Lisa's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Lisa's LiveJournal:

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    Sunday, August 18th, 2002
    8:20 pm
    I GOT AN APARTMENT!!! WHOO HOO!!! I HAVE a place to live in Seattle. Crappy that it's in Seattle....but it's a place to live. Thank goodness. One thing off my shoulder. Anna and I are paying $850/month for 1000 square feet, a fireplace, and totally new stuff (as new as tomorrow when the carpet, fridge, linoleum, and stove go in). How exciting! And even better, is that Sarah and Seth live in the building!!! And Daniel will move in next door too!!! We're all there! YAY! How fun. I am completely excited now. But, now come the money to pay???
    Anyway, I also have bright green eyes!!! I got colored contacts and it looks really cool! I can't wait to show off my new eyes tomorrow in class. They will be so irrisistable that my eye candy cannot resist. Plus, I am asking him if I can buy some of his art for my new apartment. TONS of wall space that needs to be filled and for him....I'll pay him for just about anything. Ha ha...just kidding....but I really do want his art.
    I'm off to get some homework done. I have avoided it all weekend. I had a lot of fun with Anna. We hung out all yesterday and we stopped by my friend Ryan's who lives in Magnolia, to say hi. I haven't seen him since I left school! We're going to go out for a drink when I get back to Seattle for school.

    Current Mood: hopeful
    Current Music: Good Friend - Nine Days
    Saturday, August 17th, 2002
    9:38 am
    Oh goodness...
    I'm off to Seattle...God help me...I'll talk to everyone on Sunday night.

    Current Mood: nervous
    Friday, August 16th, 2002
    4:42 pm
    Ok, so you never realize how stupid your problems really are until someone asks you why you feel the way you do and you don't know...I just know that I feel crappy a lot of the time and I can't explain why. Actually there are about 10,000 reasons why, I just don't have time to list them all. My homework for next Tuesday? To make a list of all the things bothering me most at this point in time and what I feel I need to accomplish in the next few weeks. Also to figure out why men leave me...

    Current Mood: depressed
    1:46 pm
    Well, I sucked it up on the oral exam in Spanish 203. At least it's over and only worth 10% of my grade. I got a 96.5% on my midterm! YAY!
    I have to go to Seattle this weekend...ugh. Key word..."HAVE TO." I don't want to go at all. I'm not ready to be in that city and I hate it there. But, I need a place to live till March. Then THANK GOD, back to Portland. I like it here so much. I love my friends in Seattle more than anything, but I want them in Portland too. Ugh...can't have everything I want, now can I???
    Only two weeks till my birthday!!! YAY!!! Nothing thrilling has been happening in class...I brought Melanie breakfast today...a chocolate muffin and a caramel machiatto. We both had that. It was fun. My eye candy hasn't been in class...guess I'll have to wait till Monday. :-( I'm off to watch Passions. Hasta Lunes!!!

