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Cap'n Lucy Liverleggs

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grrr [12 May 2002|04:05pm]
we didn't win stagechallenge. Ok, so we weren't as good as the school that won, but should have got a placing. No one can beat Dr Suess with yellow tights and shiny purple pants to go with it. Ugh!
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Shite [12 Mar 2002|09:51pm]
[ mood | tired ]

i havent written in this thing for so long.

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holidays [23 Jan 2002|01:59pm]
[ mood | bored ]

I am so bored, actually the whole holiday have been really boring.THe only highlight would have been going to sydney and wollongong for a few days just after school finished.
But, in Sydney i had to share a bed with my lovely cousin "Josella", YUKKY!.And going shopping with her was sooo anoying . Even if i do see he too much she was fun to tease on the plane , scince she had never been on one before.("Josella", when we take off, you have to put your head between your legs like this.........)
After aussie we went to taupo for christmas , which i usually like , but this summer it was crappy (no, I havent worked out why yet). Christmas was boring scince we didn;t have anyone stay like we usually do. But I did get a DVD player , so that's alright.
A few days after christmas "Josella" and her family turned up, as usua, for new years, along with some of my other cosuins .New years is usually alright, but just like the rest of the holidays , this year it was crap. I did tell my dad it would be crap this year , but he didn't belive me and of course, I was right once again .
The only other slightly interesting thing we did was go and see Lord Of The Rings, (haha , "Jessica"and "Jemima" are obsessed with the scary midget who plays Frodo. Yes he is very pretty , but i don't think he was too good in Flipper)there was this annoying lady eating fruit next to us and some little kid was running around the theatre.I didn't think it was as great as people say it is , but then the fruit lady getting up to go to the loo three times didn't help. So I'm going to see it again tomorrow at the Embassy which should be better than those crappy Taupo theatres.
School starts again next wednesday, my BIRTHDAY!.Which isn't going to be fun.

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boring [12 Nov 2001|05:02pm]
[ mood | sick ]

This whole Jemima/Jeremy thing is getting very weird.Jemima is too shy to even speak to Jeremy .Whenever she is with him so am i and neither of them will talk.That is really not a very Jeremy thing.He usually wont shut up.And when they are together I do all the talking and all Jemima says is yea and agrees with everything i say.Does she ever have an opinion?

Today was really crap because my best friend "Jaclyn" wasnt at school.Stupid girl!.

And i got beaten up ny this little guy.He was really scary he was pointing at me and saying gay shoes gay shoes so i said something equally mean back.And he punched me in the head and started kicking me.Scaryscaryscary.You should of seen his shoes!

ech nothing else to say except this gum is really bad it has gone all hard and lost alll its flavour

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i am bored [11 Nov 2001|06:51pm]
[ mood | bored ]

i hate weekends.Well i dont hate them that much but then its not like i enjoy them.I was made to go shopping with my parents then i had to go with my sister "Jacqui"
to get a backback for her.Jacqui thought she needed a new one so she got this big ugly yellow thing which also carries her snowboard who she calls Britney.

Do you know how to get The Sims working on ME?

Damn we cant find part 2 of season 2 of Buffy on DVD garrrrrrrrrrrr!


Ah feck it i have a drama assessment tomorrow garrrrrrr! It will be crap all the guys on my group are stupid and i dont know my lines.We are doing this annoying piece called The Prom Committtee.I have to be Sandra the geek.Argh.

What other homework do i have?Grrrrrrrrr think think.Oh a science thingy but,that is due in on friday stupid stupid German no English yes yay! social studies no maths no P.E no Health no .

Eh bye

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argh [11 Nov 2001|09:08am]
[ mood | aggravated ]

why wont The Sims wrok on ME?

