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Sunday, April 14th, 2002
3:57 am - Redneck heven
tonight was an intresting night. WWF was here I had a blast. I had made a sign that said happy birthday Lita. It was amazing the energy that was in the room u could feel it in ever bone. I had a 4th row seat so i was pretty close to the action. I was very impressed they had quite a few big names Rob van damn he is awsome all the raw power he has along with his skill. I was very impressed with the divas they did great more of an athlets than i thought Trish looked great along with molly. When bradshaw came out the crowd went off he a west texas native he faght the lesner guy he is fucking huge hes probly going to be the next goldburg but evil. His tattoo on his back is awsome. Then came out my favs The hardy boyz and lita ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh they where awsome they look small on tv but matt and jeff are pretty big. Then the kewlest thing happend after they won they where doing there thing in the ring and lita saw my sign. She got this big smile on her face pointed at me and did her little head bobble thing and gave me a thumbs up. She then went to the top rope by the corner i was sitting at i got an awsome pic of her and probly going to get it inlarged and framed after that she turned around and tould matt and jeff about it they both turned around looked at the sign and gave me a thumbs up. Now for u ppl that dont think litas tuff think of it like this she got a tattoo on the inside of her lip that says punk. I bet that girl likes it ruff hehe. After that they anounced the final match was anounced the lights went out and rolling hit the pa system the crowed erupted like mount saint helions ppl where rushing up twords the front the undertaker made his way down the walk way he enters the ring camras go off like crazy. Then u hear the sound of breaking glass i thought it ovasion for the dead man was huge man Stone cold it was like a bomb going off they went after it it was awsome UT pinned the rattle snake but UT tuned his back on the rattle snake and he poped a stunner on his ass The beer came out and and he did his thing beer everywear i got a good pic of him hitting beers together over all it was a wonderful bday present I LOVE MY MOM!!!! she had a good time to she baught me a stone cold walet i needed a new one mine was almost as thin as papper on another note i got reinquanted with an old online friend we have been talking on and of for about a year we have gotten pretty close Brenda is a wonderful girl. We spent lots of time on the phone this weekend. Shes married and has a 2 year old son whos an aries so i feel for her. lol Her Soulmate is over seas right now. Its kinda scary though i think i have found the female version of me. well im tired i should probly go to bed

current mood: sleepy
current music: misty mountan hop

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Tuesday, April 9th, 2002
7:49 am - I want to see u go fucking ape shit right now!!!!!!!!!!
a leason leaned in life down from the dawn of time RRREEEEEEEEE ssssssssssspppppppppeeeeeeeeeecttttttttttt WALK. sorry had to get that out its been a while since i done a real update. so i guess ill do one now. Theres this Goth girl we will leave names out of it for now. but shes really playing games with me they suck but im not really complaining cause i need some kind of drama in my boring mondain life. Starts off she asks me if i have ne single friends i say yea introduce her to cam she only seen me twice both with my hair up the 3 time she sees me she cant take her eyes off me. she kisses me half ass not a peck on the lips but no toung eather just lips kinda like in movies she dosent rember we where both pretty wasted she goes after cam she tells me all kinds of crazy shit the tells me how hot i am with my hair down how she would like to get to know me better yada yada yada i could hit it if i really worked at it but, right now this point in my life no money no use of car couldent see her much so im just laying off tell i get a job which i want to do befor she gets to attached to cam she confused yada yada this probly isent makeing no sence oh well the storys alot longer than i want to type so u going to have to do with the butcherd verson. on other hand i was doing some life compteplating i came to this conclusion. I dont know what i want to be in life yet SOOOOOOOOOOO im just going to live life and go where ever it takes me enjoy it tell i find something i love doing. I really want to be a werestler but thats going to take lots of body work and im going to need another source of imployment cause wrestling dosent pay much unless your on tv and well that takes long hard work. so im just going to live life deal with it as it comes and try to be happy tired of thinking of what im going to do with myself im 22 i should be injoying my early 20s and think about seatling life later i dont want to look back and say i didnt have much fun. kind of reminds me of what the dood says near the end of dazed and confused on the football filled i know it some what ne ways im going to run

current mood: crazy
current music: pantara 5 min alone

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Monday, April 8th, 2002
5:39 am - im just majorly confused
just had to get that out

