randi's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in randi's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, May 14th, 2002
    8:45 pm
    6:25 pm
    6:23 pm
    FUCK MAN I WAS ALMOST POISON. this is ok though.

    which 80s hair band are you?

    this quiz was made by colleen
    6:09 pm
    well sirs, i have officially started the no - eating for 5 days diet. im going out when i get home and i have to start wearing clothes like that again. so my final weight is 133. to me, THAT IS HORRIBLE. THAT IS FUCKING HORRIBLE. i am used to.......... 125 before i left home. then i got out here, and got down to 116. this is weird. i am weight obsessive. lets all eat pellets man. food sucks. we went to nates yesterday. they make smirnoff ice now in 40 ounces, so jason bought me one and said, 'this is so your style'. and i was glad. i called rachael tommorow, and she was at vinnys, so she made me excited to go clubbin' :D then she put jordan buckley on the phone and he told me i was hot and everyone thinks im hot. i said thanks. TOO BAD HIS BROTHER IS GORGEOUS. so then i told jason and he got really sad and nervous and said he was sick of buffalo boys............ be nervous about the midtown show. not jordan buckley. man, yesterday i was so excited to come home. then jason and i watched the masters on tv and had a really nice time under the blankets and things like that. i love him so much. i really do............. and its WEIRD to feel like that about someone else. oh well. i will still have a great time when i get home. kim: h2o show. woo. you dont have to pay and we will have a great time. ed: TAKE ME TO MARCELLAS FOR SURE. thats about it. oh, and where is my period? its LATE. i am bring honestly 3 cameras home to take pictures with. WOO HOO MAN.

    Your the boy cut. You love to get out and be yourself. Getting down
    and dirty is a very familiar thing to you. You live an active live style
    and you simply love it, you go where life takes you.

    Which underwear are you?

    boy - cut underwear are seriously cool sometimes. jason liked them, and now he hates them......... yeah makes sense.

    Current Mood: indescribable
    Current Music: Daft Punk - One More Time
    Monday, May 13th, 2002
    7:19 pm
    im back!
    7:27 am
    sometimes live journal sucks a peen.
    Sunday, May 12th, 2002
    5:21 pm
    quizzes yay!

    discover what candy you are @ stvlive.com

    If I were a boy band I would be...


    This quiz was created by Krazy K. Take it here!

    I got axed by possibly the most enduring figure in horror.

    Find out How would you die in a horror movie?

    What Condom Are You?

    Which Rainbow Brite kid are you? By Growing.

    Find out which LifeSaver you are.

    Which tarot card are you?

    Where's your corner of the Twilight Zone?

    Take the Twilight Zone test!


    Take The Mu$ic Biz Whore Test

    pj harvey is hot.

    Which Rock Chick Are You?


    tired man. nap time.
    Saturday, May 11th, 2002
    8:47 pm
    dudes i just booked my flight to visit home! ill be home april 20 - may 8......... i feel bad 'cause mom had to buy the ticket though, and ill miss jason SO MUCH........... but please. marcellas, toronto, 'toronto', canada, downtown, KIM, midtown, h2o, tim hortons, HOCKEY PLAYOFFS WHERE PPL. ACTUALLY LIKE FUCKING HOCKEY, smoking weed, fredonia, amish flea market, seeing mom and dad <3, seeing my dog, eating good food................. YAY :D

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: H2O - One Life, One Chance
    Monday, May 6th, 2002
    7:05 pm
    first off, id like to say that jason has been at work since 2 and i really miss him. i hope that me being home for 3 weeks helps me get over him a bit instead of missing him like a crazy man. secondly, HAS ANYONE EVER READ THE MAKEOUTCLUB.COM MESSAGE BOARD???????????????? holy shit. that board has the fucking funniest things on it that i have ever read. PLEASE go their and check out some of the topics. it is ridicoulous. it is fucking cold here today. 60 degrees. i am REALLY excited about coming home. i get super happy then i think about jason and i get sad.......... WHY DO I DO THAT. FUCK. going home is not about that. besides, its only 19 days......... ahhhhhhhhh we'll see how things go when i get home. going to shows and going out should change things a little. i feel bad......... on our six month anniversary i am going to see H2O even though i PROMISED that i wouldnt. oh well. kim we will have fun. im bored. i better go exercise.

