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Bobbie Adair

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Hey all!!! [27 Jun 2003|12:44am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | "He Reigns" Newsboys (adoration) ]

I hope everyone is doing great!!! I am working on music theory to better myself as a song writer and it's taking a little more brain power than I originally thought lol. But it's kewl though and I'm finally getting it woohoo!!!! God is doing such awesome things I'm seeing people's lives touched and that's super exciting to me. I'll be going back to the women's prison soon so I"m really looking forward to that. To see people so hungry for God is incredible and we all need to get back to what it's all about it. The true point is to reach people and to show God's love. Anywoo, again I hope everyone is doing great!!! Estes Park is in 28 days wooohoo!!!!!!

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Updates [19 Jun 2003|11:42pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | "Oh great light of the world" - Bebo Norman ]

Hey all!!! I am super hyped a lot of exciting things coming up. Songs are getting radio ready (woohoo) and press kits are going out soon as well. Also, I will be hooking up with a booking agent soon (praise God lol) so it's sort of that little lul when your climbing up but sort of working out the small stuff first lol. Anywoo that's it for now. Also I'm thinking about transfering my credits from Oklahoma to Belmont University's School of music in Nashville TN. I hope everyone is GGGGRRRRREEEEAAAATTTT!!!!!!!!! I know that was totally cheesy but oh well LOL. God Bless

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La La La La [15 Jun 2003|09:44pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

Hey all !!! I am excited for the awesome things that are ahead. I talked to Mel from the women's prison today and I'll hopefully get to go back soon and both teach and sing with the band. So I'm super excited, that was the greatest experience ever and I think every artist should minister in a prison at least once. It is awesome !!!!

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Break Time lol [12 Jun 2003|02:21pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | "fragile breath" - Todd Agnew ]

Hey all!!! I'm taking a break lol. I'm in classes this summer and I'm trying (through Christ) to master the art of music theory which is really making my brain hurt lol. I've always played by ear (Piano) and I learned to sight read music but I decided that to better perfect the craft God has blessed me with I need to learn to read music. So I am taking a couple of weeks to try and spend a little time working on that. Of course if something important comes up I'll jump back out there lol. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. There are pictures up in the picture club and more coming soon there will be a link up on the official website shortly but for now you can go to:


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Women's Prison [11 Jun 2003|02:37pm]
[ mood | grateful ]
[ music | "Spoken For " - Mercyme ]

Hey all !!! I was at the women's prison on Monday to minsiter to the girls there. It was an amazing experience, they have such a hunger for God and they touched my life I think maybe more than I touched theirs. They have been so hurt and satan has tried everything to destory them and some of them have been so desperate and I've been to that despereate place. I would love to be able to go back again. I hope everyone is doing great and always remember it's all about him and about touching people's lives.


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Women's Prison [09 Jun 2003|12:40pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

Hey all!!! Tonight I have the awesome chance to go and minsiter at a Women's prision. I am really looking forward to seeing God do some awesome things in their lives and mine as well. I thank you all again for your prayers and support.

God Bless

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Pecan Festival [07 Jun 2003|02:25am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

Hey all!!! Tonight was the pecan festival and I had a blast in the moring (11-1) slot and may I say I had the greatest band ever lol. No seriously they rocked!!! They learned the songs in like a day and they are just awesome and very talented guys and they were a lot of fun to work with. Pictures will be up on the website soon!!!!

God Bless

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Summer 2003 [04 Jun 2003|12:46am]
[ mood | nervous ]
[ music | Watching "meet me in St. Louie" with Judy Garland ]

Hey all!! Today was my first day of summer classes. It's was fun well, after I finished getting lost a bazillion times lol. I'm taking Music Theory and voice this summer to brush up on some of the technical stuff concerning music to help me out when I write. Final rehersal for the pecan festival is Thursday night :) (I"m nervous now lol)

God Bless

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Better [02 Jun 2003|05:33pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | KXOJ- Tulsa 100.9 FM Radio ]

Hey all, My throat is better now, still hurts but it's better. I have rehersal tomorrow night with the band so I'm just praying it will be at 100% but tomorrow lol. I can't stand to be quiet this long.. So things are lining back out now. Thanks for your prayers. I will have pictures soon after the pecan festival stuff.

