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[18 Apr 2004|09:42pm]
i used to like bees. well not LIKE them, but at least respect them more than other insects because they're just cooler. i used to think being a bee would be kind of fun, to fly around and sting people if they piss you off. i think i was even a bumble bee for halloween in like kindergarten.
yeah well that was before i stepped on not one but TWO extremely pissy wasps.
so i was down at the beach on saturday at the house my family kinda rents/part owns with these friends of my parents because one of the pipes broke in the bathroom and there's a flooding issue, so my dad had to go down to fix it or something. and i just went with because Jess (this girl who i hang out with when i'm down there) was going to be there. and also cuz i just like going to the beach in winter/early spring. summer too but i think the ocean looks cooler in the winter. anyways, we get there and me and Jess are like okk going to the beach. to get onto the beach you can either walk along the sidewalk until you get to the normal people entrance by the sand or you can be sneaky and cut thru the dunes. so being the Shadster i am, i was like you know what i think we're just way too cool for the normal people entrance why not just cut thru the dunes?! so we're attempting to scramble over the dunes and as usual i'm not really watching where i'm stepping. that is until i feel this huge ass stinging needle being injected into my foot. and i'm like WTFFFFFFFFfff and i look down and see 2 dead bees and 3 more very angry looking ones staring back at me and i'm like AH FUCKER!!!!!!!!!! so i start hopping away. and Jess is like um right so this is normal for you and keeps on walking. i'm like oh thanks. meanwhile i'm mourning the pain of my foot as i look back and behold, the angry bees are still there!!! and they looked hungry. like they wanted a piece of me. so i continued my marathon hop and made a narrow escape into the house. by this time my foot was about the size of Nebraska. and i was like o dear god. couldn't walk all day saturday, which was pretty shitty! luckily i've recovered since. so ummm moral of this story: bees suck!!!!1 and they're not cool even though i thought they were!!!!
Comments: 2 ventalations - Vent!.

second time's the charm [07 Apr 2004|06:13pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | nice guys finish last - green day ]

i passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I [finally] GOT MY LISENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

::sigh of relief::

Comments: 6 ventalations - Vent!.

[04 Apr 2004|07:41pm]
yay for fun weekends!!

@ The Barn
pictures  )

i have not showered yet today. oh how i love Sundays. me and Nicole took The Rammer and went to the gym and then to CVS cuz thats what Sundays are for. and i was pondering all the different Posses in Ramapo. it seems like ever since high school all of a sudden EVERYONE has a Posse. i mean yeah people always had friends, but now almost everyone has like 4 or 5 people they usually hang out with. not that it's bad, cuz i personally like having 7 best friends who know me really well. yeah it's just interesting....high school cliques, oh the drama.
Comments: 2 ventalations - Vent!.

[30 Mar 2004|06:30pm]
[ music | i'm watching Full House. how much do you love abc family. ]

i wonder what Miss Charles would do if i decided to write my research paper in size 48 Wingdings....?

Comments: 1 ventalation - Vent!.

i'm on an entry binge [18 Mar 2004|10:31pm]
[ music | queens of the stone age ]

i don't think i'm ever going to finish this research paper.
i'm out of control. so out of control that i've resorted to Pimping My Ride at
the Ultimate Procrastinator = The Ride Pimper.
i've been online way too long. and i'm so tired i've reached the point where EVERYTHING is funny.

AliCatAMC: i am starcing
AliCatAMC: starving*
AliCatAMC: the urge is overwhelming
Perfection0209: i'm comfortably lardlike
LuckyDucky92: hahha same here
Perfection0209: because of the 452345344million brownies
LuckyDucky92: healthy lards we are yes healthy lards we are
LuckyDucky92: i'm writing asong
Perfection0209: healthy lards are we sounds cooler
LuckyDucky92: ok
Perfection0209: healthy lards are we
Perfection0209: tweedle deedle dee
Perfection0209: we eat and eat and eat
Perfection0209: now we can't see our feet!
AliCatAMC: haha
AliCatAMC: wow, this is great
Perfection0209: no need for a cushion
Perfection0209: cuz our ass fat is agushin'
Perfection0209: no need for us to run cuz eating is way to fun
Perfection0209: um
Perfection0209: get me oujt of this place
Perfection0209: i need to stuff my face
Perfection0209: the end
AliCatAMC: ::clapping::
AliCatAMC: that was amazing
LuckyDucky92: hahahhahaha

Comments: 2 ventalations - Vent!.

