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Tuesday, March 5th, 2002
8:23 pm - multiple and it really is a wonderful life....
soo... first competition was yesterday-- WE TOOK SECOND!!!!!!! I"M SOOOO HAPPY FOR US!!!!!!!! I mean--- we had so WAAAYYYY Nazi judges-- and Cabaret got screwed too,, but they got first YAY for you guys!!
I'm so ahppy-- we had no practice today ( :-( ) Sarah was sick--- but it's ok--- i was dead tired anyway. I fell asleep in my class today-- and i WAS going to go to Jon's-- but i knew that if i would have i would have stayed way later than i should have so it might be a bad idea-- besides- for once, JOn almost fell asleep on ME today-- poor guy- putting ou his CD and getting this stuff done is wearing him out--- I love you Jon, and i'll do anything you need to help you be happy!

current mood: accomplished
current music: anything from "a new brain" LMAO

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Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
8:45 pm - now that i haven't written in forever
OK-- so it's now after midwinter break-- i went to FLorida w/ Bree=== MAN we had an awesome time!!!! I ran into Ryan again-- that was a trip and a half-- literally and figuratively speaking. I miss the kid-- i got his address again so i'll write him soon i hope-- mebbe during skool when i'm bored as hell.. lol
i missed jon like CRAZY down there!!!! My mom laughed at me cuz i brought his pic down with me-- i don't care -- i'm glad i did. I missed him....... what's not to miss honestly??/
Yeha===== so Fla was a BLAST (from the past in some senses)-- i ran into Mark from Maine there too-- i told Kristy she had a spazz attack-- lol
Oh-- so news on England=== not going--- DAMMIT QWEll---- at elast not spring break -- i'm goign this summer for SURE with laura---- there's too many complications right now with getting flights and things-- like renting a car that sits more than five ppl-- well that's life-- mebbe i'll jsut ahve jon pack me in his suitcase and go to Calig=fornia w/ him-- wouldn't that be nice-- Jeff is going to go to Fla--- hmmmm-- now there's an idea--- lol-- his mom DID want me to meety his G-parents-- lol-- JK!!!! i DO wanna go somewhere tho!!!! I CANT sit at home---- i'll go NUTS!!!! lol--- maybe- i'll go w/ sarah alicia and carl wherev they go-- it'll work out somehow-- LAura i miss you babe!!!!!
Oh yes=----- the friggin lights blew up-- possibly no Musiucal------
hmmm-- multiple going GOOD!!!!! we're going to ass city on mon!!! EEEK!!!! Oh i mena CASS CITY. lol ;-)
JOn -- you are my hero--- i am coming to sit w/ you in a min---- jsut chill-- lol
I'M GETTING AN A IN MY CLASS AT MACOMB!!!! WOOOHHOOOOOOOO mebbe i'll throw a party---- hehehehehhehe that shoudl be fun condsidering at least 2 ppl in my study/lab group are over 21-- lol~~~~

current mood: accomplished
current music: FUEX------ CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW CD GUYS!!!!!!

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Thursday, January 31st, 2002
6:18 pm - No School??? LOL!!!!
Well-- there really isnt much to update esp. considering EVERYONE has already let everyone in the world know we had no school. lol
Yeah- i woke up to the phone ringing this morning at 5:30- f.y.i. my mom's a teacher and she's on the call list so she knows right off if there's no school- then she calls 2 other ppl and let's them know and wakes THEIR poor kids up. lol. So i knew as soon as the phone rang and the clock said 5:30- I love those calls.:-)
SO i slept in and went to jon's today- we WERE supposed to have multiple practice. Ut that didn't happen. Well-- SHIT happens-- and i hope that for all the things that I and everyone else will be sacrificing for this that it will work out and be worth it!

