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Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
12:32 pm
Today is dreadfully dull for a Tuesday...

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Monday, August 26th, 2002
9:42 am
How utterly boring can a journal be ;)

Problem is, I don't really do short entries. It's usually long winded or nothing, and since I usually only post on here during off moments at work I don't really have a lot of time for 'long winded'.

I'm skipping on upgrading to the other apartment. I'll see this lease through, reap the financial rewards, then get myself a halfway decent place. Living solo is boring though, I'm thinking i'll have to find me some housemates when I get around to relocating.

Breakfast burrito and OJ for breakfast this morning. Yummay.

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Thursday, August 22nd, 2002
10:13 am
It was nice seeing her again. Dinner at Fernandos, a couple of margaritas and then a nice walk a few blocks down to yummi yogurt. yummy. Good company and good food makes for a great evening. I'll have to do that again some time.

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Wednesday, August 21st, 2002
1:48 pm
Every Wednesday is our working lunch. The dept. takes over a conference room and discusses the hot topics du jour, usually various things involving coding new stuff or fixing old stuff. Don't get me wrong, it's a cool group of mostly twenty somethings but man, a hot lunch and discussions about programming for an hour... I'm surprised the standard sign that the meeting is over isn't the sound of my forehead hitting the conference table after I slip into unconciousness.

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9:30 am
Today is the one of those days where I can't wait until I can climb into bed tonight. :P

current mood: blah
current music: random office noise

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Tuesday, August 20th, 2002
12:47 pm - Mildly Contemplative
It's interesting to be at a point where my life is on a relatively even keel. Everything is far from perfect mind you, but that doesn't mean it's bad, just that there is room for improvement. Last year was bad without any chance of improvement unless extreme measures were taken at self delusion. Luckily I was able to stay my course and work my way through the difficult things without pushing them aside or finding the quick and easy answer. And luckily my friends didn't smother me in my sleep in spite of my very very seldom spouting something that wasn't negative since I had to vent at some point.

So now life is good, primarily because with the haze of troubles past mostly thinned what is left is opportunity.

Granted, I haven't taken full advantage of that opportunity, but I've never been one to be hasty, and that's all the more reinforced by those that I know who would fall into that category. I barely understand those people who have such a burning need to categorize, classify in an instant in order to move on to the next thing. Most claim it's efficient but I tend to wonder how much they end up missing and how often down the road those same easily resolved issues return as big, floating question marks for these people. It's amazing how many people I've met that don't even take the simple steps to get to know themselves better. In the end they probably function better in day to day life than I do though. Life seems to function better when the cogs are greased with amounts of unreality and ignorance.

Tandoori Chicken, chick peas and long grain race. Not the best lunch, but not bad. ;)

Who knows what the next few months will hold...but personally, I see good things.

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Wednesday, August 14th, 2002
3:31 pm - Dilemma...
It seems the apartment upstairs is coming available next month. My landlord has offered it to me on the chance I want to 'upgrade' from my current apartment. My current apartment is a tiny, tiny, studio, maybe 275sq ft. My kitchen consists of a couple of cabinets, a tiny sink next to which are two burners and beneath this is my 'mini bar' sized refrigerator which is just big enough to contain a gallon of milk and about a half dozen beers. 1 Closet for all my stuff and a standing room only shower.

The new place is nearly 700sq ft. Has 4 closets, a real kitchen and a bedroom seperate from the main living area. Right now that's more space than i'd know what to do with, pathetic as it is, but it might allow me to think about having a normal life. The drawback is that my rent would nearly double. And this is the year of cutting back and getting rid of the outstanding debt that my lovely ex racked up for me. So I really shouldn't upgrade. I should stay were I am with my closet sized studio and suck it up. I mean, do I really want to pay an extra $6XX/month just so I don't have to choose between climbing over my office chair or my bed when I get home? There would be that added bonus of actually being able to have guests over as well.

Bah. The answer is no, of course, that's like $7,200 more per year I could save not paying that extra $6XX/month. is tempting :(

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Tuesday, August 13th, 2002
2:30 pm - Science for the good of 'man'kind
New York University researchers writing in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that sex-abstaining women and women whose partners wear condoms were more frequently depressed and concluded that hormones in semen may enter the bloodstream and pep women up (May). And Concordia University (Montreal) researchers reported that their PT141 drug seems to encourage female rats to solicit sex from males three times as often as they otherwise would and are scheduling human trials (May). And Hebrew Rehabilitation Center (Boston) researchers found that the grain in beer (which men consume far more than women) must be a major reason why men suffer less osteoporosis (July). [New York Post, 5-20-02] [BBC News, 5-20-02] [ (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition), 7-4-02]

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Monday, August 12th, 2002
2:01 pm - I love where I live..
Late afternoon/early Sunday evening one of my four neighbors in my rental unit and I fired up the barbecue and grilled up various meat products (including Salmon patties from Trader Joe's which weren't all that bad at all).

