Thursday, November 7th, 2002
6:21 pm - you people talk but you don't even know me :X
so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I need a weekend. Heh, I saw that like everyday.. I am waiting for the Avril chat tonight. I hope I get to ask her a question =) I'll be happy =) Umm, not much happened at school today except idiots won't leave me alone :X Tomorrow I am gonna hang out with my nephews 'cause they are staying the night..and we'll probably end up going somewhere tomorrow night..dunno where..and Saturday night I am gonna babysit..and Sunday i'm Well, I am gonna go..
current mood: anxious current music: the click-GC
(things I'll never say)
Wednesday, November 6th, 2002
6:36 pm - Chill out, whatcha yellin for
I'm so bored..I just ate..haha.. Today was alright I guess. kinda sucked in a way but overall it was alright.. I am so bored. Hawaiian punch is good..mmmm!!!!! This is kinda a pointless update but oh well. I'm bored. I am gonna try to win something autographed by Avril..heh..I already have 2 things coming my way..but it don't hurt to try..haha..yes, I am so greedy :X ED is on tonight. I can't wait..I <3333 that show..well, nothing else to say..bye'd think that after 7 months i'd be tired of COMPLICATED..but no..haha
current mood: thirsty current music: Complicated-Avril
(things I'll never say)
Tuesday, November 5th, 2002
9:00 pm - why weren't you there all that nights we cried?
| was my field trip to the wonderful landfill..LMAO...haha... I missed a day of school though..well, we got back @ 2:30 and 8th period we got to talk that was good. ...I don't feel like telling about my whole day like i'll sum it up..
-went to the landfill..walked around on sum how that goes -after we went there we went to eat..they gave us 1 hour and 45 minutes to, after Liz and I ate we walked around the mall... -went to this recycling place -went back to school
yup. that sums it the mall I got the J-14 magazine 'cause Avril was in it..haha.. I am I think I am gonna go..bye
current mood: tired current music: movin' on- Good Charlotte
(things I'll never say)
Monday, November 4th, 2002
10:08 pm - I was such a sellout
I am so addicted to ebay!! So much stuff I want..since it's my bday soon( Nov 28th) maybe sum of my LJ friends can get me stuff? haha...just kidding.. lol Tomorrow I go to the landfill..oh, how exciting!!!!! I went there last year for ecology..and i am going this year for physical clue how it relates to physical science but umm..ok..haha I thought physical science had to do with Levers, pullys and what we were always taught..hmm *thinks* Anyways, I need more pics of Avril..Anyone have some they can give away? I'll trade you for almost anything 'cause I have tons of magazines..haha..seems like a crazy idea but ya!! I am's like a million degrees in here..blah Anyways..haha..I am not going to bed early 'cause we are going on a retarded field trip to the landfill..and maybe I can be lucky and fall asleep on the way.... Anyways, I need money..I want the sk8er boi promo single( 2.50 on eabay) haha...complicated promo, and some should see my walls..they are covered in Avril posters and all that..and I made a collage..haha..obsessed..ya, maybe..i'm just a really big fan..and I also have sum Hanson and ND stuff..and GC on my walls as well..but I need sum cash so I can go out and buy these little teeny bopper magazines she's in..hmm. Anyways, I'm heading to backbone to see what's happing on the message boards..and then i'll prob go to bed..haha..i'll tell you about my field trip when I get back tomorrow..mmmm i bet it will be so exciting..haha :P Night
current music: halo friendlies- Sellout
(things I'll never say)
Saturday, November 2nd, 2002
3:53 pm - I'm young and I'm hopeless
Friday, November 1st, 2002
10:21 am - I saw Good Charlotte last night ********
Well, I went to the GC concert in Toledo Ohio last night and it was AWESOME!! haha. It was like the best concert I have ever been to. OK. Well, we got there at like 7 and the show was suppose to start @ 7:30 but we ended up waiting outside in this long line for like forever and a year. By the time we actually got inside it was 8. It was so freakin cold out and then it started to rain a little bit. It was bad :X go inside and it's like this weird building. It reminded me of a barn on the wooden and oldish looking..ya know? haha...Anyways..everyone was filling up in the middle so me and my sister go on the side of the stage 'cause we figured it would be a better place to stand. We were front row just on the side..if that makes sense..but I could see the whole thing..which was good ..'cause I hate concerts when you can't see a thing..but I was really close so was awesome.. Well, the first band that played was the Halo Friendlies..Ahhh, they rawk!! should seriously check them out..I'm not saying you'll like them but you never know..