    Current Mood: relieved
    Current Music: Somewhere In The Middle - Dishwalla
    Thursday, August 15th, 2002
    2:12 pm
    My week...
    Ok, so the week isn't over, but quite a bit has happened. Tuesday evening was quite eventful! Melanie invited me last week to go and see the Portland premiere of "Blue Crush." Since I love everything about the surfing world...I said SURE! So we got there an hour early and sat in line. Her sister came along, who also happens to be named, Lisa! Once we got in, some young kid, maybe 15 or so with a mohawk, got kicked out of the theater BEFORE the movie even started. He was weird...the movie ended up being REALLY good. For a fun movie, I really liked it. And the soundtrack is really good. I'll probably buy it. After the movie, we went out to the parking lot and stupid me left the lights on in the car! Of course the battery was totally dead and (just my luck) no one seemed to have jumper cables. I felt like such an idiot running around the parking lot while I was on my cell phone. Luckily, my brother Erik came to save the day and said I only owe him ice cream. Brothers are godsends! I'm so dumb though. That's the first time I have ever done something that stupid. Oh I am paranoid every time I get out of the car that I left the lights on. But, the car has a brand new battery!!! I eventually got Melanie and her sister back over to Beaverton and she got a call on her cell phone. Almost missed it, we were having too much fun singing with the radio way up! Her friend was at Starbucks in Beaverton and so we stopped there on the way. I met a bunch of Melanie's friends and then dropped Melanie off at her car. I made it home by 11:30 and went to bed.
    Last night I went to see "XXX" with Jason. No, not a porno...that's the media keeps saying. It was actually really good...corny, but good. And Vin Diesel is SO SEXY! The muscles, the tattoos, the attitude, mmmmmm....only on him though. After the movie we went back to his place and talked for a bit. I got a really big hug. I think I really needed that. I miss being hugged like that by a guy. It was comforting and I went home happy.
    Class today was boring as ever! I had a quiz (like I do every day), we had an in-class writing sample, which I bombed, and then we went to a Spanish poetry reading. Had I been able to understand what was being said, it might have been good. Melanie, Cindy, and I were falling asleep. I left at regular class time, Melanie and I went to get sandwiches at Subway and then ate in Pioneer Square. Nice, sunny day. The birds were friendly today and ate right next to us. I almost got to pet one! Also, Powell's was having a big book sale in Pioneer Square, so that was fun too.
    Now I am off to book some airline tickets. I get to go to Miami over X-mas break!!! WHOO HOO! Gotta love Grad school!

    Current Mood: indescribable
    12:07 am
    I shouldn't have done it...I wasn't ready. I sent the birthday card and got an email response. I knew it would happen...the first email without an "I Love You." I'm not ready...I should have just acted like the whole birthday never happened. I really do wish him a Happy Birthday...I just wasn't ready. Could I feel any more like *SHIT* right now? Back to the crying...I really thought I was getting better...

    Current Mood: crushed
    Wednesday, August 14th, 2002
    1:53 pm

    Current Mood: happy
    Sunday, August 11th, 2002
    9:04 pm
    I'm bored...nothing to do. I already did my homework...I'm even ahead for the week. And I already took a bikeride. There is nothing to look at on the the commercial says, "You've reached the end of the internet." Ok, so maybe not, but it sure feels like it.
    I could exercise some more I guess...or watch TV, but my mom and Grandma are watching some made for TV movie. I'll skip. I've played a lot of Solitare today (Vegas style). It's a lot harder. You can only rotate the cards three times...whew...tricky. Gotta brush up before I get there! He he...Stuart and I said we would play a table together.
    I've been thinking about that person all weekend. It's driving me nuts! Can't my life just be normal??? I actually like weekdays right now better than weekends cause I get to go to class. I can't wait for tomorrow. My midterm is on Tuesday. I will seriously cry when this class is over...I like it so much. I need to learn to be more daring, instead of waiting for things to happen to me, I need to MAKE them happen to me. Everyone says I should just do it...why do I feel like I can't though?
    There isn't much else to write about...I am going to go read some old magazines. Isn't my life thrilling? If only I were more daring...I may not be sitting at home on a Sunday night.