current mood: distressed
current music: Happy Together!!!!! <3

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Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
10:03 pm - I HATE SONNETS
yes== sonnets SUCK but it's over- i just dont' want o get my grade.
oh well. i'm done with that- on to happier things.
Bates has decided to cast Breanne Brown to play Darlene in the one act- he says that i'm "not slutty enough"- lol. That there is a "air of innocence" about me. I suppose i "took one for the team" he was concerned i would be upset-- but i wasnt' really. Not really. BUT- i DID finally break down and tell him all the ideas i had had for my ORIGINAL character- things i thought we coudl use her to portray and jsut use her for effect and dramatizing the audience's emotional reaction.Kind of like-- "well if you're takign the big part from me- at elast make mine more evident" kind of deal- and- HE LOVED THEM!!! I never toldhim before cuz i thought he'd be like "i'm the director it's my play- don't tell me what to do" or something along those lines- but he DIDNT. He absolutey loved ym ideas and i was so glad that i could eb doing something to help out our One Act. YAY!
multiple--- oh lord- do i need help with that-- the questions of quitting the job or not quitting the job--- can i afford to? i dont KNOW!!!! urrrggghhhh...
I think there really is no choice about it-- there can be no more Jazz after Central. and should One act make it to states- the will be no central. Well-- only one makes it out or regionals-- and as much as everyone and some small part of me wishes it wouldnt so i could spend my rightful year and honor my traditions at CMU w/ Jazz-- i REALLY would love to see our One Act go far- we put so much time into it.
Jon-- I love you. I will do everything i can to come on Friday night. Besides- i can't have 8000 screaming girls all over you-- lol ;-)

current mood: exhausted
current music: Pink-- most girls

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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
10:08 pm - Work, School, Musical, and things...
So- i went to work yesterday-- JON VISITED ME!!! what a sweetie! It was kinda wierd, i called him right as he was walking into the mall to come visit me. LOL But yes- he stayed for like, a 1/2 hour because there was NOONE there! lol The oddest thing ths far that i have seen at work though happene yesterday- there was a little girl- prolly about 7 or 8, and she was BLIND. She had the litle tipped cane and everything- honestly- it was amazing. I saw her father taking her around the store and she was so curious about everything. It made me so thankful for the things i take for granted- like, actually being able to push the right floor button on the elevator. wow. its amazing how many things we never think about on a regular day.
school has once again begun- how sad- i can't stand it. but oh well-- 4 months left! YAY!!!!
I got my prom dress-- hehehehe- i love it it's so pretty! Oh- terra- if you read this- go to Kanani in the mall0- they ahve TONS of long red dresses-- if you get just a straight one (not pouffy) then they run long! Check it out!
Musical auditions have begun- call backs are posted tomorrow and cast on monday. EEK! How scary- i really would like to get a good part this year esp. considering how many things i have been sacrificing for drama this year. It's all worth it so far though. Marian-- lady librarian.... lol
So yes- i did it- I told Jon that i loved him- and i do. Its indescribable how i feel/felt at the time, I was nervous and felt nautious. lol. I guess it was wierd for JOn too, because i kept stuttering and i think he thought something was wrong. lol. Poor baby has a cold right now. lol- mebbe i'll make him soem soup tomorrow. Poor guy. But yeha- on the subject- i guess it was kinda funny too tho, because it kind of came out as a squeak when it actually DID come out. Buit yes- Rainbow made me realize alot of things- my love for God and jsut alot of emotions that i have been hiding or have been too nervous to let show.
I don't know- it may sound silly to some people- but it doesn't to me and that's what matters right now- the love of God is alive in my heart- i don't ever want to let that go.

current mood: high
current music: Our God is an Awesome God :-)

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Tuesday, January 15th, 2002
8:39 pm - $100 FOR BOOKS?!?!?!?!
man-- this is crazy-- we had class today (the pfor showed up! yay!) and told us what books we need, lectured us, put on a CNN video, etc. SO me and lab partner James went to the bookstore after class only to discover that our boos will cost us about $100. SHitty.
well- the prof went around and asked us all our names and we had to say why we were takin the clas and potential major if we had one- so i jsut said that i was taking it so i coudl transfer my credits to MSU in the fll so i wouldn't have to sit in a theatre w/ 500 other ppl and watch a video of a prof telling us stuff. LOL I think this kid Tom i met is transferring there too- i'll have to ask so we can hang out or something. then rob had to go and be all like "yeha and she's still in high school!" so i was BEET red and everyone was whispering and looking, so i was like, yeah, "thank you rob-- i AM 17, i go to Ford, and i'm also gonna take 2 math classes this summer for the same reason as i'm taking this class, just to get ahead." Oh well- the prof laughed, i guess he appreciates that i'm "working ahead" oh well-- i hope this pays off. It should-
well-- can't wait till thurs-- gonna go out to breakfast w/ jon and prolyl scott after class- either that or fri we'll go. Can't wait till these exams are OVER! I have vocal and band tomorrow-- aka- bring a NICE BOOK- to keep me entertained after i finish both exams in about 20 mins apeice. LOL-- gotta love the slacker classes!!!
Miss you babes!

current mood: contemplative
current music: Anything and everything DAVE!!!!