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"JOSELLA" [10 Nov 2001|01:59pm]
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[10 Nov 2001|01:56pm]
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[10 Nov 2001|01:41pm]
[ mood | bored ]


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ergh [10 Nov 2001|11:53am]
ohhhhhhhhh nerdy-geek love.FUNFUNFUN dont you just love geek love dramas and when a friend is going out with a third former who teaches sixth form IT classes when the teacher is not there.YUK!.But the latest drama was rather entertaining.First eveil bitch who was supposed to be a friend goes and tells everyone about Jemimas (name changed)secret love for Jeremy (name also changed).Then Jessica (another changed name),a friend goes and asks "Jeremy" out for "Jemima" and Jeremy runs away and hides.Then lunchtime finishes and we all go to the library for science (oh joy!) and somehow "Johnny" finds out and tells his annoying friend "Jake" who screams it out. Anyway we end up doing no work in science (so unusual).Then after science we have options.In drama was kind of uneventful (boring) except for me being put in a group with the evil new guy,"Joe" who is, grrrrrrrrrr cant be bothered explaining.But he is an evil prick.

The next day coz i got to school early Jessica and i go to talk to Jeremy but Jeremy runs away again (you see i have decided that all his intelligence has been wasted on computer geeky stuff so he is socially retarded.Or he likes boys ,i dont know)but anyway that day was annoying because of the senior water fight (garrrrrrrrr!).But nothing much happened with the Jemima/Jeremy thingmajig.
BUt the day after that was fun we went to see this dance thingy and Jeremy saud he would go out with Jemima.

Jessica sees dead people.
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ergh [10 Nov 2001|11:23am]
ohhhhhhhhh nerdy-geek love.FUNFUNFUN dont you just love geek love dramas and when a friend is going out with a third former who teaches sixth form IT classes when the teacher is not there.YUK!.But the latest drama was rather entertaining.First eveil bitch who was supposed to be a friend goes and tells everyone about Jemimas (name changed)secret love for Jeremy (name also changed).Then Jessica (another changed name),a friend goes and asks "Jeremy" out for "Jemima" and Jeremy runs away and hides.Then lunchtime finishes and we all go to the library for science (oh joy!) and somehow "Johnny" finds out and tells his annoying friend "Jake" who screams it out. Anyway we end up doing no work in science (so unusual).Then after science we have options.In drama was kind of uneventful (boring) except for me being put in a group with the evil new guy,"Joe" who is, grrrrrrrrrr cant be bothered explaining.But he is an evil prick.

The next day coz i got to school early Jessica and i go to talk to Jeremy but Jeremy runs away again (you see i have decided that all his intelligence has been wasted on computer geeky stuff so he is socially retarded.Or he likes boys ,i dont know)but anyway that day was annoying because of the senior water fight (garrrrrrrrr!).But nothing much happened with the Jemima/Jeremy thingmajig.
BUt the day after that was fun we went to see this dance thingy and Jeremy saud he would go out with Jemima.

Jessica sees dead people.
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school [30 Oct 2001|08:01pm]
well today i went to school.Yay!.School is bad most of the time, but today it was worse than usual.It had to rain just so that there was nowhere to go at lunch when i get to see my friends who i cant see most of the time because the felt the need to put me in a class with a bunch of retards.I also have no classes at all with any of my friends as all or compulsory classes are with your form class. My options are german and drama, german is bad because it is incredibly boring and there is only 11 pople in the class,all of them geeks.Well i dont know if i'm a geek myself ( think i might
be though)
I mean the geeks are nicer than the average 13 year old but all they worry about is thier computers and who did best on our latest german test, (we have tests more than any other class, at least once a week and i always seem to get the second to worse mark in he class)and being mocked by geeks isn't my idea of fun.
Anyway , back to the rain, i had to stay in the library all of lunch where some friends and i read the embarresmant page in the latest girlfriend magazine(oh joy!).You also can't eat or drink in the library causing me to have to eat lunch during german(you are also not allowed to eat during language classes acording to the german teacher, although certain people in the class can get away with it, you just have to tell the teacher repeatedly about all the extra homework you did the night before (i don't do any homework which doesn't help). The only good thing about today was that i didnt have maths oh joy! (this time i mean it).We didnt have to listen to the teacher tell us to shoosh even thought we are not being noisy .I never seem to learn anything in maths anyway , probably because we spend an hour each day working out what terrible birth defect would have caused the teachers pig-like appearance or making model trade centre towers out of foam blocks and and flying pens into them.
Well yea there is not much more to say about school.
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garrrrrrr! [27 Oct 2001|10:20am]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | nuttink ]

the cat put mud all over my pillow !

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pirate fun [26 Oct 2001|11:33pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | nuttink ]


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