Out of Tylenol... |
[01 Feb 2004|11:55am] |
[ |
mood |
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sick |
] |
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Janet Jackson- "Everytime" |
] |
Alrighty you know it's bad when you've RUN out of TYLENOL and you're in desperate need. But the idea of going out to the store to get some? Considering the fact that the reason I need Tylenol in the first place is because I'm sick? Umm... *eyes widen* NOT an option. Then again-when I've hit the point of desperation I may be changing my tune... I am not allowed to feel like crap. *sigh* At least I got Johnny Depp to keep me company... Guess who got "Once Upon A Time In Mexico"? Yeah. That would be moi. I'm doing that cellophane DVD thing again-but since I'm stuck here at home. It's all about me, box of tissues, and Johnny.
And the oh so exciting life... |
[25 Jan 2004|01:50pm] |
[ |
mood |
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blah |
] |
[ |
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Green Day- "When I Come Around" |
] |
Saturday night. Out on the town with the gals- decided to realize yet again WE ARE NOT OLD gosh dang it! We haven't hit quarter-life crisis yet! We are single! We are "happenin"! We are "where it is at"! *cough* So we're going to a bar-with a live rock band- and we will get buzzed!
Consequently had enough gumption to SNAG guitarist, drummer, and lead singer of said rock band after their set and be "pseudo-groupie" by chatting it up with them at random. Under normal circumstances would this happen? No. Would we have had the audacity to wave at hottie musician as if we knew them, and grab them by shirt as they passed just to tell them our names? No. Would we have them coming back to our spot in the bar every so often and asking us to go see their next show, and acting like we're good friends? No. Would we have stayed until bar closed, when they are in tear-down mode, and all the lights have flicked back on JUST BECAUSE we're still talking to the band and have *gasp* exchanged digits? No. So upon reflection...
ALCOHOL sure makes you bold. :) Here's to giggling for NO reason at all in the women's restroom ALL BY YOURSELF. Here's to NOT having a hangover. Here's to STILL wanting to go out again tonight to be girlie and do cheesy movie and pizza with your closest friends, and pretending that NO you don't have to actually go to WORK tomorrow!
An ode to memory lane. |
[23 Jan 2004|08:48pm] |
[ |
mood |
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thoughtful |
] |
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Foo Fighters-"Walking After You" |
] |
Once Upon A Time - Long before Nick Carter cut his floppy hair, and Justin Timberlake was learning to "Rock Your Body"-In a far off place called California, a place where it isn't supposed to be as cold as it is right now, there lived a 19 year old college student.
She was an optimistic, wrestling with what in the hell to do with her life (HELL- STILL wrestling with what to do with her life...), ever-changing major, innocent in so many ways, wide-eyed girl, who one day turned on MTV and came across five cute guys singing cheesy pop songs. They had British accents. And surprise-surprise they were called FIVE. (What a concept!)
Well, this girl succumbed to the-- well let's be honest-- the ACCENTS! And dare say, she fell in love with the cheese? Of course like most, obsessively! So much so, she got her unwilling friends to succumb to the madness too. And it truly was MADNESS.
They found themselves laughing... A. Lot. They listened to music that was not deep and meaningful, and didn't care that it wasn't! They giggled over random pictures, being superficial enough to admit that YES sometimes it was about the LOOKS! They sighed...alright- FAWNED. They memorized song lyrics and *shakes head* dance moves. They watched the home video, and LIKED it! And YES they even ended up writing fan fiction in the midst of it all (gasp!) Then one day *poof*. No more of that. Like everything in life, things change. Real life took over. Other things peaked their interest and time. And like some things this part of their lives was slowly and eventually...forgotten.
Until... five years later (ironically enough!)...someone reminded that one, now graduated college student, about these five guys that used to be in a group...
And this girl nearing her quarter-life crisis? Well, she remembered why she had smiled, and most importantly - one of the many distractions that was her excuse in procrastinating through college.
Sometimes it's nice to remember.
The End.
Contemplations of nothingness... |
[20 Jan 2004|09:21pm] |
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mood |
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chipper |
] |
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"Give Me One Good Reason"-Blink 182 |
] |
Okie. So I've decided, that this journal is OBVIOUSLY about nothing REMOTELY deep and meaningful. And I've come to terms with that. I can admit to that. *nods* Which is why, after laughing my a** off during tonight's "American Idol", I can pose the question below and feel like I'm asking about International policies and their environmental global effects... *smiles cheesily*:
Is there a song you can sing on "American Idol" that would *not* make you look like a complete idiot?
Talk amongst yourselves.
And she continues to ramble... |
[19 Jan 2004|10:39pm] |
[ |
mood |
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relaxed |
] |
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"The Reason"- Hoobastank |
] |
My weekend news? I partied till 4 in the morning Friday. Proving to myself that I am *not* old yet! *cough* Of course when I hit that quarter life crisis, please all feel free to tell me that I'm older than dirt. lol.
And with that said.