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Thursday, January 10th, 2002
6:59 pm - Macomb-- what a change!
So i ahd my first class at Macomb today-- and i walked in and saw aa nice looking guy (personality type kids) so i asked if i could sit next to him and it was cool. WE started talkin- his name's Rob, and tomorrow is his 21st bday!!! happy birthday rob! lol
so anyway- we started talking and he saw my class ring and was like "why does it say 2002 on it?" and i was like SHIT-- i thought i would be able to get away w/ ppl ont knowing my real age and actually make some friends-- i seriously thought i had blown it then-- but i jsut was like "cuz it's the year i graduate" and i wsa like-- SHIT the whe time--
he didnt seem to care though- but i WAS kinda upset that everyone else that sat w/ us at our little table ended up finding out-- oh well-- as long as they dont' feel wierd around me or anything- it's all good!
wierdest thing tho-- the prof. never showed up!! we waited till 6:30- and he jsut never came. So we all singed in on a sheet of paper and left. lol- oh well- hopefully TUesday's class will be better from the learning perspective. lol

current mood: amused
current music: Crush- DMB

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Sunday, January 6th, 2002
12:29 pm - Wow i haven't written in long time!
So lots of things have been going on- i am supposed to be starting clas at MCC on thursday. I have to call on tues and confirm my registration. SWEET! I hope that it's not going to be too hard! lol
SO jon and i are together and it's great so far--
LAURA I MISS YOU!!!! It was so bad- when i took laura back to the airport it was actually kind of sad. Wow -i guess i never realized how much i missed her and how much i miss having her around. Hopefully i'll be out there again soon girl! ENGLAND 4L! I think it's gonna happen- my mom wants to take me to register for a pssport n stuff! I'm so excited! I can't wait! i really hope this trip pulls through!
SO i've got a ton of H/W to do- so i' better get moving! type 3 papers for Govt- it shoudl take less than an hour- and type some stuff to finalize my psych report- Lord knows how long that will take-- a few hours i estimate. oH well-- it will be worth it for the grade (cuz of all the extra work i'm putting into this silly thing!)
OMG- my mom got me a book on Princess Di for CHristmas-- she's only like, my role model- and i read the firt chapter last night and holy shit dood- i can't believe it- it sounds so sappy--- but i CRIED-- to be more exact- i cried myself to sleep. It was all about her death and what the closest ppl to her went through. Titled- "diana's boys" but OMG_-- i CRIED. It's a major switch from what i've been readin lately-- AKA Harry Potter. All these things having to do w/ England. lol-- homework here i come!
Hmmm-- i'm hoping this college class won't kill me-- i think i might have to drop something in my after school time--- if you dont' know what i'm thinking about-- dot' ask= you'll knw if it's finalized- ijust hope it won't piss ppl off. Oh well-- its in my best interest.
Have a great day everyone!!!!

current mood: busy
current music: THRILLER-- Michael Jackson

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Thursday, December 27th, 2001
3:10 pm - LAURA'S HERE!!!!!
well-- we're all here-- i picked up Laura from the airport at ass friggin early this morning-- her, Jelaine and I drove around almost all day- and we're gonna get together w/ Chris McCOmbs and prolly Andy (yay for my life- i lied) later today-- i'm really hopin there will be some great parties for me to take her to-- if you know of any-- let me know!!!

current mood: bouncy
current music: The chili's baby- back ribs song (BARBEQUE SAUCE!)

