a little glowing friend's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in a little glowing friend's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, November 5th, 2002
    2:10 pm
    Be rloveking's friend!
    rloveking has 49 friends-of. She's *so* close. And I can vouch for her extreme coolness. Go check her out!
    1:55 pm
    Dude. Sweet.
    Not only have mightywombat and jet_li_wannabe gotten Elayna to clean her room without complaining... they've done our laundry.

    Kick ass. I am *so* glad I have them...
    1:29 pm
    Ach, the shame....
    I only got one page of writing done at lunch.

    *peeking from behind fingers* Well, I write small....

    Seriously, though. I was feeling so avoidant that I went to CVS. In the rain. To buy totally unnecessary hair thingies for Elayna. And a "party pony", these cheapass My Little Pony knockoffs that she adores.

    I think part of the problem is that Lex's story is so hard to write. Parts of it are so painful that I retreat. Don't wanna do it. I should've chosen to write something easy. 50,000 words of porn. That, I could do. I need to have writing time at home, a few quiet hours to just focus... was planning on doing that after I put Elayna to bed this week, but with the break-in, I need people around.

    Current Mood: discontent
    10:46 am
    Oh shit.
    24 days til Chanukah! I need to finish my shopping! I need to wrap the presents I've got! I have no time for this! *shriek*

    Okay, okay, tonight: take kid to karate, go yell at dry cleaner, mail packages, bring kid home from karate, then do as much gift-ordering as possible before I have to bathe Elayna and put her to bed, then Buffy. Yes. Hrm. Dinner. Will do fastest dinner possible.

    Current Mood: rushed
    8:46 am
    On yendi and Elayna
    Elayna and I got to speak to yendi on the phone last night; he says hi. :) The conference is going well, but he won't be online much - it costs $1.50 each time he goes online, and he can only connect through AOL on dialup. Yick. So the only page on LJ that he's reading is mine, so everyone say hi to him, okay! *waves to her sweetie*

    Elayna hosted her very first sleepover last night... Raven was over. :) The kids had lots of fun. The room is chaos. She didn't fall asleep til after 11 (I went to bed at 11), and she was up when I got up at almost-6. Yeesh.
    7:57 am
    Happy Tuesday!
    Hello to new friend oceacat, who seems to have been recruited by gothwalk. :)

    On the house
    The door is secure for now. There were lots of curly wood shavings. It's all deadbolted now, and we're getting a brand new door hopefully-soon.

    elorie and mightywombat and I did cleansing and protection work on the house as a whole last night. I got to strap my bells to my feet and jingle everywhere. :) And I'm feeling a good deal safer now...

    The SARK page-a-day calendar says...
    "Here are some things to try:
    Write on your walls with multicolored chalk. (You can always paint over it later.)
    Get a plant and trust yourself with its care.
    Be upside down in different corners of your house.
    Read poetry loudly in your pajamas with every light in your house burning."

    On books for Elayna
    My parents sent her a book of poetry. karlita brought her two books from London - "Frindle" by Andrew Clements, and.. I forget the other one... thank you so much, karlita! And today I noticed her making yet another random list, her fifth in as many days... so I took "Anastasia Krupnik" by Lois Lowry off of her bookshelf and presented it to her. For those who never read the series... half of the book is just Anastasia making random lists.

    On NaNoWriMo
    I'm stalled at 5,000 words... wrote about 2,000 the first day, and 3,000 late-night on Saturday, and have had no time since then. Definitely going to write at lunch today! I'll catch up. I have had Extenuating Circumstances.

    On my friends
    Thank you so much - everybody, on LJ and off - for your outpouring of support, both emotional and physical. *fierce hugs* to everyone...

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: "I Hate Every Bone in your Body but Mine", Poison -CC sings!
    Monday, November 4th, 2002
    3:29 pm
    He thinks I'm sick and wrong for calling lettuce "Cabbage Patch Kid placenta"?

    Just wandered up to mightywombat, who was eating Cheerios in the kitchen. He offered me a bite, and I declined, saying, "I don't believe in having milk in my cereal."

    He says, "What about man-cream?"

    *blink* *blink*

    Hesitantly, I say, "In my cereal?!?"

    He says, "Yeah. Like a protein shake."

    Ummokay. Silly marsupial.

    And, umm, no. No sperm in my Cheerios.

    *twitch* *twitch*

    10:38 am
    A bit of amusement in the middle of the shitstorm
    My phone service was restored yesterday. The very first call was from my mother, who said, "I've been up all night worried about Max - is he okay?"

    For new people, Max is the cat.

