manda's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in manda's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, June 25th, 2002
    10:55 pm
    who's driving? oh bear's driving.
    The cabin was a blast. I'm a total tool, though. The directions I gave to everyone, neglected to mention that at some point Highway 1 heads towards Kamloops, but you want to make sure that you get on Higway 97 at that point. Luckily everyone that was driving had been there before and realized that these were bad directions (again)
    I swear.. I'll remember it for next time.
    Clear skies... tons of stars. Hot sunny weather. Bear tracks. Herds of massive cows.. or perhaps bears dressed as cows. Damn bears.
    Always a good time at the cabin with the posse. Too bad that some people couldn't come. Its ok.. I have some pictures!
    These were actually taken after a day of drinking, and moments before a massive chonga was whipped out. We were all messed. Good thing I took pictures at this point...


    Adam and Ryan

    Adam Ryan Steve Kate

    I should take a picture of the scary spider bite on my hand....
    It was a radioactive spider. I totally have spidey sense now.
    oh wait.. my spidey sense is tingling....

    that is all


    a good weekend... kind of makes up for the really bad week that has followed so far. more on that later... grrr

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: dramamine - modest mouse
    Friday, June 21st, 2002
    7:35 am
    subterranean homesick alien assignment in space with rip foster.
    Its going to be a good day.
    Its already getting warm outside and its only 7:35 am.
    Gonna go to work, maybe start a fight with a customer because I can.
    Then I'm rushin home, packing the cooler, and throwing my bag and blanket into my car, pickin up the Kate, and we're off! There are 6 other kids coming up with us too... Ryan Kristy Steve Adam Sarah Clayton. Going to be smashing.
    I love driving to my cabin. Its such a beautiful drive. 5 hours of mountains, rivers, fields.. and we're going to be getting there probably after midnight, so we'll all catch a sunset up in the mountains. ahhhh.... how rotic.
    Then we'll all get hammered when we get there. rockin.
    I'm not a very exciting writer this time of the morning.
    My cat just tried to jump on my lap, but ended up clawing my leg open. What a special kitty....
    Is that exciting enough for ya?
    Hope everyone has a good weekend!


    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: bad as they seem - hayden
    Monday, June 17th, 2002
    11:14 pm
    I found a terrific song.
    I bought my dad a cd (from starbucks no less) for father's day. I only bought it because of one song... well tom waits is on it too... but this one song in particular.
    The album is called "groundworks"
    Its a benefit compilation cd with a bunch of songs that artists donated to the album.

    My absolute favorite song...

    "paranoid android" performed by Brad Mehldau.
    its all piano.... makes me want to cry.
    I've got a mission. I am going to learn this version.

    sheet music is impossible to find.. so I'll have to do it me-self.

    Current Mood: enthralled
    Current Music: paranoid android - brad mehldau
    6:47 pm
    Test results, maybe tomorrow.
    2 more days until my next lesson.
    3 more days until I go to my cabin.
    8 working days left until I am free.
    13 days until I go to my cabin again with my mom and my brother for a week.
    20 days until who knows what. I have my hopes.
    74 days until Sonic Youth plays here.
    82 days until my 22nd Birthday.
    83 days until my parent's 24th Anniversary.

