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....................away from it all

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[13 Nov 2002|06:15pm]
hearts mushroomed
nucleur abandon full
and left particles of broken menagerie
for us to reconstruct.

there were once men...
high on beams
of lunches and futures horizon
was extended to a misty blue green landscape of patches
veins of dark concrete
from the homeland of birds
and children with their lost red balloons.

and of women...
pressing clothes,
steam for fabrics stained of sweat,
holding up a finished mosaic
for the later 50s pride
and later still - the 80s dread.

and i am in-between
kept prison monteague
unwillingly to fasten the words to unfamiliar shirts
unwillingly feet to march to an unfamiliar city
with a prejudice you brought me half way here.
Comments: make me believe.

[13 Nov 2002|06:07pm]
summer slept
for black oil, thick laquer,
industry of hair
and silkier feathers fall
down to pillows
forgotten in the plush waterfalls of rain
cold-fiber needles of wood
where eyes do not fight the struggle to see.

battle lines
in the crisp folds of 5am sheets,
methodical servants pray,
deep as trenches and as deadly,
for irrevocable zings of metal gloves
of youthful heads.

in the dominance of our society
i can dream,
i can close all whispers
to their battle drum exaltation of
Comments: make me believe.

[11 Nov 2002|07:49pm]
oh but another thing -

i wasnt "slandering" him - slander would involve telling more than one person in an effort to ruin someone's reputation - i was WORRIED about him because of past behavior. its good he's not and i find it extremely amusing that she's pissed.

she picked a great shirt that night "TRASHY" it definetely fits. not to mention her costume!

too bad she doesnt know everything - heehee. keep dreaming doll.

magic? oh god. wave your wand dumbass. that is just fucking ludacris. that has really made my night. ahahahahahahahaha.

magic - dear god. this is insanely horrible but these are times that i wish i could burn her at the stake just for her ignorance.

and for the last time - night night.
Comments: 3 hopeless dreams - make me believe.

me and ricky just do not get along [11 Nov 2002|07:26pm]
ricky is my roommate's cat. ricky is the cat from hell. ricky should be thrown away - ran over - gutted - and left out in the rain.
the cat has bit me - ruined my paintings - placed his fur strategically all over my new clothes and does basically everything I HATE!!!!!!!
and i have just went through 30 mintues of hearing my roommate yelling (while i was trying to read)
"ricky stop it. Riiickyyy stooop iiitt! oh you are so cute! ricky i said stop!"
aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! kill ricky!

okay. this weekend was great. m went out of town and i got to see a lot of my old friends. went shopping - put a little money in savings (that's always good) and kicked butt on my history test and did pretty well on my latin test as well. getting caught up tonight. paradise lost and research for being against corporal punishment. im not but that's the side i was placed to argue on. uh.

that's the basics.
dan i wrote you this really long email and then i lost it. let me know if you actually got it. you might have - i dont know.

read someone's journal recently that i havent talked to in a while. dont let that city get to you. you probably dont care to hear this from me but keep going. you are doing all the right things. keep moving forward - keep your goals in mind.
went i went to boston for a business trip one time i felt so small. its easy to feel big here. to feel important because everyone seems to know everyone and its familiar. in big cities there is a tendency to lose your foundation. things might feel liquid. but we are all creators of our existence. turn liquid to stone and find your foundation and dont lose track of who you are, where you want and will go.

with all of that said now im changing lanes -
i hung out with someone this weekend i cant get off of my mind. conversation is so nice at times. quiet conversation. someone with goals and determination and without issues. and he doesnt even know. probably doesnt even want to know. but anyways. it was nice. wish m was like that. he is so miserable about eveything it seems and im beginning to wonder if all this is just one of my issues of sympathy and trying to help him.
i shouldnt have to help someone like that. i know this - agreeing with me wont even help. i never listen to anyone. but he's on the back burner for now - school is number one.

yes - i have succumbed to being a nerd. this is comfortable ground - i feel okay here.

oh and tomorrow i have that dinner - im so freaked out i dont know what to do or more importantly to wear. gap rocks and hollister is my new favorite store.

night night all.
Comments: 5 hopeless dreams - make me believe.

mirrors........... [01 Nov 2002|11:22pm]
last night i saw a lot of my old friends - i really didnt know how much i missed them until last night. unfortunately i had to cut the night far too short because of my appt this morning - which was completely nuts, btw.

