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Friday, June 21st, 2002

Subject:Good times
Time:8:43 pm.
Mood: naughty.
Music:"On the Turning Away" by Pink Floyd.
I was up to no good today.
I'll leave it at that.

I bought some mesh shorts and some baseball shirts to wear to camp, all my summer shopping is done, except for some soccer socks that I will invest in so that I can wear them on occasion for camp. Training starts on Wednesday, so Tuesday is my only real life full day off. I am very excited for that.

I leave you with this definition from a one Mr. Tom Rakauskas who never ceases to make me laugh:

Daubacherrous (Daw-boc-cher -ous) : (adv) 1. to play an inept left field. 2. to be a professional baseball player despite having minimal talent at infield. 3. to have thick, bushy eyebrows. Example: Those eyebrows are downright daubacherrous! (noun) 1. The devil, el diablo, satan. example: Brian Daubach is the devil.
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Time:8:37 am.
Mood: naughty.
Music:"More More More" by Andrea True Connection.

torreyboy2k: Today is New Student Programs Day and I've been telling the incoming students that the 'freshman fifteen' is actually a $15 fee they need to pay to me before they can attend the school in the fall. By noon I should have enough funds garnered for our trip to Barbados this winter.
EJRobbins79: i'm glad to hear that.
torreyboy2k: indeed
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Thursday, June 20th, 2002

Subject:I shine on the mic like ultra bright
Time:8:46 pm.
Mood: crazy.
Music:"Alive" by the Beastie Boys.
I worked with Katy and Jeannette today.
We cleaned out the Art room/bomb shelter/asbestos hut today, complete with masks, so it was no big deal. Then we sat on a chair that was on a dollie and had races on the stage of the Wilson auditorium. Later on, we were a little bit bored after doing bulletin boards. Yes, that's right, bulletin boards. So Jeannette went to make photocopies and Katy and I ventured into the music room where we stumbled across drums and a gong.
We went digging through some bags and found drum sticks. So we started banging on the drums. A few moments later we heard the doorknob jangling, and we knew what was coming up. Jimmy the Custodian came in to see what the rukus was. He was about to yell at us, but stopped and just asked us how we got in. We said the door was open, and he said, "Oh." and walked out.
We didn't get in trouble! But we still felt bad, so we didn't play the drums anymore. But I did laugh very hard for approximately a half hour with Katy on the Wilson auditorium stage again.

But tonight I walked up the hill to class with my ex-boyfriend and it wasn't so bad. Today must have been the day of him because I also saw his aunt and his mother. Oh well!

Guess what kiddies. I'm goin to Eliot, Maine on Sunday. See ya all there.

EJRobbins79: hey, do you do staring contests?
SvgKnght: puleeeeeeeeeze
EJRobbins79: is that a yes?
SvgKnght: I'm the KING of staring contests
EJRobbins79: oh really?
SvgKnght: you could never win
EJRobbins79: mitch morgan claimed himself to be the king, but i knocked him out of his throne
EJRobbins79: well, how do you play?
EJRobbins79: blinking, or looking away?
SvgKnght: your attention span would be your downfall
EJRobbins79: not when it comes to staring contests.
SvgKnght: either or
EJRobbins79: looking away is where i am champion
SvgKnght: we'll see
EJRobbins79: we certainly will.
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Subject:I am eating raspberries
Time:9:24 am.
Mood: horny.
Music:"Stop" by Jane's Addiction.
Wierd dreams last night, but these are the embarassing sort. Not embarassing for me, not at all, but embarassing to share with everyone. They made me blush a little bit.

It's almost time for work, I woke up really late.
I gotta go iron my pants.

Thing I actually said to my mother yesterday:
"I don't like night classes." -Me
"Why?" -My Mom
"Because I just want to relax. I want to be done at 5 o'clock or earlier. I guess that means I could never be a stripper. Their workday starts at 5 o'clock." -Me
"Ha ha ha ha!" -My Mom
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Wednesday, June 19th, 2002

Subject:Hot time in the City
Time:2:30 pm.
Mood: crazy.
Music:"Barracuda" by Heart.
Worked for 2 hours, nice.
Stapled a lot of stuff, but did it while dancing.

Still no word on training which starts on MONDAY.
Karla is dropping the ball.

I have to go wash my hair and eat lunch.
It's a beautiful day. And I have to go to my class tonight.

Dad is playing golf with Tom "Rubix Cube" Brenneman.