    The reason this is funny: My mother has maintained a lifelong virulent hatred of cats. All cats, but especially Siamese (Max is a chocolate-point Siamese). Her aunt used to have a real psychobitch of a bluepoint that would sit on the china cabinet by the dining room door and jump down to attack Mom every time she walked through the door. Seriously. Claws in the face. Nasty cat.

    So when we first got Max, she was terrified and appalled. She said, "That cat" with the same tone of voice and expression one would use upon discussing "That necrophiliac child murderer".

    Slowly... she got to the point where she didn't move across the room when he walked up to her. And grudgingly began calling him by his name.

    My mother was up all night worried sick that a cat, a Siamese to boot, had been hurt or was lost.

    Yeah, I laughed my ass off. :)
    8:54 am
    On Elayna
    Elayna's holding up very well, considering. She's edgy and tense - had a very mild tantrum yesterday where she threw something, but at Ed's first "Hey! Knock that off!" (I wasn't in the room), she stopped. She was able to fall asleep with no problems, at least, and didn't report any nightmares.

    Basically, I'm trying to keep her life as close to the usual routine as possible. Difficult when yendi's out of town. But I think she'll be okay. I did called her school to leave a message for her teacher and request that she speak with the guidance counselor. We'll see how she does...
    8:26 am
    On guns and hypocrisy
    The guns not being mine. The hypocrisy being mine.

    I'm anti-gun. I think the damn things are evil.And yet I have somehow amassed a bunch of friends who are gun enthusiasts.

    The hypocrisy part comes in here: at almost every point yesterday, there was a guy-with-a-gun in my house, and I felt safer because of it. And I want to continue having a guy-with-a-gun safeguarding the house as much as possible.

    So I guess that, deep down, I'm only against guns when they're not being maintained/used for my express benefit. I don't think I like that. I mean, yes, these were extreme circumstances; people with at least sharp implements (for phone line cutting), possibly guns, invaded my house and could come back. I've got a right to self-defense, and like voltbang put it yesterday, if someone's going to be alone in that house without a functional door, it should be a guy with a gun - me, alone in the house... I'd just give the burglars something to do before they robbed the house.

    Current Mood: nervous
    8:25 am
    The thing that's freaking me out the most is the fact that they cut the phone lines; that they wre expecting someone to be home and, therefore, were prepared to...deal with that. As I said in comments to another of my posts, the friend of a mother of one of Elayna's classmates was recently shot during a breakin/robbery where the phone lines were likewise cut. And these were cut by professionals, it seems - the police officer didn't even see the cut. The BellSouth guy did. And a cord at the back of the TiVo was cut right at its base, so as to not be noticable. I guess in case we came home while it was in progress. I still find it odd that, considering the preparation involved, they didn't take more stuff... perhaps there were too many pedestrians around (Orthodox Jewish neighborhood on a Sunday).

    Party at Ground Zero
    I have the best friends in the world. In case you were wondering who had the best friends in the world...that would be me. iroshi and mcredneck were still here, having had their bus tickets stolen. mightywombat arrived at 9ish and took me grocery shopping. He left around 2, shortly before rloveking and voltbang came over with their spare TV, and blueingenue and Maddie in tow. rloveking got everything hooked up, which, considering the tangle of wires involved, was a feat of engineering genius, and she and voltbang took me to Radio Shack and Best Buy on a quest for a universal remote that can be used for TiVo. Because apparently TiVo remotes aren't sold in stores. We found one that rloveking may be able to jury-rig. If anyone has any tips on this, please post 'em!

    We got home in time for voltbang to take iroshi and mcredneck to the bus station. I miss them already. :( And it turns out that blueingenue was doing craft projects with Elayna while we were remote-hunting, which was very cool of her. And then karlita dropped by! Wonderful to see her, as always, and it was great to finally get to introduce her around. :) jet_li_wannabe and Tracey (sp?) showed up about then with pizza and pasta. :) rloveking, voltbang, Maddie, blueingenue, and karlita took off not long after dinner, and jet_li_wannabe and Tracey hung out; I cleaned up (I clean when I'm stressed), and we watched Fox's Sunday night lineup. Great new Malcolm, great vintage Malcolm. And mightywombat showed up just in time to watch a great vintage Gilmore Girls. And stayed overnight. And he's going to be hanging out there at least til the handyman gets there to replace the door, because I gotta work.