Anyways..they played for a while and then came Auto Pilot Off. They were alright. I didn't really seem that interested in them..i dunno why..I just didn't but they were alright.. I swear it took GC forever and a year to actually get was crazy..well, there was this girl standing right beside me and she was supposidely hurt..she had this scratch on her wasn't bad or anything.and she was crying and she got to go backstage..some girl who was taking pics for a magazine let her go nice..NOT FAIR..haha..she just lets her hang backstage for a while....haha..well, I called that lady over to me that let that girl backstage and she showed me a pic of her and Benji that she had taken on her Digital Camera and i was like "NO FAIR" I'm like "can you get these signed for me and take my camera and get a pic" she said she'd see what she could do..and she went back there and a few minutes later she came back with everything I wanted signed... :X ahhhhhhhh I was excited =0) hahahahaha....You see..I was on the right side of the stage and backstage was on the right..and it was kinda blocked off but you could still see ppl up over the stage..but anyways..I was right by the gate so that's how I talked to that girl to get that stuff signed. I wish I could have brought my note for GC..I regret it not..ahh..i hate that feeling..:X I wrote them a letter that day at school but I messed up so I was gonna rewrite it but never did..oh well..i'll write them in the mail or sumthing..anyways..back to the concert...since it was halloween they were dressed up... They looked so cute( minus Paul)..haha..I'm just kidding..Paul's awesome.. I don't know what they were all dressed as..Billy was wearing this long, white like doctors thing..but I dunno what he was suppose to be..haha..and Joel was wearing this white mask thing...hahaha....I dunno exactely..!! Oh, and Joel said he didn't feel good that night..he was running a fever..and his throat hurt ot sumthing..Awww..poor Joel..haha Anyways, they threw up candy =) made me happy.. They started off my doing that "a new beginning" Intro thing..and then they went into The Anthem..I forget the order they played everything in but they played wondering, the story of my old man, girls and boys, my bloody valentine, hold on, riot girl, the young and the hopless, and movin on....and from the old cd they played Little things, Waldorfworldwide, motivation proclamation, east coast anthem, and seasons... haha..they played lifestyles like practically was weird.. Anyways..during the show they were so talkative...Benji is like "I only respond to Bitch." was hilarious.. Everyone was crowd surfing and it was just crazy..It was the best...You just had to have been there.. After the show..I went over to buy some "gear"..haha..that's what I call it...I got a white GC shirt, some pins of GC, umm a Halo friendlies poster, pins from them..and I think that's all..I had Halo Friendlies sing my poster and I got a pic with one of the girls from the band...It was awesome.. ahhh, I can't even drscribe how awesome it was..hahaha..
Anyways, It's friday..I need a weekend...I'm tired..
current mood: thankful current music: seasons- GC
(2 things | things I'll never say)
Wednesday, October 30th, 2002
10:19 am - 'cause we lost it all. nothing lasts forever I'm sorry I can't be perfect
don't say a word. I know you feel the same. just give me a sign. say anything. say anything. Please don't walk away. I know you wanna stay. Just give me a sign say anything. say anything.
