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Friday, October 11th, 2002
10:48 am - Feh, I say
So, the tooth feels -much- better this morning.

However, my computer seems to be hosed. Lack of floppy drive (there's been a pin snapped on the motherboard for ages) looks to be something of a hinderance. I've done this /before/, so I don't know what else is fucked up in there, but as of now, I can't get either a supposedly boot-from-cd copy of Windows or the Compaq Quickrestore CD to do a thing.

So it looks like, for now, I've got a very expensive paperweight. Sigh. Maybe I should start looking at Dell. Not that I wanna pay their interest, if they'll even give me credit...

(Update: Which, of course, they won't. Back to square one.)

Couldn't this have happened with the teeth -weren't- an issue? Or, hell, when I get my tax refund early next year. Just...bah.

At least tonight should be good, and nothing's blowing up at work yet. Some small comfort after the 3 hour commute this morning. I'm -so- for this week ending.

current mood: annoyed
current music: Cake, "Hem of Your Garment"

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Thursday, October 10th, 2002
12:59 pm - Current Update
Someone asked to keep things updated, we go. We start with non-teeth, just because that's pissing me off most.

My computer, she be screwed. I was attempting to get it safe to back up, such luck. At least I was able to copy all the important stuff over to the backup hard drive...important to me, that is. Or, well, most of it. In any case, given that I can't even get Windows to boot into safe mode without getting a msgsrv32 kernel fault error...yeah. While, ideally, I'd just like to get a NEW computer, since this one is starting to fall further and further behind...not gonna happen. So tonight, after I get a new network card for the laptop so I can be online and semi-sane, I get to do the fun 'reinstall everything from scratch' game. I love that game.

Really, I do.

And now, for my teeth )

If anyone wants me, I'll be the miserable bastard in the corner.

current mood: blank
current music: Peter Gabriel, "Only Us"

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Thursday, October 3rd, 2002
1:25 pm - *slump*
So can anyone, like, shoot me now? I'd really appreciate.

I cracked one of my molars Monday night. Got an appointment to go in on Wednesday, to have them look at it -- it wasn't hurting.

Whee. Root canal needed, and a crown. And while they're looking in my mouth, a whole bunch of other work -- deep cleaning, couple of cavities, another probable crown on the other side's back molar.

Today, I went in for them to look at that back molar, and prep for the crown. And it was worse than they thought.

Another root canal worse, in fact. I really, REALLY hope insurance is going to cover this completely, or that it mostly does. Because otherwise, I'm fucked.

current mood: depressed
current music: Ryan Adams, "Sylvia Plath"

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Monday, August 19th, 2002
1:49 pm - Ikea: Where my feet go to die
So, it's Monday afternoon, and I'm still exhausted thanks to Ikea. 5 hours in the local 'local' meaning up in Emeryville, so an hour and a half drive from home. Yes, you do the math there. We're lucky everything fit in the car -- and by fit, here, this includes the new CD/DVD cases that had to stick out the truck. Thank the gods for bungee cords.

If I never have to go to Ikea again this year, it'll be a blessing. Of course, we need chairs for the dining room table, once we have it. And I still have to put everything together. That'll be tonight's fun. Of course, looking at the CD/DVD shelves, they look easier to assemble than the ones we had -before- -- much better construction to keep the backing on, you see. Much smarter. I like.

Signs was good, but strange. It's...'interesting'. Didn't grab me as much as Sixth Sense did, but that may be too many years of X-Files. Definitely better than Unbreakable was.

I'm hungry. (there -- my useful fact for the week.)

current mood: tired
current music: The Rankin Family, "Fisherman's Son"

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Monday, July 29th, 2002
2:18 pm - Belated Birthday Present Goodness
So, weekend was fairly roller-coastery -- some lovely back-RP with some folks, a dash of emotional misery, starting to pack up the apartment, some worries about Savanna even having a plane to come home on. In the end, though, she was safely on her I ended up heading over the hill to have dinner with seshat and cadhla while waiting for the plane to land and do pick-up. See the latter's journal for more details, add in a dose of me being a miserable goon when I shouldn't have been...and well, there you go.

