03:36pm 01/10/2002
  Let's walk in the: special ed class and laugh
Let's run through: the hallway
Let's look at the: football players kick ass
Who are those: hot seniors?
What a nice: load of homework I have tonight
Where did all these: preps come from??
When will they: stop saying "wiked"?
How are your: testicals doing after the surgery?
Why can't you: stop farting?
So where did you find:
Sing the: apple song. Apples Apples Apples Apples...so delicious
Easier than: a prostitute in LA
Closer than:
Look at my: face, not my boobs
I'll stay if: you shut yo bitch!
Silly little: puppy, dont pee on the rug
Show me some: Ass!!
The sky is: yellow :)
Tell me a: story you old fart
Hide me: under your covers... with you next to me
Love me: until I die
Grab the: answers to the test! hurry shes coming!
I hate your stupid: accent shut up already!
My mom thinks you're: a bad influence ;)
He's not: hot, what the fuck are you talking about?
She's not: anti-social. She just avoiding everyone
Are you that: loser who tripped over his own feet?
I missed:when you tucked me in at night
Can you: leave me alone for one second?
Lovely little: pepper spray, work your magic
sweating like: a prostitute in church
your mamas so fat: she went to the movies and sat next to everyone
I wish I had your: clothes. they would look better on me
Now I have to: finish this damn thing so I can get to my homework
Im such a: procrastinator. Can you tell?
Comments: Go to the Circus!.
03:24pm 01/10/2002
mood: crazy
music: whats the dillio?
Im coming home in 11 days for family weekend! My mom was going to come here and take me to Boston or something, but I really want to see everyone back in cali and get out of here! Yay! Im so excited :) I love my parents ( and my sister and my friends and my boyfriend and my cats and my dog and my house and my bed.....)!!!!!!!!! 11 more days, I can do it
Comments: Go to the Circus!.
Glad Im here now..   
02:27pm 25/09/2002
  I was thinking about it today, and I'm really glad I'm here now. Yeah, its hella hard (notice I didn't say "wiked"), but I can totally handle it. I was talking to my parents last night on the phone, and my mom is having mental breakdowns ( mainly because Im gone) and my dads a stoner, and my sister... oh my poor poor sister. I feel bad for her. Shes stuck in between my parents. My parents should just divorce already! They only make a good couple when they are in public, with the family. Other than that, they are total opposites and don't belong with eachother.
So now Im glad Im here, away from all that chaos and drama. I'll see them when I visit, and thats all I need. My friends on the other hand.... eh. I got in a fight with a few the other night over something really stupid, and when friendships break up because of that, thats just lame, so whatever. Ill see them too when I get out there for breaks, but the people here are just as cool, so Im going to make the best of what I have. PLUS- I LOVE the freedom! Man, I dont understand why everyone doesnt go to boarding school! Get over your parents, you know they are lame. Im so glad I decided to go through with this. NMH ROCKS!
Comments: Go to the Circus!.
10:18pm 21/09/2002

What Planet Are You From?

this quiz was made by The Autist Formerly Known As Tim
Comments: Go to the Circus!.
My Oam   
01:30pm 20/09/2002
mood: anxious
music: some everclear song
I found my new Oam everyone.On the west coast, no one knows what Crew is. I had heard of it when I applied to these east coast schools, but didn't really know what it was. I signed up for it and made the pe.cuts and now Im rowing every other day on the Connecticut River.I love it so much! I've never loved a sport before, and I finally found one that is so much fun and totally relaxing. And since it's an east coast thing, and not many high schools have it, if I stick with it, I could get a scholarship for it when I go to college. I love that rush I get when we are rowing in this skinny little boat and going really fast, gliding across the water. Oh man, it's more relaxing than yoga.w00t- Im so happy about that.
Ah- Fridays. I love Fridays. Tonight there is an open house at Crossley and Im going to go to that and hang with Harvey after and watch the stars. They have great skies here! I havent seen the stars in like 3 years (coastal fog) since I came here. We're going to lye out on the 50-yd line and stare at them.
Tomarow morning I have to go to work at 7:30-11:50pm. Then on Sunday I have News Discussion class from 3-5pm. At least I can sleep in on Sunday.
Comments: Go to the Circus!.
10:44am 19/09/2002
mood: bored
I decided to go to class tomarrow. I talked with my teacher and we discussed a way to be more organized or wahtever, so I think I'll be ok with finishing my homework and reciting that poem in class tomarrow. We're also going to watch the movie "Smoke Signals" and I dont want to miss that.
Im still really homesick, but I think I'm going to survive here. I think if I work hard and try not to think about the small things and stress over them, I will be fine staying here. The only thing Im looking forward to is my mom coming and going home in November for Thanksgiving.
I was talking to some of my friends last night on AIM, and we were talking about our homework and how much we had. One of my friends said she was in a bad mood because she had a lot of homework. I asked her how much she had, and she said about 2 hours. I would give anything to have 2 hours of homework! I have like 4 hours a night. Oh man, private schools are really different from public schools.
I gtg back to class now. See yall
Comments: Go to the Circus!.
06:48am 19/09/2002
mood: depressed
This morning I woke up, went to check my e mail, and what do I see? I see an e mail from my sister Carrie (7) that says
Dear Cora,
I miss you. Im crying. Please come home now