    Current Mood: bored
    2:17 pm
    A DOG!
    I had such fun last night at the Clark County fair!!! I went over to Vancouver and parked my car at Brian's. I went inside and played with his dog for a bit. It's SO CUTE! I want a dog...then we hopped into his car and drove over to the fair. I had never been to this one and it ended up being a really good time. First we rode the ferris wheel, pretty much the only ride I'll ever do. When we got on the little car, the guy running the ride who was about 24 or so, came over to us and said, "ok, there are three rules to riding in this ferris wheel. The first, no sitting next to each other, two, no kissing, and three, no holding hands." I made sure to tell him that there was no problem there since Brian and I aren't dating. And then the guy who said all this assured me that "HE WAS SINGLE." What a weirdo. HA HA. So, Brian and I laughed the whole time since I was hit on by this weird guy. Every time our car would reach the bottom again, the guy would be waving or wink or something. It was hilariously funny.
    After the ferris wheel, we went and bought some pink cotton candy. Good stuff. We couldn't decide what to do, but I saw this cute stuffed dog at a stand and said I wanted one. So, Brian and I played this water squirting game and Brian won against ten other people and gave me the dog! Hence the title of this entry. It's so cute and it's the perfect size. Not those teeny little things that they ususally give you or those huge ones, that God know anyone in their right mine shouldn't want, but a medium one that was perfect. Then Brian and I decided to check out all the cows, chickens, llamas, and goats. They were all so cute! I pet a bunch of the goats.
    After that exciting adventure through animal land, Brian wanted to go on another ride. Ok, so I hate rides cause they make me feel funny and possibly sick, but for him, I went. It was called the Scrambler and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. It doens't really throw you in a cirle, bue four straight lines. I felt slightly funny when I got off and felt more nauseated as the night went on. We left after that ride, cause we had been there for about two hours and it had gotten dark. I went back to his house and got my car and drove back across the river to good 'ol Oregon. The much better state anyway. ;-)
    After I got home, my mom and I watched some old home videos that she got from my dad when he moved. They are all SO funny. I miss being a was so easy then.
    Another friend of mine just broke up with her boyfriend. It's so sad...everyone is losing their relationships. Guys at this age cannot commit to something serious. I feel really bad for all guys cause they don't know what they are missing out on. They may never have someone love them as much as that other girl. I know that's true in my case anyway. I devote my everything to a person that I fall in love with. It sucks to be burned and I will always keep my guard up because of how badly I was. Trust is too hard to give and even harder to give again. It shouldn't be like this...but I deserve the best and I will find the best.

    Current Mood: apathetic
    Friday, August 9th, 2002
    10:37 pm
    How nice!
    So, Sarah Ives called my cell phone at about 6:30 and said that she and Seth were going to be in Portland and asked if I wanted to meet them for dinner! DID I??? I was SO happy to see them. I met them right off of I-5 and we went to "The Spaghetti Factory." The first one ever! It was such a beautiful day today...warm and sunny, so it was a good day for them to be here. They are staying the weekend, so I should get to see Sarah again tomorrow...thank goodness! PEOPLE! It was really nice to see them and it was SO good to catch up after two months. Plus, I had no plans cause I wimped out today in class...I'm such a nerd.

    Current Mood: pleased
    Current Music: News Channel 8 Theme Song
    5:43 pm
    It's Friday!!!
    WHOO HOO! Only two weeks of Spanish left. Actually, I'll be sad when it's over. No more longing stares. Melania, Jerri, Cindy, and I are going to go to the Oregon Coast for a night cause Melanie says that I don't appreciate it enough. It's always cloudy and cold when I go. Ugh...I like California beaches better. But she swears I will like it after I go with her. And it will be TONS of fun to go with my chicas from Espanol! We're all sexy and will have the best time! He he...
    Three weeks to my birthday! And to VEGAS!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! I can't wait! Stuart called me today to give me all his info. It is going to be the BEST vacation ever and I can't wait to get there. I have really good friends and I appreciate that all of them are coming.
    Not sure what I am doing tonight. I asked a friend to go and see the new Vin Diesel movie with me. I don't care about the movie, just Vin Diesel! WHOA SEXY MAN! But, I may not get to go. Otherwise, I'll probably go hang out with my dad at his new townhouse in Vancouver! I LOVE it there! And I need to download some music.
    I'm off...gotta find something to do.

    Current Mood: amused
    Tuesday, August 6th, 2002
    1:40 pm
    Chance of luck...
    My goodness...I feel funny today. A way I haven't felt in a LONG time. Well over a year. It's strange...yet, really good at the same time. Frustrating, makes me nervously anxious, and tongue-tied. I had a chance of luck this morning. YAY for me. However, had I not had the encounter, I may feel more relaxed right now. How do you talk to someone who is so amaingly different from you that it's depressingly intriguing? A nice conversation ensued from the streetcar all the way to the classroom and then again after class, but what to talk about when the idle conversation goes??? An artist, who's new to here from So Cal, college graduate from Willamette, so different...I don't know...I'm dizzy. Time for some lunch.

