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BAHAH - stolen from monette [09 Oct 2002|09:07pm]
[ mood | giggly ]

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repent and burn ikea. [27 Sep 2002|11:55am]
Do not want to go to work today.
Was called in early by 3 hours, and I think I know why.
Not b/c someone called out, but 'to work on a project', where I build racking and decorate and otherwise do things that IKEA pays other people higher amounts of money to specifically do. Fuck that - I won't let them get away with this cheap labor bullshit. And if my suspicions are correct, I will be going to HR about this - the icing on the cake will be my faggot ass making a scene. I mean, I'm not a decorator now, but I would gladly do these 'projects' if I was getting paid like one. Hmm, I think I'll be LATE to work today, just to be a bitch. eat shit ikea IRL kthx.

Other than THAT, everything is going okay. I have been off the past 2 days from work, so that was nice. Still have to work all weekend, OF COURSE. Need new job ASAP. Charlie and I are doing wonderful, although theres not a lot of time these days that we get to see each other (work and what have you).

I'm fuckin sleepy - if I need to get on a ladder for anything today, my ass will fall.
Good, IKEA really does need to take care of me for the rest of my life.
And those damn customers! *snarl* >:O

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[19 Sep 2002|04:40am]
I want to die.
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Day off! [09 Sep 2002|03:31pm]
Ahhh, relaxation.
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Birthday! [28 Aug 2002|11:34pm]
Ahhh, well my birthday is winding down, but I sure am not -- I've got lots of packing to do before we leave for Minnesota in the morning. Thanks to all of you who called or e-mailed wishing me a good day today, that was really sweet and I <3 you all. My birthday was very nice, except for the fact that I had to work tonight -- BITTER. But oh well, I'm off for 6 days, spending it with the family in Minneapolis. Boom shaka laka.

So this will be the last post for a little while, unless I manage to find una computadora and type out a quick update. bai y'all.
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Sleepytime post :} [20 Aug 2002|11:20pm]
Work was a little crazy today, but thats a GOOD day for Ikea business standards. Hmm, what did I do today? -- I fixed a few displays in the showroom, made a couple of beds, did some re-packs, tidyed up a little in the department, and it was only my 3rd day on the floor. Tomorrow and Thursday are probably going to be more of the same of what I did today, then I'm off Friday and Saturday :D I did some looking around too and figured that it would only cost me 500 bucks to redo Charlie and I's bedroom. ONLY 500, HOORAY. On that note, pay-day is this week, but all my monies be saved yo.

I'm getting more 'pumped' about going to the Twin Cities soon -- woot, I want to go TOMORROW, but no, I have to wait a week/half. And I'm getting more excited about my birthday too ... still not too much though. Eh, birthday ... I think I just depressed myself, haha. So NEVERMIND.

Good night.
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Oh my fucking god. [20 Aug 2002|12:02am]
Hi Eric,

Congratulations, people are interested in meeting you! To make matches with these people, follow the link(s) below and click 'YES' or 'NO':

1 function| malfunction [09 Aug 2002|07:10pm]
HOORAY I got hired at Ikea - providing I passed a drug test, which I took earlier this afternoon. I SHOULD pass; I mean, I haven't done any drugs in quite some time... but nevertheless, I have the job, which is definitely a sigh of relief. It's just something in the interim, until I find something better paying - fuck the DC area for being so expensive to live in :(

Charlie and I have been having these on-and-off 'spats' - in other words, we've been driving each other insane during this whole 'trying time', with the move from FL and job searching, among other things. It certainly has been stressful, and we've been taking out a lot of our anxieties on each other ... I feel BAD, but SHIT - it just hasn't been a very good past couple of weeks for me.

Eek, and I realized that my BIRTHDAY is coming up and FAST ... I could seriously care less about that shit. 20 is a year of absolutely NO meaning, and it sucks because you feel old enough to drink, but you haven't reached the legal age to do so just yet. It's going to seriously just be a day like any other for me. GAH, can we just SKIP to 21 plz? Thx.

Thats all for this update, check back in later. :)

EAT SHIT :D [08 Aug 2002|11:50pm]
I am irritable, probably because I haven't had a cigarette in 24 hours - Charlie and I finally decided to quit. But eh, to describe my mood, irritable isn't really the half of it - poor Charlie knows what I'm talking about though, he's been the unknowing target of my 'outbursts' :(

*gnaws on arm*

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To the fag I love : [12 Jul 2002|09:26pm]
Happy anniversary Charlie :D
*hump hump*
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Hello. [09 Jul 2002|04:53am]
You know you're poor when you pay for your one pack of cigarettes with change you found all around the house.


I heart Valerie. [08 Jul 2002|01:02am]
eriktheFAGNON (1:00:41 AM): >:o>:o>:o>:o>:o
erik the homo (1:00:52 AM): MOM HAHAHA
erik the homo (1:00:55 AM): OMG
eriktheFAGNON (1:00:55 AM): you lose!
erik the homo (1:00:58 AM): :-(
eriktheFAGNON (1:01:02 AM): :-*
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Picture time? [06 Jul 2002|08:17pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | BT ]

Only thing worth updating.

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[28 Jun 2002|01:55am]
ghetho fab (1:53:02 AM): HAHAH
ghetho fab (1:53:04 AM): who knows.
ghetho fab (1:53:07 AM): stupid bitch

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *dies laughing*
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ROAR(*@#@&(*!@ [28 Jun 2002|01:54am]
Mmm, downloading both Slackware and FreeBSD... that = excitement for me, hooray :D In hopes I could possibly get Slackware up and running tonight, I've allotted about 5 hours... hope thats enough :\ goddamit.

