Relevant Communities The following communities are also interested in "charmed". 31 matches: Meetup! Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International Charmed Fans Meetup Day! (more info) Interested users The following users are also interested in charmed. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page. 1000 matches:
- 0cean - Tabatha
- 333love333 - A Broadway Geek
- 40acres - Liz Parker
- 4starmary - 4 Star Mary
- 666_nash - Темный Мыслитель
- 99percent - deranged kid
- aasith - Escapology
- abberz - Abby
- abbessauma - Heather
- abbietvs - Abbie
- ablackrose - An Irish woman
- abnrml - Andie Pandie
- abs6183 - ~*~More then life itself~*~
- absence - Joon
- acornsnake - Red
- acsnetwork - Angel's Charmed Slayer
- adamreisinger - Adam Reisinger
- addicted2fuck - << Aaron + Holly >>
- adiem - Robert
- affinityz - James Luongo
- agent_smee - Smee
- agm - Amanda
- agrimony - hegemony hedgehog
- aguanedream - Kelly
- ah42 - guinea-pig
- aimezly - The Aimstar
- ain - -dance with me-
- airy_faery - AIRY_FAERY
- akgirl - the story of one girl and her heartbreak
- alana_weasley - Kelly
- alcarinqua - Hérincë
- aldo311 - SuGaR
- alexmw - Alexandra
- aliceinwonder - Alice
- alice_is_high - Iris
- alice_magick - Alice Dobson-Smith
- alienfirst - Tiamat
- alienzufo - Spooky
- allergic - Jassy
- alliekiwi - Allie
- allikins - Allikins
- allslashedout - Schizophrenic
- alorarose - Tri's tsuke
- alphadaremo - infinite daremo
- alphafem - alphafem
- alpine - strawberry lollipop
- alwaysontime - odd man out
- always_wrong - Screw Up
- alyssapage - Theresa
- alyssa_charmed - Alyssa Milano
- alyssa_page - Theresa
- am69me - Rick
- amaelgreenleaf - A'maèl
- amanda143 - Punk Rock Poser
- ambuelai - ambuelai
- amerikanskare - LoKi
- amerrydeath - meredith
- ames7 - Amy
- amigone - amigone
- amyday - AmyDay
- amythestrose - Aurora Savannah
- analiasa - Ana Liasa
- anastasiana - ~* ßLüèRô§É *~
- ana_reks_ya - maura
- andypulzar - Andy Pulzar
- andys - Andrew
- angel7786 - Melanie
- angelakiku - Angela K
- angelandhorns - Daisylight
- angelbunnay - Andrea
- angelena - Visibly Invisible
- angelet - Rachael
- angeleyez3583 - ~*~Missi~*~
- angelfoxblue - AngelFox Blue
- angelgirl_jill - Living Anime Girl
- angelicblonde - Ashley C
- angelic_emma - emma
- angelic_eternal - Mehgan
- angelinag - bRoKeN_AnGeL_WinGs
- angelique24 - Dorie
- angellily - Kesha
- angellus - Dillan Halliwell
- angelrachel - AngelRachel
- angelwhispers - Kat
- angelwolf24 - Heather
- angelyuzu - Yuzu
- angel_bunny - Crispin
- angel_halliwell - Dimples
- angel_myst - Ashlee
- angel_sex - angel
- anguished_spook - august the 11th
- anime_otaku - Laura
- ani_freq - Caridad
- annabelle4 - Annabelle Anonymous
- ann_littrell - Ann Erickson
- anodyne_pass - Anodyne Pass
- anthonysmith - Anthony the really obsessed HP fan.
- antony_james - DaeconAnt
- apestaartje - Sarah
- aphaduke - Drew
- aprillillian - April
- aquariangirl - Brittany
- arabianangel - AnGeL
- arcanedelusions - aymi
- arcanexparadox - Aymi
- artisticchardon - Heather
- ashey13 - Malt 'O' Meal
- ashleylynn - Ashley Lynn
- ashlynsmama - Holly
- asianfirefly - Ally
- asiangrl - Steph
- asrais_fairy - Loz
- astropup - The Demented Pup
- atti_br - Atti
- auntclair - clair
- auraofdarkness - autumn
- aurianrose - (Secret) Shieldmaiden
- aurorarzeznik - Aurora Dawn
- aussiechick - Ezz
- aussie_chick - Sarah
- aussie_diva - Sally-Anne
- autumn_tears - autumn_tears - Aranina
- auzziek - Auzzie W.
- awkwardscilence - This is handy andy
- aznswthart - ada
- a_chhun - .:[ a n i t a ]:.