    Current Mood: anxious
    Monday, August 5th, 2002
    4:13 pm
    How fun!
    YAY! My hair is curly!!! I decided to go without the perm because I want to be able to change my hair daily. So, some days I can have it curly/wavy, others straight. I bought a special curling iron that makes waves in your hair! I have gotten so many compliments! It's fun!!! And I LOVE the change!
    Let's see...I started 203 today. My class has nearly doubled in size. It's so weird. About half the class is the same people, which is GREAT! I just don't deal well with new people joining classes I am so used to. And we got a new classroom too with a view of the park blocks. It's actually pretty distracting during class time. Our new instructor is nice. She thought she knew me from somewhere, but she doesn't. I have never seen her before.
    It's not raining today! YAY! More sunshine! It POURED yesterday twice. Once at 1:30 in the afternoon. For some reason I was still in bed...geez was I tired! The rain woke me up cause it was so loud. Then it poured again when my mom and I went to the pet store to look at the dogs. We were soaked when we got in. We both said we felt like we were in the tropics with the warm, heavy rain. It was fun and those were the only two times it rained the whole day. I can deal with that.
    I am going to go for another bikeride today. Only four pounds to go! I also went to Mr. Bjorn's house after class today to get my check for housesitting. More money! He and his wife bought me alcohol in the Virgin Islands! He's a box with six different types of flavored rum (orange, coconut, pineapple, etc.) Can't WAIT to drink that!!! I am heading to Seattle on August 17th to look for apartments with Anna. That'll be fun! I am not excited about spending all that money...

    Current Mood: flirty
    Current Music: Something To Sleep To - Michelle Branch
    4:05 pm
    HA! Is that what's wrong with me???
    It figures...I am so messed up. Whatever...look what stupid boys cause in your life. Boys suck! Don't date!!! I could have told you I was dependent...for goodness sake, I can't even go to the restroom alone! HA...I thought that was every girl???

    Disorder Rating Information
    Paranoid: High
    Schizoid: Low
    Schizotypal: Low
    Antisocial: Moderate
    Histrionic: High
    Narcissistic: Moderate
    Avoidant: High
    Dependent: Very High
    Obsessive-Compulsive: High
    Saturday, August 3rd, 2002
    10:49 pm
    27 days and counting!!! Happy 21st Birthday today to Alanna and David!!!
    10:35 pm
    A better weekend...
    So tonight I went bowling and got some ice cream with clingy Brian. Thankfully we did it on MY side of town, so I didn't have to cross the river into Washington. Portland is so much better anyway. :-) We had fun bowling. He is one of very few people I have seen this summer, so it was nice.
    I went and saw "Signs" last night with my mom. I had been waiting for over a month to see this film and I have to say...I was pretty disappointed with what I saw. Usually alien films are "somewhat" realistic. Ok, maybe not, but they at least try to make it seem that way. This one didn't even come close at the attempt. The alien looked like the green goblin from Spiderman and wasn't really all that scary. Yes, the movie definitely had it's moments...I certainly jumped at a few parts! Whew! But, overall I was not thrilled. It was a bit corny, but Joaquin Phoenix...WHOA! ;-)I would recommend it for matinee price.
    I also took a two hour bikeride today. Good to get some exercise in! I've lost weight! Ok, so the not eating for two weeks in June and early July definitely helped with that. I didn't not eat by CHOICE. I lost my appetite because of all the crazy crappy things this summer. So, now I am down to 110! Hopefully by my birthday I'll be close to 105. That's what I should be weighing. I'm getting in MUCH better shape though! YAY!
    Tomorrow will be a lazy day. Maybe another bikeride and a lot of sitting around! I don't even have any homework! I took my oral Spanish final on Friday, so I'm all done with 202! 203 starts Monday! Before my oral final I had an A- in the class, so that's what I should get for my final grade cause my oral went pretty well. We were all impressed with it.
    I rented the movie "sex, lies, and videotape" to watch tonight because it was the first movie ever made by my FAVORITE director, Steven Soderbergh. The sequel, "Full Frontal" came out yesterday in one theater in Portland, so now I have to see the first so I can see the second. I heard that "sex, lies, and videotape" is really good, so here's hoping!
    Well, I'm off to shower and watch the movie. Bye!