the best part of my night = seeing my best friend in love again. seeing her blush and smile with true emotion. it was honestly the highlight of my day and night - quite possibly week. when you love someone you thrive off of their happiness and last night i have sustainance to last me for months. cute, no. cute was the way you gave a goofy half smile and rolled your eyes. complete wonder was the only way i could possibly describe my own loss of words at the bliss of seeing it.
i love seeing you happy. i love seeing you in love.

okay enough of the ookey pookey.

i kicked ass today. i made some much needed cash and i feel a wee bit better. meds have me all muffled though. just four more days and my head will be flowing clear water again. yeah.

i miss him. and i have one that wont quit tracking me down. i think im going to let him take me out - what the hell? what do you think?

to my girls...i love you both. i know i havent been there in a while but as soon as this semester ends, i promise i will make it up to you both.

latin study sheet = 13 pages = xina a very stressed girl.

love you all -
Comments: 1 hopeless dream - make me believe.

charming a shy cat named ceasar - he smiles [31 Oct 2002|11:59am]
not much to note or should i say too hard to note...i think its due to too much living - swirling in the middle of it all i find it difficult to calm myself to find words...high frequency -
13 pages for a study sheet - i decided not to quit after all.

spent a lovely evening on the couch - studying - for five hours straight. but in all honesty, it was relaxing. no tv, no roommate - just the sound of these cars and the occassional kitten telling me he wants to go outside and play. its so peaceful here. a haven. although i have so much going on and im stressed out, i can walk through these doors and just fall down like feathers slowly and sleep. i guess this is what my mother meant when she said you need some place to belong - i belong here.

speaking of my mother she came by yesterday and told me i looked "frail." no one has ever told me that in my entire life and although she said it out of worry it made me giddy. this fraility though has left me clothes-less. i feel like a pennyless beggar at times these days. but i have no room for pride in this long list of needs.
he said he was going to fix my car as soon as he gets back. i dont believe him but who knows. im actually becoming quite fond of the knocks and whistles me ole car makes.

i have a doctor's appointment at 8am tomorrow. i truly hope i make it. since i have been at S its so hard to wake up in the morning. i used to be so fond of mornings. now night is so nurturing and always there.

i calculated my classes and it seems i dont have as long as anticipated. just a year and a semester. i thought i would nearly shoot off the couch from sheer bliss.
speaking of bliss - someone made my night last night. how wonderful friends are - how much smaller can we make the world when we open up ourselves and be honest. honesty and humility are the greatest of virtues.

and now i must go and talk to this creep that keeps IMing me. do you know how much i hate to talk on the computer? no? well now you do. i cant stand it. i want to hear voices and see faces and no more of pixels and one sided perceptions. no.

i hope you all have a wonderful day - even across oceans in dark cities i see you in.

good day. - xina
Comments: 3 hopeless dreams - make me believe.

[28 Oct 2002|11:12am]
oh and another thing, i saw they way we where last night for the first time and by god - all the evil things i have ever said about striesand, i would like to take them back here - here and now and scream I LOVE YOU HONEY at the tops of my lungs!

that movie .....woah.

oh and there is this sign on all the elevators at school that reads...

please let people with mobility impairments use the elevator first..

uh, that shouldn't have to be said and im really saddened that someone felt they MUST hang this sign as a reminder of just how shitty people are these days - uh.
Comments: make me believe.

unmotivated [28 Oct 2002|10:48am]
i have arrived at the place during the semester where you lose all motivation to see the end. i want to withdraw from latin - i want to tell that lousy professor to fuck off and never talk to me again until he learns how to teach instead of reading our homeweork in class - that really isnt an interesting way to learn.

so - to give you all a brief snapshot of last week...
i did absolutely nothing - went to only three classes and ditched work once. which is so unlike me. next semester im only going to take three classes - i cant do a full load and work as much as i do. to all of you fortunate people that have your parents take care of you - cherish those days.

tonight i am going on a small road trip - i shouldnt considering i dont really have the money or time but what love can do to us. and i dont even know if it is love or just something inside i havent figured out yet - we rush to say we love - and i am a prime candidate for that club - im slowing down.