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Sunday, December 23rd, 2001
12:15 am - Jon- the sweetest man in the world....
SO Jeff and i skipped school on Friday to go Christmas shopping- man- i had a great time! Got ot chill w/ my JEffrey, and yeha= i still have to buy his present. Dangit.
I hung out w/ Jon, Breanna, Britney, Mike, Nick, Scott, Fra, Brian, Nick, and Kevin tonight (wow- that's alot more ppl than i thought). Bre said she had to go shopping for Dave tomorrow so i was like- let's go together and it turns out that her, me, fra and britney are all going to finish our shopping. I'm glad- i really like all of them so i'm glad that i'll get to sepnd soem time getting to know them better- esp. since they're pretty much Jon's best friends. Yup.
So yestersay (friday) since we skipped school, i gess Jon sent me a flower from the SADD thing or somethin and i was supposed to get it first hour- but since i wasn't there- Breanna HUdson gave it back to him so he could give it to me. Bree- i love ya. SO when i went over to Jon's after work on friday he shows up at the door with this flower in his hand for me. It was like, the sweetest thing anyone's done for me (well-- a GUY has) in the LONGEST TIME.
Oh- and if THAT doesn't beat all-- today when i show up after work (what is it witht he whole work thing? lol 7 hours today!) we go thru the kitchen ot get to the basement where everyone else is and what does he have on the counter but a HUGE PILE of presents. This is normal- there a presents ALL OVER his house (ask bre- she's seen them!) BUt- these presents were for me! ANd i nearly almost had a heart attack. I wanted to cry, and put up a huge fit and be like "take them BACK!" but he wouldn't. Yeha- so i opened them. Duh/ What was I supposed to do? I could have shot him- i mean- it must have cost alot- if someone came up to me and was like "i could tell you how much he spent" i would NOT want to know. Yeah- he got me a watch, and a picture frame w/ his sr. pis in it (it looks SO GOOD!) and the CUTEST little MSU bear.
This makes it obvious- not only is the man thoughtful- but i think he knows everythign about me. I wish i could return the favor... I obviously need to learn more about politics (gag me- but he loves it).
I don't know what it is- but even before today- i've been thinking alot- and there's a lot of things that i feel that i have enver felt before. I mean- there's something about him--- whenever he's around- i can't help it but smile and be happy. I dont' understand it- i didnt ever think it would be possible (ESP w/ me!)- but i LIKE IT!

current mood: touched
current music: You Got it BAd- USHER

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Monday, December 17th, 2001
9:14 pm - Oh-- the excitements of teenhood!!!!
SO- yeah- Jon's house- last weekend- if you haven't heard by now- you dont' deserve to know! THank God that's over!!! HIs rents want me to come to their christmas party still though@! I'm SOOOO excited for that!
Gift Exchange in 409---- i don't really know my person- yet it is easily solved-- CANDY! :-) hehehe-- don't worry i gave more than just that, but u get me....
Hmmm- so what else has been going on-- ppl breaking up... problems have begun-- oh well--- i think they will get better soon! pray for it!
LAURA IS COMING HOME!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOO EXCITED!!!! AHHHH!!!! I can't wait! oNLY about 10 more days!!! EEEEE!!! I gotta ask her about CHicago-- if she wants to go when she's here---- i hope so-- it would be fun!!!!
I'm out for now!! CHoir concert tomorrow!! i STILL dont know what to wear for my solo!!! AHHHHH!!!!!

current mood: ecstatic
current music: anything w/ the word BLING in it!! LMAO!

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Tuesday, December 11th, 2001
4:55 pm - stuff happens...
Well-- now that the website for dual enrollment is not working and livejournal won't let me delete shit that it fucked up on and posted 3 times ias opposed ot the normal one-- i'm in a lil bit of a tizzy. Dammit. The dual enrollment stuff is due friday and when mom comes home and hears that i din't get it done- she's going ot be upset. UGH.
I am supposed to be at Jon's right now-- but mom had to meet dad at their meeting or whatev- so i'm stuck here until they get back. Poor Jon's car is broken- poor guy- so he has none-- i feel bad for him. Oh well-- hopefully i'll get there soon-- right now i think i'm going to go slepe until the rents get home and i can leave!! YAY!