[18 Mar 2004|07:08pm]
yea so i'm 17 now. yesterday was my birthday and it was pretty fun. well except for the part where i fail my road test.... but eh. don't feel like telling that story again.
today school was just plain weird. or something. all through the day i found it suspicious what good luck i was Karpati quiz, no McCarthy quiz tomorrow, Hudak wasn't here, had a free period to read my research paper book in English and the Ospina test was easy. strange.
i'm currently in a war with my mom. she's pissing me off SO MUCH and being so bitchy and gay about everything in life. so i'm doing everything possible to piss her off. leaving my wet towels on my floor, not bringing my books upstairs, keeping my sneakers on and stomping around the house so little bits of turf are dispersed onto the carpet. so HA take that bitch!
Comments: Vent!.

don't you know that you're toxic [14 Mar 2004|05:39pm]
[ mood | refreshed ]
[ music | In The Zone .... yes i own it and yes i like it ]

having your away message up for 18 hours and 35 minutes doesn't make you cooler than me.
i really hate people who stay online for days at a time. does it take THAT MUCH EFFORT to click Sign Off? if you really ARE away from your computer than what's the point of staying online? because if someone DID actually im you, YOU WOULDN'T BE THERE!
i also love how people think they're cool by putting up dumbass away messages like "Out Getting Wasted!" it's usually one of two cases: 1.)they really are and are so gay that they need to tell the whole world about it or 2.)they're really just sitting there staring at the computer hoping their away message will convince people that they have a life. too bad it's not working!
i mean i think away messages are fine and dandy if you're just going upstairs to eat dinner or walking the dog (haha in Betsy's case) but there reaches a point where its just not necessary and thats my little rant about DUMB PEOPLE!

so on another note, WEDNESDAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just like realized that today! i'm starting to get scared for the driving test... if i dont pass i will kill myself.

if i had to live on one food for the rest of my life it would be Kraft macaroni and cheese. it's that good. in fact i think i'm going to make some for myself for dinner cuz my mom is out somewhere and my dad is sick and dying and i'm starving.

Comments: 1 ventalation - Vent!.

who carries these? [09 Mar 2004|07:44pm]
dog bag

Orange Dog Bag

Take this playful pup with you everywhere for a wagging good time.

• In orange PVC with green/yellow stitched "eyes".
• Zip closure.
• 9"H x 11 1/4"W.
• Made in Italy.
• Price $95.00
Comments: 2 ventalations - Vent!.

pull over, there's a reason why my soul's unsound [09 Mar 2004|06:39pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | Sublime ... GArden Grove ]

i just inhaled 2 bowls of ice cream! that was quite invigorating. oh well at least my stomach is stretched out so it will be nice and loose for practice tomorrow. right.
so lacrosse started on Friday. hahah i loved how i get to practice and the captains are taking attendance and i'm on the list as Christ Youngmann. Yes, i am Christ. now i can officially say that I am Godly. anyway, the first few practices weren't too bad except that we're doing a LOT more running than last year. i'm just glad that we didn't have an all day marathon practice on Saturday like last year. yesterday was the first day of Hell Week but it was actually kind of fun despite the running and Buttchin's ButtChin-ness. his name has gotten progressively shorter. it went from Coach Jackson to Coach to Butt Chin Coach and now to the one word Buttchin. maybe i should just shorten it to Butt.
ok moving on.
starting today, my new goal in life is NOT to have to sprint to the bus in the morning. every day its a never ending cycle. my alarm goes off at 6. i sort of open my eyes for .2 seconds just to blink at the clock and make sure its 6... why do i even bother. i say to myself ok well i can just sleep for 5 more minutes. and that turns into 15. then my alarm goes off again and i wake up in a panic at 6:15 like oh shit. and then i have this thing where i just have to jump out of bed. because if i ease myself out of bed, it just doesnt work. so i like sit in bed and go ok self when i count to 10 you're going to move your ass on out of here. and then on the count of 10 i JUMP out of bed not even kidding i like catapult myself off the matress in order to keep myself from falling back asleep. the whole jumping start thing usually works pretty well. then i finally shower/get dressed/eat and leave the house at 6:53. which means that i will calmly walk out of my driveway, meet Sarah and then launch into a sprint. then the big yellow monstosity comes into view and i repeat the phrase FUCKING BUS repeatedly in hopes that somehow the bus will hear me and kill itself. the end.