i really wish i could meet you.*

i think im going to withdraw from latin - been thinking about it all week. i need more time for me - what is life if you dont have peace of mind and free time? but then again wouldnt i be a loser to quit in mid-stream? but what standards do i have to mold myself to? i cant do everything. i have already given up hanging out with friends for school and work. and i only get to see m on rare few nights - like two a week. and for the next two, only one.
worker men - you know they are becoming quite more becoming than the white collar corporate ones i was surrounded by so long.

i have changed so much - in the past six months i have changed so much and honestly i think its for the better. how many people can say that - yeah, im quitting latin. hell i might be a loser but im a good person (chuckle. chuckle)

phone calls are okay after a few hours - heads straighten and sleep comes easily. i no longer have the indentation on my ring finger, i no longer look anything like i did back then...i am different yet i am the same but i am different in the fact that i am giddy at the thought of my little excursion tonight. maybe it will prove to be inspiring - i need it. god knows i need something. you know what i need? time - and when things get in the way of your work you should realign your priorities and im quitting latin - do these bs justifications sound good yet?

blah...that means i can have monday and wednesday nights to study and see my family and maybe pick up a few more shifts for xmas presents. yeah GOODBYE LATIN!

the lady said he was expecting the call - waiting in foyers. and he could hear my little muffled mind and laughed at me being mischeivous - heehee, droughts. humph.

goodbye and have a nice day - im waiting for my email sweetness.
Comments: 2 hopeless dreams - make me believe.

[27 Oct 2002|07:13pm]
there are people in cars
bright brilliant people
that can hear rain
right outside this window
but there are a million miles away
something of music fleeting in and out
and oversideways down
that brings life on the plate
of Sunday afternoons
and phone calls to say hello.
admit you called
admit you love hearing the sound of my voice.
I cant admit it
its behind a hard smile of fear

not over seven months from indentation of rings
and bedspreads
I want it the way it was…

sugar and coffee
Jamacan java and pot
winn Dixie cola and my ginger ale – so poor and yet so free

one night after a week of separation, I threw him into a wall from jealousy. broke half of everything I could touch in our kitchen – screamed in front of his friend all because of social distortion and the evil tricks that band plays.
during good days…I walked like a cat down hallways to the sound of his music flowing through the cracks of his room.
winter morning storms

and storms on a beach that lose more and more luster every single day –
until today when he called.
I could ask him over and he would come. I could say I’m coming over and he would be waiting on the porch…

I could go. shoes, keys, and dreams …
what are these dreams anyway? yes, I cry and im in a gentle fog of confusion – droughts cant stop me – heehee /// im in the closet – but today im in front of the computer (blurred) and weird over a phone call – a stupid phone call.

I want to watch the story of us and smoke. and I think I shall.
Comments: 2 hopeless dreams - make me believe.

[21 Oct 2002|09:45pm]
i have a short moment of privacy...

i have been interrupted 12 times after i very aggrivatingly remarked "im working." this may not be going as well as planned.

i have done nothing today. highlights of my day are as follows...

cancelled history class
CNN - Iraq
sleep in lazyboy with fuzzy blanket
CNN - Sniper
garbanzo beans
CNN - Stock Market Report
sweet compliments
CNN - Weather
and the lusty smell of a homemade apple pie swaying through the house...yes i do have vanilla ice cream. (will work out tomorrow - i am spoiling myself today)

but seriously speaking...i need privacy. i am going to have to find a way to tell her or find a place to write. but the problem with the location is that i have come so accustomed to a cumbersome keyboard that when i try to write on paper i lose all thoughts in a jumble of letter and periods and commas. and this is the root of my writer's funk - this is not a block - this is an all out funk lasting for a few months.

"am i disallusioned into believing i can actually do this?"
"no. that is your dream and you are good at it. always follow your dreams."

i will miss him.
Comments: 2 hopeless dreams - make me believe.

[21 Oct 2002|09:37pm]
Street lamps said goodnight early in our corner of town, a mere 7:30 in the early evening for historic streets, for cobblestone steps that lead discreetly to stately homes lit by ghostly hues, shadows flickering a measure of life inside their towering fortress walls. Our trees are not yet lightening, but soon. The old elms have not yet discovered their fate but their bases turning abrasive to a river’s flow.
I came unannounced. A little too pale in black, a little too solemn for wire-rims and hair pulled tight in the event of wind.