- b1ue_jean_baby - Talena
- babieanqel - a.n.q.e.l.
- babierachie - Rachel
- babybear - NEO
- babybear4 - Dave
- babydollxoxo33 - ashley
- babyluv84 - :: hunniestars ::
- babyskategrrl - baby skate grrl
- babywestlife64 - lil`N
- baktpotet - Ada
- balletboyrhys - Rhys
- balletvamp - Kitty
- baracuda - Baracuda
- barbaragrafham - Barbarella
- barbles - Barbara
- barddiva - AbstractSpecifics
- barelyanactress - everybody has a limit, right?
- bcgurl02 - ~somegurl~
- bdwoolf - bread and circuses
- beautifuldemise - +scarlett trash+
- beavercountyguy - B.
- bebegrl - miss elaine
- beby - . b e B y .
- beckaroo - sugar 'n' spice
- becky_cakes - Becky
- beed - Beth
- beerbad - Alice
- beeslilhoney - Beeslilhoney
- bellaluna23 - Luna
- belle_moon - Wolfen Spirit
- belligirl16 - Kira
- bemused01 - Teresa, Goddess of Endless Sighs
- benthecube - Ben
- bequie - Rebecca
- bertrande80 - bertrande
- bethanychaulke - California Dreamin
- betharielwen - Bethanie
- betheliz - Elizabeth
- bexxxx - The Goddess Tempura
- bezaubertengel - Warning...
- billding7 - sophia
- billy3785 - Billy
- bimaris - bimaris
- bitchy_mcwhiney - Plug in (me) baby ;)
- bitterchill - bitterchill
- bitty2002 - Brittany
- bjw - Bobbi
- blackmagic101 - Coleman
- blade_babe - Raevyn
- blah_liz - L!Z
- blakmagjick - Blak Magick
- blcktrinity - Molly
- blisschica - ..::..Bliss..::..
- blondenluvinit - Jaime
- blonde_angel21 - Ms.Innocent Blonde
- blondhairedgirl - amanda
- blondiedork - BLoNDiE
- blood_pollution - Livin' on a prayer
- bluangil - ~*R.e.l.a.x.i.n.M.y.S.o.u.l.*~
- bluejyf - BlueJyF
- bluesforyou - 2nJenn
- bluestocking7 - Bluestocking
- blusmurf - Ashley Davine
- boardingkid5736 - Crash Overide
- bob5059 - Rob
- bobbilicious - Bobbs
- bombasticbianca - Bianca
- bon8017 - Bonnie
- bonitacyn - Cynthia
- bonkt - Nicole
- bono_macphisto - Mr B. Macphisto
- boobalooba - Shelly
- booblue - A Storyteller
- boom_69 - boom
- bowncow - JaNe
- boybandreject72 - Dan
- boymercury - Lui
- br0k3n_wings - EnChaNtReSs
- br0ken3heart - bR0KEN</3hEART and shatteredREAMS
- bradhadair2 - chibi
- bradysangel - Nicole
- brattybritt - *Brittany*
- breakupthegirl - eM
- breyten - Breyten
- briancoray - Bri
- brianthompson - Brian Thompson
- brierbrier - yet another Girl Scout camp counselor dyke
- brit_baby - Brittany
- brokenprincess9 - ..:::she's empty and so beautiful:::..
- brooding_soul - Elwe of Dorthonion
- browneyedbabys - Noelle
- bruised_candy - Silver
- brunette_bab3 - Karen
- bu5h - asshole
- bubblelicious01 - Brittany
- bubblingstuff - Debbie
- buddyblue - Warria the Xener Princess
- buffys_boytoy - Scottie
- buffywinters - Stephanie
- bunnie2spwezal - ... miss jen
- bunnys_buzzard - Bunny's Buzzard
- burkeyboy22 - The Horsey LiveJournals
- burning_bright - Jennifleur
- burnzie - Shannon
- burto - Little Miss Naughty
- buruma - Buruma
- butt3rflykissez - -¤Jå©kïé¤-
- butterflieangel - Theresa
- butterflybangs - ButterflyBangs
- butterflyflames - Mandy
- button_skies - Kiki
- buzzards_bunny - Skooby Doo's Livejournal
- bwitani - rusti.
- c0c0nut - courtney
- c0nstellati0n - stella
- caii - Cailin
- cairpre26 - David
- caitcait - Caitlin
- caldancerdude - Dancing Towards My Inner Light
- caliraverboi - Josh Roy
- callistomoon - Callisto
- calminopalmero - Marie
- cancerchick - CaNcErChIcK
- candiedreamz - taRa
- candi_splash - stef
- caprice20 - caprice
- carl9331 - I belong to you...