current mood: confused

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Sunday, March 24th, 2002
8:08 am - standing in line
I just spent 18 hours inline for wwf tickets. got 4th row seats yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thats not to bad. Going to have to take lots of pics hope the hardies and lita are there. Lita is hot or should i say Amy Dumas. Eather way i want her to be my bride. lol any women that can do a moon sault is a keeper. Wouldent mind seeing some other wwf superstarts like stone cold or Y2J maybe even HHH but this is odessa so i dont exspect to see anyone to big but it would be nice. You know i was watching some old footage of Raw on tv today its amazing how much Wrestling has changed in the past 10 years. There was a guy inline in front of me that is a local rastler. Hes the hard core champ was pretty kewl to talk to got some inside to the bussness. he drvin across the country to rasle and hasent even got paid. the most hes ever got paid is 50 bux a match. They pay 30 dollars here for a match. he does it for the love of the sport. I dont care what anyone says its a true sport it may be real in alot of aspects but there true atleates hell foot ball stars have went to rasling camps and droped out in a matter of days. It takes a special breed.any ways i know none of yall are raslin fans and dont want to hear about it so i will move on. I meet a pretty kewl guy i might start hanging out with i need some new friends hes pretty kewl plus he works at napa and might be able to hook me up with nascar stuff. he also got a pool table which is a +. nothing to intresting has happend my friend adams pit got hit by a car she broke her hip she ok got her hip broke will take about 2 months for her to get over it but she looks like she will be ok.also one of my friends got in a car crash fucked up his truck pretty bad. luckly he only had minor head trama hes ok but needless to say the ppl that ran the stop sign got what they deserved one if the guys in the other car is someone i dont much care for he done alot of ppl wrong and its probly carmma biting him in the ass well im going to run

current mood: lonely
current music: Christian women T.O.N

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Thursday, March 7th, 2002
2:59 am - do women really want to pee standing up this bad

stole this from a friend

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2:09 am - strange days
Its been a while since i have updated guess i would update. Friday was an intresting day i finaly got fired which was kewl. Wasting a lead they call it which pretty much means i just hung up on there ass cause i was in the middle of a conversation with Tasha wich i hadent seen all week cause she switched to days. she was there for over time She was the only person that made the job bareabul. After that i waited outside for her to get off which was like 20 min. Then i went to her house and chilled i so wish she didnt have a kid and bf. Though i found out something about her she dosent like my demonic side and my intrest for all thing as she put it satanic. I was trying to show her some of paul booths work but she wouldent work at it cause hes satanic. she clams that im lost and confused and that i should find my way back to the lord. I wanted to laugh. I may be confused but im not lost. Christians scare me and if being a christian means being a hipocrite all my life i wont do it. she also said a few other things. I didnt say my belifes cause i knew it would start an argument. Though i love to argue one thing i have learned is to stay away from that subject. I chilled at her house for a while. I went to the doctor last week to im supost to get my blood workup back soon to find out if i have diabeates i dont think i do and neather does the doctor. but i have to put my mother at ease so yada yada yada. I went to a job fair today and got a job interview out of it i go tomorrow a 1 its for as a customer service rep it sounds easy. If that falls thew im thinking about getting my CDL which would be kind of kewl and kinda not. on one hand ill be making a grip of money and on the rode all the time. Which means i could meet alot of my online friends. Being on the rode all the time means i will be able to save a grip of money to move where ever i want to. Cali is the most likely spot at the moment. But being on the rode alot also means no personal life. oh well if i get enoph money saved up i wont have to worry about it. well im going to run theres my update for the week

current mood: bored
current music: last caress MetallicA the only good version

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Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
3:27 am - Not that ne one will read this
Well my weekend was my normal boring weekend. Went to the eye doctor on saturday. The stigmatisum in my left eye has got majorly better good thing RIGHT!!!!!!!!! WROOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! They eye doctor which i have been going to for over 10 years now since i was like 8. after he finished he started asking me all the questions. First question diabeates dosent run in your family does it.(first thought why is he asking this) I was like yea my grandmother had it. Do you drink alot or are you thirsty alot. I told him i had to drink alot of water cause im a telmarketer and i talk alot. Do you go to the bathroom alot I tould him i always have for as long as i can rember. Then he tells me that i need to go get a physical cause i might have diabeates. so im scared shitless over here. I got to go to the doctor tomorrow for a physical. Wont be able to do alot of things if i have diabeates wont be able to go skydive will have to change my eating habbits all that good junk.

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Monday, February 25th, 2002
1:40 am


What era of Trent Reznor are you? Take the What Trent Are You? quiz to find out!
Quiz by chameleon669!