In uncomfortable embraces people can feel you lose your way. Thoughts ramble on questions we are unable to mention in the effort not to disturb the silence of night and its forgiving nature. Fabric gives to wind; trees strum melodies through the flutes in symphonies just to accompany our absence of effort. We are all on different states of searching and losing. I acknowledge I have just lost close to everything I thought I had until I lost it. now I realize I have so much more to lose. So much more I pray not to misplace – not to send away to regret tomorrow.

A cold, October night frigid on porch steps… isn’t the weather warmer in this hemisphere? Can the sun not penetrate a little deeper on this latitude? Transitions in weather set into my cold-blooded nature and I seem to become dull-witted. A serpent unprepared for snow. or maybe it’s the absence of light that my fingers slow and my mind opens to the weight of the oncoming winter for in candlelight I seemed to speak the truth of myself. I was alone. Just one candle in front of me and I stared at myself for hours on end it seemed while he waited outside.
And I only saw the press of time – its voice silent but audible through the silhouette, a slight shadow under my eyes. A reflection is only what you perceive it to be and I choose nothing. I choose to take a base answer, the shell without fillings of imagination.

I saw down the list of the oncoming holidays – for what they are, were, and will be. For my words for him that disappear just a few days after – they are the fog on the mirror and forever fading with the elements. Her voice of nails, her blood of poison, wretch and writhe someone in their sleep. Someone that seems to be looking back at me and yet the face is darker, a little more lucid from the gentle tug of life and its workings. But if I can see myself, I can now see you. And the time you spend.

When we are without light in little corners of towns we must draw from our instincts. Close our eyes and feel with our spirits. Last nights like last Octobers will still stay in a catalog of memories, jumbled, and slowly fading like the cherished sienna in autumn leaves. We are a cornucopia of madness if we choose not to end or turn when we are guided by the elements.

And this is the story. I pulled back the blinds in my innocence, quietly daring not to wake his sleep. The trees and sky and glares of glass turned into one van gogh. An altogether unwelcomed picture of lost sight.
Comments: make me believe.

for the hippie skirts and toe rings - yeah once a while ago [21 Oct 2002|09:57am]
it seems i have come to that time again - a period in one's life in-between important events and without choice wait for the next big problem/pleasure to arise. my weekend - past six months - was wrapped last night by a long key chain around night shirts and ballcaps and was thrown happily through an open window saying goodbye.
after that, with a dry cheek id like to add, i came back to my humble abode and had a lovely conversation with my roommate.
its nice to be around someone that helps lifts you to a higher spiritual plane instead of being the one lifting and guiding.
ive gained a measure of strength. little bottles are failing to crack and instead are being placed on shelves for safe keeping.
my first experience with energy was not a good one - i was open in a battlefield of evil. in an enviroment where my knowledge was not sufficient - im going to try again - slowly and with some clarity. because in the time you lose almost everything - when stripped to the base, it's much easier to repair and then build.

on a different note altogether - ricky, our frisky 27 pound cat, bit the hell out of me last night. it seems he's a bit self-conscious of his ever enlarging stomach region. i wish you could all know just how smart these cats truly are. this woman should have been a veternarian. she can honestly talk to these animals and they do commands - cats people. they do tricks. its amazing. okay, its nuts i know, next subject.

went to kristian's party this weekend. i really wasnt in the mood to party. when i have this aspect of my life in mind i generally never do. im toying with the two - jump in, sit back and learn...

well i have said goodbye. i have felt surprizingly good ever since thursday. of course, im a little down but in the way that i know its for the best - we are on two state levels entirely. but maternal instincts have a way of causing a lot of problems for us females. one day im going to realize that you cant change someone - that no matter how much you care and try to guide with good intentions, you just cant help someone that doesnt want to be helped. so with that - im closing that chapter in my life for a while. just the whole lot of it makes me cringe and shiver.

but i have history soon and im hoping that a certain someone isnt going to miss that class too - bad girl.

i hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
Comments: 3 hopeless dreams - make me believe.