- carrie990 - not a star in the sky
- carriee - Carrie♥
- cascadingstar - susan
- cassanthia - Marika
- catboi_shuichi - Tai
- catmilla - Untitled Document
- catseyes - catseyes
- ceal - Ceal
- celestialblue - Chasing the moon
- celestialbuddah - Daniel
- celestialpixie - Pixie
- celestyal - Kristina
- celscooter - ~*~Cristina~*~
- celtic_shamanes - Ravenwolf Burke
- centralperk3 - Jessica
- ch0lita_x_21 - * * * /[\ _ _ _ + bAbYqiRL ]] ]
- ch3rryb1oos0m - MyStErI0usAuRa
- chacha6692 - Carol
- chacha7 - ChaCha
- chaneen - Chaneen
- chany812 - Chany
- charlieparks - drops of green
- charmed416 - Charmed416
- charmedgal - Zoe
- charmedgirl - A pale witch with a luck for words
- charmedgurl01 - Crystal
- charmed_one - Dawn
- charmed_souls - Loving Sisters
- charmymay - aNgeL
- chastinkat369 - Leelee
- chaturanga - chaturanga
- cheekymonkey227 - Emma
- cheers - ♥ Smile, GOD is good ♥
- cheetarah - Tarah
- cherith - Cherith
- cherokee_wolf30 - Theresa
- cherriflav0red - Jenalynn
- cherri_lips - ..c h e r r i : l i p s..
- cherrylipgloss - Jude
- cherrypop15 - .:*Shana*:.
- cherrytink - CherryTink
- cherrytwizzla - Sam
- cherubiel - Dream, of the Endless
- cheryloverby - Cheryl
- cheshirecat9 - ..:cheshirecat9:..
- cheurlay - elfie
- cheyanne49 - Cheyanne
- chezchuckles - ChezChuckles
- chibihaneko - The Mementous Melment of our time!!!
- chibi_kuja - Diana
- chibi_saku - saku
- chicketieboo - Kiki Ross
- chillycub - Chillycub
- chipmunck - Stephanie Justice
- chippee - Fi
- chlee - Sugar
- chrisbar1 - The Zeppo
- chrisgos2market - christian
- chrissy_shorty - Doodle
- christine802133 - Christina
- chrizz - Chrisathy
- chyna_rose - Chyna Rose
- cindel - Sophia
- cinderellee - Part-Time Princess
- ckd26 - Fiesty Bitch
- claralilibee - Clarissa
- classics_cat - Cat
- cleotrue - chaeysa
- cleverpoison - Bridget
- cloric - Cloric Debran (the Cleric)
- closer2myself - ScapeBabe
- cobraskulls - Shannen Marie
- coldice - Wyland
- coliewankenobi - A Little Pixie
- comedychick - Neek
- confusedheart87 - *X*-Loser+In+Love-*X*
- connerz - Connie
- connors_chick - Alisa Malfoy
- cookiezs - jessica
- corday - Don't Panic
- coriann33 - Lulu33
- cottoncandys2k - Amy/S2K
- count_irvin - Серж
- coyotensc - Michael
- coyotex - Coyotex
- cracknanny - Annie
- crasher - Omar
- craziichic1686 - Michele
- crazycurve - Kay~Cher
- crazykatz - UnderCover Angel
- crazylazybastrd - Andrew
- crazyminx - Laurie
- crazysexxycool - Sarie Faerie
- creativekay - Kay
- crescent - Crescent
- crick_elf - Crystal
- crossurfingers - _Cross Your Fingers_
- cryingthistime - Stacy
- crystalcat - Cat
- crystalgreen - Crystal Greenhand
- cuddlybeaver - Cuddly Beaver
- curiouscat - Kitty
- cutefluffybunny - Michelle
- cutiesaiyajin - CutieSaiyajin
- cyaniderose - and you don't stop
- cybermathwitch - Koren
- cypherclerk - Ozymandias
- cyrusmoon - TerBear
- d4n13l - this isn't all about me. oh wait. it is
- daffygurl - Roxie
- daireann - Heather
- dakine023 - DaKine023
- damoyre - DaMoyre
- dancindiva86 - Maggie
- dandoubledtwice - Dan Doubled Twice
- danimacaustin - Danielle
- dar - Daria
- darcianix - Darcianix
- darkdeception - DaRkDeCePtiOn... MaTt
- darkecho - Mike
- darkenchantment - Sorcha
- darkened_ki - KuraiTenshi
- darkestdawn - Violet Tendencies
- darkheaven24 - claudia de point du lac
- darksideangel - Gen
- darksidhe - World Capital of "Things-gone-completely-to-HELL"
- darlingmeg - Meg
- daryalicious - Darya
- datenshiscorner - Datenshi
- david67 - Zombie
- daviddutton - Tall Bear
- davrosc - Dave
- daylight_fading - Julienne
- dazedstars - kit cat
- deadgirlscorp - Knickers
- deadlyredhead - ~*~deadly~*~
- deadsydoll - ₤єжіа +hë ߣøøðÿ P®¡ñc맧
- deedoubleyou - Donna
- deepmusings - chassieloo
- denverguy81 - Matt
- deny_n7 - nick
- deschanel1 - Brandon
- desertwolf - Vinny da Geek
- desireer - Desirée R.
