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wasted & ready

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quickie. as in journal entry, not sex. [29 Aug 2002|07:50pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | sugarcult - pretty girl ]

lake chelan was fun. i wanted to go parasailing herra bad but i didn't because i was too lazy to check prices. my brother and i came home last night. the parents are coming home tomorrow or saturday. hopefully saturday. i got off work today and tomorrow. and next friday too cuz i think that's when i'm gonna leave for california. we'll see. i might be staying the night at matt's tonight because it didn't work out last night. sooo umm. yeah. oh, i lost 5 lbs and i'm pretty stoked. i'm tan too. my new favorite color is green (like real green not forest green or seafoam green blah blah). but i still love red. hmm i hung out with stoney today<3 i love her. and that's pretty much it. ohhhh wait my bro cut his afro today and it made me so happy i wanted to die. now i'm gonna watch the vmas i think until matt calls and i find out what's going on. later...

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[25 Aug 2002|04:47pm]
[ mood | lazy ]

yesterday really sucked. i was exhausted all day. i worked at the stand with jess and then babysat from 1-11. it sucked herra bad.

but anyway, i came home and crashed like a motha. i woke up today feeling like shit. i thought i was getting better but i could barely swallow this morning. my throat is being the biggest bitch. it hurts a lottt. but i worked out this morning with stoney and the gang and then came home. mom and i went tanning later on and i burned the shit out of myself because i hadn't gone in at least a month? or something? so i'm a fucking tomato. it's cool, yo. then we stopped by the stand and katie was working so she made me a big train and we ended up talking about jerry springer and batman. umm then mom and i stopped for lunch and came home and i took a shower.

tomorrow i leave for lake chelan with the fam. i need to work on my burn... like, make it into a tan. especially if i'm going to cali. then matt and i come back home tuesday night or wednesday. i work thursday and friday then leave friday night. err hopefully anyway.

i gotta do laundry and pack. and call mike. and change my doctor appointment. and buy shampoo.

<3 kara

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[24 Aug 2002|11:43pm]
i.... worked... for...... 14 hours... today........ must... sleep... now......
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[24 Aug 2002|12:59am]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | some system of a down song ]

went to work at jenn's (10:30-3:30). got offered a job to continue working there during school. that's pretty cool i guess.

after that i drove over to the stand and hung out with lindsey for a while. it was so hot we were like saying the dumbest shit (example, while we were counting the till: me- "i got $7.41 in dimes", lindz- "ok cool. wait... how'd you get 7.41 in DIMES retard?") anyway, yeah it was fun. and hot.

uhhmmm... then i went home, changed, and picked her up at her apartment and we went to p-rowdy and hoagie's softball game and met up with sarah and hum. all her friends are so cool and laid back, i love it. after that like a parade of 5 cars followed me and lindz back to her place (blasting avril, ohhh yeahhh!) and more people came too. sabian, sarah #2, natasha, john, um some blonde chick with a green shirt, joe, etc. there were like 15 of us all cramped up in her apartment. fun times. we drank a lil smoked a lil what whaaaaat. it was a pretty good time. then mike called but under a private number so i was like wtf and didn't answer until the fucking 3858357th time he called. and then i left. and i'm supposed to call him in like 20 minutes when he gets home.

so yeah anyway. lindsey calls me her "shy friend" which sucks cuz i'm not really TOO shy but all her friends are so wild and crazy it makes me out to be the shyest. ohhhh well.

i went to jizzack in the bizzox on the way home and got a #2 with water so i don't wake up hungover tomorrow. and im about to pop a couple advil so it'll be alllll good. i gotta wake up at like 8 tomorrow. and i still gotta talk to mike. sheeeeeeeeyit neegahhhhhhhh.

oh well. goodnight. xoxoxooxxxoooooooo fuckers.<3

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[21 Aug 2002|10:19pm]
[ mood | middle finger = up ]

some dude tried to rob lindsey today while she was working at the stand. she goes "what the hell! you don't have a gun. get the fuck out of here!!!" so he ran off. dude, only lindsey would say that shit. mom and i went up there to help her close because she was kinda freaked out. but anyway, the shitface jumped a fence and the police came (like seriously 10 cars... what?!?) and i guess he had already robbed 3 other stands in the area. i tried to watch the news to see if they caught him yet but nothing was on about it. haha lindsey is so ballsy.