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: Snapcase - Target
    Sunday, May 5th, 2002
    2:24 pm
    haha i like that quiz ed MARCELLAS HERE WE COME. so i just made the BEST DANCE CD EVER. ed, and kim (because it has real mccoy on it) i will make yous copies and we will dance all night long. hehehehe. so i figured out another reason why im not too fond of orange county. punk rock is a form of mainstream here, man. now, im not saying thats the part i dislike, because if anything, THATS the real music; the music that really deserves to get played on the radio. but back home, punk rock is more of a like........... special thing. a unifying thing because honestly, the generic crowd which consists of the majority, isnt down with it and doesnt understand it. and thats what makes it such a nice scene back home........... people who like something a little different and are trying to keep it that way. i dont know if that makes sense to anyone else, but it does to me. so punk rock is huge out here but it is directly combined with regular shit and thats annoying. it takes the appeal of it away a bit. i cant wait to come home. i got so excited as soon as i woke up today, which was at 1:30. HAHAHA that is never normal. jason golfed all day. hes home now and ill go spend time with him. i have to go get my hair cut and buy new make - up. KIM H2O IS ON SUNDAY. the imports are opening. ROCK AND ROLL MAN SHOWS HERE I COME.

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: ATB - Let You Go
    Friday, April 19th, 2002
    12:57 pm
    hi sirs. i go home tommorow! actually, i leave for the airport at 4am, since it takes an hour to drive to LA. i am excited. i am REALLY excited. the h2o show is going to be really fun............. but i just got a weird feeling like when i see adam h2o and hes done playing and then he hugs me and hes sweaty. THAT HAPPENS EVERY TIME. so anyways, i miss my mom and dad............. seeing them is going to be super nice. courtney called me yesterday and she psyched that im staying home for 3 weeks. jason brought home loveburger yesterday (haha) and watched the hockey playoffs with me. even though im not supposed to be eating, i thought that was really sweet of him. hes a doll........ i love him too much. i dont want to think about him at all when im home though or ill get sad. 5 HOUR PLANE RIDE. FUCK. EW. i brought stephen king books.

    dudes, the midtown vs. drive - thru thing is OUT OF CONTROL. www.punkbands.com read it. it is so crazy!

    ok! everyone who reads this........... ill be home tommorow! I CANT WAIT! :D

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Real McCoy - Automatic Lover
    12:51 pm
    hi sirs. i go home tommorow! actually, i leave for the airport at 4am, since it takes an hour to drive to LA. i am excited. i am REALLY excited. the h2o show is going to be really fun............. but i just got a weird feeling like when i see adam h2o and hes done playing and then he hugs me and hes sweaty. THAT HAPPENS EVERY TIME. so anyways, i miss my mom and dad............. seeing them is going to be super nice. courtney called me yesterday and she psyched that im staying home for 3 weeks. jason brought home loveburger yesterday (haha) and watched the hockey playoffs with me. even though im not supposed to be eating, i thought that was really sweet of him. hes a doll........ i love him too much. i dont want to think about him at all when im home though or ill get sad. 5 HOUR PLANE RIDE. FUCK. EW. i brought stephen king books.

    dudes, the midtown vs. drive - thru thing is OUT OF CONTROL. www.punkbands.com read it. it is so crazy!

    ok! everyone who reads this........... ill be home tommorow! I CANT WAIT! :D

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Real McCoy - Automatic Lover
    Wednesday, April 17th, 2002
    9:49 pm
    taken off of the midtown web site, this is funny:


    So we rolled into Toronto and hung out all day... The weather was nice, kids were pleasant and we got accustomed to lots of "Ehs" and stuff like that.

    The show was a blast - 1200 kids screaming and singing along - well not to us all at the same time but at certain points throughout the night.