- desiree_wazzup - ~*Desiree*~
- desperatenow - cosmicgirl
- destined4misery - ~Shanna~
- destiny19 - Melissa
- devil_woman10 - Tori
- devylsgoddess - DevylsGoddess
- diamondprincezz - Jennifer
- diamondshadow - Jamar E. Y. Fraser
- dianah14 - Diana
- dieselhead - The Fearless Leader
- digitallace - Lexx
- digi_mortal - Theatrical _Sarcasim
- dignified - ice kandy
- digupstuff - Anabella, my black cat
- disasterprone - the other andrew
- disconnect_ed - deathwish
- disco_diva_jd - DiScO DiVa jD
- disenchantdpoet - Jess
- dismaleden - Cuyler
- disneyclint - Clint
- disturbed4teen - Ashley
- ditsyattimes - Alicia
- dizeexillusionz - DizeexIllusionz
- dizzygrl - Leila
- docbevculver - DocBevCulver
- dollpartsx - Kat
- dolphinette - lilli klifurmús
- dorktot - susie <3
- dorky - Andrea
- downtowngirl - downtowngirl
- dragon54 - Dragon54
- dragonangel02 - Jacquelyn
- dragoncrazy - Corla
- dragondare - Dare
- dragonelf_2002 - Katla the Dragonelf
- dragonsilk - Melissa
- dragonsinger - Amy
- dragonstarr - Headless pack of frustration
- dreamangel02 - })i({~*Selina-Ann*~})i({
- dreambite - Dreambite
- dreaminglj - LJ
- dreaminofnsync - NeLLa
- dreamr97 - Kelly
- dreamwell_ali - ali
- dreeew - 愛 回転 . 網 ^_^
- drkangel150 - Elithraniel
- drummeress - Jënnîfë®
- dthl - Desiree
- duca - duca duca
- ducka11 - Robbie
- duckie7582 - duckie
- duckyass - space cadet
- dudley911 - Rachel
- dyskrasia1229 - dyskrasia
- d_lakes - Daniel Lakes
- earth_fire_rain - Hilary
- eatmypeachpitt - brenda
- ebe - e.b.e
- ecstasian - ecstasia
- ecstasy367 - Ecstasy
- edgarxfr0g - Kelly
- edgeof7teen - EdgeOf17
- edushku - i hate when they drown me
- eeithne - Eeithne
- egyptianmoon - Isis
- eiffelgirl - Girl Strange
- electrical_snow - ♪ Toby ♪
- elf_fetish - Rae
- elihuh2001 - Elihu Hernandez
- elise921 - Elise
- elleite - love the watermelon
- ellessee - Dia`s
- elsalai - Elsa
- eltsyrk - [.....meshing life with soul.....]
- elvenfrost - Frost
- elvesoncrack - Lemon Chiffon
- elvish_wench - Musings on Life
- elvntheifgodess - Kat
- el_spongebob_o - Cynical Idealist
- embabe10 - Emily
- emileeh - Emileh
- emilytan - emily
- emiwee - - E -
- emmaboi - LJ
- emoincognito - not your star
- empresskatchan - Shae Michillen
- empressofflame - moo
- emryes - Rob
- em_81 - Em
- enchantedpetals - Marissa Ann
- erin100 - ~Blessed be, here be dragons~
- erincbennett - Erin
- erryl - Erryl
- escapology - Anna
- estinzione - Estinzione
- eternalneptune - Michi
- eternalpiper - Piper
- eumesma - paula
- evieoconnell - strigoiaca
- evilblueberry - Bonnie
- evilegan - The cut the never heals..
- evilestprincess - Mandy
- evil_cole - Cole Turner
- ewind85 - E'mo
- exeter - Ash
- exfoliates - pat
- ex_cherri_li974 - •§tüpìd•Whîté•ßïtçh•
- eyecandee - [l| s e x i l i z |l]
- f1forhelp - Mmm...