Comments: 1 ventalation - Vent!.

if you want to destroy my sweater, pull this thread as I walk away [19 Feb 2004|06:09pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Weezer ]

wow. help. i'm bored. my madre is being EXTREMELY homosexual and not letting me do anything tonight. i might kill her. but on the bright side me Nicole and Betsy hung out and i bought the Rooney cd at Sam Goody today. and then we invaded the Wyckoff library and took out 23092835 cds so i can listen to them and illegally burn them because i'm a cheap, law breaking little fucker! after that we took the Madre Mobile and drove rather randomly in search of a cartilege piercing place and Hollywood Tans. but then Nicole's mom called and started flipping shits about Nicole having to be home in .2 seconds, soo we turned around and went home.
i'm thinking my night tonight will probably consist of watching the OC from 2 weeks ago that i have on tape because i still havent watched it, listening to and burning billions of CDs, and possibly consuming large amounts of chocolate cuz i'm in that kind of mood. actually i'm also in the mood to completely re-decorate my room. but i know that i will start and then half way through i'll decide i don't feel like it anymore. because that's happens to me pretty much every time i get in this mood. so i'm going to resist this extremely tempting urge to rip every poster off my walls.
and another thing. it's starting to piss me off that i get 74 thousand letters and pointless shits from every college on the planet in the mail PER DAY. my mom wants me to go through them and pick out some to visit over the summer. hmmm well EAT SHIT COLLEGE I DONT LIKE YOU

Comments: Vent!.

the Magic Kingdom [18 Feb 2004|11:49pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]

Disney rocked my world!

Disney rocked my world!!!!
i had so much fun despite my luggage getting lost, getting sunburnt and losing my voice. it was so fucking awesome!!!!!!1 i'm home now, and experiencing major after vacation blues. i slept in so late this morning and i'm so skanky, i haven't showered all day. me and Ali went to Nicole's and had a mini OC party. i'm presently in the process of uploading my Disney pics onto my computer. i didn't take very many, but if you want to see them, you can click here.

Comments: 1 ventalation - Vent!.

[01 Feb 2004|10:22pm]
hi, my name is Christina and i have just been diagnosed with a severe life threatning condition called HADD, or Homework Attention Defeciet (noooooooo idea how to spell that word) Disorder. symptoms include 7 minute attention span, a shitload of work and frequent "snack breaks" or other lame ass excuses for further procrastination.
it's so pathetic that all i ever write about any more is how i have so much work and don't feel like doing it. but it's just that when i have work to do, i procrastinate. when i procrastinate, i go online. when i go online, i go to live journal, and when i'm procrastinating, online AND on live journal, i update. and so you see it's a rather sick and twisted cycle of events leading up to these crappy entries that really have no point except for me to ramble unconclusively (is that a word?) about work and school and things that no one really cares about.
now let me begin the rambling by telling you about what i did today........ well, me, Sarah and Nicole went to our first SAT prep class thing. the whole thing was pretty shady if you ask me. it started off on the wrong foot for me because when we got there the teacher guy was eating a GIANT STINKY SANDWICH. and i have a thing about people eating large, smelly sandwiches in closed makes me want to vomit. so just when i thought the man had devoured the sandwich and the air was starting to clear, he sprinted out during the break and got ANOTHER HALF!!!! and the stench begins again!!! i was liek TAKE YOUR ONION SANDWICH AND GO TO HELL stupid man! at 4:30 the shadyness finally ended and we escaped and went to the Ridgewood Starbucks for a half hour. and i came home and well yeah that's prettty much where i am now! i attempted to do my homeowrk but that only resulted in my diagnosis of HADD. and so i tell my homework, as a wise man once said, to BITE ME.
Comments: 1 ventalation - Vent!.

p.s. [21 Jan 2004|07:23pm]
I HATE POWERSCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Comments: Vent!.

hey megalomaniac [21 Jan 2004|06:44pm]
[ mood | gross ]
[ music | incubus ]

yesterday was a monumental day in the life of Christina! i. went. to. the. gym. !! Nicole came with me and we ran for an HOUR and went on the eliptical (sp?) machine for a half hour. oh man i was so disgusting and sweaty but it was actually kind of fun. so i got home and felt so hardcore last night but ugh i feel so shitty at this moment, i'm suffering from a severe case of Second Day Of My Period Syndrome. aka worst cramps ever in life.

things i should be doing right now:
1. studying for Algebra
2. studying for Bio (which i am failing)
3. something for English...that i can't remember but probably involves a lot of work and in the end is totally stupid and pointless
4. my laundry because all my clothes are dirty and wrinkly and sitting in a big pile at the foot of my bed

things i shouldn't be doing right now:
1. updating my live journal
2. eating Cheese TIts
3. watching yet ANOTHER Newlyweds marathon on mtv
4. failing school
(5. procrastinating)

things i want to do right now:
1. kill myself.