I got my tickets to London and New York City in my hand. Joy to the idea of a vacation...
Eh-hem... |
[12 Jan 2004|09:31pm] |
[ |
mood |
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good |
] |
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music |
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"Just Missed The Train"- Kelly Clarkson |
] |
For some strange reason my new obsession revolves around DVD's and the innate need to purchase yet NOT watch them-- so they sit in the cellophane for GOSH who knows how long until they are noticed.
Don't ask.
Goes so fast... |
[23 Nov 2003|09:40pm] |
[ |
mood |
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exhausted |
] |
[ |
music |
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"Time"-Chantal Kreviazuk |
] |
I hate how weekends just fly by. I don't know if its the knowledge that you have to go to work the next day or what- but Sundays always make me depressed. It's like... DANG IT I was *just* getting relaxed. *sigh*
My world, is as always, crazy and a half. 3/4 of the time I'm running around wondering where in the heck I'm going to find time to do the zillion and one things I need to. It's like life? What life? And then someone reminded me today there is only 5 Saturdays left till Christmas- and my only thought is "I haven't even survived Thanksgiving yet!".
Somebody save me.
For some strange reason I feel like I'm missing out on something.
And for any other reason but just because... |
[10 Nov 2003|09:41pm] |
[ |
mood |
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thoughtful |
] |
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music |
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"Champagne Supernova"-Oasis |
] |
Stolen from the lovely prncspnut... She was nice enough to cut and post all the other ones too...where you can find and strikethrough all the things that do not apply on your own birth month-- But you don't care about you! It's all about ME! Me! Me! Me! lol. *smiles sweetly*
Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Likes to be quiet. Homely person. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.
Is it just me? |
[26 Oct 2003|07:20pm] |
[ |
mood |
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groggy |
] |
[ |
music |
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"When I See You"-Macy Gray |
] |
You know I've noticed something... I only write in here when I'm feeling all crappy! *shakes head* Here I am "Day-Quiling" yet again. So what do I do? I write in the LJ. Does this make sense to anyone? *wrinkles nose* Yeah, me too.
Crap. |
[20 Oct 2003|09:36pm] |
[ |
mood |
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crappy |
] |
[ |
music |
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Silence. It's Golden. |
] |
Sometimes I wonder if life is just waiting to screw me over?
*bangs head on desk and raises eyes to sky*
You trying to make it difficult?
Eh to the blah... |
[19 Sep 2003|08:51pm] |
[ |
mood |
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exhausted |
] |
[ |
music |
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"Underneath It All"-No Doubt |
] |
Got the rest of my wisdom teeth pulled out today...*nods* to say I'm out of it would be an understatement. I just adore how they tell you when they give you the anesthetic that "You''ll feel woozy in a couple of minutes." --and then that couple of minutes never happens. It's like halfway between that explanation you're out like a light. HELLO! Needless to say I awoke with two less teeth, gauze in mouth, no recollection of anything, and severely incoherent and confused. My dad found it amusing when he picked me up. He told me later that I acted "high". I then retorted of course as any good daughter should... "And you know this because?" *raises eyebrow* The good about the whole wisdom teeth thing here would be that I get out of two days of work *twirls*. The bad of course- being the fact that I'm basically going to be medicated and in bed the whole freaking time. AH Well... on Sunday I'm extra medicating --and swollen poofy cheeks or not --I'm going to see DURAN in SF. It's DURAN! Come on now! The cheese of it all!
Still haven't figured out the job situation. *shrugs* I'm expecting a sign to miraculously lead me towards the right direction. The hopless optomist in me would like to believe in fate and destiny and all that crap-- so Faith and Destiny hurry your asses up and lead gosh dang it!
Boy issues? Let's not go there.
And on a happy Friday note... everyone go see "Once Upon A Time in Mexico" because Johnny Depp is just *gushes*. I heart that man.
Sick... |
[14 Sep 2003|12:16am] |
[ |
mood |
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awake |
] |
[ |
music |
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Bonnie Tyler-"Total Eclipse of the Heart" |
] |
Sick. *sigh* Antibiotics. *sigh* There goes my weekend...
LA...back to the beach |
[29 Aug 2003|08:10pm] |
[ |
mood |
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good |
] |
[ |
music |
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Saliva- "Rest in Pieces" |
] |
So news on my end? Work is stress to the infinite power-then again what's new? Life is one big drama ball. But my light at the end of the tunnel?
3 day weekend!!
*jumps up and down like a crazy woman* And where am I off to? L freaking A of course! The beach! I get to see my beloved beach... *sigh* Ah the memories of my life in sunny So-Cal...
of course... |
[23 Aug 2003|08:21pm] |
[ |
mood |
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geeky |
] |
[ |
music |
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"Low"-Kelly Clarkson |
] |
I am such a goob.
I bought a cell phone today because the guy was cute. *nods* I have no self control when it comes to impulse buying and cute boys! I am a WEAK girl I tell you people. Weak with a capital W.