- fabfourya_ya - Rhode Island Ya-Ya's ~ Alissa, Dee, Kate, and Mer
- fabolouslaydee - `* samatha
- fadeaway86 - Alicia
- faerietalesdie - kinki kid !
- faerie_rain - Amber
- fairy22 - Melissa
- fairyjo - fairyjo
- fairynimue - Katrina Ellison
- fairystale - Kieran Mawdsley
- fairyxdustx01 - Tinkerbell
- faithlessmuse - Colleen
- faithless_suze - suze
- faithstarr - Faith
- fallenangel_666 - Faith
- fallnangei - Avalon
- fantapple21 - Sean
- faustino - Faustino
- fauxmien - J.
- fbiangel - Once More, With Feeling
- fearlife - Janelle
- felinenormal - Kat..... something
- felosial - Aphrael
- ficchica - raeblackman
- fictiontek - Rich Fiction
- fireburner - Chris
- firedrgn19 - Saranyu
- firegirl381 - FireGirl
- firstedition - The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- fivel44 - Me
- flamekitten - .::`*Kaesey Bear*`::.
- flashkate - Alyssa
- fleurdecable - Amy Layne
- flimsy2 - Flimsy
- flrtygrl99 - Dale
- fluffydoombunny - Shannen Hart
- flytothesky - blue rain
- fooliobass - Josef
- foreverbr0ke - foreverbr0ke
- forgivness - Smurf
- forgottendreamz - MiSH
- foxie1357 - Megan~the charmed one~
- fr0z0n_fire - Beini
- fragilebox - Jace
- frickin_genius - Mara
- frostbite08 - December Trees
- frozenone - Frozenone
- frznfaerie - Lexx
- fullofwish - Kelly
- fumetsu - Fumetsu
- funkyfriendofu - broken heart quickly mending
- funk_soul_sista - fashionista in the city-lost without her manolos
- fusi0nx - Chili Pepper Jones
- fuuhououji - Fuu-chan
- fuzzpaul - Paul
- fuzzysocksheep - Beth
- fyre_storm520 - David Balcom
- gahthatscute - Blargh I say!
- gambit - JJ's Girl
- gavin - gavin
- geminai75 - Naomi
- genuinefairy - ~>My name's Potter....Fiona Potter.<~
- gerald_jao - GeT NaStY!!!
- geronimo2k4 - mnky child
- getnloud - Jess
- ghostsinsheets - wrapped up in sheets
- ghoti72 - Felis Domesticus
- giamarie - GiaMarie
- gigadestroyer - Keith Mateju
- gigs_83 - Lisa Fagan
- gimmelgirl - Hermione
- ginean - Ginean
- ginny_malfoy - Ginny
- girl2 - gloria
- girlfromsouth - Lacy
- girlgetsgirl - hot mama-yama
- girlinthebottle - sheena
- girlwithgloves - Kristin
- glammetalkitten - Kate's Journal
- glanconer - Ash
- glaspane - glas
- glassmarionette - Sapphira
- glazedxover - Kelly
- glitch25 - Glitch
- glitterprncess7 - |[JaNeLe]|
- glitterypixie - Fuzzy Fia Fae Pixie SpaztaKittie aka TitaniaMuffin
- glitter_gloss - Kirstee(ea)lea(ee)
- glitter_sparks - Leigh D
- glowgurl - Glowgurl
- glued_to_me - the glue factory
- goddess69 - Tiny Planet
- goddessally - Ally
- goddessbast - The Almighty Rie Rie
- goddessnette - Dannette Lawrence
- god_is_on_tv - Blayke
- goldenapple82 - Marina
- gold_phoenix - Hazel
- goofyguy2007 - -» the goof man
- gothickitten - Oraqle*^
- govinda505 - Shelby
- goweli - Sagonigei Anagalisgi
- go_4_it - Clev
- graeddel - Gräddel
- grailwolf - Marc Bailey
- greeneyeliner - ...Disillusioned...
- greg777 - Greg L
- grizelda - Inge
- grotesquemynd - ~*~Heartless~*~
- grr_arrgh - { twelve }
- gruvnsway - *Starry*Eyed*Surprise*
- gryffie - Gryffie
- gryffindorchick - Suzie
- gsfan84 - Rica
- gspchrisl - ...and this one belongs to Chris Lambert!