and ummmmmm yeah. america sucks. i can't believe tamyra was voted off!!! i wanna shit on someone's face. like, when it was announced that she had been voted off i collapsed to the floor and was like "nooooooooooooooooo!!! omgomgomgomg" and my mom goes "OH! MY! GOD! i cant believe this, this is just insane i can't believe this" we're so addicted. oh holy hell. i was sooo sure that tamyra and kelly were gonna be the top 2 and i was gonna be so happy because then i wouldn't care who won, cuz they both rule. but now, if nikki or justin wins i'm gonna fucking.... i don't know. but that will suck a LOT. i think i had a mild heart attack or something just now.

shit dawg, i better take it easy.... peace.

oh wait. if anyone wants to sell me their SUPER NINTENDO let me know! i <3 diddy kong and if i could play it everyday, that would be like... excellent.

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[20 Aug 2002|10:39pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | the doors - light my fire (...shuttup julie) ]

i definitely splurged and got the cd player for my car with the dolphin screensaver.... but i didn't even think twice about getting it, so that's a good thing- right? plus i got free speakers!

american idol sucked tonight.

oh yeah, i finally cleaned out my trunk from when i went camping with the gay/lesbian convention. hmmm when was that? 3 weeks ago? im gross.

no work tomorrow. work on thursday. work on friday. work on saturday (2 different shifts). off on sunday.

shit i need to get another class and pay tuition.

and clean my room.

that is all. <3 goodnight <3

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so random. so pure. so precious. [20 Aug 2002|01:08am]
...s u r v e y... )
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i know this is totally hypocritical but... [19 Aug 2002|11:40pm]
to whom it may concern:

if you wanna say something to me, say it. if something is bothering you, tell me. don't fucking be a pussy and sit back and worry about saying something wrong. i know i'm a pussy and i do the same thing so i really shouldnt be saying this but you know how i am; i AM a full-blown pussy. but you aren't. stop holding shit inside... i hate it so much when i find out that someone has wanted to say something to me and they just sit back all mute, avoiding it and shit. just let me know. thanks.

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[19 Aug 2002|11:30pm]
[ music | you kissed me... but you meant it... ]

"the scent of your hair that you twirled in your fingers..."

anyway. today i lounged around feeling like shit and droppin advil like it aint no thang. i watched trl because r.j. <3 was on and his teeth were as white as ever! then um, i went to best buy and circuit city with my mom to look at cd players for my car. i want the one with the dolphin screensaver on it but ya know, that's a little too expensive i think. so if i get this other one i want that's a tidbit on the cheaper side, i'll be able to get new speakers too. that would be coo. so whatever, i didn't buy one today but i think i will tomorrow.

after shopping around, mom and i went to sbc and got naughty toddys. i introduced her to THE RULE: we don't talk until we finish eating the whipped cream/chocolate syrup/white choc flakes on top first. she thought it was a stupid rule but she followed through with it like a true naughty toddy champ. i was very proud of her.

when i got home i came online for a while and then ate dinner. then stoney called so we went to the gym even though we were both illin'... but only did our cardio for a half hour instead of 45 minutes. then went over to her house and watched road rules + sorority life and ate popsicles. i was very happy that sarah was voted off. and i think all the sisters except for jordan and mara are fucking annoying.

yea... that's it bye.

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[18 Aug 2002|09:15pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | suck it ]

i'm so pissed right now it's not even funny. meg and i were gonna go to BFD 4 tomorrow which is this all day concert thing kiss 106.1 is putting on with avril lavigne, o-town, michelle branch, p. diddy, mario, bbmak, etc. and like... grrrrrrrrrrrrr. i called meg to confirm that we were going and she goes, "ok so it's on friday, right?" and im like "NOOOOOOO MEGANNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!" and she goes "YOU TOLD ME FRIDAY!!!" and i was like "damnit no it's tomorrow!" and so yeah. we aren't going now. and i was really looking forward to it. not the performers especially but it would have been fun i think. goddamnit. today sucks. cut my throat out because it's killing me, and take my head while you're at it cuz that shit is pounding and then hey, why don't you just kill me. that would be sweet. FUCK ME.

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[18 Aug 2002|03:12pm]
[ mood | sh to the itty ]

if i could just stop being sick on the one day this week i don't have jack shit to do, that would be awesome. thanks.