Love, Carrie

Its probably took her 5 minutes to type that out. Before I left, I showed her how to send an e mail to me, but I didnt think it would be an e mail like that. Im so upset right now. Yesturday was a really good day for me because I got to work out for a really long time, and that relieved some of my stress. But then I was hit with a load of homework which I didnt finish. I feel so overwhelmed. And Im also really homesick right now. I was doing great too! But now that I got that e mail from my sister, and what Im so stressed with homework and Crew, and Gym AND Basketball training, I just want to crawl in bed and cry.
I dont think Im going to go to school tomarrow. I'll go to the infirmory and sleep all day. I'll say I ate somehting funny. Will they let you miss class if you are really homesick? Probably not, but I feel that if I do go to class tomarrow, I will just break down and cry, and that wouldnt be good.
I cant wait for my mom to come up here and take me away for the weekend.I know when she flys back home though, I will be right back to where I was again.
Thats my plan. I'll not go to class tomarrow and get all my cryin out then. ( By the way, I NEVER skip class, so this is a big deal ).Then I'll do a shit load of homework over the weekend so I wont be stressed next week. How does that sound? Oh I dont care what you think, its a good plan
Comments: Go to the Circus!.
oh so boring   
07:19pm 17/09/2002
  damn, why does everyone else get comments on their journals and I dont? Im not a techy, so its not like I can do really cool stuff with this site. Maybe if I had a camera and posted pics and more links and interesting things to say. The journals that get the most comments are those with a lot of friends on LJ ( which I only have like 3) and have cool shit to say. I dont really have much to say. Its not like I have a real life here, and not much is going on in it anyway. I have this counter thing on my journal, and a lot of people come here, I guess not on purpose and dont say anything. Im BORING! I'll see what I can change about this damn thing to get some opinions on it  
Comments: 2 freaks - Go to the Circus!.
scary internet people   
06:15pm 17/09/2002
mood: giddy
music: some NFG song, dunno
lol- I was browsing through some journals and talking to some poeple in chats because I was really bored after class. I comented in some journals of people who go to boarding school, asking them what it was like and whatever. Some of their friends commented after mine saying Im probably some 52-year old rapist looking for cute blondies on the web. HAHA! I used to that paranoid too, its just laughable now. Yeah, there are freaks out there like that, but it's just funny that people assume every person out there that has a conversation with you in just an old man looking for sex. Think about it now. Think of all your friends on the internet and all the people you know, and who they know and on and on. People like THAT are the majority on the internet. Im just a 14-year old girl living (right now) In Mass and going to school. Thats about it. Don't get all freaked out saying I'm not because you dont know. Im not saying dont be careful on the internet, but please dont be paranoid! Its annoying when you want to talk to someone and they wont say anything (and I mean ANYTHING) about themselves because they dont want you to stalk them. It's just annoying and laughable because I was the same way. Haha- I remember going into chat rooms with my friends on Friday nights and going into the chat rooms and saying " 17/f/cali im me to chat. Im HOT" LOL- hilarious, isnt it? everyone does that. You never see " 13/f/Nebraska ugly as hell" In fact, the only states I see people are from in chat rooms are Cali, Florida, New York, or Hawaii. Hmm, I wonder why?!?!? Just something to think about, lol. What do you think?
Comments: Go to the Circus!.
10:04pm 12/09/2002
mood: mellow
music: like a prayer
Mine is a body that should die at sea
And have for a grave, instead of a grave
Six feet deep and the length of me
All the water that is under the wave

And the terrible fishes seize my flesh
Such as living man might fear
And eat me while I am firm and fresh
Now wait til I have been dead for a year!