However, one thing she didn't note: my birthday present from the Jeanne. Completely by surprise, she springs upon me: A Card Captor Sakura cel. Like, from actual production, from an episode I actually knew. With Sakura, Tomoyo, -and- Kero-chan, all in evidence. Seanan just grinned at me, and noted to Jeanne as I was staring at it 'Just check out the look on his face!'

She's gonna keep it, and they're gonna conspire to possibly get a background in place and frame it, while I'm dealing with moving, Just wow.

current mood: happy
current music: Buffy Summers, "Going Through the Motions"

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Wednesday, July 24th, 2002
2:34 pm - Numbers
Days I've had this migraine: 2
Hours of sleep I got last night: 4
Email messages left in my box at work: 78
Journals I'm trying to put up today: 1
Comics I'm expecting to buy tonight: 7
Amount I'd pay to be able to leave now: priceless

current mood: sore
current music: Cry Cry Cry, "Lord, I Have Made You a Place in My Heart"

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Monday, July 22nd, 2002
11:15 am - peculiar my last entry is dropping the last number of my email tally so far. Huh.

In any case, current email count: mesasge 289 of 1507

I'll get caught up eventually. Really I will.

current mood: working
current music: Luscious Jackson, "Stardust"

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10:01 am - Alive, and sorta well
Brief one, because I've got too much to do today. But I made it home from Minnesota, if an hour later than I was supposed to because the catering dinks seemed to be doing a work slow-down or something. In any case, after getting suitcase and finally finding the car in long-term and hunting desperately for gas so I could actually -get- home, I made it and basically collapsed.

Much other things I should babble about, but for now it's back to work. More later.

Current email count at work: Message 58 of 147

current mood: tired, but content
current music: Luscious Jackson, "Naked Eye"

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Sunday, July 14th, 2002
7:57 am - Sleepy, but alive and well
...up here in the great...well, it's not exactly the Great White North, especially since it's all green and such, but -- I made it safe and sound to Minnesota. I didn't even kill the kids kicking my seat the whole 4+ hour flight.

I thought about it, though. A lot.

It's too warm for me to be sleeping -entirely- well, but I'm managing pretty well. Better than usual at home, of late, for certain. First time I've actually bothered touching a computer -- well, I tried yesterday, but my connectivity was sucking, so I just went and caught up on Something Positive, and then we were out to the mall.

Some random notes:
  • The General Foods 'Cereal Adventure'? Frightening, but surprisingly amusing.
  • Most amusing part of the 'Croc Hunter' movie: the little blonde girl sitting three rows up who kept bouncing like a madwoman at Steve Irwin.
  • It's surprisingly fun, driving around at random with good music playing, and getting lost in St. Paul. You find good things. Like the fact that _Rent_ opens on Wednesday, while you're still here.
  • ohimesamamama's Kat? Entirely too cute.

And with those words of 'Wisdom', I creep off to try getting some MUSH-business handled before people wake up and I feel guilty for being online.

current mood: content
current music: Robbie Robertson, "Broken Arrow"

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Friday, July 12th, 2002
6:52 am - Too much.
I'm leaving for Minnesota soon. There's still too much to do. I'm not even completely packed yet, and I'm swamped in work, and don't want to cope with errands...and generally, just not coping at all at the moment.

Just have to get through the morning, right?

current mood: Prickly
current music: Lilo and Stitch, "Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride"

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Sunday, July 7th, 2002
4:20 pm - ...and now, queue the panic attack!

Kinda got another present just the other day too, only it's one with many more strings attached -- we got a new apartment. Or, well, we will. I have to go sign the paperwork, and we won't be able to move in until sometime ealry in August at the earliest,'s ours.

Now, I can hear the audience asking: why the panic attack? Well, let's list the pros and cons:


  • More space. Like, three times as much space.
  • I'll actually be able to have people over.
  • Closets.
  • -Real- kitchen again. With counters.
  • I can get stuff out of storage.
  • I can get a new desk, and soon after, new computer


  • Money. Much more money.
  • Not as convenient to get to
  • Money
  • Having to pack and unpack, and move everything over there
  • It costs more.
  • Needing to buy some major furniture, and a new desk
  • Did I mention more money?