Okay, so theres a lot to be done in preparation for this impending move, more so than I had originally thought. God I hate moving. I HATE IT. I mean, I hate the actual 'moving' of articles and material from one place to the other. I wish it could magically transport itself. A BOY COULD ONLY WISH >:O

I've decided my next computer is going to be a Mac, prolly an iMac... I'm sick and fucking tired of windows constantly doing something to irk my ass, whether its fucking gator/cydoor ad/spyware cluttering up my registry or my goddamn cable modem having bandwidth latency problems because windows keeps changing all my tcp/ip settings. FUCK MICROSOFT. Goal - run a completely Microsoft product-less box. IT WILL HAPPEN.

ROAR. I'm feeling hella bitchy, so I'm listening to Madison avenue... something I haven't done since living in Pittsburgh. AND WHY ARE FUCKING RANDOM PITTSBURGH PEOPLE IM'ING ME, I MOVED FROM THERE 3 MONTHS AGO EAT SHIT KTHX. And they are all SHOCKED that I'm NOT THERE... ugh. One of the reasons why I hate my SN 'ghetho fab' b/c too many random people know it.

okay, enough bitching :D

[22 Jun 2002|10:02pm]
Something has GOT to give.

I'm especially hostile today, I'm really not sure why. I've said something cunty to just about everyone who's talked to me today. Maybe I'll throw myself into the shower to cool off then crawl into bed and just sleep this funk off. Speaking of which, I haven't been sleeping that well at all, maybe a maximum of 5 hours at a time - and I just ran out of cigarettes and am not really all that keen on going to get more. I'll prolly end up going to grab a pack a little later as a way for some fresh air out of this apartment, but its raining cats and dogs outside right now, so cigarettes can wait...

but shower cannot.

YaY [16 Jun 2002|08:27pm]

You are Pink!

You are a fun-loving party girl. You like to shock people, and keep them guessing
with your tough/tender exterior. You pride yourself on being unique, and standing out
in a crowd. Your popularity guarantees a bright future, with lots more excitement to come!

Take the "Which Empowered Female Artist Are You" Quiz
made by liberalfaerie and violatedjoy
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the bells be tollin' yo. [14 Jun 2002|08:59pm]
"It's just you and me baby, down this long open road called life.
Always and forever.
Just you and me."

Vermont, here we come... someday soon.
More to come, details soon.

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Another fucking survey... can you tell I'm bored? [14 Jun 2002|02:57am]
I see: my computer screen?
I need: To go to bed.
I find: myself completely and utterly bored.
I want: some good food.
I have: a boring life.
I wish: a future full of happiness :)
I love: Charlie
I hate: being bored and having nothing to do.
I miss: Charlie
I fear: being alone..
I feel: keyboard keys? heh.
I hear: MY WIFE RUDI BAHKTIAR on Headline news! :D
I smell: my bedroom and its familiar smell.
I crave: Chocolate?
I search: for nothing in particular.
I wonder: what exactly I'm missing.

When was the last time you...
Smiled?: Today.
Laughed?: Today.
Cried?: couple days ago.
Bought something?: Denny's for Charlie and I yesterday morning.
Danced?: All the motherfucking time. :D
Were sarcastic?: Today
Kissed someone?: Today.
Talked to an ex?: Who cares.
Watched your favorite movie?: 'its been awhile'... actually, yesterday :D
Had a nightmare?: I've had some whacked out dreams, but no nightmares.

A Last time for everything...
Last book you read: affirmations for artists.
Last movie you saw: skurry movie 2
Last song you heard: Rascal and Klone - Galactic Jam
Last thing you had to drink: Code red mountain dew
Last time you showered: around 8am or so.
Last thing you ate: ghetto spagetti :D

Do You...
Smoke?: Yep.
Do drugs?: eh, whatever.
Have sex?: Yes.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: My big ass polar bear was supposed to come today.
Live in the moment?: I try to.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: YES!
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: I used to - eggs in chessboard lands with swords. Go figure.
Play an instrument?: in 4th grade I played Clarinet.
Believe there is life on other planets?: Of course there is... you'd be naive to think otherwise.
Remember your first love?: The person I convinced myself I was in love with? Yes. The only person I've been in love with - We're still together.
Still love him/her?: Until the end of time?
Read the newspaper?: Online, hahah.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Not too many in Florida, but I have some up and down the east coast..
Believe in miracles?: certainly.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Absolutely.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Occasionally.
Consider love a mistake?: Lust is a mistake, Love is bout' it bout' it.
Like the taste of alcohol?: Mmmm, bacardi SILVER.
Have a favorite candy?: gummi bears.
Believe in astrology?: Of course.
Believe in magic?: I believe in Illusions, but not fucking magic.
Have any secrets?: Of course I do.
Have any pets: My dog Tyler, WAY BACK in VA.
Do well in school?: I flunked senior year... my bad.
Go to or plan to go to college?: Eventually.
Have a major?: something to do with Network administration or Computer Science
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: Yes! Because I don't value my online privacy AT ALL.
Wear hats?: bandanas?
Have any piercings?: Not at the moment
Have any tattoos?: No.
Hate yourself?: No.
Have an obsession?: CHEWING ON EVERYTHING.
Have a secret crush?: No.
Do they know yet?: I DON'T HAVE A SECRET CRUSH.
Collect anything?: I collect pennies :)
Have a best friend?: Charlie, Kaity, Michael hooker, some other cunt bitches?
Wish on stars?: No.
Like your handwriting?: it looks decent.
Have any bad habits?: laziness, no motivation.
Care about looks?: Yes.
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: Yes..
Friends and other people?: Sure :)
Like ending surveys?: The End.

[14 Jun 2002|02:35am]
damn, RUDI BAHKTIAR looks damn good tonight.
the only headline news girl thats fierce :D
*humps TV*

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