- guenevere02 - Jachelle
- gunthak - SexDud... Dud, Not Dude... :P
- gurlluva - Lucky
- gutterkitten - ashley
- gwenhwyfae - Gwenhwyfar
- gweni3 - elenithea
- hakubi - Matthew
- hales417 - haley
- halfpintperson - Dimitra
- hanashibeta - xopher
- hannah80 - ~Hannah~Renae~
- hansonfreak314 - M e g a n *
- happi_feet - Margaret Anne
- happydaysfan - Beth
- happysmiles01 - Rachelle :)
- hardkore - Wilus
- haruka_aquarius - Tani
- haschischhase - Catherine
- headovrheels - Hippo and Peacock's
- heartgirl - ray of sunshine
- heavenlyangel23 - Krista
- heavens_thorn - My moneys on the witch
- hehtalaire - Taile
- hellokitty666 - Maura
- helluvagellar - helluvagellar
- heroxmysockz - Maria
- hersaturn - Annie
- hersheyposh - Gabrielle
- hexkitten - Ape Reel
- heyitsjay - Jay
- hiddenillusions - *-._Hidden Illusions_.-*
- hiddensides - Me
- highway - Life is a Highway
- high_lighter - Omar
- hill_the_khore - Jake
- hjerraphtez - Hjerraphtez
- hkrandomsoco - Heather
- hmcfan - hmcfan
- ho0chiemama - ali
- hol - Holly
- hollibobolli - Holli
- hollycombs - Holly Marie Combs
- hollywoodactor - You Think You Know! But You Have No Idea!
- hollywoodsmile7 - Hollywoodsmile7
- hornsofjericho - Jericho Morningstar
- hoshi_chan - *mY LifE, MY cHOiCE*
- hospitalsocks - Tiffany
- hotaruanne - hotaru anne
- hotgurl100200 - Sara
- howiesgrl_24 - Joey
- humantimebomb - Bran
- humanxerror - Eryn
- hunnysucklerose - Lailindëiel
- hurricane003 - Tati
- hurtful_wordz - ß®éâk mii hé宆, ©hëå† øñ më.
- hushmoney - jess[i]ca
- hushstorm - Storm
- huskrat - minda
- hvnsangel8 - beak
- hylandr - Hylandr
- hyper01 - * ` / [] MaRy - , ` } ]
- hyperkhat - Rob
- hypnoticmelodie - michelle
- i3eautyfly - .:*¨¨*Star*¨¨*:.
- icebluprncess - Jaime
- icewing - Icewing
- icicle_siren - Icicle Siren
- icons_by_allie - Kittenallie's Livejournal Icons
- icymorning - your abrasive, cynical and angry girl next door
- icyrev - javen
- icysiatfrackani - already too far gone.....
- idrankbleach - blahness
- iekje - lelijke dixak
- iesham - Iesha
- ignore_me_k - Chuckles
- ihaveabike - a day short of a freak show
- ikaboo - ikaboo
- ikkleangelrissy - Ikkle Angel Girl
- ili - ili
- illithehootchay - Illuriel
- ill_elle - Broken Wings
- iloveayumi - Mike
- iluvme14x - caitlinsentertaininglifeinlockport
- imaslave4u - LJ
- imman - pyro[n|x]
- immortalraven - Sha
- imnotevil - little l
- impalagirl - le destin de jenne
- impy - Imp
- im_confused - Dave
- inbredhatred - Fury
- incubusgirlie - another innocent girl
- indigoskynet - Indigo [Queen of Euphemism]
- innamorata7 - The Mad Shorty
- innerdesire - where fantasy meets reality ♥
- insanedykefuck - Desiree
- instantwonton - Becca
- integrarob - integrarob
- interceptor58 - John
- intothesilence - MoNoXiDe
- invisiblegirl31 - Alissa
- inwardlyoutward - outwardly inward
- irish_rose2001 - Amanda Parks
- isolatedword - Shawn
- ispirit - random musings
- ithacasarah - ithaca sarah
- i_am_super_dave - Dave
- jacalina06 - Jaclyn
- jackiepaper - jackie paper
- jadakizz - Jade
- jade_butterfly - -*~*- Kaijuu -*~*-
- jade_faerie - Jacqueline
- jaggedlilwiccan - Lisa
- jaggergirl13 - kimi
- jahnee - Fresh Doom
- jamesbarrett - Frisk, the Puppy
- jamieryce - Jamie
- jandara - Janet
- janewiseone - HarshRealm
- jaran620 - Jake
- jawequon - I NOT A MEXICAN!