    right now, I think I need to sleep to forget.. just for a while.
    Sunday, June 16th, 2002
    11:27 am
    Definite change of events as per last night.
    I was all ready to go crash at 11:30, when I got a call from Adam.
    "wanna go on an adventure in vancouver someplace?"
    So I picked him up at 12:30.
    We drove down to the University of BC campus, and after aimless driving, we finally found the small pathway that lead down to Tower Beach. We had to park about a 20 minute walk away.
    The path, definitely calls for a flashlight, yet there were numerous people around to assist us. Its about a half hour hike down a steep stair case of dirt and logs, through a forrest. When we finally get down, bonfires everywhere and DJ's spinning at 2 separate booths on the beach, and about 300 people on the beach. Wicked.
    Adam had received a phone call earlier that night from his friend Todd "Come to the beach. Its a free party celebrating the fight against capitalism."
    So we wandered aimlessly, and while checking out one of the stages, I see some friends of mine from years ago. They inform me that another old friend of mine is actually going to be playing that stage at 3:30. Nice.
    We wander some more, and run into some people Adam knows from school. Finally run into his friend Todd, who proceeds to offer a gift of his own concoction, magic chocolates (jam packed with shroomies), but remembering Adam's last shroom trip... we turn it down. A million requests to buy or sell Acid go by. People with guitars and djembe drums all over the place. We sit down by a fire near the end of the party, and a group of about 8 guys start freestyling, and I was damn impressed. Noice.
    Then we see this crazy guy spinning a staff lit on fire at both ends, and fire breathing. He's going crazy and then he runs out into the water still spinning it and ends his show by jumping under water. Crazy.
    3:30 hits and I go check out Sean's set, which is pretty good, seeing as how he had not been at it very long. Some weird guy in a wife beater shirt puts his arm around me and tries to get me to dance with him, so I turn around to look for Adam and guy sees Adam give him the look of death and he moves along. He was gross.
    Then there was the steep hike back up the hill. Smoking isn't good to do when you have to hike up that. Probably took us about 40 minutes. By then the sun was coming up so the path was visible.
    Then the walk back to the car. Home at 4:45 am.
    Sleep for 4 hours, wake up to make dad's fathers day breakfast. Belgian waffles. Now its time to go visit all the grandparents.

    Current Mood: ready steady go
    Current Music: inaudible noises - jack johnson
    Saturday, June 15th, 2002
    10:42 pm
    knives out
    So they stole my blood on thursday. After missing the vein in my right arm, moving the needle around to try to find it... seeing that the vein has actually collapsed.. they took 6 vials of blood from my left arm instead.
    I'm supposed to go in again next week to "talk about the results"
    Maybe its under-active hypothyroidism. Or maybe diabetes, or numerous vitamin deficiencies. Tune in.. next week! I'm intrigued by how I can list these possibilities non-chalantly in my head, and out loud.. yet a split second later.. I scream inside my head. Perhaps thats why I have been having so many migraines.

    9 working days left until my new beginnings.

    I haven't left my house this weekend. Its kind of nice. Stayed home last night, did some drawing/painting, watched Serendipity because I love John Cusak. Joey and his little friend Graeme (who has practically lived here off and on as long as I can remember....) were here making short animations and mock-infomercials. I laughed so hard I cried. those kids are funny. Nothing like army men getting attacked by big plastic dinosaurs, and accompanied by the soundtrack from Lawrence of Arabia.

    I passed out on the couch, and my parents tried to wake me up when they got back from their party around 2 am. Worst sleep ever. Terrible couch. Fell asleep for a few more hours in my bed this morning. Then proceeded to clean up the garage with my brothers and the adopted one (graeme) Didn't get as much cleaned out as hoped, but still rattled up some 22 year old dust out of there. Happy father's day...
    I've been nodding in and out of sleep all night. I spoke briefly with Johnny on the phone earlier.... briefly because I was exhausted and incredibly boring.

    Sunday = fathers day.
    Monday-Friday = work, and train person taking over when I leave.
    Friday at 6pm till Monday whenever... GreenLakePosseTrip2002 goin to my cabin! wee!
    Possibly 15 of us in attendance... good times.

    Also.. I've been having strangely vivid dreams.
    ...I hope I have more.


    Current Mood: burnin
    Current Music: sour times - portishead
    Thursday, June 13th, 2002
    12:00 am
    strip tac toe
    "Thank you for submitting your application. We will be in touch with you in the near future.

    Deborah Jackson"

    Well I think it sounds promising. That's a reply I got from one of the places I sent to my resume to. I would really like this job. And they better freakin contact me in the near future... or I'll contact them! Yeah! ....