Money stresses me out. Money especially stresses me out because we're in lots of debt -- car loan, student loans, consolidated debt from when I was unemployed or just in school and we were basically living well below the poverty any case. It's stuff we've been working on. Moving will let us get rid of the storage we're paying for. Should let us really cook again, and save on eating out bills. But I worry that we won't be out of debt nearly as fast as we want to be. Or, as I want to be.

I just worry

current mood: stressed
current music: Michael Penn, "No Myth"

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4:09 pm - Coolest Present Ever
Mark it on your calendars. I've got an upbeat, if kinda stressed-out entry, and it doesn't even involve new artwork. involves an early birthday present. As the title says, coolest present ever. Last weekend, when we were out raiding Ghiradelli Square, cadhla made a suggestion at random, and an offer. Looking at the time, I figured it was too last-minute, but I went and asked my boss anyway. Took her awhile, which made me more and more nervous, because, well, time just got shorter...but eventually, she said yes. And then, with some hunting, a reasonable plane ticket was obtained, and...well. Long story short? I get to go to Minnesota!

I don't even have words for the bounciness. I /desperately/ need a vacation before I pop (for reasons outlined in the next post), and, well, get to see folks I haven't seen in, like, seven years. It's insane and I'm fucking my schedule up royally (and chorus is probably going to kill me for -not- being in-state for my birthday suddenly...sorry :/) and...and...

And it doesn't matter, all the bad stuff. It's just gonna be brilliant. and I don't have thanks enough. At all.

current mood: giddy
current music: Shannon McNally, "Bolder than Paradise"

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Sunday, June 30th, 2002
6:43 pm - For the old timers
Someone this weekend mentioned that the only time I do happy entries is when I post about things not really about 'me', per se. I gave them the evil eye, but maybe they have a point.

In any case, this isn't the post that proves the exception to those rules. Instead, we have the fearsomeness of my old character, from Twin Cities by Teatime, courtesy of the always lovely cadhla

Follow for Prickly goodness! )

current mood: cheerful
current music: The Flash Girls, "November Song"

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Monday, June 17th, 2002
10:40 am - take five of these...
Start with two tylenol. add two aspirin. Swig back with Dr. Pepper.

Look, impromptu Excedrin. Too bad that'll only keep me from hiding under the desk, not actually kill the migraine I now have coming on.

current mood: angry
current music: Country Music, the music of pain

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Thursday, June 13th, 2002
11:38 am - Fear the Cute
And now, as a break from your usually posted downward spiral of depression, we have sugar-shock cuteness, courtesy of cadhla

Follow for the cute )

current mood: tired, but smiling
current music: Alan Cumming (as the Emcee), "I Don't Care Much"

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Thursday, May 30th, 2002
10:46 am - Advanced Apologies
Not some upper-classmen thing, no. just...if I'm a, in the next few weeks, I wanna apologize now. Most of you probably don't want the gritty details, so skip the link below. For the rest, I'm simply...turned off, for the moment. Blew a fuse.

The Gritty Details )

At some point, will put up a little vacation post. Too much work to do at the moment, though.

current mood: blank
current music: Rufus Wainwright, "Foolish Love"

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Monday, May 13th, 2002
12:47 pm - Alive
...but that's the best I can say. If that.

I at least could finally make myself catch up on reading everyone's LJ. Not looking for pity or support or anything here. Just thought putting something up might make a change.

It's a very small thought.

current mood: blank
current music: Rufus Wainwright, "Hallelujah"

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Saturday, April 27th, 2002
9:37 am - Biggest Kitchen Party in San Francisco
So, for once, I'm actually up before cadhla is for these Saturday-morning posts. Woohoo, I win! Oh, wait. That just means I hurt enough that I couldn't sleep anymore. Hell...

Follow the yellow brick road for details )

current mood: happy
current music: The ringing in my ears

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Thursday, April 25th, 2002
4:17 pm - for no reason at all
I dunno why. Well, save that I need a small break before tackling the next task here at work, now that Cancer Research is ready to go up (except for the coverlines.)

But here's my current playlist )

current mood: blank
current music: Billy Bragg, "Levi Stubbs' Tears"

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3:36 pm - I should learn
I should learn when not to post about things looking up.

I should learn not to think about certain things at work, with no tissue around and little inclination to go hunting like this.

I should learn to just suck it up.

current mood: blank

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