-Edna St.Vincent Millay

Comments: 2 freaks - Go to the Circus!.
blec blah blah   
02:40pm 12/09/2002
mood: blah
music: some latin shit from the dorm next to mine
Somehow, Im still alive. Everything is so crazy here!I can't wait to go home and sleep in and see my friends and family and go to shadow like 4 friends at 4 different schools to see what they are like. The people here are cool, but they arn't as close as those back in Cali. There isn't time here to get to know people. Its rush rush rush to everything! This Friday the President of South Africa is coming to talk about his opinions on shit and I dont even know. But the school warned us that all his security and guards will be all over the place tomarrow and checking our ID's to make sure we go to NMH. Whatever, not interested.
So today is the workout for Crew. We have to go to the gym and do machines for 2 fucking hours! Im going to be buff as hell (and I dont want to be!ahh). Oh well, if I do get buff, I'll just lose it in winter anyway. And then later tonight at 7 there is this meeting on Northfield for basketball in the fall. They are going to give everyone a workout scheduel to get in shape for bball in the fall. So with that AND Crew shit, Im going to be RIPPED. Shit, this is not good...
I was reading Larissa's journal and I almost cried! Im so glad she hasnt forgotten about me and she misses me! I mean, I dont want her to miss me and be sad, but Im kinda glad she does because I do too! Larissa- when I come back in November ( if its sunny ) we're going surfing baby! Im in some serious need of some sun and WATER.
Comments: Go to the Circus!.
h- to the izzO   
07:30pm 09/09/2002
mood: aggravated
NMHottStf: hey
Schottie182: hey hows school
NMHottStf: its hard
NMHottStf: hows yours?
NMHottStf: by the way we never talked after the whole thing with Andrew
Schottie182: same im goin to pcs
Schottie182: yah
NMHottStf: so why would you make out with andrew ?
Schottie182: cause i kinda liked him and u all broke up
NMHottStf: for like an hour and why would you make out with my X? that is not something a friend would do to someone
Schottie182: he had said that u all had broken up and i dont go by that hole X rule plus a friend wouldnt call a friend a hoe !!!!! on their online diary !!!
NMHottStf: well you kinda are hun
NMHottStf: you asked me how to give a bj to Vinny for gods sake
NMHottStf: and you make out with totally random guys, like Derick and Andrew and who know who else
Schottie182: FUCK YOU cora i have never slept with a guy !!!
Schottie182: u r a fucking bitch
NMHottStf: that doenst mean you arnt a hoe
Schottie182: dont talk to me
NMHottStf: haha, no prob
NMHottStf: and dont think im not the only one who calls you a hoe ashela
Schottie182: wat the fuck i dont consider making out a big deal
Schottie182: i dont care wat the fuck other people think it doesnt matter
NMHottStf: not making out, but making out with every guy and asking how to give a blowjob to vinny just because he wanted one
NMHottStf: obviously you dont