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Thursday, February 21st, 2002
5:13 am
The killer awoke befor dawn. He put his boots on and he walked on down the hall. He wore all black he comes to a door. He pull the gloves out of his poket and put them on. His mind was raceing he was thinking of all the ways to kill someone with a nife. He could just walk up to the bed and slit her throwt. It would be quick. He could just plung the blade in ther chest, but she might scream. He came prepared he had a pice of duct tape around his wrist. but she defently will kick. oh well we will figure it out when we get there. He unsnaps the button on his sheath running his hand over the solid black steel handle. He opens the door, and steps inside. The sun is starting to light the room. Still very dim. He walks up to the bed. She lays there blankets half kicked off her. he sits down on the bed. looks towards her. He grabs the nife and lays it on the bed. He leans twoards her and starts to strok her hair. He lean over further and kisses her on the fourhead. She opens her eyes, and smiles. She dosent know the danger that lies in frount of her. He kisses her agin on the lips she raps her arm around his neck. she then wispers good mornings. he pulls back and runs his finger over her lips and he says shhhhhhh. She looks at him smileing and notices his gloves she starts to speak and he says shhhhhhhh agin. He takes the tape off his wrist quickly and put it over her mouth. She trys to scream but is coverd my the tape. he throws all his body waight on top of her as he grabs the nife. she trys to get away but his waight is to much for her small body to fight. the tip of the nife on her chin. Shes breathing hard thew her nose and her her face is red as read as a rose. Her eyes look as if there going to pop out of her head. She trys to scream and move around but its not working. he starts to run the tip of the nife down her neck to her coller bone he stops there he kisses her fourhead one last time. He wonders if she knows shes going to die. he then applys presure on the nife and pulles it down. She trys to scream with more force this time and trys to throw him off. Both there hearts are pownding. blood starts pouring out of the runs down her sholders he continus to cut her all the way to the center of the chest. he stops once agin. He can feel her heart pownding thew the nife. He also notices that she has wet herself. She must know shes going to die now the stupid bitch will never cheat agin on me and get away with it. he thinks to himself. He takes on last deep breath and then he plunges the nife thew her chest. He can feel the heart pownding stronger now it pumps a few time then he twists the nife and he feels it stop. She stops fighting he watches her eyes as the life leaves her body with the look of terror still in her eyes.

ne ways i was bored just fucking around

current mood: naughty
current music: The End

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Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
6:48 am - stuff floting around in my mind
Have i told u lately i hate my job. This is with a passon i have never had befor. Well u say why dont u get another job. Easer said than done. plus i want to work 6 months and get unemployment while i find another job. i goten 4 im sure i can handle another 2. Thats if i can keep myself from getting fired befor then. Someone told me I was took picky about my women the other day. She was like you dont even consider a women that dosent even listen to rock. Well I have a good defence for that Music is a major part of my life I dont like most pop and dont realy care to get to know it any better than i have to. If i cant chill with a girl that dosent like rock theres no point. Then she told me im to picky about there size. Size realy dosent matter much to me but i atleast want some one that ways less than i do. Im close to 200 and that leaves me a wide variaty of women. I have also marked red heads out of the picture. The past 3 gf have been red heads and have been nothing but trouble. But pretty much music is my only requirement for women that dosent seem to picky. Any ways i miss certin ppl online I think you know who you are ne ways got to run realy tired

current mood: tired
current music: Hurt NiN

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Thursday, February 14th, 2002
3:21 am - a few links i want u to check out use the left arrow to scroll thew the comic

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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
3:44 am
Grrrrrrrrr it has been so long since i have been involved in drama it pisses me off that someone trying to get me in trouble. I'm not going to go to much into it cause I dont know all the situation. Lets put it this way Bobbys going to get an ear full from me tomorrow. I baught a nights tale this weekend thats a good movie so i thought i would by it. Lost of action. Have u ever seen a joust in person its pretty crazy. I seen one when i was yonger at a renoconce fair. I also baught me the fellowship of the rings. I know i know i probly should of read it when i was younger but i wasent much of a reader. I did read the hobbit in 8th but it wasent by choice. I wasent much of a reader when i was a kid i was more like lets go ride bikes and cause trouble. I really didnt start reading tell i was 18. Lately i been reading books all the time lol. I guess since im such a loser and never do ne thing i need something to feel my time. I tore my last contact had to make an opointment. well all for now maybe more later

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3:26 am - just case ne one cares to know what i listen to
A Rose and a Baby Ruth.MP3
Down In The Park.mp3
Lorena Mckennitt - The Mummer's Dance.mp3
Led Zeppelin - Misty Mountain Hop.mp3
Led Zeppelin - Black Dog.mp3
Kid Rock - Only God Knows Why.mp3
Fight Club - This is Your Life (featuring Tyler Durden).mp3
Disturbed - The Game.mp3
Disturbed - Stupified.mp3
Disturbed - Down With The Sickness.mp3
Disturbed - Violent Fetish.mp3
Disturbed - Fear.mp3
Disturbed - Voice.mp3
Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth.mp3
Highway man.mp3
Mortiis-Fanget i krystal.mp3
mortiis - scar trek parasite god.mp3
Rage Against The Machine & Snoop Dogg - Snoop Bounce.mp3
Snoop Doggy Dogg - Gin and Juice.mp3
Type O Negative- Cinnamon Girl (Depressed Mode Mix).mp3
Type O Negative-My Girlfriends Girlfriend.mp3
Type O Negative-The Least Worst Of\Black Sabbath (From The Satanic Perspective).mp3
Type O Negative-The Least Worst Of\Hey Pete (Pete's Ego Trip Version).mp3
Therion - Fly to the Rainbow.mp3
Therion-The Rise Of Sodom And Gomorrah.mp3
Therion-Birth Of Venus Illegitima.mp3