I can't spell today to save my life, so if I were hanging off a cliff and someone asked me to spell chrysanthemum, I would probably die.
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Tuesday, June 18th, 2002

Subject:Look out!!
Time:6:05 pm.
Mood: mischievous.
Music:"Peaches" by the Presidents of the USA.
This was a good day!
I got out of work around oh, 2 o'clock. That's always a plus. I didn't have to be in the Art room bomb shelter for long, because I started coughing, and Jeannette panicked. But the bad thing? I was coughing for real.
Then Kristin D dropped the ball and we didn't go to the mall, whatev! So Maggie called, and I went over to her house where we watched a movie and then sat out on her front porch drinking beers. Sam Summer to be precise. That's my kind of a day.
Now I'm back home and it's almost dinner time.
Then I have to really do my homework and what not.

"Are you going to a nitrus party?" -Dad
"Yeap." -Me
"Are you going to be doing ecstasy at this nitrus party?" -Dad
"Of course." -Me
"Okay." -Dad

The Original Animated Superman

Take the Cartoon Hero Quiz?.
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Subject:That's a Cosby sweater. A COSBY SWEATER!
Time:11:30 am.
Mood: crazy.
Music:"Hey Hey What can I do?" by Led Zeppelin.
I have to work today from 12-4.
This is blasphmey. I get no days off this summer, unless you count the weekends, which I don't.
So whatever.
I refuse to go to the Art room in the cellar aka the bomb shelter that was built with asbestos, for the simple reason that I don't really want to hurry up and get cancer.
I'll wait, thanks.

I had a wicked nutty dream last night about making gin and tonic with cheese goldfish as the ice cubes. And I had to stop Nik's Dad from getting in a fight with his down the street neighbors about land. And Dan told me that I made crappy drinks, and then it was Halloween and I gave out full sized candy bars.

"Dad, can I check my email?" -Me
"Only if you call yourself a little bitch." -Dad
"I refuse to make a mockery of myself for your benefit." -Me

I can't wait to read Becky's update, mostly because of the quotes. Good times.
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Monday, June 17th, 2002

Subject:Allergies suck
Time:9:24 pm.
Music:"Feel Like Making Love" by Bad Company.
Last night was wicked rad, the fam played Scrabble, NOT AS BORING AS IT SOUNDS. Scrabble is my most favorite board game. It used to be Life, but then Nik's new-fangled Life Game where you put the pieces together (what the hell is that!) ruined it. I like Scrabble because one time I got 66 points for the word "Tilex." Anyway, last night was fun. We wanted to elaborate the game but decided that TV was more important.
Jay will forever be known as "TickFace."

I woke up with wicked bad allergies, and I really feel that allergies are for the birds. I had class tonight, I get it.
Then I walked out of Hemingway when class was over, and "Thunderbolt of Lightning, very very frightening." Thunder and Lightning Storm, yeah it's still going on.

I get paid tomorrow. I'm going to go to Victoria's Secret to buy a bra that Kate recommended. How tantalizing.

I live a very boring life right now. Want to know why? Woodtrail has not yet started. After June 24, I will be scarce. And that's what I'm talking about.

A bunch of people went to Riverside ooooops I mean Six Flags tonight and tomorrow. That's all Tom Foolery to me, because I have to work.

And on that note.
And party on.
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Sunday, June 16th, 2002

Subject:I'd rather be rich than stupid.
Time:12:05 pm.
Mood: okay.
Music:"The Best Things" by Filter.
This weekend was uneventful to say the very least. Kate came home last night, and the inevitable craziness ensued. We looked at pictures of our youth, for some reason we always do that. She looked through my pictures from school and asked who everyone was. I gave her the play-by-play.

I went to Dairy Queen with Kristin D. We chatted as if we were old ladies, talking about the youth of America, same as it ever was. She supports me in my future attempts to speak like Edith Bunker and to sit on my front porch with a notebook and a pencil used to take daily logs of who walks by, etc. I will also throw hockey pucks at the vagabonds who loiter in front of my house. Yeap, it's safe to say that if I make it to 85, I'll be crazy.

Today I woke up to the smoke alarm in the house. Molly just doesn't get the concept of opening the door to let some of the steam leave the bathroom during the shower. "Last time I checked, Oak Knoll Road was not the sight of a tropical rainforest." - Peter Robbins.
We're not those "nouveau riche" people with automatic fans in the bathroom, no siree. We're old school with the window and the door. I didn't like waking up to the smoke detector.

Mom Dad and Kate went into Boston, and Jay disappeared into the woods.
The cookout aka the Robbins Family Father's Day Backyard Bonanza starts around 6, and we have a 12 pack of Sam Summer. This will be a good night. Last Father's day was insane. We had Vinny Testa's and my Dad stole a glass from the bar. "It's Father's Day, I can do whatever the hell I want." -PR
That you can Peter. That you can.