enjoy Ashela, your worth it
Comments: Go to the Circus!.
01:03pm 30/08/2002
  Whoa- finally I have some time to update! Im at NMH right now, on orientation. My dorm room is huge and really awesome. My roomate Taylor is cool too, we are a lot alike.
and shit I have to go, Ill update when I get my computer hooked up in my room!
Comments: 1 freak - Go to the Circus!.
1 guy, 3 girls? whatever   
01:35pm 22/08/2002
mood: annoyed
Andrew just called. He has 3 girls over at his house and they are talking about blowjobs with me on the phone. Then like 3 minutes later he walks into another room and says " are you mad I invited them over?" I said no. I'm not jealous, I just don't want to talk to him while he is talking to 3 other girls about giving head. Does that sound like jealousy?
I know he would be annoyed if I called from my house when 3 guys were over and we were talking about eating a girl out, so why is he doing that? I bet its just to see if I get jealous. I don't play with people's emotions, so it's not like Im going to do it back to him, I'm just annoyed right now.
I dont have a problem with him having tons of girl- friends. I have tons of guy friends, and I know my life would suck without them. I hang out with them all the time, and I dont even tell Andrew about it becuase I know he'd get mad or jealous. He makes sure to tell me every time he goes to hang out with other girls.
Speaking of guy friends, Im so glad I have so many. I was just thinking about all my friendships with girls and guys over the past 5 years, and I had stronger ones with guys. With a few exeptions, girls are whiny bitches who wont shut up about their hair and nails.Guys are so much more fun because they dont really care,they are laid back and funny as hell. Im glad I have great friends, really glad.
I hope they are easy to make over in MA.
Comments: 2 freaks - Go to the Circus!.
white pearlies   
10:51am 22/08/2002
mood: impressed
music: Skater Boy- Oh yes, Im obsessed
I just got back from the ortho. I got my braces off :) God- I didnt realize how big my teeth were til now! You can see like all my gums and huge teeth when I smile. I like it though ;) The retainers are a little annoying though...my teeth are a lot whiter than I thought they were! I almost don't need whitning, but oh well! The whiter the better. I just have to make sure they look real afterwards.
Im strarting to say goodbye to some people today. After my whitning, Im going over to Kelly's house and hanging out for a sec and saying bye. Then I might go over to Austin's house for a while. He left me am IM saying he wants me to come over for a little bit, so I might do that too. Man, Im going to miss people SO MUCH! Even thinking about it makes me want to cry :'(
I have to finish some reading esseys now, I'll update when I get back from Kelly's!
Comments: Go to the Circus!.
09:20pm 21/08/2002
mood: hopeful
music: Avril Lavign- Skater Boy
I just got home from a really long day of SHOPPING. Usually I hate shopping because I cant afford the things I want and I don't really care about clothes that much. I only get what I need and is cute :)
So that was an adventure and my feet are KILLING me! Tomarrow I get my teeth whitened! :)
I've always wanted that done, and my dad was all for it, but I needed to talk my mom into it. I finally did, so tomarrow afternoon I get it done ;>
Im really getting excited about school now. I already know Harvey, and he's really cool. So at least I won't look like a total loser once I get there, haha. We'll hang out and make fun of the preps ;) always a fun thing to do with people.
Speaking of preps; I was trying on some preppy clothes just to see what it looked like, and I felt so uncomfortable in this little red sweater, I had to take it off right away. I felt so not like me in that. I guess those east coast preps will just have to get used to my laid back Cali look. I dont have a problem with it.
::yawn:: I better hit the sack! my appointment is at 9am tomarrow :o
Comments: Go to the Circus!.
10:20pm 20/08/2002