iurt34ut I can't wait till the GC/SP concert tomorrow..ahh, i can't'm excited..I hope I meet Good Charlotte and Simple Plan..'cause I love them sooo much..haha..ok..i'll stop :X
haha..anyways, nothing really new. Tomorrow is halloween..and I was gonna go for the Avril look but I kinda wanna wear my GC shirt tomorrow =) and LIZ is giving me her TP with Avril on it =) more pics for my wall..I have one side completely's awesome
I am talking to Steve on ICQ..i like to bug's soooo friggin haha..I won't get back from my concert till like 3 in the morning..hahahaha..oops...I hope i don't get hurt..i don't wanna be getting punched in the ribs and stuff..ya know..well, i'm out..later
current mood: tired current music: Good Charlotte- young and the hopeless
(1 thing | things I'll never say)
Tuesday, October 29th, 2002
8:43 am - You better lose yourself in the music!!!
Message to LIZ( elizabethb)- Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted-In One moment Would you capture it or just let it slip?
You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
*************** hahahahahhaha..that makes me laugh..hahahaha..I am hyper..I was on the phone with Liz..and i was singing to LOSE YOURSELF by EMINEM..hahahahahaha..LOL..What's wrong with me? haaaaaahahahha..LOL..ok..i'll stop
:X Anyways, just wanted to do a pointless update 'cause I'm bored
Liz- Angelina Jolie here :() sorry, I had too..nothing mean or like it?
* if you had one dollar would you spend it? or would you save it? * you better save that dollar you might need it to hollar back yo..dont walk out that door without your dollar..give me a hollar..hollar back at me yo* :P I am retarded..LMAO..hahahahahahahahahah..
current mood: silly current music: la la la la la life's like this..on my BLOCK>>LMAO
(1 thing | things I'll never say)
Monday, October 28th, 2002
8:21 pm - i'm gonna close my eyes and maybe it will go away
3 days till I see Good Charlotte and Simple Plan!! I can't wait!!! I got my pics developed tonight...haha..I <3333 them..I tried calling amanda but she's at her mom's..I wanted to tell her about them.. haha..prob going skating again next satuday anyways.. I'm listening to NO DOUBT right now....I am gonna get off and prob go watch some TV and go to bed....soooo night*
current mood: happy current music: waiting room- No Doubt
(4 things | things I'll never say)
Sunday, October 27th, 2002
8:38 am
I emailed ClosetMonster a few days ago and I got a response..for those of you who don't know who they are..well, Mark( the one who left Avril's band) is in that group..I emailed's what he responded back
hey, thanks for the note. its really cool that people understand why i left avril cause at first everyone thought i was crazy. but i just had to follow my heart. just wanted to write you back and say your note was appreciated as well as your support. :) ... london*
--every revolution needs a soundtrack-- love... closet monster**
haha..I love Mark..he's so nice.. Anyways, Me and Amanda went skating last was sooo much fun..I need to get my pics developed..hahaha.. There is more to tell..but I'll tell later..'cause I gotta get off 'cause I'm not reallu suppose to be on..and I gotta get ready in a bit for my nephews bday party..later
(2 things | things I'll never say)
Thursday, October 24th, 2002
5:27 pm - he was a sk8er boi..she said see ya later boi..
blah, I have to study for my Global Studies test..and an English test.s,qkej8743y58436y this sucks!!!! oh well. I'm just happppy that tomorrow is Friday. Tomorrow night I'm staying the night at manda's so i prob won't update till Sunday..'cause I'm going there right after school..and then Josh is suppose to come over..and work on the then the next day..she's gonna come over..and we are gonna go skating that night.......CAN'T WAIT till's soo much fun. This time I'm gonna bring my blades.. =P I'm so tired..I ate baby food vanilla stuff..mmmmmm.... Well, I think I am gonna go..need to study...and study hall teacher makes me mad..