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Monday, December 3rd, 2001
4:17 pm - Things...
Well- now that i actually have 2 seconds- i can finally update everyone (along with myself) with what EXACTLY is going on in my life.
I'm utterly confused at the present moment. Quartet is supposed to be meeting tomorrow- and i told them last week we should get together before hand and eat dinner or something b/c i had some things that I needed to discuss (and of course i figured they would want to discuss some things as well) and right away Audra is like "what's wrong?" and i told her that there ARE some things wrong- but i did not want to discuss them at the present. So we didnt.
I tlaked to Karyn today and she's all like "yo're not thinking of bailing are you? I mean- i wouldn't be upset- but if you were going ot bail RIGHT before we went to practice with sweet adalines- then i'd be upset- because then we wouldn' be able to practice with them until January.." and blah blah- u get the point. ANd i was like- well- no i wasn't PLANNING on "bailing" but i basically have some conditions that i want to make evident and if for some reason you guys had a problem with them- then yes- I would be leaving, or "bailing" as we were complacently putting it at the time. Well- I don't know- I guess you could sy i feel that if i DO "bail" that it's not my fault- i feel that they never really gave me that chance to express my WHOLE feelings about the situation- we never got together- and i don't really feel like they gave me the chance to- they were too busy making extensive plans about the future for me to be heard.
I told Karyn today- and Sarah knew the whole story as to what was going on- and she told me that she was think "Go Megan" cuz i was being (for once in my life) firm with someone. HEr and Alisha had never seen me like that before. Wow- i had never seen myself like that before.
I guess only time will tell what will happen. I just know how i feel- and if they can't accept that- then i guess it's their problem. I'm not the one that needs them for this competition- people have made me realize that. Ugh...
Oh well- i guess tomorrow i'll jsut basically lay it down- straight for them- right there where they can see it. The only thing i wont be doing is typing it out for them so they can follow along.
THis is going to be painful... i can just FEEL it.

current mood: uncomfortable
current music: On my own.. thats how i feel- although i shouldnt...

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Sunday, December 2nd, 2001
9:12 pm - Goodbye to the play.. hello one act and multiple season...
well- the play is officailly over- and how sad is that/? I mean- it was my FIRST and LAST fall play- all roled into one-
And like it wsa said by many- i'm glad it was my last one- i'm glad it ws my first one-- i've never been with a greater group of people. I will cherish the memories forever.
Jon and scott came to see me-- they saidi was funny-- which is good- that's the way i wanted ym character to be portrayed. :-)
One act starts-- TOMORROW!!!! I'm SOOOOO excited! EEEEE!!!!!!
Oh man- this has been a good time-- i cn't wait till we get multiple to come together!!! I want to write so much- i havent been able to in SOO long- but there's just once again no time= esp. when 6 ppl are tryin t talk to you at once.
Oh man-- quartet mishaps.... this is going to be a pain-- i have some things that need to be said-- well-- tuesday- it'll all be in the open. THank goodness- hopefully it will work out.

current mood: content
current music: Elton John------ Is it written in the stars?

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Thursday, November 22nd, 2001
Well today is Turkey Day- and we all know what that means- we eat and eat and eat until it's completely not good for us- and then we sit around th table with our families and finish off a bottle of wime- or two maybe- well- that's what we do in my family anyway. :-)It was pretty fun- except now that i have done all the dishes- there's pretty much absolutley nothing to do!
Hmmm- so I have come to the decision with Karyn that Jeff looks like the Nutcracker. LOL. It's so cute!
Man- ther is seriously nothing to do! It is times like these that I wish this year we would've gotten together with the whole family- then I gt to hang out w/ my cousins- and that's always fun! Bunch of teens throwing matchbox cars at the walls in the basement to "race" them- either that orplaying hide and seek in the dark- ALWAYS fun.
WEll- i hope everyone had as good a meal as i did- and if you have to work tomorrow like me-- GOOD LUCK!!!!

No time to search the world around- cuz u know where i'll be found- when i come around.....

current mood: content
current music: When I come around- GREEN DAY

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Wednesday, November 21st, 2001
5:47 pm - Jeff's House-
I'm at Jeff's- we went to taco bell, and then we're jsut chillin here now. I gotta go to work in like 5 mins. How fun- i lied.
Don't know what i'm doin after- Jon told me to call him (I think Britney has somethin goin on tonight). I'll do that. Whatev- whenever me and Jon hang out we always have fun. :-)
Jeff went to cobo and got his picture taken w/ Santa-- it looks realy good- surprisingly the Kid cleans up nice-- ;-) jk Jeffrey!