    Current Mood: blah
    Thursday, August 1st, 2002
    8:11 pm
    I saw the coolest and sweetest thing in my life today and I got to be a part of it!!! Ok, so I left class with my friend Melanie from Spanish and every day we eat lunch at Subway in downtown Portland. I told her that I was going to eat outside in the sun at Pioneer Square and asked if she wanted to stay instead of catching the MAX home so early. So, she agreed. We were sitting and talking and saw a guy off to our left who was walking around handing roses to people. He was about 24, 25 or so. Melanie said to me, "Don't look at him and maybe he won't come over." But he was pretty good looking and I thought, "Hey, I'll take a rose if he'll give me one." Unfortunately (at the time) he came over and asked if we could do him a favor. I said, "It depends." He starts to tell me that his friend was in Pioneer Square and was going to propose to his girlfriend and she had no idea what was going on. He wanted Melanie and I to take roses to her, hand it to her, and simply say "Have a nice day." I wasn't supposed to answer any questions. She was holding three baloons so we would all know who she was. She had NO IDEA why all the people were approaching her and handing her flowers. I guess she eats lunch every day in Pioneer Square. Eventually all the roses had been delivered to her and this guy (all dressed up and carrying a bouquet of red roses) approaches her, gets on one knee, and proposes to her in front of hundreds of people in downtown!!! She said yes and EVERYONE was clapping for them. It was THE single coolest thing I have ever seen. That is EXACTLY what a guy SHOULD do for someone. Plus, I want a very public proposal. Isn't that just the cutest thing?
    Anyway, I had my written final for Spanish 202 today. Went just fine. I get it back tomorrow. Tomorrow I have the oral final...scary. I hope my group does all right. I am slightly worried. Not about me, but another member. I feel bad cause she hasn't done that well in the class and I am afraid that she'll attempt to ask Melanie and I a question in Spanish that we won't understand cause what she is asking isn't pronounced correctly. We supposedly aren't graded based on our partners performance, so I should be fine. Then 203 starts on Monday! Only three weeks of school left.
    I made an appointment to get my hair done on August 15th. It's going to be wavy finally. I need a new look and something more edgy, more fun. Plus, I'm almost 21! A whole new life.
    Tuesday, July 30th, 2002
    9:03 pm
    Oh my goodness....
    I'm back! Ok, so don't even ask how I am doing because no one is going to get a better answer than you got a month and a half ago. Sorry, but crappy is still the word of the summer.
    Summer school is going well. I got an A- in Spanish 201. Proves UW wrong. They gave me a C- in Spanish 201. Whatever. I take my written final for 202 this Thursday and I have the oral final on Friday. Then I start 203 on Monday. Only three weeks of school left and I am almost graduated! It was really crappy that Portland State University took away my financial aid. Since I got too much from UW last year I wasn't eligible for any more. $1,200 out of pocket. Boy am I poor. Plus I'm not working this summer cause for the life of me I cannot find a job. Even the temp agencies are full. Crappy again. I have made some cool friends in Spanish. It's nice to go to class every day and not be rejected by the people in the room. It's so funny...PSU is such a beautiful campus. It's so much more lively than UW. They have concerts practically every day in the park blocks on campus, people actually hold doors for you, and SMILE. It's amazing how nice people can really be on a smaller campus. Well, it's also Portland and the people are just nicer here altogether. The park blocks are SO pretty! They span downtown for about 15 blocks and are one huge park with trees. Along either side of the park are the classroom buildings and apartments. IT'S SO NEAT! I am enjoying my time there. It's nice to do something different.
    I've decided to graduate in March. There isn't a whole lot keeping me in Seattle. Definitely not the weather...that's for sure. I figure the sooner I get out, I will save $5,200 on one quarter's worth of tuition and I get a headstart on jobs, even before the May graduates. And since UW decreased my financial aid by $10,000, I'll be lucky if I even get to go back this fall. Anyone have $10,000 I can borrow? Plus rent money? And food money? I don't know how I am going to do it all. I can't work in the fall cause I am in class every day till 5:30pm. And my parents have no more money than I do. My dad just moved to Vancouver and bought a house. My's really nice.
    Last weekend I went to visit LeeAnn in Pullman. I had never been there. It was actually a cute town. Too long of a drive to get there. Good thing my mom and older brother were there. I would not have made it driving alone. We had dinner with her family AND I GOT TO SEE JASON GESSER'S HOUSE!!! I am so weird. I took a photo of the inside of his garage and the outside of the house. Plus on the way home, a banner of him was hanging on a silo and I stopped to take a picture. No, he's not up cause he's so good looking (although that's reason enough for me)...he is up for the Heisman trophy this year. GO WSU! ;-)
    One month from today is my birthday. I leave on August 28th for Reno and then I'll be in Vegas on the 29th. With everyone! Ok, so some important people will definitely be missing. :-( I'll just get drunk and all the crappy feelings will go away. Like they say, "Drown your sorrows."