current mood: busy current music: oeu6by8756 none
(things I'll never say)
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2002
6:33 pm - concert and skating..oh
can't wait till my GC concert....8 days.. :P I'm like really hyper..haha..skating this weekend..can't wait..hahaaaaahahahahahahahah....and my concert...ok..i'll stop..gotta check email..and ED IS ON TONIGHT>>UH HUH..oh ya..who's gonna watch ed? MEEEEE..I AM.... gawd, what is wrong with me :X
current mood: hyper
(things I'll never say)
3:51 pm - Avril's Halloween message ..LMAO
I am a member of Avril's Official fanclub, Back Bone, and she left us all a message. It was awesome..LOL...she was making ghost sounds and stuff... I am eating graham crackers..and I almost ate an entire pack myself..NOT A a little package with like 8 in them..LMAO..They are soooo good though..and I hardly had lunch..oh, and I'm drinking milk..yum Well, today is Wednesday..TODAY SUCKED..I'm serious..... but anyways..can't wait till this weekend..Friday we're gonna work on the saturday and amanda and I are going skating....and we don't have school Monday..yayyy *LAter*
current mood: happy
(3 things | things I'll never say)
Sunday, October 20th, 2002
8:38 pm
I am so tired. Arg, school tomorrow =( oh I think I'm gonna go to bed soon 'cause I am extremely tired..but usually when I say that..I never go to bed early..well, you know how that goes....I'm listening to Kelly Clarkson right now.. =) I bought that single a few weeks ago..haven't really listened to it in a I am..I like it... Well, today I went shopping with my mom and my sister..We went to the mall. I got a Good Charlotte shirt and these red and black arm are awesome....and tomorrow Amanda is giving me my GC armband thingy...she got one as well.. Hmm, I was watching some of WILLY WONKA..I love that movie..but I didn't watch it all..'cause my nephews and neice and bro and all them came I hung out with them for a while.. Well, I'm gonna go..later
current mood: tired current music: Kelly Clarkson- Before your love
(2 things | things I'll never say)
10:56 am - wondering
I'm so bored. Just took a shower..and am waiting for my sister to come back over..she spent the night..but she's going shopping with she needed to go home and get ready.. and I'm hungry..waiting for my I get to drive today...heh..lucky me..I'm going to the mall...I think..and then we're gonna go see my brother..or something..and I need to talk to Danielle or Jenna to see if I can go skating in Oakwood with Jack...he's in charge of the youth group..I went last year but I was in JR HIGH then..and it's only suppose to be for JR HIGH...but a lot of Juniors went last I bet I'm gonna go...
current mood: indescribable current music: wondering-GC
(1 thing | things I'll never say)
Saturday, October 19th, 2002
8:11 pm
ahhhhh, can't wait till my Good Charlotte and Simple Plan Amanda got my a GC wristband =)...... Today I saw White Oleander with Liz..I liked it..
current mood: happy current music: GC
(things I'll never say)
Thursday, October 17th, 2002
7:58 pm - *complicated*
gotta study for my 75 questions drivers ed test..heh...lucky me...should be easy...heh..if i study a little more.. Umm, tomorrow is Friday..this week went by soooo fast... Saturday I'm going to see White Oleander with gotta run to alex's real quik..left my trapper.. =( lol..later
current mood: weird
(8 things | things I'll never say)
7:58 pm - *complicated*
gotta study for my 75 questions drivers ed test..heh...lucky me...should be easy...heh..if i study a little more.. Umm, tomorrow is Friday..this week went by soooo fast... Saturday I'm going to see White Oleander with gotta run to alex's real quik..left my trapper.. =( lol..later
current mood: weird
(things I'll never say)
2:46 pm - *Thursday*
HI!! We are on the phone with Ballinger.....and we are calling ppl...Ballinger joined our band =)
@_@ ) ____
current mood: silly
(2 things | things I'll never say)
Tuesday, October 15th, 2002
12:43 am - to be lost before your found don't mean your losing
I have been listening to "falling down" since like I got this cd on I <33333 the song so much =) and they are planning Avril's tour right now..picking cities and I can't wait till they announce them..GC and Avril
current mood: bitchy current music: fallin down- Avril
(things I'll never say)