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[17 Aug 2002|08:38pm]
[ mood | mythroatiskillingme.com ]

went to work (jenn's) from 8:30-3. came home and chilled for a while then went to work out with stoney. after the gym we went over to her house and made margaritas and watched dating shows + comedy central. i <3 her when she's drunk!! she's fuckin hilarious. ummm i came home. talked to ben and mike. slept, kinda.

woke up hellllla early. went to work with lindsey until 12:30. followed her to her apartment. joe was there so we hung out for a while and then he left so we watched the warped tour block of vids on mtv2, the gameshow network, and nicktoons while we waited for mindy to get there. around 3 we left for downtown but stopped first to get bottled waters and i got gas and strawberry cough drops because my throat hurt soooooooo bad. THENNNN we fucking drove around foreverrrrr trying to find parking but finally found this cheap parking garage. so then we walked down by the piers and shit to hemp fest. whutwhut! hemp fest was off tha heeeeeeeezy!! i saw heather and i kept looking around for matt but i didn't see him. aw. but then we saw kieran and some of his friends. kieran was playing a congo drum hahaha what a fruitcake. it was so fun though. i bought a phatty shell bracelet from this jamaican dude for 5 bucks or something. i love it! god, it was hot today and there were so many people there... the whole time lindz was like "you gotta try the ganja balls!!!" and kieran was like "totally. you need the cinnamon sugar ones!" but we didn't see anyone selling them until we were leaving. sucked. but oh well. it was fun!!

mindy + lindz

we got some tourist dude to take a pic of us haha he was coo
hemp fest chicks, yo
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[15 Aug 2002|11:13pm]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | matt's cd, yo ]

i can't stop smiling!!!! im such a cheeseball!

i had to be to jenn's by 10:30 so i stopped by the stand first and mara was working so she made me an iced french vanilla latte and then i watched the kiddies til 3:30. it was coo. we watched 'baby geniuses' and 'the little vampire' and ate a shitload of hostess crap. like those mini chocolate donuts and twinkies. mmmmmmmmmm - NOT! i can't believe i get paid to watch movies and eat donuts. i mean, c'mon now! that's just insane (in the membrane?)!!!!

anyway, after that i went to the stand because i was gonna cover for lindsey so she could go get her new apartment keys between 4-6 but i guess the lady called her and she's not moving in until tomorrowwwww. sucks! so i stayed there with her anyways and helped her close and then came home.


hmm stoney and i nixxed (i've never used that word before in my whole entire life why did i just type it??) our workout plans because it was way too hot out again! so instead i called matt and came home and showered and ate dinner real fast (a BOMB dinner, i must add... veggie lasagna<3) and then as i was walking out to my car my mom goes "hey kara come here" and she talked to me about how she thinks my brother is smoking or something because she "smelled it on his hands" (how? i do not know...) and she's all worried. i'd laugh HELLA hard if he really has been smoking because i remember when he was like 10 he gave my aunt and uncle these "why smoking sucks" pamphlets or something and tried to get them to quit. hahahhaaha fucking moron! so i was like "no mom don't worry" etc etc. just to get her to shut up so i could go to matt's. (i love you mom!)

soooo ummmmmmmm.... matt and i hung out for a while and i renamed one of his cats "HIT-LAAHHH" cuz he looked like hitler with this little black patch of fur on his face. hahaaha. then we got starbucks and walked the "ballard strip" for a while and went back to his apartment and watched my american idol tape (FUCKING FINALLY!!!!) he was making fun of me so bad because i'm so addicted... im sorry i can't help it!! hahaha i laugh at myself so it's ok. but yeah, my baby r.j. got voted off. i was sad! i would have cried if i were at home watching it. but that's ok, i knew it was gonna happen soon so i had braced myself. siiiiigh.

so ya, we hung out talking and then he burned me a cd of his. he's SOOOOOOOO good. i love it!!!!! i wanna do his voice in the butthole. <3 <3 we talked for a while more on his bed and then i left and listened to his cd fucking full blast on the way home. yesss! gooo matt!

haha um i gotta be to work at 8:30 tomorrow and i'm not tired now because of the starbucks. awwwwwwww shiiiiit dawwwwwg. oh well. i'll try to sleep anyways. night night!