I leave you with this:
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"
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Saturday, June 15th, 2002

Subject:No Subject.
Time:4:07 pm.
Mood: blah.
Music:"I can't move" by Everlast.
Today literally sucks ass. Here is why: It is raining, it is cold, and everyone sucks. I just saw "The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" with my sister and my Mom. It sucked. The book was okay, but the movie was worse. This is a new idea for me, not liking movies. But that makes two movies in two days that I just didn't like. "Someone Like You" and today's flick. Maybe it's Ashley Judd, but I doubt it, she's a good actress. I also rented "Mulholland Drive" which was fucking nuts but still, pretty good. My Dad told me it was wierd because of "The West Coast way of thinking. The East Coast is far more conservative." But I disagree.

The Natick Mall is one big clusterfuck, and Flutie Pass is a traffic jam, I refuse to leave this house again until dark. What a pleasure of an entry, huh.

The weather sucks and my knee hurts, so I'm going back to sleep.

We are having a cookout tomorrow at 6pm in my backyard. My Mom told me to invite Dan, but I think he has to work.
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Friday, June 14th, 2002

Subject:Stevie in the Morning
Time:10:43 am.
Mood: energetic.
Music:"Sir Duke" by Stevie Wonder.
Kate flys home tonight, yay! I'm so excited, I did jumps and twirls in my room again.

Time to go to Wilson to hang out with the 8th graders during lunch so they don't start a food fight. Last day of school is Monday... Then I have a mini-vacation for about 4 days.

I made $50 yesterday. How you ask? May I turn your attention to the lyrics of a one Mr. Tone Loc. "I get 50 dollas to make you holla, I get paid to do the wild thing.."
There is some validity in that. I did get paid $50, but because I had to critique one of my old professor's books. Aaaaah yes indeed it's fun times.
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Thursday, June 13th, 2002

Subject:Aah yes indeed it's fun times
Time:10:25 pm.
Mood: good.
Music:"I can't move" by Everlast.
Watchin' the sunshine, peekin' over the skyline
Thinkin' I gotta get mine, gotta try at least one time
Wanna get near it, close enough to fear it
Close enough to hear it, close enough to say
That I looked it in the eye and then I turned away
And I'm not scared, but I can't move

Hangin' out on the weeknight, lookin' off the street light
Gettin' into some fist fight, tryin' to cling to my birth right
I wanna get near her, close enough to smell her
Close enough to tell her all the things that I wanna say
That I looked her in the eye and made her run away
And I don't care but I can't move

Layin' up in the sofa, lookin' out of my window
Pullin' back on some endo, watchin' breeze as the wind blow
Wanna get near it, close enough to hear it
Close enough to fear it, close enough to say
That I looked it in the eye and then it turned away
And I'm not scared, but I can't move
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Subject:Whaaaaaaaat - Like Nik's old tee-shirt
Time:8:46 pm.
Mood: naughty.
Music:The sweet sounds of BeckyBerry's voice over the phone.
Word of the day: Quackers
How to use it in a sentence: "Can I have some quackers?" or "You sure are acting quackers today." It proves to be successful with the 5th graders.
Math test score: 85%, That's a solid B. It's not too good, it's not too bad. Here's the thing. I did better than over half of my class, which makes me feel two things. 1) It makes me feel good, because hey, I actually know something, and 2) It makes me feel dumb, because I am in summer school, and I only got an 85% on my test. But whatev! An 85 is an 85 is an 85. If I keep up this B work, I might just have a computer come August.
~Bribery. Keeping me in check since I learned about money.~

I got to good old FSC today and as I was walking up the Maynard hill, who do I see zooming down in a Ford Explorer? No, not your friend and mine, Mr. Carlton Conaway, I wish, though. It was the same as it ever was who tried to run to catch up with me, but I have a little extra kick in my step for secret reasons. It's not heroin, it's something else entirely.

But here's the thing. I'm getting sick, and here's why. Because of the dramatic change in weather. I'm weather sensitive, BUT I am not allergic to poision ivy.

Thank you and Goodnight.
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Wednesday, June 12th, 2002

Time:8:08 pm.
Mood: okay.
Music:"The Wind Cries Mary" by Jimi Hendrix.
I'm back from class early. The test was a little bit hard, but that's mostly because I'm a real jackass when it comes to math. Everyone pray to your various Gods (if you have one) that I do okay.

I'm spent. It's only Wednesday. What the hell.

I'm going to go upstairs and space out and listen to music for awhile. Unless you can think of something better to do?
Call me and let me know if you can.
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Time:5:26 pm.
Mood: lonely.
Music:"I want to know what Love is" by Foreigner.
What a day. So far, we have kicked 5 kids out of the computer lab, and none of them are allowed to return. Everyone has an attitude problem today, including me. I blame it on several things: the rain, the cold, the clouds, the lack of sun, and the lack of sleep. Oh well! I'm in a pretty bad mood, so when the kids yelled at me for kicking them out, I didn't yell back. I gave them the sad eyes look and just repeated what I said in my low tone of voice. I think they got the point. Annie got mad, and yelled back to kick them out. I think I've had enough of ASAP for this week.
Maggie came to visit me today, I was very glad. She came to get one of my CD's so she could tape it.
These are the days that I'm in Top Speed. The days where I feel like a tree-sloth, but not the days where I look like Sloth, because that was in my youth after a mosquito attack. Muhahahaha.
I have a math test tonight. Hopefully I'll get out of class early.