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Friday, February 1st, 2002
5:17 am - Take my Quiz im sure there wont be many taking it

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Wednesday, January 30th, 2002
5:52 am - Fist Fuck
I have had some what of an eventful weekend.Read more... )

current mood: EVIL
current music: fist fuck live nin

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Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
6:03 am - I'm HOT
Theres something you wont hear me say often. hehe in other news Im lonely i need someone to talk 2 :-( any takers. if so my aim and yahoo sn is on my profile.

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Monday, January 21st, 2002
4:58 am - Getting Ready for TRENT
Since the new NIN cd and DVD are comeing out which i have been waiting on since like november when it was first supost to come out i thought i would post a few of my fav nin songs off the fragil
No you Don't
smiling in their faces
while filling up the hole
so many dirty little places
in your filthy little worn out broken down see through soul

baby's got a problem
tries so hard to hide
got to keep it on the surface
because everything else is dead on the other side

teeth in the necks of everyone you know
you can keep on sucking 'til the blood won't flow
when it starts to hurt it only helps it grow
taking all you need
(but not this time)
no, you don't

and just for the record
just so you know
i did not believe
that you could sink so low

you think that you can beat them
i know that you won't
you think you have everything
but no, you don't

no, you don't
no, you don't
no, you don't
no, you don't
no, you don't
no, you don't
no, you don't
no, you don't

this one is how i feel at the moment

somewhat damaged

so impressed with all you do
tried so hard to be like you
flew too high and burnt the wing
lost my faith in everything

lick around divine debris
taste the wealth of hate in me
shedding skin succumb defeat
this machine is obsolete

made the choice to go away
drink the fountain of decay
tear a hole exquisite red
fuck the rest and stab it dead

broken bruised forgotten sore
too fucked up to care anymore
poisoned to my rotten core
too fucked up to care anymore

broken bruised forgotten sore
too fucked up to care anymore
poisoned to my rotten core
too fucked up to care anymore

in the back
off the side
far away
is a place
where i hide
where i stay

tried to say
tried to ask
i needed to
all alone
by myself
where were you?

how could i
ever think
it's funny how
everything that swore it wouldn't change
is different now

just like you
would always say
we'll make it through
then my head
fell apart
and where were you?

how could i
ever think
it's funny how
everything you swore would never change
is different now

like you said
you and me
make it through
didn't quite
fell apart
where the fuck were you?

current mood: amused
current music: happiness in slavery

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Friday, January 18th, 2002
5:04 am - Random thoughts from a babling loser
LoL this week sucks so far. I lost all my games in BCA. I only got to 2 games of practice in. I need lots of practice to get started. I was so off it wasent even funny. I couldent make a ball that was sitting in the corner poket. You know i miss Kelly I havent talked to her in like over a week shes never on. Oh well ill catch her on someday. Works a bitch we have dead codes and they want us to make sales these ppl are tired of hearing from us. Lance might have a kid on the way he not to happy about it, but its a big maybe cause she is prone to misscarry. Shes lucky she has had the kid that she has. Why is my life so boring why cant it be fun like it use to be. Maybe its cause im not as stupid as a was back then. I use to do some really stupid shit. If this town wasent so dead it wouldent be so bad. I would really like to go see a movie. but with work i never have time. it my towns boring the theater dosent run ne movies past 10 30 i get off at 11. I hate bars. There to loud and they dont play much music i care for. I cant dance or i can but chose not to. someone brought back some bad mems for me they imed me asking if i had talked to lisa. of corse i havent. Thought about calling her but havent her number probly isent even the same any more. tomorrows friday which is alright i guess if i dint have to be at work at 8 in the morn on saturday really cramps the partying down. well i guess i should run nothing to intresting to say

current mood: blah
current music: Stairway to heaven

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Tuesday, January 15th, 2002
6:13 am
im over my little hissy fit for now. Im happy cause next tuseday comes out the new NIN DVD and CD. I wont get it on the day it comes out but you bet your ass im getting it on pay day. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i ran into one of the 3 girls that robed me today at walmart. hehe I was so happy to see her with two kids and a broken leg useing a welfare card. If i would of knew what car she was driving i would of keyed her car broke a window or two and put suger in her gas tank. I would so love to kidnap her and kill her and majorly make her suffer. pain and torcher. I would of made misory look like pre school. speeking of that i should buy that movie

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Monday, January 14th, 2002
5:23 am - hehehe jim is the man

An enigma, you're the quiet poet. Jim Morrison seems to suit you well.

Test made by

Take the ' which dead rockstar ' are you, test, here!

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