    Gabe wanted to buy a soap dish in Toronto but couldn't find one and he started to cry. He even tried some of the dollar stores close to the venue - but no dice as they say. I guess Canada hasn't heard of soap dishes before. Damn canucks. They've got Beaver Tails, Loonies, and Toonies, but no damn soap dishes. What's a young hip boy like Gabe supposed to do with his extra sensitive Dove?

    The show was awesome... After the show we split up. Rob hit up Amato for some vegan pizza and forgot his prized jacket there... Luckily our friends from The Takeover Group were on the ball and managed to pick that bad boy up... You should have seen Rob cry... I've never seen soooo many tears in my life. Seriously... It was like Rob's favorite puppy dog suddenly passed away.

    canada rules forever. can i please sit at tims and cafe mocha my life away.
    5:06 pm
    i am so tired. i cant go to bed before 3am. last night i tried and jason started shaking in his sleep and i got really scared and so did he so i stayed up to make sure he didnt do it again, and he stayed up to make sure he didnt do it because it scared me. i have to exercise.......... i had a luna bar. so my coming home weight is 128. ew. at least since i wont be working when i get home i can wake up early and exercise for like 2 hours straight........... that'll be so nice. i have to go run on the treadmill now RUNNING SUCKS, and watch some hockey playoffs even though the sabres are not in them :( damn it. yes! coming home soon! kim, when i come home can we go rollerblading for a whole day? that'll be great exercise. im obsessed.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: The Juliana Theory - Liability
    Tuesday, April 16th, 2002
    4:38 pm
    man, josh from the sloppy meat eaters gf molly is cute. i havent talked to them in so long. sometimes i wish i still dated someone in a band so i could meet nice people :D 4 days until homecoming WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    4:09 pm
    seriously ew
    oh my gosh. today i was cleaning mine and jasons room, and since our wood beam broke which we hang our clothes on, we now have to fold them and store them in cabinets. so, now we have no use for hangers, correct? yes correct. well im not a fucking slob so i decided i would box the hangers, all doing this while jason was at school today. so jason has two boxes full of crap it looks like under the desk. you know, papers, stickers, old show flyers, that kind of stuff. so i figure ill put the hangers in the big box and take all the stuff i though he would like saved in the small box. so i dump the small box out and what is the first thing i see? a fucking FRAT PARTY PICTURE from 1999 with jason, nate and nick. ok here are the ridicoulous things:

    1) jason was never in a frat. neither was nate or nick. if you're a guy, its kind of stupid to go to a frat party when you dont belong. believe me.
    2)jason nate and nick are PUNK ROCKERS. not frat guys.
    3)jason is so anti - frat guy. he hates them. he talks about it all the time.

    oh my gosh. do i have to say more? kim, YOU KNOW that everything i just described is exactly what I NEVER WANT IN A BOY. EVER. so honestly, i know i am a shallow bitch apparently, and this was in fact 3 years ago, my attraction level for jason has gone down a bit even though he looks completely different now. ew. ew. seriosuly he came home and thought i was looking through his stuff and i really wasnt, so then i told him about the picture and he got so embarassed and said 'dont ever bring that up again, the whole thing was a joke'. YEAH RIGHT. HAHAHAHA. so i honestly couldnt even really kiss him after seeing that because its gross and he doesnt get it. EW.

    Current Mood: nauseated
    Current Music: Madonna - Express Yourself
    Wednesday, April 10th, 2002
    8:06 pm
    hello sirs. it is cold outside now! like seriously 45 degrees it feels like. that cold for out, especially since its spring. so jason and i got into a HUGE fight when he got home. fucking huge. whatever, its fine now, but i am so glad im coming home soon........... im going to miss him so bad though. and im coming home for 2 1/2 weeks......... then hopefully, when i come back he'll be sad that im gone :D haha. im eating corn pops out of the box, and hes watching the angles game downstairs, so im going to go spend time with him now :D and guess what. the fucking sabres are now out of the playoffs. i am so mad i could punch someone in the face. where is my period. i feel weird today and i dont like it. fighting with the person i love more than anything in the world wears me out.

    Current Mood: weird
    Current Music: 311 - Amber
    3:22 pm
    3:08 pm
    3:06 pm
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