    So at work, there are 2 people in the runnings for my job. They're both telling me to put in a good word for them to the big bosses. I think they should give me presents.. then I can pick who should get the 'good word'.
    There's a million other problems at work I have to deal with too. But I have 11 days left. So good. : ) I'm gonna miss a lot of the people at work though. So I'll have to throw a big party this summer and invite them all. You guys should all come too.

    That's some of the posse in a not very clear picture. I'll get better ones, damnitt.

    Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment. They are going to steal all of my blood. Then I'll have nothing. Then I have to go to work, bloodless. I'll walk in all tired and shite, and they'll say "yo manda, did you forget to bring your blood with you today?" and I'll say "shit yeah! knew I forgot something... daaaaaamn!" Then I'll collapse.. hopefully on the carpet area of the floor, and drift in to the land where people with no blood drift into.... So yeah. I'm going to request that they test my blood and see what the hare is wrong with me. full on anemic? why can't I eat meat anymore? am I just insane?

    I think that's enough rambling. I tried to hold back on my intake of caffeine.. it messes me up. I feel drunk now, from caffeine. I might as well just start grinding up some caffeine pills and smokin em with some tea leaves, son.

    -manda's a caffeine freak...

    Current Mood: insert default mood here
    Current Music: some avril lavigne song.... I kind of like her album
    Monday, June 10th, 2002
    9:17 pm

    I made this!
    Sunday, June 9th, 2002
    11:21 am
    the shadow people
    "Meaning "double walker" a doppelganger is a shadow-self that accompanies every human. Only the owner of a doppelganger can see it, otherwise it is invisible to human eyes. Dogs and cats have been known to see doppelgangers. Providing sympathetic company, a doppelganger almost always stands behind a person, and they cast no reflection in a mirror. They are prepared to listen and give advice to humans, either implanting ideas in their heads, or a sort of osmosis. It is said to be bad luck if it is seen, and rarely a doppelganger will make itself visible to friends or family, often causing great confusion. Doppelgangers can be mischievous and malicious."

    Current Mood: brainchurning
    Current Music: climbing up the walls - radiohead
    Wednesday, May 29th, 2002
    8:34 pm

    Tiki Man mugs look sexy in glasses....
    Saturday, May 18th, 2002
    2:23 am
    Today had a weird feeling to it.
    And I could downright feel the weirdness when I reached for a pen in this basket at work, and ended up slicing the side of my hand open on a wayward spare knife blade. The blood.. my god... I hate the sight of my own blood... the blood. And I felt like such a tool, because customers are asking me for help, and I'm standing there with a bloody papertowel clenched around my hand, and nodding towards someone else, in hopes that they would catch on, else I would splatter them with my blood...
    Ok there wasn't that much blood.. but it wouldn't stop bleeding.

    I started a chain reaction.
    Eric picked up a subwoofer that was being repaired, and nearly cut his entire finger off on a raw edge. He had to go to the hospital and get stitches. Then he came back to work (???? why!!????)

    Then Deep smacked his hand against the corner of this metal counter we have in our department, and put a hole in his hand, and possibly fracturing it.

    At this moment, I'd like to point out that all 3 of us, are on the Safety Committee at work. In fact, I am also the Safety Coordinator and I begun this whole chain reaction. Terrible.

    To sleep or not to sleep....


    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: hey jude - the beatles
    Friday, May 10th, 2002
    9:25 pm
    I've been quite busy lately. Time has been going by extremely fast... which is a good thing.

    I've barely been home all week. Only enough to get some sleep... and even sleep in late.... oops.
    Went to this big radio concert on wednesday night. The shop de la future gave all the music associates tickets to the FoxFest. It was an odd mix... weird order too.
    Goldfinger (missed them.. too early!)
    Gob (good ol gob)
    Auto Pilot Off (ok)
    Edwin and the Pressure (its scary how delusional someone can be. The don a pair of leather pants and all of a sudden they're a bad ass mofo who likes to pick fights with little 14 year olds throwing shite at him because he sucks. pressure this biotch!)
    WDC (baaad band. they won this contest through the radio.... I had to do a double take at the lead singer... his moves reminded me of Andrew W.K)
    Sloan (YAY!!!!!!!! they're delicious...)
    Full Nine (don't even know if thats the name of the band... they bit)
    Then before they introduced the headliner.. Chad from Nickleback walked out on the stage for a moment, and everyone cheered like he was Jesus, that was sick.
    Sum 41 (they were hilarious, and quite good. I'd jump em. Also when they played Pain For Pleasure, they had guys from Gob, Goldfinger, and Sloan, and 2 actors from this upcoming canadian flick called "FUBAR" that sum 41 did a song on the soundtrack for. So about 7 guys on guitar... it was neato)