    And tonight, slumber party for Elayna! elorie and Raven are coming over. :)

    Current Mood: grateful
    Sunday, November 3rd, 2002
    1:07 pm
    Phone update
    The BellSouth guy was here... our line had indeed been cut. He had no idea how the DSL was still working - it absolutely should not have been! Guess the universe knew we needed it and kept it going in defiance of all logic. But we now have phone service, so if they come back, at least I can maybe get through to 911 before they incapacitate me.

    12:48 pm
    Is anyone available to get Ro and Chris to the bus station? They have to be there at 6...

    7:41 am
    ...and this is what you take from me...
    Another thought.

    I'm rabidly territorial. This is a PTSD thing. This manifests itself as me having "safe places", and if I can't get to my safe place, I quietly freak out. I have my chair at the dinner table, my seat on the couch. If I've been to your house, you'll have noticed that I always sit in the same place.

    My parents' house is a safe place; nothing bad has happened to me there. This house used to be a safe place.

    My house is not a "safe place" anymore. People have destroyed that for me. They were in my underwear drawer, for gods' sakes.

    I'm not communicating well. Still haven't gotten those Cheerios. But fuck. I'm gonna be hella edgy.
    6:55 am
    More robbery-related updating.
    Went to Target last night to replace the CD walkman, the one item that I absolutely needed, as I knew I wouldn't be okay til I walked, and I need my tunes to walk. Also got the new New Found Glory CD for yendi and I and some presents for Elayna - a Care Bear (Cheer Bear) for now, and a mermaid Barbie to save for Chanukah, that "really swims". And a coffee-truffle chocolate bar for yendi.

    I held it together last night because yendi was freaking out hardcore, and because of Elayna, and I'll probably be able to hold it together today because of Elayna, and tonight when she goes to sleep and I'm Alone - that's when I anticipate full-on freakout. I'm really triggered. My brain keeps drawing ludicrously off-base parallels between this and the rape. And I know the two things have nothing to do with each other, but that doesn't keep me from flashing on them. And if the burglars were in our kitchen... yendi's flight info is posted on the fridge. They might know that I'm going to be home alone. And I can't stop thinking what if they come back?

    The good news: we're getting a new door, with a peephole and everything (this door didn't have a peephole).

    The bad news: We don't know when. The landladies' usual handyman is out of town til this evening.

    The good news for which there is no corresponding bad news: We're getting an alarm system. Which, hey, the horses are already out of the barn, but still...in case they do come back, or someone else breaks in.

    A random curiousity: When I write dialogue, I lose my voice. Seriously. Maybe I'm subvocalizing?

    Off to get myself some Cheerios.

    Ah. Shit. I *can't* drive to the Greyhound station; the landlady is coming by at some point to inspect the damage. I can't leave a "stranger" in the house, she'll see that it isn't me and call the cops. And I don't have her phone number or e-mail addy. Fuck. Will have to see if I can charge tickets online or by phone.

    Okay. Seriously. Cheerios.
    6:44 am
    And to add to my Very Bad Day...
    Was just hanging up clean clothes and realized that the dry cleaners drastically shrank half of my sweater set. $50 sweater set. They are so replacing that. Going down there today, if I can find someone to babysit the house...

    So. No door. Got to pick up Miss Kid - Ro and Chris will still be here for that, so no problem. But then I have to get Ro and Chris to the bus station. Can anyone house-sit while I do that? And yes, I do need to drive them, or at least accompany them - their bus tickets were stolen (in Ro's purse), and I'm putting the replacements on my credit card.d
    12:15 am
    ....the rape and the silent eerie trip to the hospital afterward are good for 3,000 words at the first pass.

    Good to know that it was good for something.

    Going back in.

    Saturday, November 2nd, 2002
    10:35 pm
    No sleep til Brooklyn; or, I have no door and I must write
    Having no door, I will not be sleeping tonight. Instead... well, my PTSD is being triggered hardcore. So I'm going to write for NaNoWriMo... I'm going to write the hardest part, psychologically. Because I may as well do it when I'm already triggered, rather than triggering myself again later this month.
    8:19 pm
    Few things:

    yendi and I agree: The worst part of this is that they *didn't* steal the gerbils.

    Levity aside...

    Anyone local have a TV we can borrow? 13-inch, even? We'll replace the TVs, but, being the man, yendi will want to choose the TV, and he's going to be out of town. Which leads to:

    Slumber party! Who wants to crash at my place this week? I have a hard time being alone in the house anyway, and after this...

    7:33 pm
    They also got my CD and cassette walkmen. They searched the jewelry boxes on my dresser, which thankfully don't actually have much jewelry in them (well, didn't. What's there is gone now), but didn't see where I keep the Good Stuff. Total value of missing jewelry probably doesn't crack $50.
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