    Current Mood: sad
    Current Music: Goodbye To You - Michelle Branch
    Friday, June 28th, 2002
    7:24 pm
    Bye for a while...
    This is going to be a short entry and maybe my last for a while. For certain reasons, I am taking a short leave from posting in my livejournal. It's difficult to explain why, but someone who has hurt me more than I could ever imagine has said they would occasionally read my journal to get updates on what I was doing. Not that I don't want them to know, I would love for them to know, but not through these means. I want more than they are willing to give. I have been extremely upset lately which would account for my lack of posting...for fear that they will read it. I am not doing well, nor am I progressing toward better. If anything, I would have to believe I am headed in the opposite direction. Every morning I wake up and realize my life is not what I thought it was or expected it to be. The pains I feel in my mind and body are at times more than I can handle. I want my life back, I want to be who I was and not scared to death to get out of bed in the morning. Many times I don't want to see the next day. Mostly because everything at this moment feels meaningless, confusing, and scattered. I find shelter in my class at Portland State, but the nightmare begins again after I step out of class. I have felt trapped and scared for the last three weeks. It may not seem to many of you to be a valid reason not to post, but it scares me to do least for now. I want to hear from all of you and I do read my friends page. I like to know how all of you are doing...I just wish you were all closer in proximity.

    Current Mood: sad
    Tuesday, June 18th, 2002
    12:17 pm
    Stupid TA' I remember why I think they are useless. The one class that I had a TA for and my grade gets messed up! There were THREE Lisa's in my section and I got someone else's grade...wonderful. If only my TA would get back to me...this makes me really mad.
    However, I got a 3.8 in my Theory of Literature class! My first 400 level class and I got an A!!! And I got a 3.9 in my European Literature class. I actually enjoyed them. Maybe I'll take some if I can get this stupid sociology grade fixed. I didn't like the class anyway, now I have to deal with them more. Can't they just get it right the FIRST time???
    Not too much is happening here. No success on the job front. I was notified of a position at OHSU working with the Nurse Practitioners. It would be office work, but at a good price...and hopefully flexible. It's only part-time, which is GREAT and all I want.
    More unpacking to do today...I am nearly done anyway. Maybe another box or two. Just a lazy day at the beginning of my LONG summer break.

    Current Mood: angry
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