current mood: chipper
current music: Crazy- KC and JoJo

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Saturday, November 17th, 2001
1:55 pm - Saturday
I guess that the guys left from MSU about 2 hours ago- or so Brian says- so i'm thinkin they're home now sleepoin the day away. LOL
I'm supposed to be going window shopping w/ brent today cuz both of our parents are bugging us abou getting our lists in. Dangit. I never know whatto put. I know i'm alreayd getting my George Foremann grill for next fall at school :-) but yeha-= i dont really know what i want or need. I need a computer- but i'm buying that, and yeha- i know i want a Pea Coat. Where the heck do i get one of those? lol Oh well
I'm ogin to see my cousin's play tonight at Notre Dame-= oh yes= hottie central!!!!But that should be fun! Hopefully i'll get to say hi to Jon b4 my mom and i split for Briggadoon.
Hmmmmm- better go finish my chores and blow dry my hair and call brent to see if we're still gonna shop.
Have fun tonight at De La Salle dnc chicas!!! Hey jessie---- get those hotties!!!

current mood: energetic
current music: I wanna love you forever- Mandy Moore (??)

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Friday, November 16th, 2001
1:50 pm - KFC wierdness
Yeha-- hopw creepy??
yesterday Jon was chillin at my house cuz we were GONNA go to MSU- but my mom decided to not let em go last minute-- but yeha- it happens-- i'm pissed-- but now i get to work like, 10 hours so- mebbe it's ok.
So point being-- me and JOn werelaying on the couch and he's all like "Man i'm SOO hungry--- i feel like KFC" which was WIERD cuz i was thinkin the exact same thing. ANd tha'ts not even the WIERDEST part.
My mom was at the post office running errands, and then-- i was like- yeha as soon as mom gets home ill tell her we're gonna go to KFC and ask ehr if she want's anything--
now here's the wierd part-- right after that-- we hear the garage oor open and who comes in but my mom-- WITH A HUUUUUUGE BAG OF KFC!!!! It was SOOOO creepy!
BUt yeha-- we ate it and it was good! How wierd.

current mood: contemplative
current music: ABBA- Angel Eyes

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Wednesday, November 14th, 2001
3:56 pm - things----
so they say the time to act is now-- how about the time to memorize lines is now? Or how bout the time for ppl ot publish a friggen script so we can CUT it is NOW. Stupid producers. Oh well-- Sarah is like a genius so she'll figure somethign awesome out for our multiple. 'nuff said.
hmmmmm- nothin really to say- youth group is tonight which emans i get to have some fun, and i get some FOOD at National after. Hmmm-- no wonder i don't ever want to go to National on weekends-- i get my weekly dosage after Y.G. lol
blah--- yeha-- i guess ppl are goin thru some hard times-- for Kelly-- whatever's happening tomorrow-- u got my prayers-- for my Rytime-- I love u babe-- and u guys will be fine!!! FOr my daddy---- m yeha. I pray that work gets better. for terra-- i love u babe! and for bre-- marry me so we can never get hurt again!!!!!
love u all!!!!
o yeha-- and jon-- yer a hottie!!!! MSU this weekend!!!

current mood: chipper
current music: Come as a child----- go ladies only

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Saturday, November 10th, 2001
8:16 pm - Bask 576
So yeha-- i've had that name on my buddy list for awhile and i could never figure out who it was-- well i'm at Jeff's house right now and i saw that on his screen-- and i figured out it's HIM. DORK. I cna't believe that-- i was tryin to figure it out-- but i think i deleted it b/c i never talked to anyone under that screen name. I think it is official -- Jeff has no life. j/k He's my best friend.
ANother thing about Jeff-- he thinks he's an ugly person-- ugly, skinny-- or whatever-- he doenst believe me when i tell him tha thalf of my friends think he's a hottie-- grade A hottie material. WEll-- whatev-- Girls-- let's get Jeff drunk sometime-- and then we'll see jsut exactly HOW interesting he REALLY is. ;-)
Now he's all mad cuz i'm writing about him.
Here's the poll of the month---
scale of 1 to 10----- how hot is Jeff???

plz post b4 he decides to KILL me........ ;-)

went to Jon's today--- had some good times. :-) Glad your show went good last night--- great job babe!!!! I'll try to be there next time---- that way we can put the sign on your ass.. ;-) hehehe

current mood: amused
current music: Are You Still Down-- Jon B. Feat. 2Pac

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