[11 Oct 2002|02:16pm]
I feel sick today. antibiotics have my head feeling full of cement and my shoulders barely have the strength to keep it upright.

restless sleep last night. too many dreams – or in truth one unfortunately long one that is still going on somewhere back there in a little corner of my head. today is dreary and for no real reason – I bet its this medicine…today I don’t feel im connecting. I can smile, I can hold out my hand but im not getting something right. im paper mache…just a cardboard doll being moved into the motions of my day.

I am about to shower and stand under the water until this confusion and fog lifts. close my eyes and start it all over again.

I need a good night, my financial state is very unpromising of good eyesight for the future. I need glasses like I need air at the moment. if I don’t get them soon, I will have wrinkles as big as ditches on my forehead.
I never knew just how materialistic I was until now. i want a peaceful reminder that im going to be okay. that no matter what happens I will have the strength to pick myself up. a nice new red dress will do.
or a new shirt – whatever, something.

and I just want a day to myself with no school or work. for the past three months I have either worked every day or went to school. I haven’t written anything appealing in four months. im in a survival funk and my spirit is diminishing. I feel like that damn jewel song and that’s no damn good….i got invited to go kyacking this Sunday and I have to work ( I NEED to work) but man, I would love to go. oh well…in December I will have some free days – wait no, THANKSGIVING!!! yeah…just a month and a few days and turkey day will give me some me time.

and I wish I could go to the fair with you all tonight. of all people I see my two best friends the least. no, my family is the least at the moment. speaking of which…I miss my mommy. well off to get ready for work.

have a good night and if you have a free moment visit me at my second home…it should be my first home since im there more than I am here….

im just a little whiny today, aren’t i?
Comments: 3 hopeless dreams - make me believe.

[10 Oct 2002|10:55pm]
everytime a new one comes in –
all the old
seem older- beaten and gone.
I bend, caress the earth,
thick closet smell
from a bright blue suit and shimmer darling shimmer
im dancing
because the earth is under my nails
painting myself in tribals
from the red clay Alabama sun
i sing softly in my native tongue
thick like molasses
and sloooowwwwly the words filter through
wood on a hard feeling floor
in a house of stone –
and I speak of structures
as if ALIVE and breathing.
I see them breathe – (structures that is)
ice cold buildings that chill me to the bone
and a few steps after
sets me on tops of volcanoes
sliding down a cyptic desent of red
yes, dear, tonight
no, dear, tomorrow

clocks lose rhythm
I forget to chime to remember
that maybe
just maybe
is what they call IT
and hesitating – pulling back screens I look out on midnight
fat / full / glossy / and something different
I cant put a finger on with this window holding me in
and holding me down
cause right this second
____ this second_____
I feel I could own this earth,
this earth around my body.
I could take ownership of pigment / of texture / of science and
mold it into what I want.
want it to do – right this second.

and with each one – each new entrance
a new interest / a door swings wide
lamps turn on and alarms SCREAM…………
that this is IT
this is everything_


and if a hear footsteps fade….
if I fail to feel waters trickle, move and give sway….
im closing in,
foreclosing as I once did
when a season changed and took the shape of sunset at high noon.
Comments: make me believe.

all nighter [08 Oct 2002|10:52pm]
yes, my first one this semester...

a speech for public speaking due thursday,
henry iv, part one has to be read by 8am - a have to read half tonight
latin homework
and history

i tried to ditch work tonight but fortunately im glad i didnt. good night - thank god. please tip your waitresses 20%.

so needlessly to say i will be beat tomorrow and plan on a blankets off the windows day soon after history.

well all of you have a good night.
Comments: 5 hopeless dreams - make me believe.

industrialization [07 Oct 2002|09:50am]
we drove up to the industrialization of america. men in worker's hats, bells and whistles and steel doorframes for wood. and the building seemed so cold, so caulus - abrasive that a few quick breaths and i was in the middle of it all. just you and i. and hearts enfolding to a new view - a new view of you reflected in that building. how many people have been hurt in there, i thought? lost for a life on end - 7:30 until 7:30 for families and and man by the name of mr. daniels to soften a cold heart...

pack a cold lunch. getting warm but getting on and words always seem to be held back. this seems different but the beginnings of something are always nicer than the end - so im head-full, deep water and swimming around all corners of sunshine and hell just for you.

