[02 Feb 2004|07:25pm] |
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jets to brazil-- cat heaven |
] |
change felt right. and my new livejournal is change.
just new aesthetics.
just add it. you know you wanna.
[31 Jan 2004|11:07am] |
dude. fuck me.
i work today. 6-11.
come visit; i get lonely.
[27 Jan 2004|08:38pm] |
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new pornographers-- chump change |
] |
some should stop being so concerned with looking the part; but should begin paying more mind to what's really important: the music.
[23 Jan 2004|02:45pm] |
take my advice:
go to PETA.COM today and order your very own vegetarian starter kit. even if you're not interested in giving up all your meat-eating habits altogether, the kit is free, easy to order, and a great source of enlightenment.
remember, kids: nobody likes an uncouth, pretentitious asshole. :]
the world will thank you tomorrow.
[20 Jan 2004|05:48pm] |
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les savy fav-- pills |
] |
sweet jesus. REALITY SHOWS ARE THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL-- they defy everything which i deem sacred, while having succeeded in invading my every living space. WHEN WILL THE MADNESS END?
on a lighter night: AP calculus is gayer than the word itself. :]
that's all i have to say about that. let the midterms roll on..
j'aimerais rester au lit. right, my french girls?
[19 Jan 2004|08:20pm] |
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you must think i'm berserk. |
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the shins-- kissing the lipless |
] |
you were right. we look around ourselves and find how much we've truly grown. it's funny how such petty problems of yesterday have evolved into more serious, yet still superficial, problems of today.
we consider ourselves so close; but, can we recognize how much we have left to go?
[18 Jan 2004|05:08pm] |
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pitter patter |
] |
one down, and one bloody task still to go.
who the shit is going to modest mouse? come on now, kids.
[18 Jan 2004|04:09pm] |
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ima robot-- 12=3 |
] |
there's no school monday. or friday.
who woulda imagined?
[14 Jan 2004|06:25pm] |
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pretty girls make graves-- chemical, chemical |
] |
poor, beautiful fool.
how can you be so blind to the intricacy of the grand irony underlying all of this?
life is so unfair.
[11 Jan 2004|09:14pm] |
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it's so bedtime like no one's business |
] |
we've been acquainted for 781 days.
it's hard pinpointing where in that myriad of dates things went so wrong.