shad0ws - tim
- shadowswithin - Xavier
- shadowxrs - Rick
- shatteredsteel - ShatteredSteel
- shaunathan - Cosmic Castaway
- shaunj - What's a man supposed to be?
- shawnryan - Shawn Ryan
- shea_miller - Mama Kitty
- shenlung - Shen Lung
- shigolch - Robert Glen Fogarty
- shorealone - Randolph Carter
- silverweed - Silverweed
- sinkingspinning - HATEMEiloveu
- siouxsieinacoma - Susanne
- sistersinister6 - the pink ninja
- sixth66gate - Dionysian Induced Psychosis
- skeletonprince - Jack
- skingirl88 - Skingirl
- skullworm - Skullworm
- skycrashesdown - sad eyes
- sleepingpills - Melissa
- slimeguru42 - Derrick
- sloanan - Chris
- sluglord - SLUG
- small_fires - Chris
- smartpatrol - smartpatrol
- smuend - Nazi Dyke
- smurfkiller - i kill smurfs
- soggyroach - Thör
- solacechan - Solace
- sophiaface - antikimory
- sorchar - Sorcha Ravenschild
- soulbain - I Wanna Be Egon Spengler
- spazzkat - Spazzkat
- spikeygrrl - not another legend
- spookyhappyfun - Jason
- spooky_ - Spooky
- squamous - squamous
- squarerote - P Is For Pretzel
- srattus - He Who Does
- starlitchaos - StarlitChaos
- static_age - ULTRA NORSK
- steelcorpfilms - steelcorpfilms
- stellardude - Ian
- stuckinthebox - Core, that would be greek
- styggian - Styggian
- subbacultchakid - SpiKey da MiKey
- suhleap - Raine
- sukkubus - ~ s u k k u b u s ~
- sulla - sulla
- superjaded - {o.O}}
- swisscheesed - she'll take manhattan
- switzerland - Switzerland
- swomprat - Mande
- synabetic - St.EveILL S. Gewehr
- tabm0nster - tabm0nster
- takhisis - Takhisis
- talaitha - Yen!
- tashiro - Tashiro
- tawdryjones - Figment of Your Imagination
- tearsofmordor - Sauron
- temporis - Randolph Carter (dream eternal)
- tepesh - Tepesh
- thanecawdor - Albert Laughlin
- thebitterend - Bruised Ego
- thecatt - The Cat
- thedarklinglord - The Libertine
- thegword - Genuine Moose
- theklute - The Klute
- themirror - white rabbit
- theshaman - the shaman
- thewellofsouls - The Well of Souls
- theyellowking - Loser Monkey
- the_bishop - brennan dunn
- the_last_kiss - Sarah D'stroyed
- the_lost_punk - the_lost_punk
- the_outsider - Brian
- the_replicant - damage control
- the_sandworm - White Noise
- the_uberwench - Erica
- thomryng - Cherry Blossom King
- tikimonkey - tikimonkey
- tragicgrandeur - Tragic Grandeur
- tragos - Kent
- trainspotting - Jezebel
- trb2001 - thomas
- trench_monkey - Benjamin
- trench_neo - trench_neo
- trinitym - trinity [M]
- triplehex - triplehex
- trurl - Trurl
- tvcasualty138 - Michael Mori
- twistedparadigm - Leon
- twistedthoughts - Zack
- twisted_beauty - ?? ??gg?r ??
- twominuteshate - .dead . air.
- twotails - Apocalypse
- ubel - Ubel
- uhlume - one pierced moment whiter than the rest
- undeadboy - the sexiest vampire in all the land...
- unionjack4 - Jack Randall
- uns33li3 - Dan
- unsated - unsated
- urban_guru - Urban_Guru
- uroboros - Pierce (Evan)
- utendi - Feign to Care
- vaartu - leperboy
- velmonturna - Jessika is my goddess
- velvetseraph - velvetseraph
- venomous_noize - Pristine Fire
- verse - I refuse to bounce
- versus - KSCC2-303
- vespera - Vespera
- viceroy - Crom Cruach
- victorine - Gwen
- vietkitten - hilary
- vinylgirrl - GeekVinyl
- virgomoonbeams - canice
- visualhybrid - nothing's ghost
- vitabeata - megan
- vivosomnio - Vivo Somnio
- vonmarduk - Caleb P. von Radugge
- vphr - Jer
- vulpes - Gabriel Korrigan
- w69dotcom - Clifford L
- wakeupnow - The Boy
- wanderertears - Ben Rayne
- wanton_bliss - Xander
- waterlilly - Waterlylly
- wazieralmout - Wazier a'Mout
- weirdpixie - Mallaidh
- weishaupt - Sardo Numspar
- werewolfbitch - the garbage man
- whadda - Abby Oeoerney
- whichcunt - Brandon
- wire_mother - simon whateley
- withigo - withigo
- wjdresden - Dresden
- wolfye - Wolfye
- wrackewn - Edd
- xanderexcel - Alex
- xblueyedevilx - One Suave Motherfucker
- xdeadgrlx - dead girl
- xdormantmalicex - nothing
- xelucha - Xelucha
- xenarachne - xenarachne
- xeuronymousx - Chris
- xhiddenpiggyx - Sammie
- xillah - Kid A
- xinvisigothx - Cheryl
- xjaprufrockx - Robot Jimmy
- xn_orb - Xn-Orb
- xsivebpm - XSiveBPM
- xxnightfiendxx - +++Spaz+++
- xxpsycobunnyxx - Allykat
- xzombilliex - werewolf bitch
- y0ungam3r1can - Rachel
- yakkosan - That Guy
- yclept - Phil
- yumi_hoshiko - Yumi
- zahgurim - Zahgurim
- zeldachik - zebra bastard zebra zebra zebra zebra f*cker
- zik - Zik
- zillahcross - Zaria
- ziusudra - Ziusudra
- zombiewhore - Zombie Whore
- zorn007 - Allison
- zoshua - Zos Hua
- zulithe - Zulithe
- zwicked1 - bitch
- _andre_ - ¡Brian!
- _dewdrop_ - dewdrop
- _mauler_ - Mauler
- _seska_ - Seska