    Today, when my dad came home "Manda... your back tire is flat." UNG!!!!!
    Yeah it has a screw lodged into it. Its slowly deflating. Yay for new tires! feck... I'm not made of money damnitt!!!!! For now.. I shall survive with "tire in a can" That spray stuff works wonders.

    Our regular freaky customer is scaring me again. Maybe he thinks that since its been I don't know how many months since he freaked me out with his memorizing my schedule and asking for my number... he can attempt flirting again...

    I swear to god I'm quitting soon.

    My mom has bought out the pharmacy. She's given me bottles of every known vitamin.. I swear to god. I know I need more protein, iron, and B12.. but sheesh. I have to admit.. I have noticed the effects of not getting all your nutrients. My hair is a lot thinner. First time that I have ever been to the hair salon and instead of hearing "Your hair is so damn thick!!!" I heard "Your hair is so thin..."
    That freaks me out.

    Tomorrow is the grandparents 50th anniversary party... fun will ensue....

    more later


    Current Mood: blah
    Current Music: weee!
    Tuesday, April 30th, 2002
    11:49 pm
    your better best
    Once upon a time, I had 4 tiny fish. I never gave them proper names. Basically, whoever had been eating the most was "big guy" and the one who took little bites was "runty" the others were neutral I suppose.
    Yet, one day I was forced to give them names. I found 3 of the fish swimming happily around, and half of the body of the 4th fish floating cheerfully around. Meet Hannibal, Cannibal, Lecter, and Leftover. Needless to say, I disposed of Leftover promptly, and gave the other 3 a stern talking to about eating their peers.
    A few weeks later, Lecter, the smallest of the 3, became even smaller, as I only found his head. Even from that, I had to check his dental records to determine whether it was Lecter or Cannibal.
    And then there were two.
    Soon after, Hannibal ( now the meatiest of the two) ingested the mighty Cannibal.
    Hannibal spent the past 5 months, swimming in the waters of death, SiberiaFishBowl.
    I suppose its a female flaw, and my motherly instinct pushed me to continue to care for Hannibal, and feed him, and occasionally pondered changing his name to Damien.
    Yet today, I realized that I had not checked on that little fish for a couple days, and to my.... slight disappointment, he was "swimming with the fishes"
    I couldn't get him out of the fish bowl with the net. My mother eventually came upstairs and said "step aside" and she swiftly scooped him up in her hand and tossed him into the porcelain bowl. mom: "he felt a little crusty.. that's gross."
    joe: "he always wanted to be a crustacean"
    Its a good thing I wasn't terribly emotionally attached to that fish, or else that could have been a sad moment.

    So after 2 years, my mom finally noticed my tattoo. That was an odd moment. She didn't believe it was real, and I said, ask joey and he replied "Uhhhh what tattoo???" Great help joe. She wasn't mad really. "I'm jealous of my deviant daughter, your dad would be so mad if I got one." I'm just mad that I was too scared to tell her as soon as I got it, and then was too scared to tell her after not telling her for so long.
    "but we won't tell your father for at least another 2 years."

    Something is wrong with me. I cannot eat meat anymore. (johnny helped me out by listing every meat combination in the world, and I was able to say no to every single one) So I've been living off mostly vegetables, and some bread. Needless to say...there have been some visible effects, ie. hair is thinner. My aunt is demanding I go see her nutritionist or something, because I don't know what kind of foods are necessary for me to eat, to ensure I'm getting all my nutrients and shite. Such a pain.