Updating my journal is becoming more and more of a chore, so I'm probably going to cut back on my entries. So go rejoice in the streets, because I never have anything interesting to say anyway!
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Tuesday, June 11th, 2002

Subject:This Night
Time:11:27 pm.
Mood: naughty.
Music:"American Woman" by the Guess Who.
So Pam came down for a visit, it was a very nice visit.
She got here around 6:15 because there was a lot of traffic on 128. Whoops, I should have warned her about that.
We had some lovely Japanese Chicken Salad for dinner, made by my Mama who made wierd faces when I drank down my soymilk. Yum.
Then we went to the mall to buy some capri pants, I bought some black ones, cuz I'm cool like that. I hate going to the mall, because I always see someone I know. Tonight was no different. On the plus side, I went down a size! I saw Kate Schneider tonight. What do you say to someone you haven't seen in 4 years? Who knows. Awkward chatting, then I left.
Then we went to Bread and Circus, which is an excellent grocery store. I got some focaccia bread and some hummus, I will feast like a queen tomorrow.
Then we went home and met up with Maggie and went to White Mountain Creamery. I ran into Alison O'Neil, Heather Maffei, and Meredith McNamara. Did I say more than 2 words to them? No. But lo and behold, Diana Rourke was right behind them. I miss her! So we chatted for a bit, Maggie and I informed her of the JSJ and then she left. I showed Pam where I grew up and where I was born, I'm sure she was bored to tears. Then we came back to my house and watched the rest of the Sox game. It was terrible. Then I showed her some baby pictures, in particular the ones where I look like Sloth from the Goonies because I had been recently attacked by mosquitoes (in the picture.)
She just left. It was a good night!

WOODTRAIL..2 weeks!
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Subject:Mechanical Computers
Time:5:43 pm.
Mood: mischievous.
Music:Laughter from the Computer Labs.
Annie told me that I was a spaz today, I'm noticing a trend.
So what, there is nothing wrong with this. Jamie will follow in my footsteps, I hope she knows what she's in for.

I printed 19 pages in the computer lab for the 2nd day in a row. Today was Jack Handey day, yesterday was the song that Pam sent to me. With the lyrics that resemble my life. But no one else knows about that, because it's friends-locked.

So.. Checkmate.
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Subject:Whadda ya know, they're little footballs.
Time:11:59 am.
Mood: mischievous.
Music:"Dirty Water" by the Standells.
I'm talking to Kate and Rob about who started the phrase: Ding Ding Deyo.
Aaah yes indeed it's fun times.

It's nice out today.
I don't want to go to work, I want to bang on the drums all day.

It's a hot one today. I'm wearing a tee-shirt.

Smells like rain.
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Monday, June 10th, 2002

Subject:I ate his liver with some farva beans and a nice chianti
Time:9:10 pm.
Mood: energetic.
Music:"More than a Feeling" by Boston.
Today I was in rare form.
Spazzing out at ASAP, Joy and I laughed until I had a headache.
I got to Wilson and the first person I saw was Maggie, so I knew it was going to be a good day.
I went with her to the 8th grade wing, and guess who we saw. BILLY FLUTIE. So I knew it was going to be a good day.
Then I went and talked to my Mom and Billy Flutie kept on waving to me from inside the classroom, so it was a good day.
Then I went to class. And that was okay.
Then I came home and had some crunchy oat squares and some soymilk.

It was a good day.
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Subject:"I'm done with cows." -Peter Robbins
Time:11:13 am.
Mood: good.
Music:"Rappers Delight" by the SugarHill Gang.
I have officially introduced Peter to SoyMilk and the joys that come with it. He had converted, and I am glad. That's good news for me, now he can buy the soymilk and I don't have to. Hooray.

Troubles sleeping again last night, my legs are still a bit shaky from who knows what. I had wierd dreams, and one of them was that my cousin's fiancee was pregnant and she had twins. My sister Kate turned to me in church and said, "We'll probably have twins, too."
It was wierd because of, well, because of all of it.

After I signed off last night, I went into the living room (because you need to go through the living room to get to the stairs) and stopped and chatted with Jay for a spell. We talked about the usual. Chicopee and beer. He said that it's good to have a beer a day, so after school tonight I just may pick up a sixer of Sam Summer. Thank you Jay.

Gramma C is here, so I'd better go visit or get ready for work or something.
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