Comments: Vent!.

die young and save yourself [06 Jan 2004|06:30pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Sic Transit Gloria ...........Brand NEw ]

you know what's almost worse than being in school? going to bed at night knowing you have to face 4 more days of it.
reading this brightened my day hahahhhahahahha

Comments: Vent!.

the earth is made of dirt and wood and I'd be water if I could [04 Jan 2004|01:45pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | I Like Dirt ...Red Hot Chili Peppers ]

i got up at noon today. and i really hate doing that. cuz it just fucks up your whole day and your eating and sleep and makes you feel like a tired, lazy piece of shit. i'm really going to die getting up tomorrow. i don't think i've gotten up earlier than 8 this whole break. i love break and i don't want it to end!!!!!! ive done so much funnn stuff i can't even remember it all....well last night i hung out at Jackie's, Friday i went to Nicole's and we rented movies uhhh ok i totally don't remember what i did on which days but i went to Ridgewood one night, i hung out at Sarah's, i went bowling, i went to the mall, i went out to eat 39 billion times, i hung out at Boulder Run, people slept over my house New Years Eve & haha we went out to breakfast New Years morning, oh and i went into the city with my family sometime around Christmas, i think it was the day before or after. which seems like 2903 billion years ago already. i hate how quickly Christmas vanishes. its like 2 days after and Christmas is gone, all the pretty music and candles and smells. i hate taking down the tree i hate putting away all the pretty decorations i hate eating the last christmas cookie. it makes me so sad. but haha New Years was entertaining. when Ali, Betsy and Nicole slept over, we came up with some Resolutions and the Boyfriend List. i think i was supposed to post those for you guys. hmm well i cant find the Resolutions at this moment, but here's the Boyfriend List... )
i have come to the conclusion that there are only 2 people in the whole world who can match that list perfectly. MO and The Pancake House's cornbread. if i could take cornbread to the prom, i would. i mean, cornbread is hot, it has a nice body, it wont lie or cheat on you, it has other bread friends (like GARLIC BREAD!!! MY OTHER LOVE!!), it's not a stalker, it's not an asshole, it keeps me entertained, and ok you can read the list yourself.
and i think i'm gogni to go eat lunch now i'm starving.

Comments: 2 ventalations - Vent!.

shizzles [20 Dec 2003|08:21pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | #11 on the Finch cd ]

ughh so here it is, Saturday night and i'm babysitting. and the child is upstairs high, drunk and passed out in her crib. well not really, but she might as well be. basically im just sitting here being bored. my stupid journal is fucked up. it makes me so angry. all the colors are messed up. i don't know why but when i logged in everything was different. stupid fucker. i want to fix it and make it look all cool but a.) i don't feel like spending all night on it because i'm not too high tech and it always takes me like 39 years to figure out which one the Stronger and Weaker Accents are, and b.) i'd rather go watch mtv all night.

Comments: Vent!.

gun please [07 Dec 2003|09:41pm]
[ mood | blob like ]
[ music | 311 ]

bbbbbbllllllaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh = me
this weekend SUCKED so much it's almost funny. but no. it's not.
and flavored water is probably THE GROSSEST THING since salt & vinegar chips. ew.