- jayceegirl - Christa
- jayly - Jayly
- jaymer - poof
- jazzedsoprano - Heather~Marie
- jazzminarino - Jess Balk-Huffines
- jc101 - Little Boy Blue
- jconxtc - Halla Bjarnylr
- jc_a_holic - The JC Addict
- jd2k2 - jd2k2
- jeannie81 - Eugenia Appiah
- jeccilyn - Jessica
- jeliza - Capability Puce
- jellybean79 - Danielle
- jennmwalker - GENNIFERJUNIPER
- jennwarren - Jennifer Warren
- jennwest14 - ¤ LiL ShOrTee ¤
- jennykb2411 - Jen
- jennylou303 - Jen
- jennysk8s - Jen
- jennzapp - ~*JeNn's LiVeJoUrNaL*~
- jessily2499 - Jessie
- jessimicca - jess im ic ca
- jess_is_rad - Jess
- jester1436 - Jester
- jetblakkmane - The Freelance Exorcist
- jhanastarblade - Jhana Starblade
- jhek - JhEk
- jillybean721 - Jill
- jingoro - Daric Scott Jackson
- joe542871 - Joe!!!
- joe714 - Jack Webb
- joeyiskrazy - Joey
- joeyismysuprman - -:- Dominique -:-
- joshe - josh*e the scandalous boy
- joshiboi - Josh
- joshsfan - LN
- josiekittie - Josie
- joviansun - Jovian Wolfsong
- jpg103 - Janette
- jsie - Jayann
- juanitadark - Juanita Dark
- jubbem - Carrie Alling
- juiceguy164 - Jason Luk
- jujibean - Julian
- jukie - Julie
- juliebean - Julie
- juliechama - Zulyi
- julietlaw - Criminel-Lolita
- julz88 - Juliana
- jumella - Shelley
- jupiterzx2 - Center of the Universe
- justaburden - ju stab urden
- justangelicious - Lilach
- justhings - Justin
- justinc - justin
- justinssunshine - Kipley
- justme_stripped - the dirrty south...
- justnimge - JustNImge
- kaedabean - Kate
- kaiba - Maranwë Lossëhelin
- kaiosama - Kaiosama
- kajivar - All Shall Love Me And Despair
- kalicia - Dana
- kaliva - Ninjaktty
- kamakazid - New Mommy
- kandese - Candace
- karmickitten - Joie
- karone - Krissy
- karr - Karriane
- kasey182 - Kasey
- katelockley - kate
- kaths - KathS
- kayak - Kayla
- kchalliwyatt - KC
- kcwitch - mikki
- kencam - 0(+>
- kermitslover - Carmelo
- kerrguryle - Chris
- kestrel - Mandy
- kevin82 - Kevin Spencer
- kevinshowell - Evin K
- kevyn_kronycles - Kevyn Kronycles
- kewlfandango - Legolas Greenleaf and Arwen Evenstar
- kewlispiper - Charmed One
- khanyar - The Gryphon Knight, R. Khanyar
- kiin - Princess of Schizophrenia
- killdwithemo - bethany
- kimbab - Kimbie Mills
- kinkkat - K.Kat
- kiraboshi - Kira
- kiri_l - Kiri
- kirsteelea - the lady that looks like snow
- kissablexo - sam
- kittiemyst - <3
- kittybane - Jessica Bradford
- kittybobitty - Miss Kitty Bo Bitty
- kittyrock - Feline
- kitty_queen - Queen of the Cats
- kit_the_cat - Amara Devaki/Shenandoah/Sara/Dimples....
- kivrinangel - Kivrin Angel
- kizzoo - Kizz
- kizzoo2 - Kizz's Week
- kohanah - Heather
- krazypunkkhris - Khris
- krismagic - I want to be the girl with the most cake
- krissie723 - Kristen Riley
- krissy - kristen
- krissyfanfic - Krissy
- kristonite - kristin
- kris_royal - Kris Royal
- krrrven - Waylon Darosh
- kst3r - Kristy
- kung_fu_kitty - Mary;
- l4p - Ali
- ladiosa - ~*La Diosa*~
- ladyarianna - Anastasia
- ladydreamfire - LadyDreamFire
- ladylauralei - Laura
- ladyofthelake75 - Lex
- ladypeacem - LadyPeace
- ladypythia - Pythia
- lady_divine - Chiara
- laprincessa79 - Vanessa
- larakailyn - Lara
- larissadawn - Larissa Snowmane
- lasher72 - Lasher
- latesunday - Serenity
- latinashy1 - The Ice Cream Pimpette
- latinone - Angel
- laur3609 - lauryn
- lauralady22 - Laura
- laurie137 - Sarcastibitch
- lavender17 - Callan
- layniehart - Laynie Hart
- leaflord - Shane
- learn_to_cry - 'Ren
- leaving_normal - That Guy
- leelu92 - leelu92
- legallyxblonde - So Sorry Its OVER
- lemoncase - from survival to poetry
- leotiger2003 - Trina
- lepetitprince - Le Petit Prince
- lequiqui - Angelique O Fortuna, Goddess of Love
- lesinct - angelina
- lexi2sexi - *gOoBy*
- lfsm - Lunatic Fringe Socialist Movement
- liana_hiccups - sweetstuff
- liberty_ford - Ice Queen
- licensetothrill - LiCeNsE tO tHrIlL's Fan Fiction Domain
- likeabird03 - Josh Straight
- lilac_ambience - Aerynia
- lilaudie - *audrey*
- lilbinkie - 'manda
- lilbitch5192317 - Li
- lilbitt26 - lilbitt26
- lilbluebear - Lilbluebear
- lilbuffy - Andrea
- lilchick216 - Lilchick216
- lildrkangel - elisabeth
- lildude_528 - bRy bRy
- lillexy - Lexy
- lillianz - Lillian
- lillinzy61587 - ?Crazee Linz?