Mild summer day with a cool breeze keeping the heat off, aided by having an ice cold beverage in hand. Ahhhh..great way to spend the last part of the weekend.

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Friday, August 2nd, 2002
11:24 am
No news is good news eh?

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Tuesday, July 30th, 2002
8:49 am - er...Pilot Whales aren't too bright it seems.
You have to wonder if rescuing mass strandings of whales is countering Darwinism at work and preserving whales with faulty instincts. In the long run this will equal more Forest Gumps in the whale community, leading to more strandings than we can interfere with resulting in the deterioration of the quality of genetic stock for Pilot Whales.

Or maybe they found it so much fun to be stranded on Monday that they all decided to do it again on Tuesday. I think they need to find the 6 whales that DIDN'T restrand themselves and give them a gold star, because, well, you know..Whales have big foreheads to put it on, and besides, they probably don't like cookies.

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Monday, July 15th, 2002
10:58 am
I think I need to either become a coffee drinker or a breakfast person. Otherwise I'm a zombie for hours in the mornings.

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Thursday, July 11th, 2002
8:33 am
Ugh my apartment was hot last night. Ended up getting up at 2am and opening my front door. Figured it was more important to risk getting mugged by a hopelessly lost villainous type than it was to risk spontaneously combusting.

At least unlike Arizona the heat goes away at night. Even though I grew up there I still remember thinking that there was something seriously wrong when it could still be 103 at 1am in the morning.

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Wednesday, July 10th, 2002
9:20 am
Ok, that's it. I'm going to Bali. And if you want, I'll let you come along with me.

beach chairs laid out on white sand..sipping umbrella drinks from a coconut...

bright blue skies overhead, with wisps of pure white clouds...

the crisp sizzle of waves kissing the sandy beach..tickling your toes as they roll away

again...providing a cooling contrast to the warmth of the sun..

a cool breeze plays across your skin balancing the heat of the the distance rainbow colored sails pull boats across the cobalt blue ocean in front of you...

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Tuesday, July 9th, 2002
12:49 pm
Evidently I bought the wrong flavor of ant trap. They're supposed to go crazy over the free buffet, but so far they're treating it ant trap :P

Last time I went the homebrew route. Bought some boric acid (white powdery stuff), powdered sugar and another type of ant killer that came in little pellets. Ground it all up apothecary style then sprinkled it here and there. Ants loved the stuff. Muahahaha.

Bah. It's hot. Not Arizona hot, but still hot enough for us pasty bay area people. bleagh.

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Monday, July 8th, 2002
11:06 am
Hmm...I didn't watch fireworks over the 4th. Wanted to avoid any chance of melancholy (and it worked :) I think I'll catch them next year though.

Went in to work on Friday. Twas a ghost town here. Not much to say about that day.

Saturday. I went shopping. Finally broke down and bought a ton of kitcheny things. My studio barely has an excuse for a kitchenette (2 burners, no oven, mini fridge). It's my year of living sparsely to chip away at debt and small accomodations are part of the tightened budget. However, I finally couldn't stand microwaving or eating out any more and had to get enough things to prepare food that involves boiling and simmering and frying etc. If that works out I'll looking into getting a toaster oven so I can try the more complicated, yet ever popular, baking and toasting type things.

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Tuesday, July 2nd, 2002
2:16 pm - I...I....I belive you have my sthtapler

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Friday, June 28th, 2002
2:33 pm
Well, so far it's been a completely underwhelming Friday. Paid bills, fixed some stuff in the lab, now I get to play editor on a couple of App Notes.


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Thursday, June 27th, 2002
4:28 pm
Fickle fancy fish fled, fomenting forth, from frothing, foamy fjords for fear frightfully fast floes far fetched forced forward, freezing food, families, friends and foes flawlessly.

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1:42 pm
The Declaration of Independence also has God in it. Soooo, does that mean it's unConstitutional even though it predates the Constitution, and, if so, does that mean we are still subject to the Crown of England?

We should make those people that don't want to say the pledge sing that damn I'm Proud To Be an American country song every morning in school. That'd teach em to knock the pledge.

Either that or fill the pledge with legalese covering all deities of recognized religions or theological beliefs. Hell, just make it multiple choice.

....One nation under a) God b)Jehova c)Allah d)Other e)None of the Above

It might sound a bit jumbled at that point, but everyone could put on their little happy hats at that point.


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