Comments: Go to the Circus!.
My Week...   
10:01pm 20/08/2002
mood: thoughtful
music: Unwritten Law- Seeing Red
Man O Man, I have a busy week! I was skimming the NMH website and I found the summer reading list for freshman. I've read 2 of the 3 books,and all week I've been dreading reading the last one. Then I read this summary of what to write about, blah blah blah, and it said something like if you took a summer school reading class and read a book during that, that book can substitute for any of the books on their reading list! I was so happy because I read like 4 books in the summer school class, and they were all really easy. Im so relieved, that gives me an extra 5 hours this week :)
So I have to finish the NMH book notes this week. My mom and I are shopping all day tomarrow for clothes and stuff I need. Here in California, you don't need rainpants and sweatpants and all that stuff. You just dont need it. So I have to buy those and other styff like hiking boots, jackets, east coast stuff.
It turns out that Carla cant meet me in Boston, she leaves on Saturday in the morning. I was so upset because this means that by November I havent seen her for almost half a year! That is so sad.
You know what I do love about the east coast? I love the hot rains and thunder stroms. You don't get that here. The last time we had a thunder storm and lightning was like 2 years ago. When I went to Florida last Summer with Kaylee, we would just sit on the resort balcony in out tank tops and shorts because it was so hot out, but raining. It was great- we loved it.
And snow! Oh god- its going to snow so much over there! I like going up to the snow and snowboarding, but living in it? I dont know how thats going to be...
Comments: 1 freak - Go to the Circus!.
10:58am 20/08/2002
mood: anxious
music: Rufio
:::yawn::: Good morning! I had such a terrible night last night! Here it goes:
I was just sitting at my computer, typing away to people. [info]larissam calls me and says " Did you hear about what Andrew did with Ashela?" I said no, and asked her about it. She said Derick called her and told her Andrew invited Ashlela to the movies with a bunch of other people and made out with her! As soon as I heard that, I started crying. First of all, I just broke up with Andrew and he promised not to do anything with another girl until I wanted him back,and second of all, Ashela is one of my good friends! I was so pissed off and sad and everything. I started yelling in the phone, not at anyone, just ranting and raving for a sec. I knew my mom would get mad if I was cussing people out on the phone, so I grabbed a jacket and shoes, and walked out of the house with my cell phone. I hung up on them and called Andrew. He didnt pick up; avoiding me I guess. So I called Brian and asked him if it was true. He said it was.
I was so pissed off at this point. I hung up on him and called Andrew, read to bitch him out. He answered and I went off, bitching and screaming. He threw in a few curse words and I finally let him say this much - " its bullshit! I never did that! I love you Cora, I would never hurt you!" I told him it was bullshit and he was a horny fuck. I told him to 3-way Brian and ask him. He did, and I asked Brian to tell Andrew what he told me. He said he would in just a second, he had to call Andrew and tell him something. Right then I knew they were planning something, like an exuse, or something else to get Andrew out of the mess he got into. So I hung up and they called back like 5 minutes later.
Brian said " Cora- your going to hate me for this. See, Derick likes you... a lot. And he said he'd pay me $20 to say that Andrew made out with Ashela, so you'd get mad at him and go run to Derick for comfort. I was going to call you right back after I told you and tell you it wasnt true, but my mom took the phone away from me just as I hung up. I was going to tell you though!"
At this point I was crying even harder because I was mad that Brian would do that to me. I said " So Brian, $20 over our friendship? Was it worth it?!?" Andrew said it wasnt Brian's fault, it was all Dericks. I didnt say anything; just hung up and called Larissa. I asked her to call Ashela and make sure Andrew didnt do anything. Right then, my dad comes walking down the hill and sees me on the sand hill, crying, talking to Larissa. He yells at me to come down. I told her Id call her back later. I went down and my mom followed him with the car. I got in and begged my mom to take me to Andrews, I really needed to talk to him.
So she drove my dad back home and drove me to Andrews. I got out and went into his room and cried for a little bit more. He said he didnt do anything and I believed him. Then Larissa called and said Ashela never did anything with Andrew, but Derick told her to play along with it. Im glad she told the truth, I hold nothing against her.
Derick on the other hand! What an asshole! He had no right to do that to me. He knew it would make me really upset, so why would he do it? And No! I would never run to him for comfort, even if Andrew did make out with her.And why didnt he tell me he liked me? It's a simple thing to do! People like him are insecure and immature.
That was my night! I left Andrews after we talked and made out a little bit ;)
Its all good now.
Oh! I was talking to Harvey this morning, and we were talking about our beliefs and stuff. It turns out that we are both Agnostic, liberal (also not republicans), and we both agree that abortions are up to the woman and her beliefs, and that gays are the same as us, just with better clothes-(That was his line). I'm so glad we agree on those things
Comments: Go to the Circus!.
08:12pm 19/08/2002
mood: sad
music: Rufio- She Cries
God I feel like shit right now. I got in this huge fight with my mom about going to reading class. I woke up today around 12, and my class is at 3. I got on the computer, first thing and stayed on until about 2. Then I showered and got back on the computer. Then I went into my internet zombie mode and didn't pay attention to what time it was. When it was like 10 til, my mom yells at me to get into the car. Just then I realize I didn't do any of my homework because I wasnt't reading a book then. So I blew it off and threw on a sweatshirt and jeans and got into the car. Then we start driving and my mom asks if I remembered my binder. I told her I put it right by the door so she would get it. She turned around and yelled at me to run inside and get it. I got out, slammed the door, and went into my room and stayed there. I didn't go back out. My sister comes in and tells me to come back outside. Im sitting in my room, listning to my mom honk the car horn over and over. See, she is so fucking lazy, of course she's not going to come inside the house and get me. She will just sit there and wait for me. About 7 minutes later, she comes in my room and yells at me to get into the car; Im going to be late. I was really pissed off at her for yelling at me and being such a bitch, I yelled at her that I didn't want to go, and Id pay her back for the class. She refused and came up to me and was about to grab me and pull me to the car, but I got up and left the room before she could. I got some money from my drawer and thew it at her.Then she yells " fine! your grounded! You cant see your friends until November when you come home!"
Then when my dad came home, he yelled at my mom and told her to stop being a bitch before I leave because thats the last thing I'll remember before I leave. So now I'm not grounded.
So that was my day today. Fun, huh?
I have so much shit to do this week! I have to finish that Soul of new Machine book and write 2 pages of notes on it. Then I have to shop for everything I'll need at school. Then I have to PACK it all.This Friday is the day where I finish up packing and say bye to all my friends. I know I'm going to cry so hard!
I better get to reading and crying some more! See ya
Comments: Go to the Circus!.