- lilscgerly - Tiffi
- lilstarlight - angela lin
- lilvietgyrl7 - Yoko Takara
- lilxdemonx18 - LiLxDeMoNx18
- lil_panda_bear - N A N C i i E
- lil_th0nq - Rachel
- limitedstops - Lisa
- lindsaywyatt - Lindsay Wyatt
- linkula - LinkUla
- linoa - l a u r y n
- lion23 - P Rock Ecks
- lipbiter - space kitty
- lip_gl0ss_girl - Des
- liquidsiren - Jayne
- lirrin - Lilith
- littlecris - crystal
- littlefoot84 - ~ó^§ecret §py^»~
- little_ali14 - AliSha
- little_dude - Orlando Bloom and Liv Tyler
- little_fighter - MidnightsScar
- little_one - April
- little_ponine - Little Ponine
- livelikeumeanit - livelikeumeanit
- lizperez34 - Lizzie
- liz_parker30 - liz parker
- lobbyx - Lobby
- lok - Lok
- lonelysadness - Lisa
- loserfied - Mandy
- losttotheworld - s.c.a.r.l.e.t.t.
- lost_in_a_maze - Megan Walters
- loulou666 - Louise
- loveisntbrains - Ashley
- luchananda - Luchananda
- lucidric - Lucidric
- luckysummers - Rabbitsrule4
- lucky_angel - Fairy Princess
- lukesjade - Jade
- luvsinging - Casango
- lxwana - Nora
- lynkynpawk - Alex Elder
- lynnannmaxwell - ~*Little Baby Nothing*~
- lynneybean - Lynne
- machizmo - Enmity
- madjekyll - Madhyde
- maganda - Stephanie May
- magickchic - Sarah
- majandra_girl13 - Samantha
- makokino - Makokino
- malaro - Mr.Malamute
- malori - malori
- mambosking - Michael, The Mambo King
- mammacass - Cassie
- mandafae - manda
- mandaloo - Amanda
- manders_butabi - Roxbury Sister
- manifestozheli - DJ Panda
- mannyp - Manny/Bombshell™
- mapboy43 - Joel
- marchcorada - Meg
- margomercury - Margo
- mariana - Mab
- marierogue - nadine
- markpayne - Mark Payne
- marlfox24 - Spooky Spice
- marz21 - Marissa
- master_flea - Master Flea
- mateochica - Jennifer
- matt85 - Matt L
- matthaun - Matt
- mat_t - Mat
- maxfactura - Maxfactura
- maxgda432 - Kristin-Marie
- mcbunny - Bunny
- me3to1 - David
- meagn5 - Meagan
- meakiai - Sacha
- meanwhile98 - Ryan
- meari - Meari Lockestead
- meditating_diva - MeDiTaTiNg_DiVa
- meecy - coo coo for coco puffs
- meecylulu - follow your nose, it always knows
- meliaau - meliaau
- melian - Melian
- melissamcgregor - 'TigerLvr' - (Melissa)
- mellia - ♥ mellie ♥
- mellyfurtado - Mel
- mentalyoga - Tracie
- mer314 - Merideth
- mermaidmandi - a twisted angel flying to heaven on a broken wing
- mermaidn - Tina
- merrywicked - openfire
- mets_fan - Primetime K-Rock
- mexicanlapdance - Kaitlyn
- miakamiracles - just a little faith
- michelleh324 - Shelly Belly
- micronautgirl - Megan