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Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded in Emily's LiveJournal:

    Tuesday, October 16th, 2001
    12:01 pm
    I have been in IT and not doing any work, but now I'm goign - we've had an inteesting conversation about penis's!
    Thursday, October 4th, 2001
    11:06 pm
    Hi I did wirte an update yesterday but I got DCd and I was too tired to write it up again, but I had a good day yesterday and a good one again to day. Yesterday I wnet to Andys and it was nice just to spend sometime togther, tho when I walked it to the kitchen I walked in to a very scarey macca in a dressing gown *eek*

    I'm pretty tired now, I had a good day 2day Maths was fun in Pure we had a tast and I got 84%, its quite sad to write about things liek that but it made me happy. Then IT - which was a bit boring but...nm....once I get started properly it'll be cool.

    Then I had a free and I sat n did physiocs n ,aths work with clarie n we talked, but what I've realised now is that we dont have that much in comman we just tlak about boyfirends, and its getting a bit boring..ohw well...

    And I had a 'chat' to holly about Sunday ont he way home and she did the whole cryign thing that made me cross with myself and I hate that cos I;m cross with her not me I cant belive shes being so horrilble to me, and just over a guy as well, I mean andys not just a guy, dont get me worng hes reall special, but, I thought Holly actually valued my freidnship, but it appears she doesn't she even tried to guilt trip me, which is really not on.

    And when I got home I had a letter off Argos sayign I got the job - yay!

    But anyways goign to go - sleepy time needed

    Tuesday, October 2nd, 2001
    10:32 pm
    Hi again,
    I'm just off to bed now, well..when I've finished on the net, I can't do my maths :oS...never mind...I'm too tired anyways....Spoke to Andy n hes all ill n stuff :o(....I'm bored now so I'll go ....even bowling for soup is getting boring :o(....byeeeeeeeeee
    11:59 am
    Since this is my first entry it shoudl really have a point to it but it hasnt really, ohw well...What am I doing now? I'm actually in IT I'm ment to being workignon this stupid spreadsheet project...yawn....

    Hopefully this lesson will be over soon...Adam who is sat next to me has just said hes cataloged evry computer in the room....?????....I dont get it.. but I guess if he finds it interesting......

    Ohw well
    Thats it for now

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