Alive...kinda |
[28 Jul 2003|09:18pm] |
[ |
mood |
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stressed |
] |
[ |
music |
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Aerosmith-"Crazy" |
] |
I'm here. Sorta.
I have been swamped over at work. Talk about reality kicking my a**. Well crapola! Now I understand why my parents were so tired after that hard day at the office! lol. 9-5. Blah. Blah. Blah. You know its bad when you DREAM about work.
*bangs head against computer monitor*
When do I have time to actually have a life?
Not to mention the fact that suddenly everyone and their mother has decided to visit. GOT to love those relatives on summer vacation when you're not! YES I am a bitter post-graduate! lmao.
It's my party... |
[07 Jul 2003|06:50pm] |
[ |
mood |
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happy |
] |
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music |
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"Boys of Summer"-The Ataris |
] |
Oh lord. I'm one year older today! *grabs hair and shrieks* EEK! The notion of that song lyric "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to..." comes to mind. LOL. I'm over the hill! *sniff, sniff*
But hey I get a cake!
Work was crazy today- I got one bite of that cake and then all heck broke loose... Human Resources staffing the Monday after a holiday weekend *shakes head* EVIL.
Off to scope out presents and resturaunt possibilities....
Hoping my day gets better. :)
Sometimes... |
[23 Jun 2003|09:44pm] |
[ |
mood |
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bitchy |
] |
[ |
music |
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Liz Phair- "Why Can't I" |
] |
Alright. I am a patient person, but you know I *can* be driven up the wall... and right now...
Sometimes I don't deal with drama very well...
Questions! |
[22 Jun 2003|03:16pm] |
[ |
mood |
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relaxed |
] |
[ |
music |
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Kelly Clarkson-"Beautiful Disaster" |
] |
So I got some questions! Shout outs to babyomlet for the follwing...(I guess you aren't evil ALL of the time chickee.) lol. And on that note--if anyone else out there has questions for me, go on and send 'em my way. *smiles*
The Q's: 1. Favorite period movie? And of course why? 2. Better off solo: Nick Carter or Justin Timberlake? 3. How long have you been writing fanfic and what sparked you to start? 4. Favorite fanfic piece by another author? 5. Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? (heh)
( For space sakes: (The Answers...) )
Stuff... |
[21 Jun 2003|02:13pm] |
[ |
mood |
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thoughtful |
] |
[ |
music |
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Kiley Dean- "Cross The Line" |
] |
gem8643 | Magic Number | 13 | Job | Sporting Great | Personality | Focussed And Driven | Temperament | All Bark, No Bite | Sexual | Whatever, Whenever, Whoever | Likely To Win | A Nobel Prize | Me - In A Word | Evil | Colour | | Brought to you by MemeJack |
Hmm... me EVIL? *raises eyebrow and points* I think babyomlet was sending vibes my way... And I *think* I FINALLY understand the question thing... does this mean I have to ask for questions?
Cause everyone and their mother does... |
[21 Jun 2003|01:50pm] |
[ |
mood |
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mellow |
] |
[ |
music |
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Lucy Woodward-"Dumb Girl" |
] |
Have joined the "Friday Five" bandwagon... I figured why in the hell not? *shrugs* Thought it was fitting seeing as 9 times out of 10 I am hair obsessed...lol. Now if only someone would explain to me the whole question thing that STILL is going around? I *still* don't get the question thing...
1. Is your hair naturally curly, wavy, or straight? Long or short? My hair, unfortunatly, is naturally wavy. Which can be a good thing some days, and other days (depending on the weather) can be ANNOYING because it doesn't "curl" with humidity it "frizzes"... I used to blowdry it straight all the freaking time (way back when I was obsessed with my hair dryer), but these days I just let it naturally dry so them waves just stay...At the moment my hair is the in-between long/short stage-- I'm growing it out... *smiles*
2. How has your hair changed over your lifetime? I was one of those girls who had their hair all the way down to the small of their back who never EVER cut massive amounts of length since like...grade school...and then senior year of high school I chopped it all off because I couldn't take it anymore. I sported that whole short "Rachel from Friends" like layered look for a bit in different incarantions (shorter than longer), then decided to heck with it and went one length...which is where it is right now--kinda...I'm growing out the layered thing... 3. How do your normally wear your hair? Umm half way up or all the way up... never all the way down... *shakes head* Not when its in the in-between stage!
4. If you could change your hair this minute, what would it look like? Well... seeing as my highlights are growing out-- probably re-highlight! I'm thinking of going with darker chunking streaks...but if anything I just wish that my hair would *cooperate* with me. lol.
5. Ever had a hair disaster? What happened? I had the *perfect* hair cut my first year at college-- then made the mistake of messing with it, cutting it shorter- tyring to relayer- IE end result had to clip back my hair for AGES because it looked awful...and then when it grew out had to keep it up because it STILL looked awful. I then proceeded to spend the next 3 years *trying* to get it back the way it was, but failing MISERABLY each time...