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[15 Aug 2002|12:32am]
[ music | some afi song stuck in my head ]

just about to go to sleep buuuuuuuuuut felt like updating.

today i worked with lindsey til 6:30. stoney and i were gonna go to the gym right after but holy fuck it was so hot out today. the stand was like a sauna. blehhhhh! i was sticky and gross and lindsey and i were just fucking SLUGS so i really didn't feel like working out. instead i went over to lindsey's at the last minute and dropped off my car and then we went out to snohomish. i met some of her friends- boner<3 (typical goofball-bear hug type!), ty, kieran, jamie, kat, colin, shawn, katie, and more people were there but i didn't really meet them. everyone was so cool though. they're the type of people where you could fart in their face and they'd laugh so hard and then pin you down and belch in your face and fart on your stomach. sooooo fun!! we went down to the river and there was this rope swing and shit. ummm it wasn't very exciting and it was like pitch black. so we went up to kieran's and sat in the driveway and talked. boner gave me a leaf!!!! hahaha what?!?! it was cute though. and then we walked back down to colin's with boner and shawn and played super nintendo *super mario bros.* what what! lindz and i kicked ass. and then we'd get frustrated so boner would take over until he died. it was coo. ummm then we left and i got my car and stopped by jack in the box cuz i was starrrrrrrrving on the way home and yep, that's it.

as for american idol... i don't know who got voted off tonight and it's killing me! i could look it up on the website but ya know, that would ruin everything and i wanna watch the tape tomorrow before work!!

so yeah. goodnight xoxo.

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[13 Aug 2002|11:25pm]
[ mood | r.j. is the bomb.com ]

hey journal!

guess who just voted for r.j. 69 times??!?!?!

that's right!

love always,
r.j.'s biggest fan (as long as he doesn't go gospel)

click this bitch for my very deep, insightful thoughts on american idol )

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[13 Aug 2002|12:43am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | drowning pool - bodies ]

worked 10:30-7 with lindsey today. i <3 tips! they are my friend. it was so hot inside the stand i wanted to kill myself. it was fun thoughhhhh! and im totally gettin the hang of everything. AND im not having a heart attack everytime a customer comes now. yesssssss!! it's such a fun job and like, everyone is so nice and making the drinks is fun and lindsey cracks me uppp. thumbs up for espresso loco. mmmmhmm.

oh yeah, nicole stopped by with jordyn. she's sooo cute! i got to hold her and i wanted to squeeze her guts out but i held myself back cuz, ya know, she's only like a month old.

i ate dinner real quick when i got home then changed and stoney came by to pick me up. we went to the gym and then went over to liz's to watch road rules (please for the love of the almighty heavenly father above- VOTE "LAZYASSCLOGGEDNOSE24/7BITCHWHOWEARSMYRED#5POLOSHIRT" SARAH OFF!!!!!), sorority life, and our dating shows and eat oreo cheesecake and bommmmmb salt water taffy! oh oh! we decided that we're gonna be those army gangsta bitches for halloween this year!!!! its all planned out and its gonna be the boombbbbbbbbbbbbdiggityshiggity fo sheezy word ya hearrrrrrrrrrrd.

juliana theory + coheed and cambria tomorrow night and i can't go for lack of friends who enjoy fucking awesome music.... actually matt invited me to go but like, we're having our coffee date on thursday i think and that would be a much better time. more laidback and stuff ya know.

umm um um umm um yea. this song pumps me up. the end bye.

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[11 Aug 2002|11:23am]
[ mood | hungry ]

i went to jessica's birthday kegger last night with meg, gavin, steve, and adam. it was a bust so i came home and talked to mike all night. worrrrd.

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[10 Aug 2002|04:20pm]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | simple plan - i'd do anything ]