    I feel faint, I need sleep. NIGHT!


    Current Mood: cold
    Current Music: rid of me - pj harvey
    Thursday, April 25th, 2002
    11:15 pm
    eechoo nay grub yub nub
    I've actually been keeping rather busy. Work has become a lot less stressful. I've managed to find a way in which my job and I can co-exist. We get along super now.
    My music class is fun. Finally, music theory makes complete sense to me now. And it only took him 20 minutes to explain it all to me. John is a super musician, and is encouraging me to audition (after some more lessons) for the Capilano college Jazz program. Who knows, for now, we'll just keep with the lessons, but work on stuff that I could use towards an audition perhaps.

    This video I'm working on with my brother joe and my uncle mike... is epic. Its the video for my grandparent's 50th anniversary. We've compiled boxes of old photos (wicked pictures!) and about 40 minutes of some good 8mm footage that we had to project onto a wall and then record using our video camera.
    Just replaying the video.. I get all teary eyed. Especially when we're going through a bunch of the kids pictures, my uncle put the song "a kiss to build a dream on" by louis armstrong and I come so close to bawling. We're going to have the whole party in tears.. it will be superb.

    I've barely slept this week. From visiting out of town friends, working on the video, friends in need, work, concert, work.... oy

    But Friday, at 7pm.. I shall be at the best place in the world.... with my friends at WEEZER! weeee!
    Then on Sunday, I'm supposed to go see Tanya Donelly's show with Rachel. We figure its a definite highschool-nostalgia show to see...hoping she plays something from her days in Throwing Muses, Breeders, or Belly.

    I've cried a bunch this week, man I suck.

    1) people telling me about sad things in their life
    2) watching the video
    3) watching johnny's yubyub video ( )

    oh yub yub

    I think I'm going to lie down. Sleep comes later.


    Current Mood: blargh
    Current Music: can't get the yub out of my head
    Sunday, April 14th, 2002
    3:33 pm
    My mom just left to visit her best friend in the hospital. She's having a few complications after her surgery. She just got back last week from the Mayo Clinic. It doesn't have a good feeling to it.

    I needed to get my mind off of that.

    I wanted to go get some shopping done today... but then I realized that I need money to pay the bills this week.
    So instead... I scanned some more pictures up and made a family/posse pictures site.

    I need to go do something productive...

    1:56 am
    nice arachnid
    I enjoyed my trip to seattle.
    Hangin out with people you don't know that well, actually made for good times. My company? Three 18 year old hell bent metal girls. They're wicked. Although, all the smoking they did around me, pushed me to buy a pack of marlboro lights.
    I have a bruise on my rib, and marks on my shoulder. Temporary scars of a war surged by sounds.
    Its windy outside.
    Phrase drawn into a section of sidewalk in Seattle on Roy St "Revolution is hope for the hopeless."
    75% of the times that I go out to a concert, or a club, an older man, usually pissed drunk, has to make a pass at me. The guy at the show was disgustingly drunk, and was relentless in making sure his face was no more than 5 inches away from my face. He made stupid comments, and eventually I had to step over my chair into the next row to get away from him. Boys, if you ever find yourself pissed drunk out of your tree in public, I'd advise you not to attempt flirting. You will appear pathetic, and no matter how smooth you think you are being at that moment, in reality, the light from "smooth" won't be reaching you for another 10,000 years. You are that far from smooth.
    I watched a movie tonight with the posse. "highway"
    partway through we realized that this was the movie that was supposed to be "a leonard cohen afterworld", but the whole plot line was changed and kurt cobain's death was actually a very very small part of the film. I enjoyed some of it though.

    Everyone's lives are loaded with drama right now. I worry for some people. In my opinion, some wrong choices are being made. I'm not judging them, I just hope they stop to take everything in, before proceeding too far. I won't say much more. I just worry.

    I've just experienced mood shift, damnitt. I feel really down now. I think I'm going to go pass out, so my brain doesn't start churning out sad thoughts a mile a minute.