God Bless

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Please Pray [01 Jun 2003|05:49pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | my heart goes out - Warren Barfield ]

Hey all, I would greatly appreciate your prayers. The Pecan Festival performance is in like four days and I woke up this morning with my throat all red and swollen and hurting really bad. I have been un-able to sing and talk all day. I have been doing lemon, ginger root and honey treatments but I would greatly appreciate your prayers that God will supernaturally heal this up so Iwill be able to minister his love through music as he has called me too. Thanks so much
God Bless

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NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED!!! [31 May 2003|02:28am]
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Exceedingly, Abundantly, Above [27 May 2003|11:51pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

Well, the pecan festival is fast approaching and I'm getting excited. I got a taste of the band live on Sunday and they rock I can't wait. Then Estes Park is coming up pretty soon as well. Anywoo, the CD will be out in July or August and the new webstie will be up soon!!!! God Bless

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one more time around the wall [24 May 2003|01:35am]
[ mood | confused ]

It's amazing to me that just when you think you have an area dealt with it gets thrown in your face and it's like oops maybe I didn't let that go. Well that's what I'm dealing with. God is making me unconditionally and totally give him everything and sometimes I think I have but them I find out I didn't really let it go. So take it from me when God asks you to give him something, do it don't hesitate and make sure you let him have all of it or it will come back to haunt you later.

God Bless

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AWESOME!!!! [22 May 2003|01:56am]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | "crazy" PlusOne ]

Hey all. I'm going to have the band behind me at the pecan festival we will start practicing soon. I've been workin with the keyboard player already making sure I have all the songs memorized lol. So I'm super psyched. I hope you all are having an awesome time!!!! God Bless!!!

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BRAND NEW OFFICIAL WEBSITE COMING SOON!!!!!!!! [17 May 2003|02:43am]
[ mood | ecstatic ]

P.S. Sorry I just noticed I had the caps on all that time but I don't want to re-type all that lol.
God Bless

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Catching up lol [15 May 2003|12:23am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | PlusOne (I'm always listening to PlusOne lol) ]

Wow, it is so easy to get behind on this journal thing. I have finished the final cut for the maxi single I should have the cd's back in July and available to the public. Also looks like some radio play in the works for the summer WOOHOO!!!! As of right now I am in rehersals for my hometown festival which I will be singing at on Friday June 6th - For more information please visit my official Website at: I was blessed to get rained on at rooster days lol, I went to Rooster days which is another festival in Oklahoma that was awesome, Radial Angel, Todd Agnew, Warren Barfield, Plumb, Mark Schultz and PlusOne and it Rocked!!!! I so love PlusOne's new style, it's very hard alternative Rock (sounds kinda like coldplay) anywoo that's what's up right now. I'll pretty much be doing nothing but rehersals till June which then I start voice class and music theory (proffessional vocal lessons and music theory never hurt anyone lol) and then of corse the day after finals I'm off to Estes Park. I hope and pray that everyone is doing awesome and that God is blessing you all!!!
God Bless


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waaaaaaahoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! [05 May 2003|03:54pm]
[ mood | hyper ]

Yeah, Yippe, Yahoo!!!! I just got home from my last day of finals and class till June (Praise God). I am heading into the studio Wednesday (May 7th) at 9:30 am to finish the final cut for the maxi single woohoo!!!! And hopefully I will get my grades soon. I hope everyone is doing great. God Bless

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [01 May 2003|01:06am]
[ mood | tired ]

Sorry it's been a few days since I posted anything. This has been insane. It's finals week so I'm like ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Anywoo I have some super exciting news soon but till them it's time to hit the books. Hope everyone is doing great. And I'm recovered and well and healthy now (Praise God)

God Bless

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Climbing back up [22 Apr 2003|01:29am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Run to you - PlusOne (old-school lol) ]

Well it's been like four or five days since my last entry because my lovely mouth and sinus situation had me out of commission and I had to rest and drink a bazillion tons of water (which I'm still doing) Anywoo, I'm feeling a ton better now and super excited about what God is doing. I'm going back into the studio on May 10th to finish the final cut for the maxi single which should be available the end of June or the First part of July (thank the Lord it's about time lol) Also I have dates coming up. I've been asked to sing at a women's prison on May 12th which I'm super excited about please pray for me about this if you have a chance or think of it. Also I get to play in the pecan festival in my hometown which I have always wanted to do so I'm pretty excited about that too. If you want to know more since I can't remember everything, visit my website: and sign the guest book too k :)

God Bless and stay in love with Jesus

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Ouch!!! [16 Apr 2003|11:32pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | "you" PlusOne ]

Back from the dentist and get this, I have a serious sinus infection that has infected my gums (OUCH) and yes it's extremely painful. They have me on these super strong antibiotics (I'm not a fan of those by the way and will not take them unless I absolutly have to) Anywoo, I'm believing God for total healing and fast lol. I'm going to the studio at 2pm tomorrow to look around and so we can find the best producer to work with me so that will be fun. Hope everyone is having a blessed day.

God Bless
Bobbie Angel Adair

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