so i went to work from 9-1 today and i was training with lindsey... i was mainly doing the cash register and she was makin all the drinks so i could get the prices down. well, she goes to fill the water tanks for the espresso machine like way across this huge parking lot and leaves me in the stand by myself!!!! im like "dude where are you going?!?!!?" and she laughed and was like "it'll be ok, if anyone comes just tell them to hold on" so im like freaking out and then, like i didn't know this was gonna happen or anything, a car pulls up!! and im like "oh shit... umm hi, what can i get for you?" and this dude just rambles off these 2 drinks (a grande iced vanilla latte and a 20 oz. irish cream mocha with whip) so im like "ok ok ok i can do this..." and i start making them and i had to ask the dude a second time which drink had the whipped cream and he told me but he was really nice!! and i kept smiling at him like "ok yea this is like my first time go easy on me" hahah but i did it!! and he gave me a $2.25 tip!!!!!!! that's amazing! haha cuz like, i was doing the change and shit for lindsey all day and she was getting like $1.50 at most! i was soooo happy. it felt good! my first time makin drinks for customers (like, not for myself or my parents or friends or anything) and i made a phatty tip! awesome. so lindz and i joked around and i was like, "dude im wearing a teeshirt, imagine if i were wearing a lowcut tightass tank top or something!!" hahahaha ohhh im just kiddin like jason. but i was fucking all hyper after that so we joked around a lot and then katie came for her shift so the 3 of us looked at lindsey's warped tour pics she got developed. annnnnd then i came home. today was so fun. i can't wait to go back on monday!

hi my name is kara im a homo and i love my job!

but yeah. then right when i got home stoney called me so i made a bagel real quick and sat out in the sun until she came over. we went to the gym and then i came home. and now i am here.

and while we were at the gym i was talkin to her about how mike wants me to go down there to visit or him come up here. but he's seriously terrified of flying or he'd be up here by now. but like, im not scared at all... so i think im gonna have to be the one to go down there if we were to see each other this summer. anyway, she was like "GO FOR IT!" and i've been thinking about it all day and i think im gonna go. i know my mom doesn't like him but i don't care. fuck that dude! im 19 im gonna fucking see my friend/ex boyfriend if i want. my mom's definitely not overprotective but she just doesn't like him because she doesn't know him and she has the wrong idea about him. anyway, he said he would pay $300 towards my ticket (and it prolly wont even be that much) so why not? i mean, i dont wanna regret not seeing him again and this would be the perfect time to go. like before school starts again... damn im gettin really excited about seeing him. awwww. and then while im down there i'll convince him to move up here and we can be together! hahaha ok im getting way ahead of myself and i dont even know for sure if that's what i want. im just kinda letting it go in whichever direction it's gonna go. donnnnnnnnnn't rushhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt. im supposed to call him sometime tonight after 5 (when he gets off work) so we'll see how things go.

so um, im all sticky and icky from the heat and working out so yea it's shower time. im always about to take a shower when i write in here. im a douchebag.

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[09 Aug 2002|09:11pm]
hella sweeet (8:51:54 PM): ok butthole jesus, you better be taking a fine crap or your ass is mine when u get back stupid fuck not responding to my IMs... i love u tommy 143-69-187-666-143 <333
Auto response from Grohl H1 (8:51:55 PM): Tantric? What the fuck is tantric?
hella sweeet (8:52:26 PM): :) tantric is the fine line between love and hate and my asscrack.

Grohl H1 (9:09:05 PM): hahaha i love u!

ok so my life has officially become so boring i can only post fucking IM conversations that make me laugh for days. you know what im saying girl. yeah thats right. work it work it.

work today = fun. work tomorrow = way too fucking early!! but will be so fun i can just feel it in my bones.

im so exhausted its not even funny im gonna die bye
no actually im gonna take a shower to try and wake myself up cuz im a lame fucker wanting to go to sleep at 9:15 on a friday night and then i will proceed to try and get ahold of stoney and then maybe... just maybe... try calling that cutie mike. because you know. i can't be left like that. just "hi i love you bye" no it wasnt like that but i wanna further our conversation you know what im sayin...

wow im so tired im dead. im beat. im in another world. im out of it. im spacing out maaaaaaaaan. i dunno any other ways to describe being so tired you're like dead. so yeah im dead. SHOWER TIME.

p.s. did you know a lot of my passwords on my comp have to do with mike still? (yea go ahead and try you'll never figure 'em out) but i thought that was cute. kinda lame but cute. you know what im sayin buttercup.

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i love people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [08 Aug 2002|11:34pm]
[ music | the homosapiens - humans rule ]

BBOD88 [11:28 PM]: hey how old are u
CareUhh 55 [11:29 PM]: 92
BBOD88 [11:29 PM]: no serious
CareUhh 55 [11:29 PM]: 3 1/2
BBOD88 [11:30 PM]: jesus

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