    Current Mood: discontent
    Current Music: the fantomas-melvins album I bought today
    Thursday, April 11th, 2002
    10:41 pm
    Some computernerd laughed at me today. I was so offended!
    She was standing there looking dumbfounded in the software department, so I went up and asked if she was looking for anything in particular. She asked for some software, and I replied, "we don't sell that anymore, but I know you can download it for free off the website", and she burst into this obnoxious laugh and said "You dont even KNOW what I'm talking about!!! ahahhahahahhahah!" and she just walked into the next aisle. But I was so sure of myself. And this woman is killing herself laughing, really loud too! So I just left her there. Find your own damn stuff!

    I've gotta do some cleaning and pack a bag for tomorrow. Heading to Seattle for a night with Melissa, Marianne, and a girl named Alex. We're going to have loads of fun. Even though I'm the only one who is 21... we'll still find fun.
    So tomorrow, I'm waking up early to go to the bank, and then exchange some canadian loonies for some american dollars, and then they're picking me up at 11 am. Get this... for once.. I am not... driving.. this is so bizarre!

    Then on Saturday, we get back, and I'm going to the Trail of the Dead concert. And johnny! you better come too!
    Then I have sunday off, and monday.. I don't work till 1 pm.

    Making your own schedule is a splendid thing.

    Also, this new picture is of my dad's old 1966 VW bug. It was the light of my life, and then we sold it. I was 5 years away from being able to drive, and he sold it to some kid that crashed it into a tree. she's so pretty....



    Current Mood: quixotic
    Current Music: white stripes.... interesting.
    Monday, April 8th, 2002
    10:56 pm
    so its broken
    This evening, my brother broke our garage door. Well, actually he didn't really at all. He only pressed the button for it to close, and skated off down the street. Moments later, there was a big bang, and the whole house shook, and my mother and I ran into the garage to see what happened. She flung me away from the entry, because she was having a motherly panic attack, thinking that joe was trapped under something that fell in the garage. Nope. Joe wasn't there. But the door was shut. The spring broke, and it slammed to the ground, so hard that the address numbers fell off of our house. Joe was already down the street and didn't even hear it fall. zany.

    I made a cd. Wanna see which songs? here we go! I think its a neat happy get down make love mix. If you don't like it.. I don't care! Points to you if you can pick out which movies encouraged certain songs...

    the kinks - Everybody's gonna be happy
    creation - making time
    flashing lights - elevature
    hives - hate to say I told you so
    the rolling stones - you can't always get what you want
    john lennon - oh yoko
    velvet underground - oh! sweet nothin'
    love - always see your face
    sheila nichols - fallen for you
    marvin gaye - lets get it on
    stevie wonder - i believe
    the beta band - dry the rain
    the faces - ooh la la
    tom waits - ol' 55
    velvet underground - pale blue eyes
    velvet underground - who loves the sun
    the rolling stones - wild horses

    why am I so tired?
    night night
    5:24 pm
    paper or plastic
    I like the spring.
    Everyone is motivated to clean everything out.
    Give stuff away. Throw stuff away.
    I've been on a cleaning rampage. Chucking out stuff all over the place. Its damn fun.
    Also, with all this spring stuff, I actually make an attempt to rebuild the bridges with certain people. Its nice to see them again.
    Did I mention we found a pogo stick? yes we found a pogo stick. And let me formally announce that I am pogo-challenged. I cannot po-go. I no go pogo. I pogo and a half and barely manage not to sprain or break something as I fall. I am not coordinated enough. I no pogo. And I'm not going to blame it on the fact that the pogo stick is broken. It is still pogo-able, but not for the severely pogo-challenged individuals... such as me.

    Its sunny! bye!


    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: dry the rain - the beta band
    Saturday, April 6th, 2002
    11:11 am
    OK. Quick note.
    I took this quiz to see "which children's storybook character are you?"

    I got it from Davepants' journal.

    Know which character I got???? HARRY FREAKIN POTTER

    ...evil test
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