Comments: 2 ventalations - Vent!.

biggest. fat. day. ever. [28 Nov 2003|11:15am]
[ mood | groggy ]

how I love pumpkin pie. someday i might marry it. and that is good because we have 5 PUMPKIN PIES IN MY HOME at this moment. my family has this thing about the host people keepping all the leftovers, so um i think i will be eating turkey sandwiches and pumpkin pie for the rest of my life. yes. Thanksgiving at my house yesterday.was interesting. my family plus i think there were 9 people over oh actually 10 if you count my aunt's baby but she only takes up .3 feet of living space so shes not to blame for the crowdedness that occured. my house is not exactly what you would call fits the 5 of us who live here and not much else, so let me say it was a little tight here. you know how my basement is always 90 degrees? well yesterday, it elevated to 309235 degrees. along with the rest of my house. i was walking around in shorts. not even joking. my cousin who is like i guess 23 came wearing this tshirt that said BEER, IT'S WHAT'S FOR DINNER and my gma who has probly never tasted beer in her entire life was like flipping numerous shits and bitching at random people for the rest of the night. it was amusing. the good part about having Thanksgiving at your house is that you can always hide in your room if your relatives get really fucking annoying. whereas if you're at someone elses house, THERE IS NO ESCAPE!!!!!! my 2 favorite cousins in the world couldn't come so i actually had to talk to the rest of my family and it was super annoying but whatever. ithink everyone left my house at like 10 or 10:30 last night and my mom was like YO I HAVE A MIGRANE I'M GOING TO BED and i'm like uhhh mom you do realize there's like A 10 FOOT MOUNTAIN OF FOOD AND DISHES PILING UP IN THE KITCHEN.....and she's like does it look like i care. so my mom went to bed, my dad and my brother played Xbox until like 1am and my sister and me had another slice of pumpkin pie and then went to bed. so i woke up this morning to my house aka disaster area and went into the kitchen aka a pleasant sight of crusty dishes and cold food. and right now my mom is getting pissy at me for not helping. i'll just sit here and pretend i don't hear a word she's saying.

Comments: Vent!.

[16 Nov 2003|08:35pm]
[ mood | weird ]

soo....i'm kind of in the mood to write but mostly i'm just wasting time in order to put off studying for Ospina and reading The Night Thoreau Spent In Jail. which by the way is a huge waste of paper. i fall asleep just looking at the COVER. and the cover is supposed to have some kind of an interesting picture on it to entertain me! so that's saying something right there.
well while i'm sitting here online why don't i waste more time and tell you about my weekend. because you look oh-so interested. on Friday after school i went to Starbucks with the usual Posse, Nicole, Sarah and Betsy. and me and Betsy and Nicole split a VENTI FRAP it was amusing. and then Friday night i had to babysit. Saturday we had a football game and then after it i went to Stalk and Shop with Nicole and Sara Christie and Liz and we gave that Tom child a ride home cuz he was there all alone. it was kind of weird. but anyway, we shopped for the flute seepover and saw Manly Woman at Stalk and Shop and bought 3092358 unhealthy things for the flutes to eat. but uh yeah we were all starving and then we just couldn't resist and started opening like everything and pigging out in front of CVS. it was rather random but omg the sleepover is goign to be so much fun i'm so excited!!!!!!!!! so at like 6 i went home and my mom at first was pissy but then i sucked up and speed-cleaned my room so that she would take me to the mall. but by the time my stupid mother left the house we only had time to go to Bath and Body Works. but i still managed to spend all my babysitting money on random lotions because they smelled godly.
and that brings me to today! this morning i had to go to church with my family. as usual. and as usual i like sprinted out of the service ahead of everyone because i wanted to go home. so i was in the car waiting for my family and i decide to turn on the radio. so i did, but i didn't know that you either have to turn the key all the way and start the engine or turn it back in order to not drain the battery. so i only turned the key halfway and i'm sitting in the car, singin and boppin along to the radio. i'm sure you can picture that. until the rest of my family gets in the car and i try to start the engine and it does not start. i believe that is when all the singin and boppin stopped. or perhaps it was at the point where they all screamed I'M GOING TO KILL YOU in unisen to the 5th power. and then my family was so pissy and my dad had to get a ride home with someone to my house, get my mom's car and come back so he could jump the battery on the van. and so meanwhile i'm stuck in the church parking lot FREEZING WEARING A SKIRT with MY MOTHER and the rest of my family who are SUPER PISSY at me EVEN THOUGH IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I DIDNT KNOW!! by the time we got home it was like 1:30 and i was starving. eventually my family got over their pissyness after their brains thawed out from the coldness and they were like it's okay it's not your fault you didn't know. and my mom was like HAPPY FAMILY! haha well not really but those of you who know my mother would get that.
so i have learned a lesson today about how to not drain car batteries. and that it is almost 9:00, i have to go study (dios mio!) for Ospina's test.

Comments: 1 ventalation - Vent!.

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