"im glad you could share this with me..." something of words and soft songs on radios and small trips to make everything solid again. and in this trip we came closer instead of fading away.
take me back to the country dear. take me back and wonder at me when i wonder at the beauty of god and ill still whisper at night and sing softly in cars as you sleep.

in not knowing outwardly and feeling it inside - right behind eyes. the moment before we speak is so precious, critical and vulnerable to the aspect of time. take time away. destroy it. i want no measurements for this or my life. i want a clean and unbiased opinion of time to be reflected in the pigment of your hair and the contours of your face. this is a true depiction of time and the revolving moon and sun and earth and planets of cosmos.

and everytime you smile with me the world seem to become a picture show with me looking on. i fear to jump in. i fear to include myself in the magintude that might just crush me with its strength. the strength of steel buildings - the intimidation of growth. there is smoke coming from the top dear and i want to see the inside just once and then we'll leave.

just once dear and then i'll leave.
Comments: 4 hopeless dreams - make me believe.

[03 Oct 2002|11:17am]
today is better. got up and worked out with my roommate and im still in a good mood.

monday - just making it til monday.

you all have a good weekend.
Comments: 2 hopeless dreams - make me believe.

[02 Oct 2002|10:08am]
thick jackets of protection
for the strong muscled edged heat
of self loathing...
metal in the form of leaving,
bends, red hot
to the industrialization
of a new bid.

something of tomorrow was seen in today,
gentle hands cupped on chins,
secrets kept from friends
given to me in the tears you kept,
songs enveloping you , me, night and autumn
in the words of yes, more and now.

pastel colors in the sky,
you watched one night
and you never mentioned them
but somewhere i see them,
the way faces light up on dance floors
to sing and move your body
in an absurd manner and
my face flushes
at the thought
that i would - yes -
i would take you anywhere.
let everyone listen to every babble
and bobble - crass -
yes, i think i could take you anywhere.

but im staying here.
in the same place.
mouth closed just like my eyes
not to see - not to hear
no questions asked...

gentle hands cupped on my chin
no questions asked.
Comments: make me believe.

just jump off of moyer [25 Sep 2002|10:19am]
i just want to say that i wish i never knew that she was here - lingering in the background somewhere - like an evil addiction that i cant get rid of.
yes, i read and read and read and all i could think is...

she does love him and knowing that i am repulsed. she makes me sick and i dont care who knows because he deserves better. i know him and he deserves a hell of a lot better.

jesus christ.
Comments: make me believe.

the golden locks of truth and destiny [23 Sep 2002|08:35pm]
[ mood | calm - a pleasant 5 ]
[ music | with no cell phone im not pressured anymore - kind of nice ]

the time is called a crossroads...four roads intersecting. the problem is with life there are more than four paths. use a tree, the road, waterways - whatever your preference of analogy - but the endings are forever and always.
i have had friends in the past that felt so close that they felt inside of me - a part of me and me a part of them and over time that little chip dissolved. its so easy to say that we will stay close...but that is not truth and i amn afraid of these consequences for which i forsee. i am no longer young - but in-between - and the in-between is much longer than the before or after. so in essence all i wanted to say was "of all the people i have known you are the one i want to spend it with and experience it with." and episodes of silence between us will build barriers in the future - the little things. a bad day, a bad date, the way you cried to a new movie - i will not know and vice versa.
but strength in yourself is the only thing that will inevitably cut the ties to progress. i dont want to - i want to take you with me but then again im too selfish in my destiny to go with you. back to your home - back to where you say you must be.

i was thinking that when the day comes and planes take off and i hide my head in bottles just to say goodbye that i will write books for you. not novels - but journals just for you and mail them home when finished. telling you about the small pieces of my day that you will not see. i will become a photographer and paste pictures in them or draw them - a sunset colored with trusty crayolas just so you can sit back, with your windows open on a stormy night to get a glimpse. those will be for you because its the greatest gift i can give - experience and my perceptions of the outside.

but of course if you get a wild hair and decide to jump on the plane that more than okay with me as well. i will fight spiders as big as armadillos and coat your clothes with ice. yes, yes i will.

today has been a good day but i already having that sinking feeling - Latin. in ten minutes i will be cursing seneca and cicero and whoever else contributed to this horrendous language. but before i do - i will leave you with a little...

"Immodica ira creat insanium" - Seneca - Excessive anger creates insanity.

goodnight all.

Comments: make me believe.

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